La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 29, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Tenlght tod .
Tomorrow (a lr and warmer .
No 2 East bound 0 :10 p m outline
No 5 West 8:6 p m on llme ;
:,.p;v' -,-..-v ...... .
U il 11: 1 1 T -1 i
Prohibition of Aerial
Torpedo Expires Will
Russia or Japan Use
London, July 29. The prohibition
imposed by The Hague conference up
on the discharge of aerial torpedoes
from balloons or flying machines will
epire by limitation tomorrow. Eog.
Ilsh military and naval experts now
speculating on the possibility of either
of the belligerents in the fsr east em
bracing the opportunity to add new
terrors to the warfare in Manchuria.
It is known (hat both the besiegers and
the besieged at Port Arthur are sup
plied with observation balloons which
might easily be converted into engines
of deadly destruction.
It was with the greatest difficulty
that tbs powers represented at the
Uajjae conference, through their mili
tary delegates, tnonaged to ru icb an a
greement upon rules governing war,
and this particular aeotion was bitterly
fought over, although it is one of the
few which the ilritisb and United
Slates governments accepted wilhou'.
reservation. To make easier the
reaching of an agreement aa to the use
of aerial warships, It was determined
that the rule should be tried for a per
iol of Ave years and It ia this periol
which expires tomorrow and leavi-a the
fighting nations free to use aerial tor'
pedoes, flying machines and dirigible
balloons without violation of the rules
of war.
'llie wood tick that lives upon the
body of a gopher ia said to carry the
niicr jbe of a disease known as "spot
ted fever" into the human body, and
as 90 per oent of the "spotted fevrr"
cates prove fatal to the human family
there has been a determined effort on
the purl of medical men to classify the
disease and and an antidote for it.
The Investigation has been csrrled to
an advanced stage by the Oregon state
board of health, and Dr. Hatson, the
hactrrlologist, has satisfied himself
that the disease ia actually transmit
ted to man through the bita of ithe
gopher tick. The Investigation first
started in Idaho, where the bite nf the
tiok ia particularly fatal. Its victims
were chiefly sheep herders and pros,
pectors. The disease attacked man in
ma h the same manner as spinal men
ingitis, and an eruption under the akin
followed Its course. It was for a long
time thought to be oansed by drinking
now water, but now is attributed to
one of the animal microbes. The fever
made an annual visitation to Harney
county, and the Baker City country
and usually prevails during June, July
and August. It ia not usually fatal
here, as It ia about Bitter Root valley,
Idaho, although In both plaoia the
gopher is very plentiful and his blool
is found to be swarming with the mi
crobes. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, secre
tary of the rtate board of health, had a
guinea pig inooulated with blood from
an afflicted man at Hood River, and the
little animal died within 48 hours The
doctors are now seeking an anti toxin
that will destroy the effects of the tick
Wires Condolences
Paris, July 29. President Lonuet
on the receipt of the news of von Pie
hve's death telegraphed the o?ar an
expression of his personal oondolences
and the general horror ct Franre over
the crime.
Foreign Minister Delcasss called on
the Russian embassy and bad a private
interview with the Russian ambassador.
In every part of the country there is
work for the humane society and lov
ers of humanity to do. If justice were
meted out to ih se who mistreat dumb
animals in their keeping, the oreulty
daily practiced would to an extent be
abolished. A case which is constantly
before the eyes of travelers over the
Prlneville Shantko stage line is that of
old Billy, a poor old horse w ho is
presied into serv ce between Willow
creek and Heisler station. Billy is
said to be over twenty yeara old and
from his gaunt looks, game leg, and de
jected appearance might be forty. Be
has served his time, being used as a
beast of harden for almost a score of
years, and in the opinion of passengers
over the line should be retired on a
pension ' But instead is compelled to
galiop over bill and dale, though he
can scarcely keep op.' He 1b the sub
ject ot sympathy from all but his own
er, who apparently has no respect for
age. Dalles Chronicle.
Read this paper and The Weekly
taste bread Instead, they were given
flour, whiob tbeyate mixed with water
and some even without water. In spite
ol this entire absence of proper food,
the soldiers proved their aroatiog en
durance by constructing heavy earth
works on their line of retreat."
Has Been Unusually
Warm and Dry, which
was Favorable for Har
vest Work.
