La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 27, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    ; Half a Carload of '2
, New Wall Paper.;
I We htve just received half a car load of the ncweit
and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000
rolls. This is more paper than any . one firm ever
) thought of bringing into this county in a single season.
) This paper la all (or Bale and moat be Bold tnle aeaaon. We
' have brought two Bratolaaa paper hangers direct from Chicago,
who are without doubt the moat skillful workmen Id Eastern
' who, with the flw first olaaa tv i hanger already la oar em-
ploy, glvM a the beat working ' n 'he inland Empire. . .
5 Stackland & McLachlen
J paints, ems AND
Concerning People Who Come
And go and Other Items
of Local Interest
Look . Here!
If you want to save money. We can make
you money by buying tnytbing you have to
eell and auve you money when you buy :
fromus, . ,- ..-,.,-..,,. ..... ,.
We have a lot of apple boxes left from laat
year hich we will sell cheap; also a large hot
water tank. Remember we buy cheap by
paying cash and if you deal with us you will
save money. We handle all kinds of ' Furni
ture, Crockery, Hardware, Jewelry, Harness, ..; ' .
Wagons and Money.,: ' ' .. . ' v ! ;
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Corner Fir and Adams
Remember we etlll boy and eell all) klnda 'Phone 1581
of Second Hand Goodsjt Jt 1 . J
The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri
. ' gation. .
Red Clover, Alfa. fa and ail kinds of
Garden Seed in bulk
Seed Wheat Baled
Barley, Oats, Etc.
The only Seed House
inUnion County.
A.. V.
Phone 1571
City Property For Sale
Finely Located, Well Improved 5Room House For
Sale. Also Other City Property,"" At
dlciv Sxpoyiticn cftes
Call 8c Look at Them
3 MMgi
Lodge Directory.
Delightful Route, Daylight Hide j c c nkwti
T.-:.... r i rv.... i-'... ....... '
A Golden Opportunity See
nature in all her glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first is
found nlonp the line of the
Denver & R io Grande Railroad
and the latter at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
OD6 of pleasure make the most
ol it. For information and illus
trated' literature write '
4 W, 0, MeBRIDE, Gen. Agl.
Portland, O.eou
14,. . ' ' "
E.VOI.KH la i k .jo F O R mct.
owry Kmlar HUM til K f V hall it ,
VMMik hrutlH-ril Invited U) atlcrtrl,
W V. AS Ma) VIII., W KM.
rOKK.HTK.llH (IK AMKKtCA-Otrart Mala
Mnilmi, N 2i tu-rta racli Tucday lu Kill',
hall, lliuthei. are Invito,! to Rtlvnd.
At lli'liucr Uulot Rantter.
O J Vandcrpuol, koebtn.
! OO K-Lt (Iratiil. Lodge, No 16 met. Id
their hall evvry HHIurtl.y night. Vl.lllUK luem
bora ourUiaT.y InvUr-u to allr-oil,
L J V.mlcrpool, N tl.
I R Hnook, Sea
A, P. A A. M.-La Grande Lodge
No, 41. tneete every Utand 3rd Satur
day of pach month.
A U Williams 80,
v OO Huffman W. at.
3S0 Dollars easa will boy nob
bona to beat reeldeawe port of tows.
Price Wi. loqalr at this offloe.
J la CaveaM Wit thl avwaloa far
Motrin F0r ber h will lraao
business daye.
Xante. vriti fee am at UabetKera
Sittunlitji eigbC Laua bevtaen have
bee aectued t turoien la tatulo.
Snl Jjflobe yaelwwtoy (mrotUMtxl the
w A Kottvn ghaut oMlatne; ol
ooune aoii two aure of bud la tbe
New Uttteat Addition Coueidaratioa
reeterday Fred J acuta aold ble
hooae and (oar lota eo Fourth atreet to
J notice at the Pwe Boagn, eoaelder-
atioo i0
A V Oilter now hie one of the 6 neat
wagona in the city. It le the atork ol
H L Alexander and waa bolld in bla
abopjfrom the ground np. Ton wil
tee it on the atreet in few daya.
