La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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... Tonight and ,c ,.
A n tirv - inn un tn WrkAtr-ii linn, iw;
thy drainage water, tod craMed but
nadi r the edge of tne sidewalk.
Reports to the Effect
that Port Arthur Had
Capitulated Is Not
London, July 39 A report- wai cm
rot thia afternoon that the futressof
Fort Arthur bad oupituUtrd but on
confirmation ol th report or oar nova
ol any kind has reached London for
the morning papers.
Che Foo, July 30 Refuge' t just ar
rived from Port Arthur confirm the
pievioun reports that a general assault
has been begun by the Jpaoeee and
deolare that tbe Russians aresanguine
that tbe Japanese oouM not suoceed
in capturing the place, even though
tbey bad twice as many troops.
The Unseiaua, according to the refu
gees' stories, are stil hopiof for succor
Irom Kuropr tkio.
Tbey are unwilling to believe the
reports of his defeat at Ta Tobe Kino.
The refugees confirm tbo reporis
that tbe Rusnian fleet is in a state of
repair, but say the fleet was unwilling
to attack that of Admiral T''go on
account of the mines which tin Jap
anese place uiginly at tbeenlrace to
the harbor.
It is blieved at Port Arthur that if
the Vladivostok fquadronor reinforce
ments from Kuropatkin should arrive
the Russian Beet would lake the riBk
of going out.
Amunit on is said to bs growing
scarce and the large fi-rt guns are not
often discharged
City Jail Break
Pendleton, July 30 At 3:15 this
afternoon tbe escape of three men
from the city jvl was discovered. As
nearly as can be ascertained the es
cape was made about half an hour be
fore theii absence was noted. The
miesiog men, accorJug to the re
maining seveo men in the jail, exorted
their united strength so pull up the
o'.oset bow) and insecurely lastened
Door boards beneath. Then tbey drop
ped down into the bole Blind with 61-
New Yr'rk, July 30 The federal
grind jury tiday pieseoled the result
of the investigation of the Klooum
disaster o Judge Thomas and it was
agr'ed between the oourstl and I be
pourt that those indicted appear next
Monday to plead and offer bail. Dis
trict Attorney Buanef admitted that
the indictments inolude Captain Van
Schaick and Inspectors Lundbarg and
Fleming.' Kromothei souroes it is
learned that Frank J. Barnaby, presi
dent, James K. Atchison, secretary
and Frank 3. Dexter, treasurer of tbe
Knickerbioker Steamboat cowpany
and Captain Pease, . of tbe steamer
Grand Republic were also indicted.
The bail w 11 probably be fixed at $5
000 in eacb case.
Nelson Wins
- San Francisco, July 29, In one
of the fieroest battles ever witnessed
iu this city "Battling" Nelson of
Chicago toniiibt defeated Eddie Han
Ion of Ban Francisco tbe end coming
in the nineteenth round,
It was almost an even thing until
the fifteenth. After tbat the tide of
battle began to go toward Neleon,
i'be going in tha eigutee th saved
Uanlon from defeat and in the next
round be came up so badly dazed tbat
Nelson had blur at bis mercy and was
battering bim around tbe ring until
the looal lad beoame so helt.neas
tbat the spectators protested.
Simultaneously with a signal from
the police to top the contest, a towel
was thrown Into tbe ring from Hanlons
corner and Nelson was declared tbe
Day too, O. July L L Lmb, tbe
"Paul kevere ol tbe West," was in this
oity today en route to Oicoinnati tobe
operated on. ;
Loeb in tbe fall of 1902 saved thou
sands of lives in Colorado by riding
abtad und announcing tnebreakiug of
a reservoir during a fierce storm.
Itlnbis ride hewas seriously injur
ml, and Iparalysie' of.-his.leftiside re-
. 'Masts' "'" . '.' i ...
Big Judgement.
The Baker Oity Herald says Judge
Oalklnsou Thursday rendered a de
cision in oase of V F Curize and
otheri against tbe : Iron Dyko mine
giving the plaintiffs judgment fir
$181,832 and tbe further sum of $8000
att rney fees.
Washington July 30 Benstnr-, For
aker arrived bare today and will leave
for Cincinnati the Inst of tbe week'.:
- After arranging some business mat
ters there he will go to San Franci co
and from there to Hawaii.
He will' be aooomapanled by bis
family, and will be gone for sbSut
two month,:.
