'- CSi&MawiwIwU V-fm 1 Half a Carload of I; v New Wall Paper. W have just received half a car load of the ; newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. This is more paper ' than any one - firm ever thought of bringing into this county in a single season. ' This paper Is all (or sale and mast be sold this season, . We havs brought two Bret class papsr bangers direct tram Chicago, - who ere without doubt the mjtt Bkl lfol workmen In Eastern who, with the Qt. first class r . 1 hangers already In oar em ploy, give as the best working ' ' i n the In mail Empire. ... Stackland & McLaclilen . PAINTS. 0IL2S ! Special Sale On Hard Wood Bed Steads We have a large lot of these goods 011 hand : which we must eell to make room, therefore we will sell all of our ffood beds at your ova price. We can lis you up with a bed end spring for (l and deliver it to your bouse if it is not over two miles from our store. Come and look at eur bargains. We carry tlie largest stock of new and second hand goods of nay firm io Eastern . Oregon. : Come and see for yourself. V The La Grande Pawnbrokers i, . f Corner Fir and Adams : Remember we still buy and sell all) kinds 'Phone 1581 oi Second Hand Goods. j , J - TURKESTAN ALFALFA ' : Tbe Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. . BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk j"; ri Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House inUnion County.. ; V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. City Property For Sale Finely Located, Well Improved 5Room House For Sale. Also Other City Property, At GRANT & HERR0NS &q4&4&&&44& s We have a few Manila Choke for 110SS & ANPKEWS TAILORS AND GENT Deliahtfnl Koute, UhvIiuIiI Kide Dizzy Crags, Deep Cuuous. A Golden Opporluuity See nature - It) all Iter glonoue beauty, and then the acme ol man's handiwork. The tirat is found along tho line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and thn latter at the Si. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will 'it- one of plensure make the tnt.st of it. For information and illtiH tinted literature write W. 0. McBllIDK, Gen. Agl. l'orlluud. Oregon GLAbS Phone 1571 - trti4 - tfrt - it - 4w straw litis left. Your AND tion. FURNISHINGS, Lodge Directory. KAOI.KH-1.1 ll-n evury Kri inv mi.l t VUllliif t,M,lhuui III C V ltot'kel SV I'. It t.i F O K meet 1 iv ,11 r nail 11 1 j. m tte,l n, ,t, pint, A N M) vllle, W Sao. r-OkHTKlW Of AMKIlI('A-lmrt .Mailt Morton. Nil .2 im' fi.'h Tuevlny 10 Klk a LAll. lilOIUU.l Sit! INVII.l lOHIIi'Utl. VI llelauorclilel Rsnser, O J VainlerpuiA too K I.a (Iraiuli, lAtR, No r idmIi In tlieir hall vverv SiiiuMtay initlit. Vlettlng luem tn'r ixirdial.y mvllr.l t atteml. CJ Vauikrpuol, N (1. I It H;.,H)W, Six!. A. y. .t A. M. L Orsnile Lrxlgs No 41. nii uts vvory lalsnd :lrd Satur day u( t-sclt ninntlt. AO Williams 8io, a 1 Uuaaisa W. M. LOCAL ITEMS OF I INTEREST Concerning People Who Cone And go and Other Items of Local Interest This Is fine weather for harvesting, also for Irrigated gardens sod orchards The Sunday Pendleton Tribune says: "Mis, Ivy Loog of La Grande Is is Fendleton the gaest of Mis Effle 8mitb." FE Enloe left this morning for Portland to transact business. He will be absent until the latter part of this week. Grant Key experts to leave this eve. ning for Chicago, III,, where he will arrange for tbe construction of tbe engines for bis sir ship. Mr, Key ex pects to return by way of Bt. Louis and see tbe great fair. Attrns7 Eugene A ah well returned Uatuiday from a business trip to Pros peat Ranob. He reports basing visited the oaoip oi Editor George H Carrey and (amily found them all drying flab for the winter. There will be a base bsll game next Sunday In Elgin between the Elgin team and La Grande team. Tills game will be for the championship of Union oonutyand a purse of one hundred dollars. Arrangements are now being made for an excursion to be run from this city to Elgin on thst date. A number of Ls Grande fans aoeom. panted the La Grande second bate ball team to Cove yesterday to see them battle with the Core second team. The game was a good one, score ten to seven In favor o( La Jrande. As a pre. lude to tbe game the first team of Cove and the second Cove assisted by Robert Cotner and Wallace Cbilders played a game which resulted la t victory for the second team. Boor nine to one. Cotner pitched and Cbilders caught. Tbe following' gentlemen have beso appointed by the County Court to rep reient the county at the Oregon De velopment League convention which will hold Its first meeting tomorrow. Bon. W U Hunter Island City " M J Duffey Cove " J M Church La Grande " J A Masterson Elgin " WJTownley Union Senator Justus Wade Sommerville Mrs Emmett Sobneaut returned yesterday from Pendleton where the has been receiving msdical attendance at the Pendleton hospital. There will b) a silver medal oonteat next Friday evening at tbe Presby terian ohuroh The contestants will sll bo young ladies this time. Toe winner ol the medal will compete later with thoae holding a aimilar .me dal at Union and Elgin, for tbe gold medal. SOMMER HOUSE 0 A Korlen Chicago I H Carlyle Denver 1 R M Wood ' Bait Lake WalBen Hardeburgh Chicago V 1 Gentry do Hhnry Reid Syokane G R