- YpuLl Chickens ARtfWANTED at the Spokane Cafe ! For a Grand SUNDAY Chicken Dinner SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot SU V La Orande,Or. OREGON iJMONpAClfir DIPAKT Tml a.,,.,,,,, . nOH r LAOUANDK. ) - no. a rn: 8:60 p. m. 8ali Lake, Denver Ft.' . v ' NO 8. Worth, Omaha, Kansas '". 8:5ni. 07, St. Loala, Chicago ,M and Kuu 8 3 l.rr Portland, Dalle. Pen- KOl (lleton, Walla Walla, . Dayton, Ponwo, N0 ' 5:50a m Oolfax, Moucow.Spo- . , kaneannu stop -i.u j i Ui via Upo kane. Portland, DaUi, Pen NO 5 dlcton (Innlllla Wal- Nn . luta,jwlsun, Colfax Moscow, WullaceWar S;JUa in 8:5 pm dner, Mpokane and other points eaat aud ......... north via Hpokane. NoWDally ,ianJ Cty Allcal, eioedt imblor, anil Elgin Sunday oonnectlona at Elgin teJOpm 9:1S a m with atage forpolntr Id Wallowa oonnty Ooean Steamers between Portland and Ban Francisco every five days E. G. MOORE, Agent MY SHINES Are like the -'Smile that won't come oil." 1 bey are put on right and stay rlgbt, I nse only Whltmore'e paste and guarantee tbat If alter thirty dayi trial yon And that it baa in any way way injured the leather I will present the ouelomer with a $5 pair of shoes purchased at any store be may seleot. It yon desire really first olsss work call and get a shine. Ladies wort- a speoialty. Remember the place, hart ley's Barber 8'iop, where everything Is first class from the boot black up. JOE B. WILLIAMS UK Oppoaite the Sommer Hoase. One of the best musical Institutions In the ntate. Pour rooms used (or musical instruction, 15 grades of music taught. Depaiment 1, a rooms uea for the 3 first crudes. Children at the age of B and older come one hour every Aav nAnnrtnmnt 2. i rooms for grades 1 to 15 for pupils of all ages The lat est course best pnsotlonl musical In struction. M laical contests for med als every few ireeks.' E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant SCENES This is one of La Grande's mo t prosperous seuberbs. It has Rural Free Delivery, Tel phone connected with La Grande, and has one of the best public schools in this csunty. M"7HV 1 ... TV: Ft t - -- , f V. - J- "lit A t P.- ' JT 'ifn if f 5r.rv Few Choice Bargains in Wal- Iowa County Real Katate ', I : (1) 200 aoraa of land, 130 aorea oapablo ot cultivation, 113 ao V fall sown wheau lloaae, barn and other bulldlniia. A gr - anupan ri.fiUO i (J0ai.aill orchard, hotwv ban and toed xnblldloi 10 aemla tall owu ffiain; ainall atroain of water Sow tbrouith pUet A grttt banraln at $a.60O ivi wwrMwaiu partut watua ia ma nnaat 01 meanow; fuoa nonae ana i oivouikliniia good aajr ibcd- Juo lona of hay oan be ent on Ua pUoe 111 lak . wia catue in trade oa trua propeity. Prloa U0 ptr aore. . 4 60 u rea, IJ0 of dhoroe laud-Prr.. 810 pr acr This is a gnat barcaln. . : r, The baricaiij &c M' lAOaaMHJ nf ftlio i.nrl tnara Thaaakti . fa. nf rl. ma.,. .....m W "twuiviHiiu wir rnuniauBVirjuui, rof turiner parufUiars muurnWi M'DR.niel WALLOWA, . Donald OREGON , , OBBBOflBBHDBOOIiBklDDflDan B B B ft B B fi B tt e a n 13 i Farmers and Traders5 National Bank. LAGHANDE. OREGON Capital Stock fully paid t 60,000 V 8urpluefund - r 13.000 f ' , ' Liability of Shareholder 60,000 ... . ; Rflspooaibility 133,000 . We do a general banking and exchange buaiuess. Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign bank. JOSEPH PALMER, President J. W. 8CRIBBR, Cashier B B D B a a a a a. v B B I r -n FIRST EVENT OF INTEREST IN OREGON i ; The First Marriages, Births, and Funerals- First Mills, Printing Offices and Threshing Machines. Real estate Snap Two acre tract, aeven blocks from center of La Grande. Good six room ed cottago furnished completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large hen house and wire enclosed park over one ndred ohickens, over 100 bearUg nlt trees including winter and sum r apple, peats, prunes, peaohes nri uuml rHrities of ohorriei, one thousand raspberries, 500 strawberries twenty five shade trees, lawn. HoweiS and large garden ready for use, three wells, two pumps, ten shares in gwd water ditch. House insured for fliM for three years. Part down. For particulars Inquire at this office. MOSQUITO FLEET ENGAGEMENT. George H Himes bna co npiled a f way of Cape