' ' - ' .- ,; ' modi 1 BT I jCa Srando Snvestment' Company, 1110 Adama Avenue, iv.:"-! ' La Grande, Oregon , OFFICERS: Qao. Pauibb ......President J, M. Barer Vic President i, M.Chdbcu Cashier .. , F.L. Mbtkbs and Geo L Cleaver . La Grande National B nk i-' 'La Grande, Oregon t A . - CAPITAL' AND SURPLUS; $72,000.00 : ' : Transacts a general banking business. Buys and selli, exchange en all parte of tb world, . Collections a specialty. " ' ' . BOSS Meat Market ' Stellwell,& yandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Goal For Hot Weather Our Bock Spring coal will give satisfaction We always baye it on band. Castle Gute and .Clear Creek coal, too, if you would ruther have it We al ways have coal, all kinds and at lowest piiees..;' If you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. G. E- FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY . Phone i7o 1611 JOHN JAMISON W E STULL ELVA JAMISON We will cajl for it and bring it home wHenpromisedj ' We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business, i'ou can stop our wagon at any time or phono the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and can do your washing better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry e PHONE 1081. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY FRUIT FARM The Qiande KoiiiIh Valley Fruit Farm contains 32U uores and is to be sold ill lots pf Uve acres and up to Miit the purchaser. It is situated eight riles northeast of La Qrande, Oregon, near the Klgiu branch ol the O. II. & N. Railroad. We lurnisb the purchaser at the end el three years a thriitly growing apple oiohard,une that has been cured lur from setliug, in the most approved , manner, cultivating the land six to eighttimes a year , keeping tbeground ' well pulverised, and at all times !rn from weeds, grass and other vegetation I between Mav lei auii Autnst loth of ' eaoh year; keoping the trees pruned in the most scieuliflo manner : removing ( and burning all cuttings and tuckers, and in short do any and al work which will be lor the best interest of tne land and trees. We replant all trees that may die in ths first, second and third years, and pay alt tsxes on the land for three years We furnish the land labir and material aid trees and three yeef care, at the price cf flKO per aore, giving tbree years in wuich to pa for ir. Our terms Ol payment are 0 per cent of purobase prion, e,h ; b, lauce , by . THE TIME TO BUY good real estate U now. Tb plac U Howe Investment Addition wbera we ar selUcv choice lota, 195 by 213 feet tar fiOO to S'.'OO for cub or Installments ' Do yon not Know that money pat In to tho ritsbt kind of real estate Is one of the most profitable lnvestmentsr Home Investment Addition IU rapidly, and i he price of lota them bound to go up lu the near future, will be wise to purchase, now... DIRECTORS: . ; J. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conley, Oco. L. Clea- ver, Gob. Palmer , ;, ', Aunt. Cashier 742 FIR STREET. in three yrnrly payments, bearing In terest nt I lib rule of six per o nt per annum Tin purchaser cau remain wbere be is in. i It ii mi immediate change in bis business iir homo interests making bis preomil hiiBiin in pay for bis investment sacrificing mi time while the orchard is being brought into bearing condi tion end rest h-kutciI that skilled bur ticulturalmts will do the woik better than he can unless he has bad borti culturiil experience under oouditions existing in On gun. Alter trees hae had scientific earn pruning and shap i"g'r three years, the subsepuent wnrk n miifli mure meohodical and can oo n.icoe.slnily done by these with out horticultural skill As an investment it ii guilt edge; and is the uearest possible apprcaoh to a guaranteed annuity. 4 have sli our woi k done by oon traotandthe contractors are under heavy bunds to us lor the faithful pre- lornianoe uf tb"ir work. We have executed a bond to the mount of f 10,11(10 and have appoint ed Hon. J M Uhuinh, oashier oi the Im Grande Nation I 0ank,trnstee to indemnify any ,iarti?s puf.-basing lndon the Grande Kouda Valley Fruit Farm from us vbo may suffer out not fullllllng our obligations. Li Grande Evening Observer CURBEY BROtL, Editors Props Entered at tb Post Office at La U rands, Oregon, ma Beoond Class Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance...... $6 60 Six month in advance... .3 60 Per month. ......... . . ....65c Single copy .6c THURSDAY EVENING JULY 28, 1904 PLATE MATTER IN POLITICS. ; What is known in printing offices as plate matter is t k'nd of stereo-type or plate oast from a plaster of papier maobe mould, on which is a facsimile of the page of type as set np by the printer and which when fasten ed to a bloek .' may be used under the press ' exactly a; movable type. This devise enables large printing establishments in - the East to prepare and lend out to country newspapers, . cheaper than they can set it in their offices by band, large quantities of matter, inclnding ' stories, articles on science, lecturers and speeches. , Politicians , and oampaign committees were cot slow to