The w ether during the week baa
been unusually warm and dry, which
wa favorable for harvest work, but it
caused the grain to fill and ripen a
little too fast. Fall wheat west of the
Cascades has mostly been cut and
shoeked, and et of the Cascades ita
hatvaat is prorvsving rapidly. But
little thrashing baa yet been done in
the Willamette valley. In the' Col
umbia River valley and in Southern
Oregon the yitlde are generally report
ed to be belter than expeoted. Early
sown spring wheat and oati wete great
ly improved bp the raius of last week
and they primtee from fair to good re
turns. Late aowu spring wheat and
oats ar thin, heading short, and gen
erally so poor tbat they are bsiug cut
for bay.
Feed on the ranges continues better
than usual, but in the Willameit'
valley pasturage is getting ehoit aud
stock is beaioing to lose Seib. Where
property cultivated bops gardens, corn
p jtitoes and fii-ld onions are doing
well, but they all, aa well as pasturage
would be greatly bptmfited by morn
riu. Home epr tying h is been dune
in the hop yards, hut the hot weather
killed miatot tbe lice, and as a nil
the yard are remarkably dee lr in
vermin. Apples oontinue to drop, but
not to an alarming exleul and an av
erage or better than an average omp
of appl is txpeou-d. P--e i an. I
blackberries are plentiful ad ea.l
apples and early peara io rife.
Russia Explains Disaster
8t. P.Hrrbjrg, Ji'v 28 Russians
now declare that it waa hunger, and
nut the J.inanee. which fciced th m
from their positions on tlie Yalu. The
Yuzhabya RyBsiya pobltuhea a dis
patch from its war oorrespnudent, in the lollowioE paasage ocours:
"For eight daya duriDg and after
tbe Yalu biUla our men did not one
Portland Post Office
Ch irlea A. Bruokbard Assistant
post matter at Portland Oregon will
be released by J. J. 8hepley on Mon-
... j
They Proved It1.
Althongh It waa demonstrated more
than 2000 years ago that tbe earth ts
globular in form, there 'are certain per.
sons who maintaiu that it la flat. A-
bont 35 yeara ago a controversy on the
subject waxed so hot that it waa de
termined to put the matter to direct
experiment in order to settle tbe ques
tion once for all. .
The place chosen was near Bedford,
England, where there la a straight six
mile stretch of water At both ends
and in tbe middle of this water posts
were erected, each of the same definite
height above the water level. Upon
looking with a telescope along the tops
of these three posts it was clearly eeea
that tbe center one overtopped the
others by about six feet, owing to the
curvature of the surface Of the earth
B. B. B.
Rev. flilaa Rnnllnw nmhlMMiui ..n
didnlA fnr nnalittil ho. i . 1 B- .1
iterative pnrase, descriptive, as be as
serts or intimates, of the polioies and
methods of tbe eld parties. He calls
upon tne people to redeem the land
irom "nnnko, Doodle and booze."
21 More M D's
There are 21 new doctors in Portland,
they having been passed last night at
a meeting of the state board of n.edical
examiners, whloh waa held In the offloo
ot the seoretary, Dr. Byron E Miller.
There were 27 applicants.
Warns Russia that a
Repetition of Slights
will be Followed by
it . I! .-- t ; ' .
Reprisals. f
London, July 29 The London
Daily Express states that it baa ex
cellent reason! for stating that the lat
est note sent by Great Britain to Rue
si is not couched in tbe usual diplo
matic language but is Instead, a per
emptory demand for Immediate repar
ation for all slights planed ' upon tbe
British flag by Russia .'
It ia also aaated tba' R lsaia is warn
eJ tbat a repretilion i f tbe Knight
Commander affair will fee followed by
immediate reprisals on the part of
Great Britain.
Portland Ore , Julyv29. Slog Lope,
Chinaman, la the proprietor of a hop
yar.l noar Vancouver, Wash. Last year
st the bop picking time, oue of tbe
pr Itiest girls who worked In his yard
via Miss Emma Sohrum ot Mount Ta
bor, a auburb of Portland. He made
lovo to her in hia celestial way. Now
they are man and wife. Her industry
in picking bops first brought ber to his
nolhe. " "" "
The wedding of the white girl, who
is 21 years old, and the celestial of 46
years, occurred at Vancouver a few
dara ago.' It waa performed In tbe
presence ot an attorney and a wealthy
Ohiuese merchant of. Portland. After
the ceremony Ring gave a ( Chinese feast
to hie fl tends. '' . -
This was too much for Mrs Sing Lope,
so she went back to her family for a
week But now she and her Cblnese
husbaud are, working together in tbe
bop yard where they firs met. .
