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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1904)
Hot Weather MEALS Bring your wife and family to the Spokane ' Oafe for Dinner. Your wife will ap preciate the change and freedom from the hot kitchen. You will all enjoy the meal the best in town. First olass eervice. SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johuaon Depet St La Grunde.Or. m Union Pacific DIPAM Tlma dubadnl "WM LAORANUK, . 8:S0 p. m. Salt Like, Dourer Ft. NO a, Worth, Omaha, Kansas " n'. tSaiiii. City, St. Uuls, Chicago ,0 and East. 8:6 p.m Portland, Utiles, Pen HO i dleton, Walla Walla, Mn , Dayton, Po meroi, HO ' (ki.nMntr0W,8p- MSP" -a itli via Hpo- kaaa. Portland. DaUas, Ffn NOS dleton O.n.ullR Wal- NO . ln:a,Lewtlou,C'cifex Moscow, Vpjli-;eV, j: fcanain 8:5 pm Oner, bpotaae lua other puliiii ea.lad -prtn via Bttf -ang. NoBDally i,l8nd Cuy Milx eicjdt imbler, and Elgin n Sunday connections at Jflgln 5:30 p m 9:15 a m with stage for point In Wallowa oonnly Ocean Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five daya E. C. MOORE, Agent MY SHINES . Are like the ''Smile that won't come off." 'I hey are put on right ai d stay right. I nee only Whitmore's pasta and guarantee that it after thirty days trial yon Hud that it has in any way way injured the leather I will present the customer with a $5 pair of shoes purchased at any store he may select. ' It you desire really first olass work II A ... .. i. :., i ...n ,. .....- a VUll IUII K.BI, a RUIMD, NWllE, " " specialty. Remember the place, Kirt ley's Barber Shop, where everything is first olass from the boot black up. JOE B. WILLIAMS KH00L TWK Opposite the Sommer House. One of the best musical institutions In the state. Four room uced (or musical instruction, ISgrndea ot mu?ic taught. Depaimeut 1, 2 rooms ued tor the 3 first grades. Cui'dren at the age of B and older come one hour every day. Department 2, 2 roomi for grades to 15 for pupils ot all eges The lat est course beet paaoticai musical in struction . M lsii-ai contests for med als every few weeks. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant Real estate Snap Two aore trect, seven blocks from center of La Grande. Goi.d six room ed cottage furnished oomplotely and well, if desired. Two bams, large hen house and wire elicited park over one tidred chickens, over 100 bearirg Milt trees including wlnt r and sum- r apples, peais, prunes, peaohes and several varities ot oherries, one thousand raspberries, 500 strawberries twenty five Bhade trees, lawu. flowers and large garden ready for use, three it. ...... ..Mr,,... ton ahares in good water ditch. House insured for S700 for three yeara. Part down. For particular Inquire at this offioe, HARD WALL PLASTER Only oostu about Bo per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit Up as all sand mortors are it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe holes, etc are eaeiiy cat through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity aud thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common it rnntflins no acids nor chemicals to corrods It will . nnr disintegrate by fire beinK a perfect protection for ,J T frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to j .Untilrl consult me regarding .I.:. M.aa nl work Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAN0, Phone 371 SUGAR BEETS IN BUILDING UP THE COUNTRY , Our Northwestern Country is Peculiarly vored For the Sugar Culture of Sugar Beets. How to build up the Western coun try is a question of great importance. Providence baa favored the Western or Northwestern States ol this great Union of ours with many splendid facilities for home and farm that it becomes onr duty at once to use them aud produce the greatest possible good to people already bere and to those who will ytt join our lanka aud numbers. A great deal of money is speuteooua ly in