ft',. - 1 If jCa Srande Snvestment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, I OFFICERS: -',- '' a Uo. Palmes....... Preaident J. M. Berry, J. M. Church J. M. B(Bur.,....Vtue President . ' A. B. Conley, Geo. L-. Olea- . J. M.Chuboh ...Caahir , , ' er,Geo. Palmer F.L.HKT8SS and Geo L Cleaver ' Asst. Cashiers 3655 La Grande National, B nk ; s ' 1 La Grande, Oregon ,. ! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 a Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sella exchange on a all part ol the world. Collections a specialty. MEAT MARKET - s - - Stellwell & Vaudermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL - BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stook Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Coal For Hot Weather Our Rock Spring coal will give satisfaction We always liaye it on hand. Custle Gute and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rathor have it. We al ways have ooal, all kinds and at lowest puces. If you want wood wecun furnish you the kind that bums longebt and beBt. G. E- FOWLER, TItANSFISU AND DLUVE11Y Phone i o 1611 aillBBaBBBBaiIIIDISIIICSalall JOHN JAMISON , s? a We will call for it and bring it home whenpromisedj We guarantee satisfaction and ni.lv nsk fur a trial order to demonstrate to yoii thin we un derstand the laundry business." rm can stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for nl once. We make a specially of family washing, ami can do your wasbiiiL- better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1081. 742 Fill STREET. ilsj a a a a a a istri i St I GRANDE RONDE VALLEY FRUIT FARM The Uraiide Hondo Valley Knit Farm contains 320 Horo mid is lo be Bold iu loin of fivu Hcrea it mi up in nit tho purobsspr. U in mtuund right rrilfH northeast of La Grande, Oftm , near tlH Elgin branch of the O. K. tt N. Railroad. We Iu nil eh the purcliHHtT hi therm, of three yearn a tbri'tly growing iple . orchard, o.ie that ha been cured dr from setting, i" thn rmt rtpprovtd manner, cultivating the land six in . eighttina a year , keeping thegronnd ' well pnlveiixed.and at all tiinea true from weeda. wfs and othtrveg.tation between May 1.1 and August lfith cllw't lioi.u-nltnial akill each year; keeping thetieea piened in the moat acientiho manner: removing and burning all cutting, and tucker, and in shot! do any and aU' wink which wilt Lie (or the beat nit' rest ol tho land and trees. We replant all trees thai may die in tho Aral, second and third years, and pay all taxes nn Ihn land for three yoars. We lumlsh the land lab r and material and trees and three years' Care, at the pi ice of 120 per acre, giving three year, in wnich to pay for it. Our terms ot payment ate 66 per osnt of purobaae prion, cob; balance v REAL COMFORT Can be '.iart upon the farm, away iron the hu-tlo aiid beetle of the city You'll llnd farm life, mure enjoyable and In a exciting v This Mill mean im ptovomout in'youri health ' V,- .' , Our Offerings In real eg' ate. Include many farmlands mid bousi s and are well woith favor utile Liin-ido'iition. The prices are -v rv atlruuliv and wi'h a oompara- 1 voly a null amount you'll be able to par-bate a nire laim borne. Write . lor mil particulara. La Grande, Oregon DIHEOTORB: r n a o - a n n a a n n a D n D a in three yearly payment1, bearing in ter. M- Hi the rule of six per 0 nt per Htii)ti:tt Tin niri'h4nrr can riMitain where le iniikH tin itnnmliate change in bia hitHint. or Inline ii'tfrrtfta making hia pre ..nl litiiiiii'. pay fi r hi. invt atmeiU itriitir'.i x i. linn' while the orchard i. I.eini; liriinht H. (n henring condi tion and n.i a-pun-d that skilled hor t.cnltiiiali-ia w 11 do the woik better linn lu oA'i mil. h Iihh had bortl riiitnnil t'it'rii'iuM under couditiona exiwlinji in 1 Irii'ii . Alter trtea Ijave hud .i-ii-ni iiie e.ir" pruning and ahap- t' r thr.e ji ih, the inbaepuent I ' fk i nineh mure methodical and lean oe aiu'raliiily dune hy thesewitb- As an invrntment it i fitiilt edge; and is the neare.t pnHnihle apprcaoh to a gnarai teed