Horn and coating $U50, . list of first events in the bist.ry of I Oregon, tjome ol them are : Fiut white chil l; Alice Wuitmao March 1837 near WalU Walla. First marriage Rev, Jason Lee and Anna Pitman, (Jjrus rjhepberd and Susan Downiui;, July 16 1837. First funeral sertise, July 28 1834, over a rrencn GanauiaD, oy Jason Lee. First religious service by Rev. Jason Lee, Septebi r 28, 1834 . Rev, Lee also orauled the rirst grain. The first thresher was brought to Oregon by Thomas Otobin, coming by Rev.J L Parrish brought the first while clover hern in 1840, P W Gillette brought the first nets strawbsrries and ra-pbsrries to Ore gon. Tbe first Saw mill was near Vancou ver in 1825 or 26 by Donald Maron. William Meek brought some gritli to Linu oautity in 1847. Tbe first frame bouse was at the Dalles bull c bv Rev Perkins Ootober 1, 1839. Ettienno Lucier culiiviteJ the eoil fir. t in 1829 uear Portltnil. Tho ficsr printiuii was My 18 1H39 Tokio July 3'. A blated report from Admiral Togo relating of engage ment of tbe mnrquito fleets off Port Arthur last Sunday was made public today. A Japanese flotilla composed of torpedo boats, gunboats numbars 10 and 11, and the vidette boats attach ed to tbe btttleships Mikasa and Fuji attacked .-he Russian torpedo boat de stroyed (iff Shensen Point at 3 o'olook a the morning. Three flih torpedoes fired by the Japanese were seen to ex plore but the Japanrse could not tell with what, result because of the tog Tins repoit tends to confirm tbe re ports received from Chinese quartet that ttiree llus-ian torpedo boat d -stroyets were sunk Ist Sunday. Tbe .Tapiinese suiferod no lose in the en a;ement in question. could not help her. lie thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she jot relief at once and was finally oured. Only 25o, at La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Drug Co., Drug Stores, The Clock is something tbat is Indispensable tc the bome. It marks the hour for ana log to cone with event of the day, and the time for retiring at night. There Is Something - about tbeclork that toucliea the heart of all It will some day mark the hour U death. My clocks are of handsnmeappearanc mat in design, and made or nicely polished bronze metal - ornaments Prices from 81.00 to 815.00. J H Peare Union Co'e leading Jeweler Mext Newliu Drog Btore. Watch re pairing a Specially. .. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler THE OTHER SIDE HARD WALL PLASTER Only costs about 5c per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weatber Being flexible instead of brit tle ss all sand mortors are it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe holes, etc are eaeiiy cut through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity and thus prevents snort circuiting It adheres equally umll to brick, stone or common lath 1 It contains no acids nor -.um;ola tn corrods It will . K.r. nor disinteerate by fire being a perfect prte'!.t1i1on .ot d frame work It will under nn condition pit or blister t..;. nnvinir plastering to do should oonsult me regarding u:. ia. of work Estimates VU ID Viou- cheerfully given E. RE1SLAND, Phone 37 The following statement ol tbe Gel man oaptain of the ship Arabia arc somewhat at varianoe with the state ments contained in the protest of the owners ol tne ships cargo which as ae-ied that there were on contraband vt. in Arabia's cargo and that tbe ahln wa dispatched lor Hongkong British put in AsiaanU not n r japan: Vladivostock Aug 11 ne pri.e rvmrt h. re ill leg" Kd ,n x,m inati.m into the taseofthe rortlano A Asiatic liner Arabia, seized by the Russian Vladivostock sqmdron. The German captain ol me steamer is much upset by tbe capture oi nis vessel, and declares that when tbe American company in l'ortiaoo niteo the boat be did not know that be was expected U carry contiabs-id maiter He I rotseted wnen ne oisco.erro nature ol the cstgn, as did also me Hamburg company, whicn ownto me toat. Tho Ameriein caar erers su l ihem. however, there was no dan- irerof tbe steatner's oapture tri.rlianaiock fnuadron was her route. If this is onnflrm-il in court, t .ml nariro will ynhib y b- ( fiMl l-d, w-.tb exception of that por.ion of ths