take advantage of this device, which enabled them to supply country offices with such matter and cartoons which they wished to give' wide publioity to .. Our readers well remember seeidg the the same matter and o rtoons in numerous countrv papers ' during the last two presidential canvasses in Demo cratic papers, wherein the trusts and plutocrats, corporation?, "Lords of the Looms," coal mine nebobs, "Land Grabbers," and Wall Street were soundly abused, and without stient, by the word matter, and held np to ridicule, contempt and hatred by the hiddeous cartoons. The plate matter containing all such matter that did service for 2 campaigns and was read with suoh delight by tbe Demo crats for eight years must now be laid aside. Such matter is not good democratic reading in 1901. Democratic editors must now touch gingerly on trusts, corporations. Railroad mag nates and Wall Street, . because August Balmont a big chief of Wall Street dominated the late Democratic convention, selected its candidates stimulated its hope of success by giving it assurauce that by setting down on Bryan, Wall Street would contiibuie generously to the Democratic campaign fund, and the conven tion did sit down upon Bryan with an unfeeling lunge, and as the shout rose for Parker the hopes of a big contribution from Wall Street increased and grew to an assurance that the Demo crats would have the largest campaign fund it ever bad to muke a presidential fight with . As tbe Democrats most un mercifully set down on its most popular member to please Wail Street and secure a big campaign fuud it is reasonable to asutne that all the old plot matter detio uncing Wall Street will be rele gated to "innoxious disuilude.'' As the Democratic candidate for vice president is a very rich man, worth msny millions of dollars; is the owner of several railroads and contreliug spirit in something like a dozen com bines or trusts, has, some how, becomes the owner of several thousand acres of coal and tim ber land, the old plates with their drastio denunciations of plutocrats, coal barons, railroad tnagnetes, trust robbers, and land grabbers, will hardly be appropriate matter to induce people to vote for the tickot on whice he holds the second plaoe. We have long been boasting of tbe output of our gold and stiver mines, and mitnv ill in formed people imagine this to bo the principal source of our rational wealth. Yet the egg crop exceeds in vhIiio nil . tbe J gold and silver .mined in the ; United States, being wortb . annually over $45,000,000. Ac-, coidiog to government reports ' 00,000,000,000 went to market j in 1902, ul uu average price of! 1L15 cen'-s a . dozen , Iowa I stands at tbe bead of the egg states with au output of 101,000, 000 dozen yearly.' Ohio conies next with 92,000,000: Illinois, 87,000,000, and Missouri, 86, 000,000. ' The highest average price is '20 cents in Montana, aud the lowest is 7 cents in Texas American Farmer. WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WAS GIVE UP TO DIE, Soleffel, 1204 N. Vlnrtnta m. CvansviUe, In Ind., writes: rorovernv yean I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and wea all tun down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I bad three ol the best physicians who did me no good nd I waa practically given up to die. Foley' Kidney Cure was recommended ana tne nrat Dottle gave me great relict, and after taking the second borti t was Btuaqr cured." TWO SIZES, 50c AST) (LOO. MLB UD BECOHKEKDEO Bf A T Hf.LT, DRUGGIST IS THE COUNTY COURT, FOR TIIK COUNTY OF UNION, 8TATE OF OREGON. In the mattor of the estate of ) Citation ANOIE A WOOD, Deceased ) To William H. Wood and Percy M. Wood, GREETING In tbe name of the state of Oregon, Yon are herebj cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County 0! union, at tne uourt kooiii tuereor, at Union in the County of Union, on Monday, tbe lath day of Angust 1904, at 1 .SO o clock, in the eliernooii of thai dajr, then ai.d there to show cause i any you may have why the petition o J. K. Wright, a Administrator of the estate of Angle A. Wood. Dereaaed to soil Lot No eight (8) block sixty (UO) Chaplin's Addition w the City oi La Grande. (Ireuon. should not be granted WITNESS Tbe lion. M. A. Harrison Judge of the County Court of tho State of Oregon, lor tbe County or Union, wilb the Seal of euid Court athied this 13th diy of July l'JOl. ATTEST-J. B Uilham, Clerk. THAT TIRED FEELING If you are lanquid, depressed and incapable for work, st Indicates that your liaor Is out of order. Heroine will assist nntuio to throw olf bead aohes, rhettmatlem and ailments akin to nervousness and rostorothe energie and vitality nt sound and perfect health J J Hubbard, Templo, Texas, writes, March 2: 19n2: "I have used Horblne for the past two years. IthasJ done me more good than all tho doctors. When I feel bad and bnve thnt tiled feeling I take a dose of Hoihino. It is the best medicine evor mnde (or chills and fever." 