annuity. have nl. onr Hoik done bv oon trant and the eonlractora are under heavy b mil to i.a lor the faithful pre lormanoe of their work. We have executed a bond to the! amount of StiMHiO and have annnint. ed Hon. J M t'iniich, cashier ot the ' La (irande National tlauk, trnatee to indemnify any partiea purchasing land on the Wrunile Hands V'alley Fruit Farm Irom w vln: my suffer by out nut fultllliug our obligations. La OfaMde Eveflltlg Observer CUBEET UBO&, Edlton Prfpe Entered at tba Port Office at La Grande, Oregon, as Baoond CUss MaU Hatter. C Published daily except Sunday one year in advance. $8 60 Six months in advance. ..3 60 ...65c . . . .6c Per month Single copy MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST U 8K4 UNION COUNTY BLANKETS TO MASSACHUETTS. The Union Woolen Mills this week shipped ten cases of wbite blankets to Wellesley Col lege, Mass., au order ' secured against tbe hardest fort of east ern competition,-- victory for superiority. Oregon beats the world for blankets, and Union claims first place." Union Re-. publican. The Observer cannot resist the temptation of using the a bove short but important item as a text to enable it to give some facts to show the possibili ties iu store for this county when, it more fully tbau it does now, utilizes its latent sources of wealth. Tbe fact that factory situated more than three hun dred miles from the nearest sea port on tbe west and some 2,600 miles from the North ,Atlantio coast on the east, to be reached only by rail, bar been able to sell a portion of its textile fabric in a stale that is renowned for ies textile factories and is locat ed on the North Atlantic sea board, shows what pluck, energy and integrity can do and has done in Union county, Oregon. To fully comprehend the pluck it required to attempt to sellTJhion county Oregon made blankets in Massachusetts it must be remembered that Mass, achusetls is a great manufactur ing state holding the first rank in the manufacture of woolen fabrics with a capital of $90,128, 754 invested in 195 faotories Mhicb in 1900 gave employment to 1,048 salaried officers and olerks to whom were paid in j salaries $1,710,094 and 42,069 wage earners to whom' were paid in 1900 $16,067,849. The in cidental, expenses of the 195 woolen factories in Massachusetts in 1900 were $4,019,232, the cost of material used being $49,120, 181 and the value of tbeproduet turned out was $81,041,537. These figures are given to show what a big interest our little woolen factory tackled when it proposed to sell blankets in Massachusetts. But Massa- chusetts was not the only com petitor for the men who pur chase blankets for the Wellesley college t re a thrifty aet and doubtless extended their inquir ies for good nd cheap blankets throughout the United States aud Europe. In the United States tbe oollegiates in search of blankets had 1,414 woolen factories to dicker with, all noxious to sell blankets. These had $310,179,- 749 capital invested with 4,495 ulticiala and clerks on their pay rolls to whom they paid as salar ies iu 1900 $6,455,495. These same factories in 1900, in ad ditiou to their officials and olerks had 159,108 laborers to whom they that year paid 157,. 933,817. The same year their miscellaneous expenses in oper ating their faotories were $17,- 329.932 aud they paid out for materiul used $181,150,127, malting a total outlay for the year of $262,869,571. For this outlay a product was turned out lo tbe value of $296,990,484. It any one will take the trouble to scan tbe ubove figures ihey can but admire the pluck 'he managers of the Union county factory exhibited in daring to compete with such an enormous capital and skill It is a marvel that tbey succeeded; aud the fact that they entered the list as competitors shows that they possess not only pluck to Uake the efion but energy to assemble in this remote region tod operate with i-kill macbiuerv to do as good work here as can be done anywhere in the world, and integrity to lurnish stock iu nf.cl aicoru wib their rain pie