cargi addro-scl to Honakong, and o incerning this there aope" to be some doubt. It turnsout ' . . n . i .. r . A tbat the sow tons oi nour dressed to any person or place, but to "order." Tbe consignee holding the order may b at any stopping pl.ee of the steamer, j The Big Circus. The mi'H)nCrjit,",u tuat Kinnlin Brolbem World's GuateH eIh.wb will exhibit id linker City Ann HI wi I be received with more ttmnunntl intereot by th peopl of tnL neigliborhuoii. Tb Kindling Brtiiliera huvu a nnme that flUnla tor U thit ia nuw, m.v 1 and enterlainiug in lif circin lint', and ibe inanaiCHinenl hiiiiijui.cjh ibai tbie seatiou thebuw liHsbien cnl ugcii to ucb an extent :hl a wbula f-xtrn train i uwrf iu addition to the four trains of Inst xeatM.n lie low ih now (ransporlcd from plac6 to plate in fiibty-five fvtiily-fool orf, con structed e'peci-illy for the Kiogling Brother: In eonni'ctimi with ibe circus proper, in wb'ch thef-rf-nio per for mace in marvelous, the Kinging Brothers are this t-o son prefi-nting tbe beautiful and eubimio epectacnlur production of Jerusatcm ami tbe ( r i eades, I his paiitoniinuc fliy nt-ceps: Boise Lands Withdrawn Washiiigton Aug. 1 Tbe soting commissioner of the land office today lusti noted the land officials it Boise tr withdraw from all forms of entry on account of the Hutatj valley irrigation project the lollowing lands in Boise district: The south half of eeotion 6 and the north bill of seotioo 7, town shin 1 north, range 1 east. AN OPEN LETTER To the public: We wish to cull tho attention of Uioko not hlreudy adv.Fod that we have Oftiihlifl.'orl h wocd working plant In La U audr vtpiul to any in tbe country. VI e believed tbe nines and conditions demanded such an enterpriKe and we have Hpent thousands of dollars in e quiiii,ent nn 1 improvometit. W e are not only prepared to fill your onbTH for null work but wn run fur- niHb all kinds of lumber on abort notice. If you bny In quantity so we can far nisi, in air Iota to bo delivered direct wo cim kivq vou prompt shipment and at prices as low ha the lowest consider ing the quality of tbe stock and tbe pioinptncfls of delivery. i I he price vurion as to the amount you buv and tho ioHt of bundling. Before plucitiK your order outside submit your proKisitlon to us and see if we can handle your business to , pleiiae you. Vh ar a La GrandH Institution but A Postal Will Do It The purchase of a piano by mull made safe, simple and economical. by dealine with a reliable concern piano can now be purchased without ever seeing tt, with perlct-t saUarnction and safety. Every fnstrument sold by feller's Piano House is fullv ku a ran toed and a further agreoment goes wltb It to refund ell money paid in case tne1 instrument fails in any way to prove exactly as represented, to tbat buyers are perfectly secure. If yon are thinking of purchasing a piano or an organ, drop us a line on a postal, giving your ad drees and vou will immediately receive ao abundance of circulars and handsome bo::lt-ts show ing a variety of iiiatrumeuts and giving fuTl description of tl.ein; A letter from the bead of the Mud Older De partment will also actompanv them, giving full information concerning our low prices and easy payment yntt'm. ir we have anv spoemi bargains in secondhand Instruments which our im mense business 1 continually bringing ti us, those- also will be fully described end prices glvbii. i , Your renlv. whether it be a ronuest for f'trtliei information, or tin onler for an Instrument will be promptly and courteously attended to. W hen mail orders are filled, the In struments are personalty seiefted by tbe heart of our mail oder department, who is an experieuced aud expert piano i judge. He thoroughly inspects every i piano sold by mail and ecus thrtt it is in perfect condition heloro ho permitB it to leave the wtore. We make a sueda'tv of nuckimr our inst timeuis sothat no matt r it they have to be hauled by wanon a Ion? dis tance, no injury can posHihly come to inem. itemem Dermis ia tne nouse so knowlcdyod to be the lowest prict'd and most reliable on the t-osHt . Itrop n a postal. Uiotir-nnd have done It to their advantage. Kilora Tnino Iloiife .151 Waslnngion btroet nomr Park. Large stores als'i han Kmnoiscn and Sacramenti cnl.v Spokane and HerUlle, Waehington Freab Chocolates Fresh Bon Bons1 . Fresh Nougact Fresh Carmels Fresh Taffey Fresh 8altd Peanuts i Fresh Salted Almonds Frenh Popcora Fresh Fruit PHILIP LOY J STONE AND BRICK WORK Of All KindsJDone AT REASONABLE WM C HANSEN Phone, Main 1621 ' tales tne use o 1,200 att irs and act- ccuut only to have an equal show wltb as the not uear the andof aloio.