Miss Annie Boeeob, of La Urande, la
D town today accompanied by her
oonatn, Mlr-a Stella Mathewa, who baa
been visiting her at La Grande. Miee
Roeeoh will visit relative at Pilot
Rook. Eaat Oregonlaa. -
Mr and Mrs Joseph Pullman and Mlae
Pullman, ol Norfolk, Nebraska are In
tbe city the gneeta of Mr and Mrs F H
Rutherford. Mr Pullman la here look
ing over the situation and expects to
O J Sorlber left laat evening for
Baker City where he will enter the
Hospital and submit to an operation
for apendioitle. Ua waa accompanied
by Dr N Molitor and bla lather J W
Scriber. This la Mr Sorlbera third at
tack. Hia many frlenda join with tbe
Observer in the hope that he will pais
through the operation auoossslully
Tbe H. st Room will be eloaed from
this date until tbe Brat of September.
Tbla is thought beat on aocount ol tbe
fact that during tbe next two months
tbe farmers are too busy to avail
themselves of tbe pleasures of the Brat
Room. Tbe rooms will be opened
promptly September first.
Utrect Commissioner Bynhorst has
a foroe of men at work thia wetk re
building a number ol tbe erosawalks
on tbe various streets. This is a good
move and sbonld meet with tl e ap
probation of tbe citizens of tbe city.
Work on tbe City Hall ia progress
ing very rapidly nnder tbe Influence
of oontraotor J. U Slater. Tbe brlok
work ia np to tbe seoond . story in
many places and tbe building ia rap
idly assuming shape.
As a speoisl inducement to the
members of tbe Woodmen of the
World to attend tbe meeting; this
evening arrangements have been mede
to furnish refreshments to all present
Remember the date, tonight aud tbe
big supper.
Tbe largest penaiona io tbe United
Statea are drawn by women, twenty
four ft whom reoelre In 'the aggregate
more than la paid to 650 veterans of
tbe 8 month class. Mrs Garfield
and Mrs MoKinley receive 18000 a
yearewb. Mrs Philip H Sheridan
receives 12500, while the penaiona of
Mrs Loean. Mrs McOlellan, and Mrs
Frank Blair are each 12000. Eighteen I
wldowa of generals and admlrela
receive 11200 a year, elz 1900 and
200 have penaiona of (600 each . Tbe
total received by 200 widows amounts
to 1165,000 equal to amount received
by 2298 veterans at 20 cents a day.
Prof and Mrs Simpson leave this
evening for a months stay to take
special work in the new dances and
nov jltiea for their wintera work bare.
They will return on or about Sept lat
and will open their academy on th
10th ol Sept In Commercial Club Hall,
Thore will be two sepe rate and diatlnct
classes one for new beginners tbe
other advanced dancers They have
made arrangments for their aBsiatsnts
and every thing will be oonducted on
aa aelect a eoale as those who attend
may wish to make them .
Liberty, Mo., July 27. Alonio Hag
Card, an Insane mao, took puereion
ot tbe dome of tbe couoty oour house
here today. Tbe dome ia 150 tert from
tbe ground and tbe police (eared to at
tempt to capture tbe man, believing
that b might either barm tbe m or juuip
to the ground and kill blm-elf.
Tbe maa entered tbe courthouse t
daybreak, doing out ou tbe railing
aurroundiut tbe dome, be pulled liiiu
aelt to she twee ot the goddess ol liber
ty by means ol tbe lightening rod. - A
crowd watched him from tbe etree-, a
tratd that he would ljee bis baUuue
end fall.
t o'clock in tbe sfter noun, after
having remained in his perilous posi
tion for eia hours and a bail, Haiicard
began to move about. He clitnbe l tur
Ihur np aud seated himself upon tbe
arm of the goddea. The statue ia 15
(eat heijh and ae be clung to tbe 1 gbt
ning rod pulling bimeelf beigher into
space, the crowd that had coilecied be
low involuntarily turned away. Hag
gard, however, rea. bed the heiubt safe,
ly and amused hiuiiel! by play I. g with
tbe weather vane Later he deceuded
to bla old p ace on the coping.
Tbe man waa captured tonight by a
ruse. 1 His lister was eent up throunh
the trapdoor to the roof. HaggarJ
oa ae down from the dome to meet ber
and, while she held his attention, Sher
iff Wymore slipped up behind him and
captured him. Tba sheriff had no trou
ble in controlling him, as be offered no
resistance, riaggard wat sent to tbe
hospital at St Joseph tonight.