and promises. ; ' This incident demonst rater that Oregon can, and strengtli- ena the hope tbas iu the m ar future it will be a great inanu factoring " elate with Union county at the bead. ROOSEVELT AND PARKER Whether the meeting at Onl lege Point, L. I., where Becre tary - Shaw made hia formal opening spaecb of the campaign was largely attended and en thusiastic or small in point of numbers ani cold iu apprecia tion may be learned according to the politics of the paper con taining au account of the pro ceedings lis size is of small moment. The audience of Sec retary Shaw was the whole country, for his speech was sent broadcast, and now thinking man ovei looked it. Iu the course of his speech be said: "The Republican party, when it came into power, found the Trea.su.'' depleted, givernicent credit practically exhausted and no banks under government supervision, aud, therefore, iio authorized aud stable currency as distinguished from coin, in the hands of tbe people." If be Baid no more than that be would have told in it the whole foundation of the linun cial policy of the republican party. That policy is written iu the stability of value of every coin minted and of every prom ise to pay issued by the United States Government, because of the coueeivative, the wholesome and tbe inflexible character of legislation enacted by the repub lican party where the finance'- of the country and, therefore, all substantial interests were in volved, even iu tbe remotest From 1875, the date of the passage of the resumption act against which Senator Henry Qassaway Davis, of West Vir ginia, voted and spoke there has not beeu the slightest devia tion ou tbe part of the republi can party from the safe and solid foundation of a gold standard and a ourrency redeemable in gold and worth its face value in any country in the world. For continuation of that financial policy the Chicago convention, the republican party and Theo dore Roosevelt st and pledged but what of Parker and the party down whose throat David Bennett Hill crammed him? As the Commercial Tribune has pointed out, Judge Parker, claiming to be "a sound money man," voted for Bryan in 1896 and in 1900 on a free and un limited coinage of silver plat form, and his partisan loyalty would have iuduced him to repeat the vote on a similar platform had fate and David Bennett Hill allowed the no ml nation of Mr. Bryan in 1904. Not all the telegrams Judge Paiker might have wired to St. Louis could write sound money in the democratic purty. Neither can Judge Psrker, standing on a platform amrming free sliver and its uuiimiteJ coinage iu 1896 and in 1900, and on another iu 1904 which is silent with the silence of cowardice ou tbe question. He stands out in marked contrast to Theodore Roosevelt, as his party stands out iu marked contrast to the Republican party By the two meu the parties will, be judged, equally with the afhmntive position of the Republican party on the finances and the skulking evasion of the St. Louis con ven ion and its following. Com mercial Tribune. Prevents Bright' s Disease and A. T. WkX'hmTUL A.DQ U ARTK Hi A complete stock of professional paper. answered promptly. La Grande Urut! Co. and Red , v 4ir t FULL Chain wood 128 cubic feet to the cord. 10-mrli diy wood $3 per cord. This i3 cheaper t li nn ly the Von pay for what yon get Phone s7i Special Excursion to the - World's Fair. The Denver and Rio Grande, in ood. oeution with tbe Missouri Pucille, will rou a serioa of personally con duet4id excursions to the World's fair during June. These excursions will run through to St Louts without change ot cars, making short stops at principal points urouto. The first of these excursions will leavj Portland June'?, and the second June 17. The rate from La (i ran do fill be $G0 to St. Louis and return Excursionists go ing Ala tbe Denver A Rio Hraude have the privilege of returning by a differ ent route. This is tle most pleasant way, as well as the most delightful route to croBB the continent. 