-t three hundred i our loinpeutor. After oslablicUnp n espensive lo cal enterprise wo want the business to keep our 20 odd men at work. Wo are not l Kiting for favors but lo cal enterprises should be built up to I employ our people at home Instead of i sending all the money away for stud m.nnfactnrnd In othor-placi a. I ha money a.'nt awav ilrma not. nnmA Chicago July 80. A coll wai ir-1 bark to ui mill it builds up other com ....rl h-r. todav for the elnii,,n nl H.. . 'nuilltlea at our expe iso. legates to a national polil cal labnr party convention to ht held in Chirago in August, rtepreseorai ivea o fie unions affiliatey wltb the Chicago Fed' ration oILabir are Miind the movement. resses ano or acnc-i turee nunoren i hordes. It is priHentd on the! latgel stage ever used )r exhibitlonal pur poses. Special cicursion rates have been arranged for wt lines of travul by Bingling Brothers. Labor Union's Party. Vours for Imsinosa. Stoddald Lumber Co. THOUGHTFUL MAN. M M. Austin of Winchester, Ind knew hat to. do in the hour of need. Ilia wife bad such an unusual cato of A M. net ad- Bead this paper and Tb. WmJU, I stouiach aud liver trouble, physicians J22A2 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Union County. ANNUS HOLM AN, plaintiff, ) ve ALBERT HOLM AN, lefondtnt ) To Albert rlolinan, the above named defendant: In tbe name of the fetnte of Oregon: V oil-are hereby required to appear in the above entitled (;ourt and answer the oomplaint hied against you in the above entitled cause, on or before Sat urday, the .rd day of Septornbor, 1904, after the publication of this summons for six consecutive week-, in the Laat- ern Orogon Observer, published at La Oran.le, Oregon, boginnlug with the Issue i f July -22, VM. And you will hereby take notice, that if you fail to so appearand answer said complaiut, for want thereof, the plsiniiff will take the decree of the Court for tho relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: for tho dissolution of tbe marriage contract existing be tween plaintiff and yourself, ami for an order of the Court awavdlug to plaintiff tile care, custody and control of tbo minor children, the Ishuo of said marriage as mentioned in said coin, plaint. Yoii will, further take notice, that this summons is published by order of Ilou. Robert Eakin, Jude of said Court, made ami dated at Chambers, i n July '20. 1(KM, and which ordor directs that the first publication Jf this summons be) had on Fr.day, July 23, 1U04. J. K. Buker, Attorney for Plaintiff, EXTRA BARGAINS We are offering thia week . - - SifaBed.New.... 10 50 Chairs, 16o to 76o Fine Upholstered Chairs 2 50 Kitchen Treasure 3 00 Dining tables, 2 50 Camp stoves, 1 40 DreBser 5 00 Trunk 1 75 Boss Washing Machine 1 75 Good Loange, 2 60 Rockers 50o-3 00 Cook Stove. . .3 CO Kitchen cabinet 6 25 Fine center tbl 4 50 Rugs, 75o to 2 50 Trunk ...... .3 60 Colts revolver 9 00 Gassolene stove 2 60 Remember we do all kinds of furniture repairing, upholstering and house oleaning. fhone us aud we will give you estimates. H. Be Hasten F. D. HBijten Phone 2051 Formerly 0 & M Noble's Store. We Do Not Claim That we can please all of the people all of the tiice.Jbut WE DO CLAIM That oar plant has been uudeithe same management for nearly TEN YEARS That during this time our aim has been to please as nearly all, at all times as good work and courteous treat That we will do our best to please you if you will favor us with your patronage That Packages left at Anderson & Myers cr Kirtk y's barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attention - that they would if left at the laundry. - A B C LAUNDRY PHONE aK 1 86l ijiaaBaiu m ".Wia wmmummm Jm u hiiihww1 t -Bss"aWTOa " . ' ' , t a ! F I r El M m u 'n ti I ft it il