Paris July 30 Tbe oonncil of min
isters today disoiisscd tbe differences
with the vatio n government in a ses
sion of three hours. Premier Combes
afterward said tbe proprieties did not
allow a statement from bim at this
time. This is taken as an indicator,
that a rupture has actually occurred
St Petersburg July 30. M Duruove,
who was M Vou Plehve's assistant, has
teen appointed minister of interior ad
Gouged Out His Eye
Corvallis, July 30. Jesse Chpsley,
a timberman at the Benton County
Lumber company's logging camp, a
bove Philomath, had bis eye gouged
oompletely nut Saturday. While com
ing down a steep hill near the camp
he stumbled and fell on a vine maple
snag, striking it in such a way as to
dig the eyeball out, but not to tear it
Young Ches-ley for. id tbn 1 Mil 1 bn k
iiito its piece as be-t be could, and
hurried to Philomath for medi nl
assistance. Dr. Neath, the only sur
geon of tbe place, was absent In San
Francisco, and another pbysioian ould
not be procured. Mr Ches ley, though
suffering great pain, may yet save his
Mrs. L. Given and daughter Lois
left thia morning for Pendleton where
they will vieit friends.
Miss Jeanette Clark left last night
for Hilgard where she will te tne
guest of Mr, and Mra. Luther Ward,
Which you can find on our shelves, counters arjd tables during the closing days of our
MONSTER J ULY CLEARANCE SALE Not bargain goods but high cla-a goods of real
merit and worth, at REAL BARGAIN PRICES. Don't wait, yesterday WAS, Tomorrow
MAY BE, hut today IS THE TIME to come and get them. They will uot be here Next
Year, next month and more than likely aot tomorrow TODAY? Yes, onme today.
Ladies Hals HALF PRICE
Ladies Shirt Waists, H ALF PRICE
$6 50 Shirt Waist Sutis, now $4 85
4 50 Shirt Waist Suits, now 8 60
22 50 Ladies Black Silk Coats, 16 50
Vi 60 Ladies Champaign Silk Coats, 8 98
7 50 Champaign Brilliantine Coats, 5 30
2 00 Silk waist patterns, 4 yards, 1 48
75o Crush Leather Beltf, now 45o
30c Mens Underwear is now 19 cents
1 25 Mens Dress Shirts Reduded to 98c
75c-l 00 Mens Drf as Shirts now 69 cents
25 and 35c Mens Straw Hats now at 15 cenls.
1 60 and 1 75 Mens and boys Shoes now 118
Organization Formed
Protect Fish and Game
and Stock Streams with
Better Fish V C
Last eyenlug at a meeting held in
the Commercial Club rooms tbe Ore
gon Fish and Qame Association was or
ganized. Tbe meeting was well attend
ed and all expressed themselves as
heartilv in favor of some sort of organ
ization which would enable them to re
stock tbe many streams with fish
wbiob will enable tbose Inclined to
8P"nd a day trout fishing to And some
thing worthy of tbe time and energy
expended. ' Tbe following officers were
eleoted : president, H J Hockenbeiry;
secretary, Geo. L Cleaver. An execu
tive committee was appointed which
will prepare by-laws and open mem
bership books.' The committee is as
follows: Wm. Miller, A V Andrews,
Geo. L Cleaver and Prof. H.J. Hock
onberry. ' " ,
The object of the association will be
to restock tbe streams in thia and
Wallowa comities, see that the Hsu and
game laws are not violated and assist
the state officers to enforce the laws
now eimcteu. Every member of the
association is to consider himself a
gan.e warden and report to the proper
authority any infraction of the law he
may discover. The association expects
to te ure a membership of over three
hundred. Every person who Is at all
ntvrestrd In our uBhing streams abonld
become a member of tbe association.
St. Louis, Mo., July 30. Members
of the families of many of the striking
iiacking houxe employes have applied
to tbe managers of the bouses for aid,
and a relief bureau bas been established
at each plant.' All found to be worthy
receive provisions. Most of the ap
plicants aay the beads of tbe families
would gladly return to their pluoes,
bat are afraid of personal injury.
Bridge Repair
The atone mason work of 50 nnroh
is completed and several men and team
are working on the filling is nec
essary to complete the d image wrought
by the late flood to tbe Island (Jltv
bridge and In a few days the job of .re
pairer win De cornpletod
Wanted in Portland
Ponland, July SO. The . Portland
police were notified of Joshua Cref-
Ueld's capture. Oeffield Is wanted here
on a charge of adultery. Deotivea will
leave for Corvallis this evening and re
turn with the prisoner tomorrow. -
among tbe three residuary heirs,
Walla Walla Union.
Lumber From Portland
During July there was shipped from
Portland to California; 7,800,608 feet of
lumber. The exports to places outside
of the Uulted. States from Portland for
the month teached 2,400,000, making a
total ror the month of 1,090,508 feet.
Miss Delia Gutridue ami M!n Pn-
nie Logedon returned from . woaLo
outing at Ladd Canyon.