Ingles Kansas Ulty M F Ryon San Frsnoisco Groe E Mossier Spokane J C Trevillian North Powder Q A Bukel Portland F A Taylor do T A Peters San Franoiuoo Social Dance Another social dsDce will be given at the Armory hall, August 3, under tbe management of members ot Co. L. The Thomas oroheatri has been ss otired to furnish tbe muslo and the best ot treatment will be ao corded all who may wiBh to attend. Admission fifty cents. La lies free. tt Navies of The World. The Hoioutflo Amerlosn of July 30th gives tbs lollowing nfuros snowing tbe relative strength of tbe navies of the world in tons: Oieat Biitsin now has 1,616,040 tons of watahips and 361,210 tons be ing oooatruoted. France comea aeoond with a present navy ul 670.108 t ua and 119,047 under oonetruotion. (Inrniatiy rauka ihttd witb 387,874 ol warships afloat and 117,736 tons io building Russia ia fourth iu rank witb 846, 468 tona now in eervioe and 143.274 tous in prepsrstion. The United 8iaU-a now bolda fifth rank witb 204,406 tons ol warships in use and 321,870 In process of oonslruo- Italy tanks sixth with 368,838 tons of wsrships eBoat and 70,421 tons in construction. Jaoau stands number seven with 243,686 tons of uavy afloat and 10,096 tous in construction. It wil be seen from tbe above thai there are now afloat 2,623,309 tons ot ships uasd for warships and that when the ships- now Io oonatruotion sre completed the tonnage will be 8, 817,679 tons. Queer Combination. (Wallowa Democrat.) The Joseph and Enterprise boys will play base bsll Sunday afternoon at 3 ;30 In this city al "Athletic Park" A bass bsll garni at the park and memorial services al the oemettry a lew rods distant will bs a combination lor jour whiskers not Uten witnessed. WANT Reduction in . - I QAPICIf"' DATPC' rAVJrlv KA I Cj ; Cloago 111., Aug. 1. It is the i re tailing opinion that the re. eat change In rat and baaing oenters on tbe prt ol tbe northern lines, whereby the rates from Cbldg'1 and the middle wist were shifted for the benefit of the: manufacturers east of this city will be do pi lasted br tbe roads operating from Chicago to the Pacific coast.. It now develops that other tranacon tlneotsl lines have been importuned by trana-MUsourl river retailers and Jobbers to reduce freight rates general ly from points east of Chicago ai.d .Bangs toe Daslng rate to lora. This would mean a general ohaoge in rates from points oast of tbe Missouri River to Psoific coast territory. City Jail Empty Pendleton Aug. 1 Ti e escape ol three prison, rs from the city Jail yesterday afternoon wss followed dur ing the ulglit by five more gaining their freedom, The prison Is now empty snd City Marshal M J Carney deo lares that the city must repilr the old jail or build a new one if he is ex pected to hold prisoners. "1 might lessen the danger of losing prisoners." he said, "by locking them In the colls a 1 the time. Allot the eight men who got away from the jali were minor offenders and little effort is being made to apprehend them." P C Murphy, serving sentence for drunken ess and awaitl g trial for re sisting an officer, Mat Slur uy and George CbriBtie, two vagrants, were the three men tn break jail yesterday afternoon. They gained their freedoui by tearing up the stool in the closet, and crawling out underneath the flnor. Sometime during the night the remain, ing five got away through the hole made ny the others. The qoiutei that escaped last night are: Com Sloan, Charles Wheeler, J G Warren and James Lamont rerving time for drunk snness, and ti Welch, a vagrant. IS THE COUNTY COURT, FOR THE COUNTY OF UNION, STATE OF OREliON. In the matter ol the estate of 1 Citation ANGIE A WOOD, Deceased I To William H. Wood and Percy M. Wood, GKEETJNU-r- In the name of the state ol Oregon, You are hereb cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oiegon, tor the County of Union, at the Court Room thereof, at Union in tbe County of Union, on Monday, tbe 15th day nf August 101)4, at 1 .90 o'olock, in the afternoon of thst dai, then and there to show oanse I anr vou uiav have whv the uetition n J. K. Wright, as Administrator of i he eetate of Angle A, V ood, Deieas d to sell lot No eight (81 bloolc sixty itai Chaplin's Addition t the City of La Grande, Oregon. should not be granted WITNESS The Hon. M. A. Hairiaoi Judge ol tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe County of Union with the Seal of said Court affixed thl 13th d y of July 11104 . A.TJSS1' J. B. Uilham, Clerk. CURES OLD SOlilOS Westmoreland. KarjB. May ? 190. Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ' our Snow Liniment cured an old Bore on the side of my chin that was supposed to be a caooer, Tbe soce was stubborn and would not y eld to tieatment, a til 1 tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short oider My sister, M is Sophia J t'aieon, Allensvillo, iMiflln Co, Pa, has a sore ami mistrusts that it is a cancer. Please send ber a 50q bottle. Sold by Newliu Drug Co. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUI1LE CURED. I was troubled with a distress in in; .(4Sach, sour stomach and vomiting, bpelln, and can truthfully say that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.-.MES. T. V. ill, iamb, Lslngsburg, Mich. For sale by All Dtungiats. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. When you buy a cough medicine for small children yon want one in which yon can place implicit confidence. Vou want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that 1b unques tionably harmless. You want oue that Is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these cou ditions. There is nothing so good for be coughs and oolds incident to i liild. ood. For tale by All Dmitris ts. ODDS, Weeks 1WU Thisuf bouse cleaning time with us and every ODD and store will be put on bargain tables and a price put on each Sale Tho ODDS, ENDS and REMNANTS must go WelWill Clean House For Two Weeks Largest Store rM fi1 Attention Company l . All .ndmhs.1 ( PA,.,n.n. I. .u meiuneii 01 loinpiny u are re- qoeated to be present at the Armory Tursdiy evening at 8 oVlork to recsive mom y due fr.im the atnte fur the time served during the reeeut encampment HE Cooliilge Capt. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. 'I would cough nearly all night long," writea MraChos Aptlegsie, of Alex sndris, lud., "and could hardly get soy sleep. 1 had cciis'iinpliou so bad tn..t if 1 drnlknd a block I would cough frigh'fully and spt blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1 00 bottles or Dr. king's New Discover? wholly cured me and I gained AS pounds." Its absolutely guaranteed tn L.re congbi, Colda, La tjrinne. llrouctlilis and all Throat and Uni troubles I'ri. e 60c and 1 00. Trial hmtlH free at Newliu lirugCo. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, la narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as foilows: '1 was in an awful condition. My akin wub slmost yellow, eyos sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in bark and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians hatl given me up. Then I was advised to one Electric Bitters ; to my greet joy the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued their use lor three weeks, snd am no a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to ry them. Only 60 cents, guaranteed, at I.a Grande Drug Co., snd. Nawlln Drug C'o'e., drug store. TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE j That is why people come here! for men's aud by boys' shoes j The J. E. Tilt lino is our speo-j :..n.. ti 1 . . . 1 inuy. nurej is wNere price and; aualitv are combmnd. 1 C. v. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STRFET Don't Start oil Hungry when we can sa'lsfy your i ravings r a. mi'thiini gnod to oat at little - net Our food is selected with rare, rooked with skill aud terve l in appi'tiiiinii ftvle we are not Hfrad to have you take a perp in our kitoben und see how we Ho things. We niiuht write volumes on how to oook hut that would not do vou one tenth thegond ihat one of our "regular tinner at 25 cents will. Treat your Ht'unach with good eating and thereby make a wise hoad. MODEL RESTAURANT A. AHBUCKLE, Prop. J. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We sell weekly Meal $4.50 t ti-Keia, t;Ash . SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & Son have Leased the McKinzie S'ables ami are prepared to serve the public it' a first class manner at reasonable rates ENDS AND SALE The Golden Rule Company 5 , E, P. Staple. , ROMIG & STAPLES - f ' : ' . -1 f -GROCERIES-- A full and comp.eto line of staple and fanoy gro ceries. Fancy cjnned aud lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden w are. ! j Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery ' prodnots always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. . Phone f 4,4, 4, 4 How Can INDIGESTION? THIS 18 A QUESTION THAT HAS .BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people I There is but one way to tne Momacn ot Us nervous strain rest 11; and at Ibe same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild tbe Tissues Support ing the Orgaus Involeed. There is but one remedy that will do this, end thut remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more n1 nut Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU As Te HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore 4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, Get The Habit Of trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and yon cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. R;ifJe bavins tbe largest stock of DtilUCi canned goods, Allen & Le brand on all their leading lines. We have just re ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's ami Shoes which we invite you to iuspeot. C.IRALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sla. -3? REFRIGERATORS j We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized aud porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch,-! or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. I Noted As An lee Saver I Ornamental as well All sizes aud prices E ANDROSS Undertakers MOUSE FURNISHINGS BROKEN END, REMNANT and BROKEN LOT of that will sell them Our cost counts for Smallest Prices . E. 6. Romig J 431 4,4,4,4.4.4,4.4,4, I Cure My do this; namely, relieve 4 4 4 4 4 . " Preferred" -8wia special as useful Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 and Embalmers 1202 Adams Ave STOCK Two Weeks goods in this nothing in this