1 he stops arranged give an opportunity of visiting in and about Kansas city. j If you wish to accompany one of these excursions write at ome to vv j mc Kride, 124 Third street, Portland, for Sleeping car reservations The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Loul.iaua Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot atTord to overlook the advantages ottered by the Misaocsi Paoivio Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, has been appropriately uatnes 'The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take tbe Missoobi 'pacific t j ainB from Deu ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via 'Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two traius daily from Denver and Pueblo tu St. Louis without change, carrying all classes ol molcri eiiiiin inent, including electric lighted iiIm.-i. vatinn parlor cafe dining ears. Ten uauy train ocrween Kansas, ti) '.ni St Louis. Write, or call on W. C. Mcl'il le, General Agent, U'4 I bird si, I'm Min i for detailed Information md illustrate literature. 1 1. Dr. I' A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregun Phone 13H1 Residence phone 701 THAT TlKED KEEL1NO If you are latiquid, depressed and iucnpabie for work, st Indicates that your liaer is out of order. Herbiue will assist nature to throw otf head aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore tho onergie and vitality of sound and perfect health J .1 Hubbard, Temple, TexaB, writes, March 2i 191)2: "I have used Herbine for tbe past two years. Iti.hna; done me more good than all the doctors. When I foe bad and have that tiied fueling I take a dose of Herbine. It is the beat medicine ever made for chills and fever." 60c U a bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. Change of Management. Tho undersigned has purchased the busin so known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game find poultry at the very lowest prices consistent with tirst-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, hogs aud a ieep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meat market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER THE MARKETS (July 30) New Vork Silver 53 5 SL'nlon P.ciflo 95 5-8,Pfd9;Il-2 CbicaffO SeDt wheat nnennrl flf 3 ft a 8!) 5 8 and closed at 00 1-4 Bailey 42 a 50, flax 1.17 1-2, northwestern 11.24 fi.io rranoiaoo ash wheat il.37 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 67; Bluostem 72 j Valley 78. Cattle Beat steers K) a H3.2&: me. dium 13, cows $2 a $2.25. MIMYClliE HILL, Druggist, La Giande, Oregon i i m -.w,- .-. i i i r -1f;,.geMi-I:-1fS w. ... TC.dak mul Kod:ik Supple Plates at w measukk hy 'the Corrl li.tin loml. ni.d gel what you pay lor H. W. NIBlEY a.-. .4t. .-VsV-asV Classified Ads FUKNISHKI) KOOMS Parties desire inv niiely furnished rooma apply to (1 I) Simmons corner S and M street. rOK 8ALK A rumplete ihreshin out lit inquire of Ju l Uraper at th Audioes Kanrli. Pasture Plenty of good pasture tl per head per ii-olittl, Phone 1276. All Kinds of Work Wesley Dnvis does all kinds of scav enger work, such aa cleaning wells., cesl po.ls, etc. Hive him a cull.. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. f am now prepared to fill orders fOi all kinds ol luinDer. nwmneea luui her see pr.cea beiore or '-ng. ft i. . nnanui Prop, hutubotv fcitore. Pianc Instruction. Firs class instruction on the piano, Harriet li Young, Phone 1U31 July 27. Wood Saw Orders for pawing; promptly executed Phone 181(1. residence on Osboru St. Teriua reatonublc. CI W Allen Sweet Cream Coniineiii-in Thursday Jm.o I6th"the Gninde Homlu Cremnery k will be prepared to furnish wwet cream in luuuity to suit, whole palo and retail Uomtsmber tbe place Hunttngions new building next dour tu tire building, tf. LOST On thH etreotd of La Grande a B 'Hli d letter from the Urownsville Bank addrerjsed to O 1 tioodnll, finder will plcBPe return to post.olllce. KORE BALK Good work teams. Have ouo litftitteum. I'or full par ticular, u-rms and prices address K E Veliers H P D No 1 La Giande Oregon. J'21. Machinery For Sale