President of Chicago
Teamsters Union Ar
rested for Trying to In
fluence Srrikers
: Chicago, July SO President Geoige
Q 1dm of tbs teamsters union turned
pioket today and in attempting to
turn baok a wagon from the yards was
arrested by lospeotor Hunt. Later
after a protest of the leaders, be was
released on bail.
Dio!rinf. tbe Lord bad commission
ed him tj end tie strike, John Leed,
a negro, oaused muoh excitement in
the yards tiday. He was arretted
afu r a hard stragrle and found to be
orryiiig a huge loaded revolver. It is
thought he is lusane. '
: Eighty negroes being transported to
the yards in two oare on Ibe Lake
8,iore rei'roaa Here thrown into a
panto by lurious attack by a mob
throwing stonrs which demolished
every window in the traio." Police
men ou the train beat biok tbe rioters
while tbe frighten-d negroes bid under i
tbtir teats, and the train finally was
permitted to pull away.
An attempt to smuggle out - nm
union meat from the yards by snbter
fuge oompletely failed. Tbe meat bad -been
loaded by the Amours into a :
wagon of tbe Great Western Art com- .
pany. The wagon eluded tbe piokcts ''
at Ibe yards.- Shortly afterward tbey
learned of tbe plan, and overtook the
wagon and compelled tbe driver to re-
turn where the meat was unloaded it':
tbe yards. - '
Riots at the Nelson Morris bran ll
in South Ohioago oaused the arrest of
Ave men who attaoked retail dealers
going for supplies. ' .. '
(July 30)
New fork-Silver S8 5 8Unlon PsolUo
95 5 8,1'fd 93 1-2
Chicago Sept wheat opened 88 3 8 -"
a 80 5 8 and olosed at 90 1-1 Barby
12 a 50, flax 1.17 1-2, northwestern tl.ii :
San Franoisoo Ceah wheat fl.tlT
Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 07;
MuestemTij Valley 78. '
Cattle Best steers 3 a $3.26; me
dium (3, cows S2 a (12.25. ::'.
Read this paper and The Wtaklx
Corvallis, Ore., July 30. Joshua
Creffleld, the Holly Roller apostle, wa
discovered in biding under the dwell
ingot of O Shurt In this city, this
morning and is now confined in tbe
county jail in tbls city. The bouse
where he was found la the same at
which household artlolee, musical in
struments; wearing apparel and other
articles of value were burned several
months ago. When uieoovered Ureffield
was naked and in a half famished con
dition. During late weeks one by one
tbe followers of thnseot bave been sent
to the insane asylum and to tbe boys
and uirls home at Portland. In all
half a dozon have been sent to the asylum.
Serious Accident
Uyron Goodall, while working with
a tiara at Morgnn Lake last week, was
struck in the eye with a piece of bal
ing wire and so seriously injured that
he had to be brought home. - For some
time it wsa feared by his attending
physcian, Dr. Smith, that be would
lose the organ but now be expresses
the belief that he will be able to save
tbe eye.
1 For tbe next thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced" '
Prices. :.
! " If you are in neod of anything for 8ummer Wear it will be to your advantage to
look over our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All wash goods on sale at one
:thirdoff.' "!;! '
-i'All wash wash shirt waists at a reduction of 25pernent.
- - On Wrappers, Kimouas, and Dressing Saques we will save you 20 per cent.
Just what you will need for these warm days.
The Chicago Store
Seattle, July 30. A special to the
Post Intelligencer from Leavenworth,
Waab., Bays:
Tbe east bound freight train on the
Great Northern railway was wrecked
between 4 and 5 o'clock last night near
here and Engineer John McGourley
The engine struck a boulder that
rolled down on the rails and was
thrown with the tender off tbe track
close to the water's edge.
Jim Jtin
$9,000 FOR
Whitman Uolloiie will draw, it Is es
tl mated, from $8000 to S9000 from tbe
bequest of Mi's Priscilla Livermore, of
Utixbury, Mass., reported some time
alto. The rallege draws a definite leg
ncy of 8O0O, and It is made on of
t "! tbi- rnnliluary legatees after tbe
S).eiin1 bequests aro distributed. Tbe
latter, Including tbe S3000 to Whitman
amounts to about $12,000, leaving the
lialance of $30,000 estate to be divided J.aiiasnmiiiitii
. If you knew that the recovery ofj some sick 1'iiend depended on the
strength and purity of certain drugs or on the accuracy of their compound-,
iug, what points would you consider when deciding where to take the pre
scription? The essential requirements, we think, ate theiie, and all of them
. apply to this store: Drugs are sure to be freshest where t.'flde is largest.
' Stock is sure to be best where physicians go to buy. Remedies are most
reliab.e where standardized and assayed drugs are used. Compounding
will be most accurate wbere the presoriptionist has had greatest practical
1 ' .