Trouble At World! Fair
; Tl e Portland journal gives out tbe
following i
i "An example o( extortionate - me
thods that sometimes creep into expo
sition management is seen at St. Louis
in the rxoessive rales charged against
state exhibits for transportation and
handling at tbe fair grounds, accord
ing to a St. Louis paper. As the i
alt of a meeting of stale oommission-
era in tbe Oregon building at the Bt.
Louis fair last week it was decided
tbat if tbe obnoxious obarges are . not
oancellsd by the Louisiana exposition
management the states will olose their
buildings and ship their exhibits borne ..
To tbe humble oitiien, who meekly '
gore to a big fair, juat hardens bis
heart and stiffens his neck and expect
to be bilked without remedy and stays
till be is broke, then goes home and aa
a sorry compensation for his oasb -ex
pended , brags about the good times lie
baa had.
Rise in War Risks.
New York, July 27. The looiiL .
marine Insurance oompanles repjrt a
sharp rise in war risk rates during the
week aa a direct reault of the action of
Russia In holding up , British and
German merchantmen at sea. ,
Plants Running At Kansas City
Kansas City, July 29 The packers
this morning withdrew their advertt-c-.
menu for belp, claiming to be sup
plied. No further sympathy with the
strikers is expeoted. Shippers have
bsen advised tbat the market ooc-t
tions will probably be normal fr ni.
now on,.
St. Paul, July 29 The picket hue
was resumed tbia morning with roms
disorder. One a.riker was srresied, .
Dashed to Death
Portland Joly 29. While riding a
bicycle from which the chain tad been
removed, down a steep incline near
(Jresham yesterday afternoon, John
Seasonwu, 17 years old, lost control
ot the wheel and was thrown violently
against a stump near theroadaide, sus
taining injuries from which be died a
short time later.
' Which you can find on our shelves, counters and tables during the closing days of our
MONSTER JULY CLEARANCE SALE Nojt bargain goode but high class goods of real
merit and worth, at REAL BARGAIN PRICE3. Don't wait, yesterday WAS, Tomorrow
MAY BE, hut today IS THE TIME to come and get thetu. They will not be here Next
Year, neit mouth and more than likely aot tomorrow TODAY? Yes. come today.
Ladies Hals HALF PRICE
Ladies Shirt Waists, H4LF PRICE
f S 60 Shirt Waist Sutis, now M 85
4 50 Shirt Waist Suits, now 8 60
22 50 Ladies Black Silk Coats, 16 50
12 50 Ladies Champaign Silk Coats, 8 98
7 50 Champaign Brilliantine Coats, 5 30
2 00 Silk waist patterns, 4 yards, 1 48
75c Crush Leather Beltf, now 45o
30c Mens Underwear is now 19 cents
1 25 Mens Dress Shirts Reduded to 98o
75c-l 00 Mens Dress Shirts now 69 cents
26 and 35c Mens Straw Hats now at 15 centa.
1 50 and 1 75 Mens and boys Shoes now
Band Concert
The La Grande Cornet Band will play
the following Progratr this evening a
8 o'clook, on the corner of Adams Ave
nue and d'pot streets.
March "Fall In Line" Rosey
Overture "Orion". Loaoy
Characteristic "Laughing Water"
1 lager
Waltze "Forest Park" Thomas
March ("Mesouri Mole") .... Blake
(No Kick Comin(
Prof. Hendricks Conductor
Something of Interest
I am nicely located In La Grande
in the Photograph bnsineBS and am
nrepaied to do all kinds of Photograph
ic work at prices as low as the lowest
and guaranteed as good as the bast I
am fully prepared to meet any com
petition, both in workmanship and
trices. It will pay you to investigate
this. Remembor the phve and look for
the sign. W t Hendricks Photographs
1st door weat of Foley Hotel
For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced
Prices. .. .. , - v .
" If you are in need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to
look over our stock before purchasing ehewhere. All wash goods on sale at ' one
third off. , ...
All wash waBh shirt waists at a reduction of 25 por ent.
On Wrappers, Kimouas, and Dressing Saques we will save you 20 per cent.
Just what you will need for these warm days.
The Chicago Store
New York, July 28. Corbett and
Jack O'Brien are matched for a alx
round go at Philadelphia in September.
I r- ;
Acute Stage ttz P
Loudon, July S K
ed in the house o '
oatv stse of
nnd paused, t
unteer vr
Li the
' '.,