WEATHER FORECAST Tomorrow fair. Warmer tonight j LA GRANDE EVENING t THE TRAINS & tHo Eut bound 9:10 p m ontlme A NoHWMt'1 8:8 pmoo tlmej VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2, .1904 NUMBER 27 OBSERVER WILL SEND TROOPS Rush for Land in South Dakoto Brings Gam blers and Grafters Martial Law Rouesteel, S. D., Aug 1 governor Herreid will, on requext of Sl.erirT Taylor, this afteuooD issue the order for. tbe mobilization oi stale troopa to be sent to Boneeteel. Tbe Bheriff callej the Governor' attention to the lawlessness that has been onasioned hore by the army of gamblers a d grafters in Ih-ir dtflan e oi lan, and protested that he coold neither protect the law with tbe force of deputies at his command nor be responsible for any outbreak that might occur should the vigilance committee take matters into thtir own hands The governor, recognizing the ser iousness of the situation, aquisced and announced that action would be ta ken at once. The present plan is lo have the troops on the ground from August 8 to September 10 during which time the land filings will take place Martial law will be declared as soon as the troops are ready to take control One featuie of the great land rush that makes the presence of troops an imperative necessity Is that probably not leas tbau $309,000 will be brought here dally. Troops will esoort the treasure to and from trains and a special guard of messengers has been provided by tbe express companies to travel up and down the road in all treasure trains. Most vigorous aoiinn is planned and it 1b now contemplated to question all arrivals. Those who oannot show a legitimate business errand will be forthwith returned outside tbe county lines. A . vagrant and curfew law for the entire county is to be established. SAYS PORTLAND MUST WAKE UP W Li Marvin, secretary of tbe marine commission and regarded as an auth ority on maritime law, is of the opin ion that the importance of the Ameri can shipping problem to the city of Fortland cannot be overestimated and that there is danger of itt being too lightly pasted by her people. He said : "The city of Portland is ti e only one on this cost at which we find r o American line of ships trading with foreign ports. This fact. In addition to others, makes the hearings of this commission more vital . to Portland than they art to any other city. Tbe ports of Seattle, Tacoma and San Franoisco having Ameilcan lines, they are bound to outstrip Fortland In every form of growth resulting from foreign commerce. Vbll.! It is true that Seat tle hits a large shipbuilding plant, ibis industry only carries tbe special bene fits that attend tie employment of a number of worklngmen in that partic ular Industry. The city that bas a good harbor and is convenient for sea going vessels, may become a great fac tor in foreign commerce if the con ditlons are favorable to American shipping." ' A lt.w bas been passed, to take effect two years hence, wliioh provides that all com me roe of every kind carried- on between an American port and any country under tbe American Hag ahull be carried by American nb'ps.' "This measure alone," aays Mr. Marvin, "nould cut Portland out of all tbe rieb trade that is coming or al ready here between the United Htatea and her possessions in the Orient, snd even in the Sandwich islands. There is already in force and effect a law that provides that all troops of 'war, supplies and munitions tor our men in the Philippines shall be carried In American ships. Therefore, you may easily see that it behooves Portland to do something at ouoe in the way of a radical refoim of her shipping con ditions if she hopes to supply from this oity and its' rich producing terri tory any part of the commerce between the 'Jnited States and American ports abroad. You have Seattle on the north and San Franciaoo on tbe south, both eager to seize every oontract and fill every requirement of American foreign trade, and bo.h of these cities nave American shipping lines operat ing with the Philippines, China and the Sandwich islands. "Thete1 cities will undoubtedly ' en deavor to inorease their present Amer ican shipping lines to those ports, and it wonld not be long until Portland wuuld be hopelessly distanced and out of the race. This oity bas a beautiful harbor, and in some resptots baa ad vantages over her rivals for this trade She is wall located in a rich producing district, and ships will always go up stream as far as they can with safety She 1b baoked by the fertile Willamette valley, with a vast productive power by whloh her granaries, may be sup plied. Given American ships and thus placed on an even footing in the way of transportation facilities, she would with her distinct advantages In other reppeotc be invincible inthe foreign trade." 