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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1904)
au August Shoe Sale and Special Inducement Offer. Tins Sale will be conducted along entirely new line, Of coarse every shoe Dunlop Ex cepted will bo KEDUCED in price, but I have many abort lines which will be offered at LESS THAN COST in order to make room, for our new fall stock. A novel feature of the sale will be FREE DISTRIBUTION OF SHOES to my customers. I will give one pair of 5 00 shoes and one pair of 3 60 shoe away during the month of August." Each purchaser to the amount of 1 1 00 will have an opportunity to receive one of these gifts. Call at the QUALITY SHOE STORE and learu complete details and also see the BARGAINS in . Ladies. Gents u Childrens Shoes. ;j ; ; .. ' " . .. ...... A THOUGHTFUL MAX. M. M. Austin of Winchester,' Iod., knew in the hour ol need. H ia wife had inch an unueual - ace of stomach end Itver trouble, r.hvstaiaira could not help her. He thought of and Irlid Mr. Kina'e New Life pilleend ehe got relief at once and was Anally cured. Only 25c, at Ui Grande Drug Co., and Newllu I'nig Un.. Iiriiv Ktores. E. P. Staple ? I ..I i E. 6. Romig i A FEW PRICES Ladies $3.50 "shoes are now reduced, to $2 CO Ladies 3.00 shoes " !' " " , 1 86 Men's $4.00 Shoes Are Now Reduoed to 3 00 Men's 8.60 Shoes reduced to $2 76 and $2 50 THE QU A. LIT Y. T. M. Btubblefield Prop . HOI) BED THE OUAVE. A atartling incident, ia narrated by , John Oliver of Philadelphia, aa followa:' '1 waa iu an awful condition. My j akin waa alinoat yellow, eyea sunken, tongue coated, pain continually' iu back and aides, no appetite, growing weuker j day by day. Three phyaldaiia hadj given me up. Then 1 waa advised to ( uae Electric Bittcre i to my great joy proveraent. I continued tiieir use for three weeka, and am no a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another vioiim." No one should fall to ry them. Only 00 cente, guaranteed, at I.a Grande Drug Co., and Newlln Drug C'o'e., drag, store. ROMIG & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A full and comp.ete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; TiDware, graniteware and woodenware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. i " . .. . . . ... -Cl Half a Carload of New Wall Paper. i We have just received half a car foad of the newest and latest wall paper; 1 Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. This is more paper than any ; one firm ever ! thought of bringing into this county in a single season." V This paper is all lor 'sale and mast be Bold this seuson. We bar brought two flrat olaas paper bangers direct from Chicago, r) who are without doubt tho moat sklllfnl workmen in Eastern who, with the Uvc flrat olasa P.i I hangers already iu our em. g ploy, gives us the beat working '.' u the Inland Empire. Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 01L2S AND. SLAbS Special Sale On Hard Wood Bed Steads We have a largo lot of those "goods on hand which we must sell to uioko room, therefore wo will sell all of our wood beds at your owu price. We can iix you up with a bed end spring for and deliver it to your ' house if it is not over two miles from our store. Oouae and look at our bargains. Wo carry the largest stoo. of new and second hand goods of any firm in Eastern Oregon. Come and see for yourself. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning " People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Comer Fir-and Adams 'Phone 1581 Remember we still buy and aell till krniie of Second Hand Goodaji jt J J TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Laud Alfalfa grows without irri- gation. .. , , , BROME GRASS Red Glover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc. The only Seed House inUnion County. V. Oliver Housekeeping rooms for rent at Mra. bbearer's opposite the Star Orooerjr. v WANTED Girl for general boose work. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE A complete threabln . out fit Inquire of Jod Draper at th Androes Ranch, .;. . ( Mr. T M Btubblefield, proprietor of the Quality Shoe store, baa an an nouncement of a special Auguat Shoe aalo in this evening's inane. lU-ai it. Do not forget the Silver Medal oon teat next Friday evening at the Pres. byterlan church. Make arrangements early to attend this conteat. ' The attention of our readera is called to the ad of the Quality Shoe store which appears In this isaue. Tha ad contains muoli whioh will Interest you. Do not fail to read it. At the L D 8 churoh Sunday evening August 7, a lecture will be given by Elder J W Eardley of Baker City. Subject, "Russia Japan war." Choice musical selections and solos will be rendered. Everyone Invited. The many friends of Mre. Day will be pained to learn that abe la serioua ly ill at ber boms in the Lewis build' It will be welcome news to tha many friend of Mra Clara Lyle to know that ahe ia reported rauob better tbla alternoun. J W Sorlbor reoelved Word tbla morning from bis eoo 0 J Boriber stating that he waa rapidly recovering trom the effect of the operation Tliie will be welcome news to Ilia large oirole of Irienda, Street Superintendent Synborat baa a foroeof met, at work thia week out- ting do n the thiatlea wbiah have grown along the streets. This ia a good move and one whioh should be appreciated by our eitiiens. Mra Duryea soft daughter Juauita arrived home Ibis morning from au extend) d trip through the eastern atatea. Tbey apent considerable time visiting Irienda in New York oity and alao visited tho principal points of in terest along the Atlaotio ooaat atatea, Democratic state convention aa oiled orde. at Tomlluson ball at 11 o'clock this morning. The convention will ! nominate , candidates for governor, j lieutenant governor, secretary of state, j treasurer of stale, ; auditor, attorney j general, reporter of the supreme court, state , statistician, superintendent of public Instruction aud two judges nf the supreme court. For