advertising this sec tion and we hope to greatly inorease our numbers and tbe question natur ally creeps in like tbisi What shall we do with immigrant! f What in- duomente can we offer them? What kind of employment oan we give tbetnf Most ol the imigration into tbia country are very respectable people but poor and depsnd on their libjr for daily maintenance' Ceruinly we cannot inoourage tbem to embark in tue pruouotion oi wiiea oeoause me major pornonoi me wiieat ianu t- ready owned and operated on lrg : and eoonomiosl linos and even thoao large tracts were divided wheat rtiising will not pay on email farms. Tnere' is a vety laige acreage ol wild land to be subjected but tbe common laboror csnnot live while this work is being done hence that cannot be held out to ary great extent. The lumbering is eimiDgly at a ataudatill and even at its best oannot make emloym u' but for a limited number. Tdis te largely true of all enterprises. Some thing must be done. Some employ meut must be bad. We must oare lot bomeseokers until such times at leeet as they can gat settled and be come acquaint d with our nieihods Parents and obi Mr in must eat and live, Wbal can we do and bow oan we do it? I answer, Tbe oulture of sugsr bsets will meet every require ment. While the manufacturing of sugar provides lab ir and employment for a goodly Dumber and pays large wages to, I shall pass that part ol the question and beg to call our at'.eotioo to the working of land and indicate to you how stupendously profitable it is It is said by some that any kind ol intelligence can till the soil. No greater erroi can be made. It requires great intelligeice to nil Ihe soil in a way Ibat will bring tbe best reeulte. As to soil I bave teen very little in our grand State but what is suitable to the sowing of sugkr beets. . think however, that in tbis immediate vi cinity you have loo muob precipitation io the Spring. While beets might do (a rly well they wjuld be very short aud tbe tonnage perbapi not so great, A sandy or blaok loam is the bast and il propnrly handled will pty ttte farmer hsndsomel lor bis labor, the possibility as to tonnage is surpris ingly great In 1913 th a Nttional Iirigation Congress beid in Olen, Utab offered and prize of, 1 think, $60,00 to tbe person showing the greareet yeald. Tbia prix was won by a geutlsmao living in Cache Valley, Utah. Tbis gentleman had harvested upwards of 37 tons per acre, wbicb be sold for $4,60 per ton realising to him tbe eoormious sum ol $160 . 60 per acrs. Iu tbe year 1 899 one Mr L Oldenburg of La Grande Ortgon measured ooe square rod o aad planted to sugar beets and weigh ed tne beets taken on same wbicb gave bim a yeild of 70 tons 800 pounds WhilA this seems out of reason Mr Oldenburg will mske affidavit to this faol at any time. 1 simply offer these figures to pro.e the great pos sibilities as to yeild and pr.ibi. I do not offar them as a lau basis to Ojunt nn in an ordinary way. I am asked the question, Wbat is an average yeild of sugar beeis and hi much! does it coct to produos au acre oi sugar beats. In Grande Ruunde Val ley we harvest irom o to 24 100s per aore. me lormer vu. iauu ia very uiul with Wild Oats Mustard or Cale 1 be beets beoorae poisoned and make a very poor growtn o.aoy dieing out right. Tbe latter on lands jvell cul tivated and iertenliied. 