Oiie 20 II r fire box boiler, J I case One 1G inch ecKiriPHQine make One resHwiut; machine One rip sawing machine One wooden fiauie teuonor Ouo ti in -h sidvd moulder 11 in good stmpe. Taken out to in. stall larger plaDt Stoddard Lumber co. La Grande Dressmaking r itst Class dressmaking at reasonable price!. Iuquire for Mis Mary Coon, late ol Miattle, at Mrs Hhearera rooms. For Sale One end one fourth neres mar Court ttouso with n room house will toll both lawn and bouse or either. J F Baker. FOU SALE AND KF.NT On account of ill health we will lease our forty five room looming house, bich is doing a good llrst class business torenponsi. lile paities lor a term of years. Will sell the furniture, at reasonable prices lor purtioulars call on or address W. H. Ferguson, La (irande, Oregon. J IU tf Congrrtulations Mr John II Cillom, Editor of the Harlan I, Texas, News, has written a lener ol conitratiiktior.s to the manu facture ol Uli.uiberlain'e Cough Re medy, aa follows: "sixteen years ago heu our lirst child was a harry he was sulije. t to croiipv spells and we would be very uneasy almut him. We began using i'hanilierlain'a Couah Remedy in N87, and finding it suchu reliable re. medy for roldsaud cr.-un we hnvenevar I beeu without in the honse since that time. We have five chit .iren and have giveu it to all of them with good re suits." For sale by all druggiata. Notice to Contractors Sealed bid. will he received until 2 o'clock P M Saturday August 61904 for the construction ol a two story frame residence building accordion to p lans and scitii ntions which maybe etn at the residence of Mrs Z Patty, or nt th residence of UK Thornton, A chhe. t, l.a (jrar.de, Oregon, at whlcii latter place hi. Is will bo opened. Bidders Invite I ti. In ,,...,, fi... .. serves the right to reject any and all airs ti ratty. Diabetes ---- t holesHle prices Mail orders Cross Drug Co lliai the' way to , reach a man's heart is through'; his. stomach. Try it bv using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious heraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are tiie first store the fanners' call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, e'c. Special attention given to phone orders. ,1 l Geddes Bros. MEAT CLH1MS a lnrge place in tho food qu -action It is essential therefor thtt tbe meat be good. Tough, gristly steak, or day j nice I ens toasts will spoil any meal -Suppose you consult ur on THE MEAT QUESTION We know and buy the best kind. Vou can rely on our knowledge tud onr de sire to hold your trade to get you tbe finest meat yon evr (dosed your teeth on. As fur prices, well we are not so foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas SSSFS TU UMOUS LITTLE FILLS. Par a,Mt relief from BIlloiunM., I aioa namaeno, lorpia uw, uaun dica, DuuIoimi. and til troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, D Witt's LUlla Early Rlwrs art aa-' M.ualM. Thayaotaromptly and never grips. They era so dainty that 1 1 Is a pleasure to tak uwm. One to two act aa a mlU laaathr.-, two or four aot aa a pleasant and elf active oathartlo. They an Barak vegetable and absolutely aamlaaa, Thsy tonlo the llvtr. M.SA..D oakv rnr B. C. D.Witt A Co., Ct-UeaaJ A M By All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If so, purchase your th kot via the ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SY TEMS. Choice of routes going or returning via ST.PAUL. TlKNVER, COLORADO St'KINOS, or PUKHLO. For rates call on your local Agent. Dates of sale: June 16-17-18 Jnlv 1-2-3 Aug. 8-9-10 Sei t. 5-0 7 Oct. 3-4-5. For further information and sleeping car reservations call upon or address AU Mc Dnriald . , , . , Gen'l Agent 140 Third St., Portland, Ore Ctv Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Wells Cleaned All work done bv Scavengers N- N. Ma son Phone 1841 Ln Grande Or. Of SPICES q COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER. PlJWORINOEXTRACTSi MluirSjriry, finesr flavor, Onafetf Sfrenjfh, PeasoMbk Price CL0SSET & DEYERS ' PORTLAND, OBECCN. Each? I A 9