governor, John W Ktm of In dianapolis was chosen by acclamation, and for lieutenant governor, Warduer Stevena. , . . , The piriform adopted omits all men tion of gold, and endorses Pnrker and Davis and the tit. Louis platform. Phone 431 A. JEFFERSON AVE. Pliotie 1571 We htive tt low Manilii straw Choice for has left. Yon SOMMER HOUSE Jnlius Green ' F A Peters V J Baboock A O Buah HCatlln TCasldy BCnstard Wm A Johnson P A Tay'lnr Walter Barlow F Sparks R O Bpalm Nellie Cihormley Mrs. Wm. Webber U H Wlllitt R H Boyd Ted Buehler 8 L Hunter J 9 Laahinsky Alfred Rash Rosamond Wright E O Reed and wife Miss Reed W E Wlllson F Norton Ernest Goddard D J O'Brien. J Mouroe R M Gault O O Amos Portland do do do do 'do do do do Walla Walla llnutinfftori do Union , Joseph City San FraaoiBCO City Union New York Seattle - Walla Walla Williamsburg, O. do Chicago St. Louis Omaha Tacoma do San Francisco Spokane NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Nellie G Neill, administratrix of the estate oi Alfred T Neill, deoeased, has filed lie float report in the administration ol aald estate, and the County Court of Union oounty, Oregon, has set Sept ember 6th, A. D., 1904, at two o'clock, p. m., for the hearing of the same. Dated tbia lat day of August, A D., 1904 8 6 9-2 TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come hero' (or men's and bv boys' shoos! The J. E. Tilt line is our spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. 1 .,, ' C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET 4 V 4 , How Can I Cure My : INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ; r ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS , yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; aud at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimuluting Sufficient Food to Kebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Involf-ed. There is but one remedy that will do this and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want lo knowTtiorc about Kodol, come in and WE WILL 1 ELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Oruggist La Grande, Ore . --r ' 4 France Denies It. Paris Aug. 4 The French (oreion office deu lea the report oiroulated in the United States yesterday ol o rup ture ol relations bjtween Frauoe and Venesuela NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department nf the Interior Land Office at La Grande, Oregon July 18, 1901. Notice ia hereby given that the fol lowing named settler lias filed noil, e of bia Intention to mahe final proof in Bupport of bis claim, and that srrld nroof will be made before the Hnoiti.r ' and Receiver of the U S Land Office, at La Urande. Uregnn, on Sept 7, 1904, vis: HP No. 857S, Henry Dean, of Starkey, Oregon, for the Nw NWV Sec Ztt & EX NEH Sec 27, Tp 3 S, R 35 a. vr, aa. KOSS & ANPBKWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. Executive Committee Chicago, August (.-Chairman George 13 Cortelyou of tha Republican national committee today selected the men who nro to sorve on the executive eomm'ttee during the coming campaign. The committee ia equally divided betweeu Chicago and New York, four membera being allotted to each headquarters. The following are the membera of the executive committee as announced by Mr. Cortelyou tonight: Enatern headquarter a, New York Chnrlea f Brooker, Conn , N B Soott, J f West Virginia; Franklin Murphy, New .Jersey; William L Ward, New York. Western headquarters, Chicago Huiry S New, Indiana; Frank O Low don, Illinois; K II Schneider, Nebra ka; Ouvld W Mulvaue. Kansas. Director of srekers' bureau, weit ern headqnai tors James A Tawney, Minnesota The chairman, secretary, treasurer and sergeant at arnia of tha national committee are also the officers of the executive committee. Rest Your Aunt And your unci' , too, by treat ing them to one of nur 25 . Hut Dinners. They'll have that pleasaut after dinner feeling if they dine wiih uj. The quality of our viauds is unsurpassed. They are cooked to perfection. See how healthy and happy the Model Restaurant diners are. Don't vou wishym ate at their tables? Well, we can make room for all who come, and slill have something left for the straggling business delayed diners. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT We sell weekly Meal . eA Ticketa, Cash 4-5W SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & Sou have Leased the McKinzie S'ables and are prepured to serve the He names the following witnesses to nublio in a first class manner prove bis continuous reairlnnrA iinf.n . , , and cultivation of said land, viz: kd-iat leasonaoie rates. warn ra uoomut), jtiarvoy r Hrrgga, ' -Winfleld S McMillan. Honrv llavev. of 8tarkey, Oregon, E w Davis, Register, ! Read tbla paper and Tb Weekly it, Gel The Habit I Of Iradiug at the Nebraska Grocery Sin re and you W cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prices are the lowest aud our stuck is j complete. 9 i RliHf having the largest stock of 'Preferred" Lewis special brand on all their leading lines. We have just re ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's aud Shoes which we invite you to inspect. C.JItR ALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. R EFRIGERATORS We are sole agents for the ICE KINO, galvanized and porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. . Noted As An lee Saver Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 E, ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers 1202 Adams Ave HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEMOCRATS NAME KERN FOR GOV, Indianapolis, Ind., Auguit 4. The. ODDS, Two Weeks ENDS AND BEOKEN STOCK SALE Two Weeks This if house cleaning time with us and every ODD and END, RRMNANT and BROKEN LOT of store will be put on bargain tables and a price put on each that will sell them Our cost counts for Sale The ODDS, EN PS and REMNANTS must go We Will Clean House For Two Weeks goods in this nothing in this The Golden Rule Company Largest Stoxe Smallest Prices HM4 .1