1 ngurd it cosii Irom $26.00 in $40,00 per acre to produce tonnage as above aet. I figure tha'. a yeild of six tons will pay its war, alkwinga fair rent for land txs and foi perforated. Io Ibejoxr 19)2 I mids tu experi ment tboe: I bad a ttaot of H acien 113 roJswb.ob Itball 0 II 4 aires. I rented ten acres more ajjao-tut 10 tM Fa- Culture of the Beet. maklug U aores in all. From the 14 aores I harvested )69 tons. 1236 lbs. ore trifle omr 12 tons per sort-. I sold the en'.iri crop for' 1763 28, or $64.62 per acre. Total oosi of pro duction (333.85 or $2377 per aoie. Ipid70.00 rent or 7.00 per acre for tbe ten aore traut I p id $5.60 water rent, total cost of production including rent and water $108.45 My net earning were S3S4.83 or $25.34 per aete. Yi u will m te that the work on tbia tract was paid for Irotu eterl to finish - at the -r.tiu of $1.76 per day. I was .not ou the ground much ot the time benue 1 fig ure at least ten percent adriitooal was incurred ou ibis account as I find that very few people will work faith fully when lft alone.; The amount of rent paid fur use of laud la as muoli 1 venture as is geusrally reaiizea from any grain crop at lew. If one can ,!, 825,81 per acre for looking ise oniy ,urey lue (irorjt hnm aag1 ont I oultdre oan not v.ll ha ni.i:..nrt It i. true that mony has been lost even in our stale bv those makino an attempt to raise sugar biets, but I vo- lure that iu Tvey'luhtanoa":ft .good cause cau he given and that the fault lies with the man and not the enter price. I figure that an acre of land bring ing a good crop of sugar b pr ivides 18 days labor while aa acre ol wheat will provide perhaps '4 davs labor. Ihe oulture of sugar beets does not impoverish the land but builds it up, wbile it ousts to the land nborit $8.26 to pruduoi an aore of wheat. Hither to we have oldthe, atrengih ol our land at the rate ol 8.25 per acre and bought sunshine at the rate of perha e fiom$40to $100 per aore. 1 mean by this that we bave sold our wheat and bought sugar aud thereby provid ed labor for a class u p i pi? who do not pofesa nearly to great intelli gence as we do. Again the oulture of sugar betspro videa labor for our bys who might otherwise room the street learning the 'ise of bid language aud perhaps even do worse ban that Itdnvelop, their physique and thus prepars them to bitter meet tbe vicissitudes of life. Wheat giowiug provides lab. r lor a few adulis wbile then oliil.ln u are left, to idle their ti to aw v. Again the beets are n Id at a fixed cash price eveu bifore the ted is planted. Ho wo-ry as 1 1 whether they will peiish aud be lost. The market is safe the money is sure. I think that figU'es wilt amply demonstrate that the culture of sugir Hants when properly employed ia the b st tuiug known totue American farmer. Last year we paid to tbti farmers of Giande Roude valley the cum of $117, 000 for hneis, wuile this yer we will greatly exceed tnat figure, perhaps double it. I have every coufi.ldnoe in theetatt of Oregon ; I bave every confidence in tbe people of this state aud I think that as soon aa we open our eyea m will see tbe smoke stscks of the Sugar Factories loom up in great uumber We will ie the large tracts of land out into small tracts. Happy homes, smiling parents, merry children, tnoie ohoc bouses, more music, the finer sympathies ol Ihe b'lman tHmily de veloped, all brought about by a baiter and more soieut'lio cultivation of tbe soil. Immigration will come to 11a aud grow with and our apl-nriid stale will all rejoice together. The sugar beet industry will bopiaised iu song and dance, our hearts 1 gh:, our debts light, but our purses heavy and our standiug in financial circlca most ex oellenl. Let ns grow sugar beets. DIAZ TO VISIT UNITED STATES Mexico City Aug. 3 Thomas N, MiCaiiley, a New York financier, haa been presented to President Diaz and Vioa Pieaident Elect Corsl by Amer ican Ambassador Clayton. In tbe course of a long interview President Diaz spoke of Mexico's desire to en courage tbe investment of American oapital and Mr NcCauley expressed tbs opinion tbat if President Dl.x would visit the United Slates 11 would greatly erltbuie Amer can interest in In response Pretideul Diss said b ' may visit Ihe United States during the coming winter. This rema-k is takes to mean that President Dial Intends to Use relief frim executive do tier soon after tbe installation cf Beaor Coral Id the v'oe presidency. . National Grange. The members ot the Grange la Ore gon and Washington are making com mendable efforts to have a One dis play of the agricultural produces of tbe state at me misting oi toe national Grange which Is to be held In Portland this fall. Oregon Agrlonlturlst. . SERIOUS rtTOMACH TROUBLE CUBED. 