1'orllaud journal. American Flour As tbe years go on under Republican tariffs a larger prOortion of the wheat grown on American farms Is made Into j noiir inns giving an opportunity ur tbe emp'oyment of more capital and borne labor. In I860, llieilose of 60 years it Demooratio rule; there were. 13,868 flouring and grist mills In the United States that had a capital ol txl ,585,004 which gave employment to 27,682 per sons inclu ling salaried otfl ials, clerks snd wage earn i a. In 1900, after 36 years of Republican rule and 4 tit Demooratio, Cleveland's second term, there weie 25,2f8 flouring and grlut mills in tha United States with an in vested capital oi ,218,714,101 which employed 12,863 persons Inoluttug silaried offioials, clerks and wage eaners. .. - Tbe wages paid the sbove named class of mills In 18(30 were 8,72l,391 and ihose paid in 1900 were $23, 103,168. PIchvc's Assassin Dies St. - Petersburg, August 1. Poroz- i:off . the assasBin of Von Plehve, died of the injuries he received from the explosion of the bomb which killed his victim. He made no disclosures Do- foe his death nd hie true name, hi plot and a complices are all now sealed in bis speechless lips. It is one of the precautions of the aoarohists that they do not answer questions alter commit ting a orlme, and the expected this silence. Appendicitis Tin Portland Journal Says: "In the last aix months local surgeons, in the Portland hosritsls hare operated on 150 cases of at pendicilis at an average tea of t2i0 each. Double this sum is ofteu paid." This makes a half yearly income to the 1' on land surgeons oi $37500 The Jouinal says "It is 1m possllle to learn what percent of the oases opnrated upon have resulted in saving the Ills of tbe patient, surgeons however, assert that too percentage ib large. . Governor Pattison Dead Philadrlnhis Auz. 1 FornnrGv nrnnr Rubirt Emory Pattison died at 6:30 o'olock t'i rooming nfprcoumon- mooia, niter a briel Cine-', He was 54 years of ag1'. From the lime he bsgtn tbe prac tice ol law in ibis city in 1872, until bis death, be was a prominent factor in the affiirB of the oity. In 1878 be was eleoted comptroller ol the city which office be held until 1882. Fioni that year until 1880 he waB governor of the state aud Irom 1886 to 1890 wbb a member of the United Staue Paoifio railway commission. From 18(11 lo 1895 he was again governor ol the state and in 1902 was detested fir governor on the Demo oratio ticket. THE DECISIVE BATTLE By a Simultaneous Movement an Attempt Will be Made to Take Port Arthur. St Petersburg Aug 1 .At last the de cisive btttle of the campaign seems to be iu progress. Having complf-t-d bis envtloping movement of tbe Rus sian position General Kuroki bas or dered simultaneously an advance Irom all poinis agaiuf't Hal Oheng and Liao Yang. Fighting is raging on bath fronts. Trie latest reports con tain nothing confirmatory of tbe rum' ors that General Kuropatkin bad been defeated. According to Gsneral Kuro pat kin's official diepatoh to the era- pen r the battle began for the possess ion of an important tosltion at 8i- nuohen, l.ioated at tbe junolore of tbe Feng Wang Cbsng snd Sin Yen road'. Two teparate . armies wet' launched from the east while a third under general Oku, moved up from Ta Tohe Kiao to try to out off tb Russian force there from Hai Obenr. II tbe latter move is sucossiul tbi force will bs ernahed. A. portion of General Kuroki,s army at tbe same ime advanced against General Count (Cellar's position Ikbauven, east ol Lain Yang, trying tbe favorite Japan ese plan of outflanking him on the right. At all points the Japanese employ ed artillery to tbe best advantage, General Kuropatkin'! position will be desperate in event of bis defeat. The general staff seems utterly dumbfound ed at the number of men tbe Japan ese possess and Kuropatkiu's state ment that they were landing another heavy lorce at New Cbwang adds t tbe solicitude, JAPS ATTACK AT ALL POINTS. officials and clerks to wbon were paid as salaries 2 ,008,037. The a-tragj number ol wage earners, exoluding fficialser.d clerks, wrre 46,781, to whom was paid as wages $24,830,16. Tbe mi'cellansous expenses were $3, 636 and cost of material used amount ed ta $33,486,772, J The value of the produol Including r 'pairs was $74, 678 168.--! ,.' .v '-' To bring the effect of dosing the ship yards closer home . attention is ot'loal to tbe faot that 1st Oregon there are 17 ship yards in whioh vessels are built by Oregon labor and largely ol Oregon materials. These ' 17 ship building plants in 19001 ad iu thfir plants a capital of $592,664, employed 28 s tlarled official and olerks, to whom were paid for that years services $39,- 591). Tbe same year tbe averugenonr- bsr of wage earners employed in these yards was 687, eioltisive of offirt'ala and olerks. To these wage earaerr were paid that year $361,357, matin the total amount paid cui fur the yea foot up $400,947. .. . , In addition to the dollars ptid out for work during the same year. 1900 for miscellaneous expenses 40,641 atid for materials used $$23,189, oaakiug a to'al oash otttp'it . fir tae year o! t,UiU,rU. , . ,r. , ..... Ship building in Oregon is a grow ing industry.' ' In' 1890 there were but 9 offioials and olerks employed in that business and 199 wage earners. To turn al tbeas men away from their jobs and send tbe work into for eigo'ebip yards to bs done would bs iu human and bad statesmanship and would benefit nobody but foreign ship ownert and ship makers and a few big wholesale Importing and exporting bouses. Died Matott It this oity Monday evening, (lent, the