60c ta a bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. THE MARKETS (Jaly 25) Liverpool Sopt tthcat 6 r 8 l-4d, New York Silver 58, 121'nlon Psoiflr 87 , Pfd 9S 3 4 ChloajrO Sept wheat epeued 87 1-8 and closed at 87 3-4 Barley 42 a 60, tint tl.ls 1-3, north western $1 Si 1-2. Sjn Frarolsoo Cash wheat 81.31 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 6b 67; Blueetero 71 a 73; Valley 78; cattle unchanged. WE ark A complete stock of professional paper, auswered promptly. ; ; U Grande Drup. Co. and Red tlttttttf sflal'f n $tntmm9f-tt?tTrT"ftnM,'"1ihJ' I apsssss-BpaHHBHMH foll measure Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than ly the load. You pay for what you get ai.d get whut you pay for. Phone 571 Special Excursion to the World's Fair. Tbe Denver and Rio Qrande, in con nection with tbe Missouri HhciHc, will run a series of per-onally con d noted exonraions to tbe World's fair during June. These exenreious will run throngb to St Louis wltbont obnnge of cars, making short stops at principal points eoronte. The first of these excursions will leave Portland June 7, and the second Jnne )7. The rate from La Grande vill be tUO to St. Louis and return. Excursionists go ing Ala tbe Denver & Rio Grande have the privilege of returning by a differ ent route. This is the must pleasant way, as well as tbe .most delightful route to cross tbe continent. I ho stops arranged give an opportunity of visiting in and about Kansas City If yoa wish to accompany one of these excursions write at once to W O Mo Bride, 124 Third street, Portland, for Sleeping oar reservations The World's Fair Route , These anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to tbe Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Misaocw Paoino Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, has been appropriately names 'The World's Fair Route." Paa-engera from the Northwest take the Missoou'PAOirio traina from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through tbe Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and Pueblo to St. Lnuia without change, carrying all el tscg ol modern equip ment, including elecirie Itglilfil ohser vation parlor cafe ilint.iif eves. Ten daily trains between hnum- Uity nnd St Louis. . Write, or mil on W C.lcBriile, General Agent. 124 Third et, Portland for detailed information mil iilustruicj literatnre. if. Dr. I' A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGIiON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 70 An Open Letter To the publics . We wish to call the atten tlon ol those not already advised that we liavj established a wood working piBnt in IjH uritron rqual to any me country. We believed the times and conditions demanded such an en terprue and we have spent thousands of do'la sic equipment and imptove- meors. W are not only prepared to fill your orders for mill work hut wo can fur nish all kinds ot lumber on short no tice. II you buy in quantity s we can 'Ornish in oar lots to he delivered di- reot we can give you prompt shipment and at prices as low as tbe lowest con sidering the quality of the stock and the promptness of delivery. 1 he price vines as to the amount on buy and the cost of handling. Before plsoiug your irder outside submit your proposition to us and see if we can handle your busiuess to pleai-e you We are a La Gritnde institution bat we do net clain anything on that ao- uuiint only to have an equal show with our competitor. After establishing an eip nsive lo cal enterprise we ant tne business to keep our SO odd men at work. We are not begging fur favors but locvl enterprises should be built up to employ our people at home insteaa of lending all tbe money away .'or stuff manufactured in other places. The money sent away does not come back to us and il buiidsmp other com munitiee at our expense. Yours fur business Stoddard Lumber Co. Change of Management. The undersigned has purchased tbe busin s known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish ill kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest L.'ices consistaut with tireUclas articles We uave our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cattle, hogsar.d aneep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarautee tue very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meat market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER HEADQUARTER For Kodak and Kodfik Supplies . .i. Plates Ut WUUICBOir j. . H. W. NIBLEY Classified Ads FURNISHED ROOMS Parties desire in nicely furnished rooms apply to G O Simmons corner 8 and M streets FOR SALE A, complete tbreshin out lit inquire of Jud Draper at th AndroRg Kane.ti. Pasture Plenty of good pasture tl per bead per mouth, Phone 1276. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis does all kinds of scav enger work, such as cleaning wells, cess polls, etc. Hive bim a call. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. lam now prepared to 611 orders (as? all kinds of lumber, if you need lu...