1 was troubled with distress in my . imach, sour stumaob and vomiting ipelln, and can truthfully say thai Jhamberlain's Htomach and Lives Tablets cured me. Mas. T. V. ill iaiis, Laingsburgi Mich. . For sal by All Ol ucgist. The Big Circus. The announcement that Binglin Brothers World's On atest shows will exhibit in Btker City Aug 16 will be received with more than usual interest by (he people ol. mat neighborhood. TbeRiogliog Brothers have a name that stands for all that is new, novel and entertaining in the circus line, and the management announoes that this season tbe show has been enlarged to euob an extent that a whole 'extra train is used in addition to- lb four trains of last season. The show is now transported from place to place in eighty-five seventy-foot cars, con structed espeoivlly for tbe Singling Brothers: In connection wilh the oirout proper, in which tbearenio per- formaoe is marvelous, the Bingling Brothers are .this, teaaon presenting tbe beautiful and sublime spectacular production of Jerusalem and tbe Cru sades, Tbis pantomimic flay necessi tates the use 01 1,200 actors and aot rt sses and of alooo.t three, hundred horses. ' It Is presented on the laigest stge ever used for exblbitional pur noses. Speoial exouraion rates bave been arranged for all lines of travel by Ringling Brothers. ' tiJ SUMMONS. .. . ,t Iu the Circuit Court of' the State of Oregon, for Union County. ANNUS flOLMAN, plaintiff, va ALBERT HOLMAN, defendant iant J ' To Albert Holnian, the above named defendant: ., ;, ,. .' In the name of tbe State of Oregon : i'ou are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and. answer the complaint filed against yon in tbe above entitled cause, on or before Sat urday, tbe 3rd day ot September, ,1901, after tbe publication of this summons for six consecutive weeks, in the East rrn Oregon Obervor, published at L Gnde Oregon beginning with the, ioouo 01 uuiy ,uv. 1 ' And you will hereby take notice, ireoy taae Douce, 1 appearand answer want thereof, the that if yon fail to so auitl complaint, for wan plninilff will take the decree of the Court for the relief prayed for in . the complaint, to-wit: for the dissolution ot the marriage contract existing be tween plaintiff and yourself, and for an order of the Court awarding to plaintiff tne care, custody and control of tbe minor children, the issue of said marriage as mentioned in said com plaint. You will further take notice, that r this summons la published by order of Hon. Robert Eakln, Judge of said Coatt, mude aud dated at Chambers, nn July 20, 1904, and whloh order directs that tbe flrBt publloailon of this summons be had on Friday, July 22, 1904. J. K. Baker, Attorney for Plaintiff, J 22 A 2 AN OPEN LETTER To the public: We wish to call the attention of those not already advised that we have established a wood working plant in La Grande equal to any In theoouutry. We believed tbe limes and conditions demanded such an enterprise and we have spent thousands ot dollar! in e qulpment and Improvements. We are not only prepared to fill your orders for mill work but we can fur nish ail kinds of lumber on short notice. If yon buy in quantity so we can fur nleh in car lots to be delivered direct we can give you prompt shipment and at priors aa lnw aa the loweat consider ing the quality of tbe stock and tbe promptness oi delivery. The price varies as to the asaonnt you buy and the cost of bsndling, Before placing your order outside snhmit your proposition to us and see i we can handle your business to please you. We are a La Grande institution but we do ust claim anything on tbat ao ot ont only to have an equal show with our competitor. After establishing an expensive lo cal enterprise we want the business to keep our 20 od I men at work. We are not begging for lavors but lo cal enterprises should be built up to employ our people at home instead of Bonding all the money away for stuff manufactured Iu other places. The money sent away doea not oome bar k to ns and it boilds up other com munities at our expense, Ifours tor bnsinssa, Stoddaid Lumber Co, "i Py.'1-1 ' 'ana mm i ,:f. .. ft WILL CURE ; any case of KIDNEY or ":!- BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond 7 the reach of medicine. .j:-;;;;;No:;;::.vH medicine can do more. ' WASGlYnUPTODIE. B. 8nlegd, 1204 N. Virginia m., EvanavlUe, Ind., wrarea: "For over flvs years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me muck pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all ran down, and a ' year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three ot tha beat physicians who did me no good and I waa practically given op to die. Poley-a Kidney Cure waa recommended and tha first bottle gave me great relief, and niter taking the second bottle I was sstiialy cured." TWO SIZES, 50e AID lLOfl. MU)DKCOM)iEXDEaiT A T HILL, Druggist A Postal Will Do It The purchase of a piano by mall made safe, simple and economical. By dealintt with a reliable concern a piano can now be purchased without ever seeing it, with perfect satisfaction and safety. Every Instrument sold by Eller's Piano House is fully guaranteed and a further agreement goes with It to refund ail money paid in oase the instrument fails in any way to prove exactly cs represented, so that buyers are perfectly secure. 11 you are tniuking ol purcnaeing a 7.". vonwill immediately receive an abundance 01 ulronlars a id handsome bno!:lets show. uiruuiars anu iianuauiue uou.;iei.B snuw- '? 8 variety of instruments and giving full deaorlption of tl.em. A letter from the head of the Mail Order De- parlment will also aocompany tbem, giving full information concerning our low prlceaand easy payment system. If we have any Bpccial bargains in secondhand Instruments which our Im mense business la continually bringing to ua, those also will be fully described and prices given. lour repiv, wnetner line 1 request for furthei information, or an order for an instrument will be promptly and courteously attended to. When mail orders are filled, the in strnmentsare personally selected tiy the bean 01 our,uiall oiuur department, who is an ex'perieuoed and expert piano judge. He thoroughly iiispema every piano sola rjy man ana sees tnat it la n perfect conditioa before he permits it to leave tne store. We make a sueuialtv of naokins our instruments so that no matter if they nave to be hauled ny wagon a long dls- tauce, no injury can possibly oome to them. Remember this is the house ao- koowledged to be the lowest priced and most reliable on the coast. Drop os e postal. ThoaBands have done it to their advantage. Eilers Piano House ;tai waaningion street corner fark Large stores also Ban b'ranolscn and Sacramento cal., Spokane and Seattle, w asnington IS THE COUNT? COURT, FOB THE COUNTY OF UNION, STATE 01' ' OBEUON. In the mattor of the eslate of ) ! Citation ANGIE A WOOD, Deceased ) To William H. Wood and Percy M. Wood, GKEET1NU- In the name of tbe state of Oregon, You are herebt cited and required to appear in the County Couit of tbe State of Oregon, for the County of Union, at the Court K00111 thereof, at Union in the County of Union, ou Monday, the ISth day of Atuiuet 1004. at I. SO o'clock, in the afternoon of that dat. then and there to show cause if nity you may have why lha petition of J. K. Wright, as Administrator of the estate 01 Angle A. wood, Lieroaseo, to sell Lot No eight (8) block sixty (M)) Chaplin's Addition tu tho City of La Urande, Oregon, should not be granted. W1TNEB8 The Hon. M. A. Harrison Judge of the County