little ten year old son of Mr and Mrs J A Matott, of dlptherla. The funeral took place this morning at niue o'olock. The Interment was held at tbe Masonio oemewry. . . BiSP COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. . When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in, whlob you can place implicit confidence, Von want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that Is unques tionably harmless. You want one that is pleasaut to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these con' ditlons. There Is nothing so good for he toughs and colds incident to child, ood. . Vat sale by All Druglsta. . ' All Kinds or Work Wesley Davis does all kinds of scar enger work, such as cleaning wells, ceai polls, etc. Give him a call. 4 24 tl JUDGE LYNCH ANXIOUS To Pass Sentence cn Man Who Murdered L Watter at 'Resort, Idaho. lewis ton, I tan , Aug 1 There has been vtrnng talk Of lynching Ru dolph Witter, who kill-d b Wa'ter . and Christopher Lang and wound- d Lang's 14-yesa-ald son, at Resirt Idaht , Thursday evening. The crime is ra il to have bun unprovoked and old-blooded. Witter, who was ep tured at Golden Rule mining camp, oon after tbe orime, bas refusi d to talk, sinoe his a pture, and is n 11 n. Pasture Plenty of good pasture il per head per month. Phone 1276. MID SUMMER August Announcement With the opening days of Angust we wish to thank you and our many patrons and friends for the liberal assistance you have accorded us in cleaning up our sto.k of Summer Goods, aud announce that all that is lift of our JULY SALE GOODS WILL CONTINUE ON SALE AT RADICAL PRICE REDUCTIONS WITH A NUMBER OF NEW ITEMS ADDED during at least a part of this month. There is still some very choice plums left in goods suitable for summer and early Fall wear, and you will find prices low beyond your expectation. LEARANCE SALE GET AN AUTOMOBILE FREE! We have received tbe Fall samples from our TAILOR-TO-YOUR-MEASURE bouse who will give away ten automobiles to their customers this Fall. You will have an exsellent chance of getting one of them by ordering your suit through us. Men's Suits $12.25 to $40.00. Man Tailored Ladies' Skirts $9-00 to $36.00. Hai Gheng Aug. 2 The Japanese on Saturday attaoked tbe heights of Kang Wa pass, tbe right of the Rus sian position at Bimuob. Under oov er ol tbeir artillery fire, the Japanese inlantry obarged but tbe Russian guns drove them back in confusion and si lenced two of tbeir batteries. Tbe Russian losses were slight. Between Hai Ohing and Ta To be Kiao, she name day, there was a long distanoe artillery duel. A. shell burst ov r a kussian gun killing two and wonnd- inir 11 Russian gunners. On Uaturday nigbt tbe Japanese made a desperate assault on Kang Wa heights with tbe bayonet aud a hand to hand fight ensued but the Japanese were again repulsed, flying down tbe nill in confusion. The Japanese are said to have em ployed tbeir usual triok ol while ad vancing of shouting in Russian :''Dout tire, we are Iriends," Toe Japanese renewed the attack at daylight yesterday, training all their guns on Kang Wa heights. By six o'clock tbe fight bad developed along tbe whole front of 14 miles and was especially hot against General Mist- i oiieiiktf. The Russian artillery oid i magnificently, severai times forcing the Japanese bittcries t) shift their position. The are are hold png all tbeir positions at tbe hour when this dispalob is sent Irom Hai Oheng. Tbe beat is almost unbearable and is trying lo tbe fighting men, but even while marohing under the biasing sun and weighted down by accoutrements and ammunition, often without food or drink all day, the men try to be cheerful ar.d sing tongs while tbe work it in progress. Our Ship Yards. To oatob Ibe lull meaning of tbe Secretary of the merobaol roano in Portland last Saturday when ! said tbe dogma Isvoral by tbe Ore gonlan It oarried out would clo.e ou ship )ardi,itis appropriate to con sider that in 11)00 there were 1,111 .hip yards in the Unl ed 8t tv wit an Invested oaplt il of $7701,701, tbt i gave amp.oymeot to 1,407 teUcel For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer, Goods at Greatly Reduced 1 Prices. ' '.' : If you are in neod of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to? look over our stock before purchasing ekewhere. All wash goods on sale at one third off. , - ' - All wash wash shirt waists at a reduotion of 25 per nent. On Wrappers, Kimonas, and Dressing Saqnes we will save you 20 per cent. Just what you will need for these warm days. . The Chicago Store A PRESCRIPTION DECISION If you knew that the recovery ofj some siok fiiend depended ou the strength and purity of certain drugs or on the accuracy of their compound ing; what points would you consider when deciding where to tune the pre scription? The esaential requirements, we think, ate these, and all of :hem apply to this store: Drugs are sure to be freshest where tr-ade is largest. Stock is sure to be best where physicians go to buy. Remedies are most reliab.e where standardized aud assayed drugs are used. Comprunding will be most accurate where the presoriptionist has had greatest practical experience. NEWLIN DRUG CO. paj .J'-t-Aess n sir.