- ber see prices belure ordering. E Ruaenbanm Prop. Rainbow Store. Piano Instruction. Firs class instruction on tbe piano. Harriet E Young, Phone 1!B1 July 27. Wood Saw Orders for sawing promptly executed Phone 1840. residence on Osborn St. Terms reasonable. G W Allen Sweet Cream Comuieni'irig Thursday June lUth'the Grande Konile Creamery Oo will be prepared to furnish swwet cream in quanity to suit, whole sale and retail Keineinlier 1 lie place Huntlngtons new building next door to fire building. 11. LOST (In the streets of La Grande sealed letter frnm the Brownsville Bank addressed to O P Goodall, finder will please return to pest otllce. FORE SALE Good work teams. Haveoue liglitteam. For full par ticulars, terms and prices address . E E Vebers R F D No 1 La Grande Oregon. J '21. Machinery For Sale One 20 H p fire box boiler, J I case One 16 inch engine same make Oue resawing machine One rip sawing machine Oue wooden fiame teuoner One 6 iueh sided moulder All In good shape. Taken out to in. stall larger plant Stoddard Lumber co. La Grande Dressmaking l irbl Class dressmaking at reasonable prices. Inquire for Miss Mary Coon, late of Seattle, at Mrs Shearers rooms. For Sale One end one fourth ai res near Court House with 8 room house will rail both lawu ana nouse or either. J F Baker. FOR SALE AND RENT On account of ill health we will lease our forty five room rooming house, hich is doing a good first rlttss business to responsi ble parties lor a torm of years. Will sell the furniture at reasonable prioes lor panioulars tall on or address W. H. Ferguson, La Grande, Oregon JI8tf FOR RENT A 5 room house on Adam Avenue id western part of city. in- quire of C, R. Thornton. tt Congrrtulations Mr Jehu H Cullom, Editor of the liarlan'l, Texas, News, baa written a letter of congratulations to the manu facture of Cliainberla.n's Cough Re medy, aa follows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was a ba'ry he waa subjeet to crnupy spells aud we would lie very uneasy ahout him. We began using Chamberlain's Couh Remedy in 1SS7, and tin.ling it such a reliable re. medy fur eolds antler, up we have never lieeu wiihoui in the honee since that time. We have live chiljren and have given it to all of them with good re snlta." For sale by all druggists. Notice to Contractors Sealed bid will be received until 2 oY''k P M Saturday August 61(104 iur me comtructinu ot a two story frame residence building according to piam and specification which may be mi nt me rer.,ucce or Mrs & ratty, ... iui n'lmieuur ui j K LllorntOU, A chitert, L&Uiaiide, Oregon, at which latter plare bids will be opened Bidders n.vue i to oe present, the owner re-sen-es the right to reject any and all Mrs Z Patty, NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. ' I would cough nearly all night long," "' ""' l'l'iegaie, Ol AIOJT- anilns, lud., "and could hardly yet any sleep, i hail consumption so bad thnt If ! wslked a block I would cough frightfully nnd spit blood, bat when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 i... r,u, ,.r. ning s (w Discovery wholly cnrd me and I olnl a pounds." Its absolutely guaranteed to euro I oiisb', folds. La Grinna. Hronrhi'is and all Throat and Lna! tro b Price Alio ami (1 00. Trial bottles free at Nowlin Drug Co. ders Cross Drug Co That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. Ve always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention . given to phone orders. ' . MEAT CLH1MS a lnrge place m the food question. It is essential therefor tht tbe meat bt good. Tough, gristly steak, or ilJy JuicelesB toasts will spoil any meal Suppose you consult us on , THE MEAT QUESTION We know and buy the best kind. Yon can rely on our knowledge and oar de sire to hold your trade to get you the finest meat you ever closed your teeth on. As for prices, wolt wu are not BO foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas TUlAHOUS LITTLIi FILLS. Par aakk relief from Blllousrwas, Sick Headache, Torpid Llvar, Jaun-. lo. Dtulnsjs. and all troubles aris ing (rem aa Inactive or sluggish Uvsr, DaWIH Utile Early Rlsars an an sa nail, Thsyaotarompllyand never grip. T)7 ar so dalmy that It Is a plaasurs s sabs fkern. One to two aot aa t salM laaattva; two or four aot aa a iWaaant asd elfectlve oathartlo. They are sarsljr vegstabls and absolalsb harsalss. They tonls the Uvar. rlSSAREO 9NLV Sf K. O. SaWitt & Co., CHtsattn us an I H By All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS nA!"i?'.E?rf5?.s6 yoi,r "'kot via the ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SY TEMS. Choice of routes going or returning ST. PAUL. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, oi PUEBLO. For rates call on your loeal Agent. Dates of sale: .lune 10-17-18 Jnlv 1-2-3 Aug. 8.9-10 Sept. 5-0-7 Oct. 3nlV rnr further information and i-leenine car reservatloos call upon or address A H Mc Donald 140 Third St., Portland, Ore"'' A8tnt ' City Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Wells Cleaned -All work doue bv Scavengers 1ST. Ma son Phone 1841 La Grande Or. CM SPICES n COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWBro fLW0BING EXTRACTS AWdufcPuriry, finssf Flavor, CLOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND, OBECON. - i,....u .,ri-. H Mail or Z IB B I Geddes Bros. pjHaaHMaHMnWi Early Risers "V