Court of the Hlate of Oregon, for the County of Union, with tne Seal ol said l .'ourtaHixed this 13th dsy of July 1004. ATTE81 J. B. Uilham, Clerk. CUREH OLD BOKK8 Westmoreland, Kans. May f 190.1. Ballard Hnow Liniment Co our bnow Liniment cui-ed an old sore on the side of my obin that waa supiosed to be a canoer. The soe wus stubborn and would not yield to treatment, 111 til I tried Snow Liniment, which did tho work In short order. My sister, Mrs Sophia J Carson, Allensville, Millli, Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts tbat It 'Is a cancer. Please send her a DOo bottle. Sold by iiewllo DrugOo. A Few Choice Bargains In Wal lowa County Real Estate (1) 200 acre of land, 120 aores oapabla of eulilvatlou, 113 ao In fall sown wheat, House, barn and other buildings. A gr , anapan 12,600 ( l im, un.ll orchard, Uxum, bare and tood ontbnlMfnsa, 80 asm. fa fall a ('"a; anull stream ol water Sow Ibroujra plc A great bargato at Si.OJO -. IS) Z.0 act. orlaDdpartolwhlefi ia tba floent of meadowi good k-lw au4 outbuildinga gaodaav ,je(lw JU0 toua of bay oan be out oa M plaoa wlil take boll m cattle In liaJt ou thla property. l"rlce 110 oar .ore. ,T"S, I U0 eronotoe Innd rrlot tie pr aore Tula it a areat Uoraln. f " S lauaetsa id Hut land at IHJ per acre XhoM are a lew of lhj mauy .naps We Have to oite la tb wayorrealetfalaliargaiDa, For further particular, artilraai, M'Danlel St M'Donald WALLOWA, - - OREGON I B B ODD flBDBBBBBflBBEiOB Farmers' and Trader National Bank. a B a .a a LAGRANDE, Capital Stock fully paid Surplus fund . Liability of Shareholder! Responsibility ., . . We do a general banking and exoliauge buainees. , Drafts bought and sold on eartern aod foreign banks. ;. JOSEPH PALMER, President . r 1. W. SCRIBER, Cashier ! nODOD D D B B B D B fl B B R B B B B B H B J. H. Fcarc, freBh Cheeolateg . , . Fresh Bon Bone Fresh Nougact v Fresh Carmele . Fresh Taffey Fresh Salted Peanuts ,; ' . v w FreshSalted Almouds . Freeh Popcorn FreBtt Fruit PHILIP LOY STONE AND BRICK Of All KindsJDone AT REASONABLE PRICES WM C HANSEN . Phone, Main 1821 ; CARPETS! CARPE1S1! Linoleum, Shades, and Upholstery Gooda. We have a fine line if these goods at very low , prioes. Carpets and Linoleums out, made and laid to order. Call and see these Goods Beautiful White Maple Dresser & Comniode $13 25 Worth $30 Oo cart 3 00, - erfoction Oil Stove 3 00, Dining Table 6 60, Best Oil Range 10 60, New Lounge 12 76, Qaeoline Stoves 2 76, Desk 7 60, Camp Stoves 1 40. Two sets Double Harness, 2 Sue Shot Guns, 2 Win chester Rifles, ' 1 Iron Bed, 1 ten-gallou churn, 10 Cook Stoves at very low prices. Remember we do upholsferiug, furniture repairing and bouse cleaning. Phone for estimates. fl. B, Hasten Phone 2051 j We Do Not Claim S That wo can please all of the people all of tiin limebul ! WE DO CLAIM That our plant has been underjthe suine muuugrmeut for S nearly TEN YEARS That during tbis time our aim has been to please aa nearly all, at all times as good work and courteous treat S That we will do our best to please you if you will fi.voi 2 us with your patronage That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or KirtlsVs barber shops will receive tbe same proiEpt attention that they would if left at tbe laundry. ! A B C LAUNDRY : PHONE j I85x a m . a n a OKEGON I 60,000 ' 13.0UO 1 60,000 - -133,000 w n n or Tlie Clock Is something tbst is indispensable to the home. It marks the hour for aris ing to cops with events ot the day, and the time lor retiring at night. There Is Something J bout thecloi'k that touches the heart of all. It will some day mark the hour of death. 4 : My clocks are ol bandsomeappearsnce neat in design, and made 01 nicely Pulitbed bronze meial . ornaments rices from 11,00 to $16,00. '3 V Pea re Union Co'a leading Jeweler KextMewlin Drng Store. Watch re pairing a Bpecially. - , the Jeweler WORK F. D. HaiBn Formerly 0 & M Noble's Store.