BoushlO.OOO Ties.
Trouttlale, Or., July 27. Tie load
ing began in Tmntdale yesterday
under the inspectoral! tp of E J Snow,
of the O K 4 N Co. There ere more
than enough tia to Hit an ord r of
810,000 for this company It ia plana
ed to handle 3000 lies per day, sending
the cars as fast as flll'd to Wroth,
Oregon, where they will be creosoted.
. .. ... ."E..E. Romig
E. P. Staples
That is why people come here
for men's and by boys' shoes
The J. E. Tilt lin ia our spec
ialty. Here is where price and
quality are combined.
W. of W.
Alt members of Ibe Woodmen of
tbe World are requited to be present
at Elka Hall tonight. Installation of
offioera and Important business.
JK Wright
CI rk
Will Locate in Baker
. Judge M D Clifford, who waa in tbe
city the other day, will make bis future
home in Maker, lie atated to the l)em-
ootat that he expects to have hia family
here about the Brat of September. The
judge will go into tbe general practice
of law. Baker City Democrat
Attention M W A
All members of tbe M. W. A. are
hereby notified that , hereafter the re
gular meeting nighta will be tbe flrat
and third Wednesdays of eaob month
I R Snook V. C.
Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET
A full and cotnp.ete line of staple and fancy gro
ceries. Fancy. canned and lunch goods; TiDware,
graniteware and woodenware.
Fruits nod vegetables ia season. Bakery prodncts
always fresh. Good service and quick delivery.
Phone "431
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs Chas Applegsie, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
Bleep, 1 had consumption so bad that
If I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit' blood, but wbon
all other medicines failed, three (1.00
bottles of Dr. King's New Diacoverv
wholly cured nieand I gained 58
pounds." Its absolutely guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds. La Grippe,
Bronchitia and ail Throat and Lnng
troublea Prico 60c and (1 00. Trial
bottles free at Newlin Drug Co.
Don't Start off Hungry .
when we can sa'Ufy your cravings
for aometbing good to eat at little .-nst
Our food Is eeleoted with rare, cooked
with skill and erved In appetizing
"tvle we are net kf raid to have you
take a peep in our kitchen and see how
we do things.
We might write volumes on how to
cook but that wonld not do you one
tenth ibe good tbat one of onr "regular
dinner et 25 cents will. Treat your
at'iittacb with goo 1 ettl g and thereby
make a w se heul.
MOD K I ...
J. A. ARKUCKUC, I'rop.
tttttltftt '
How Can I Cure My
yes, thou8e.odsand tens of thousands of people
There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve
the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and
at lhe same time Astist the Stomach and Diges
' tive Orgaos in Digesting and Assimulatiug
Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support
ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There it but one
remedy that will do this, and that remedy is
know more about Kodol, come iu and
Prescription Druggist - La Grande, Ore
.4.4.4-4 4 , - , 4- 4
! Get The Habit !
We pell weekly Meal ,
I Irk, 'la I ol'.
W. I. Hunter & Son have
Leaned the McKinzie S'ables
and are prepared to serve the
public in a first class manner
at reasonable rates
Character Ball
M B Wolf Union
A A Boberts Pendleton
T B Johnson and wife Union
Geo Bsird do
U E Cochran do
AutlnWay Pendleton
C B Baker do
M E Hosenthal Portland
A M Locke San Kranclsoo
H J Mannbart do
O N Weat Portland
E L Hart St, Lottia
11 Helta St. Paul
Chas fisher Chicago
O E Wood Spokane
L R Fordyoe Ben Francisco
J B Brown Cbh-ago
Enterprise, Or., July 27. The Im
naha road, which waa completely des
troyed by the recent cloudburst, Is be
ing rebuilt sa fsstaa possible. This
section of the country depends princi
pally on the Imnaba road and it It is
not repaired tbia Fall, the fruitgrowers
will be unable to get their fruit to
Friday Night, Jul) 29
Management of members of Company L Music by the
Thomas Orchestra.
Of tradiug at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you
cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always
the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is
D. having the largest stock of "Pi
DCSIUtS canned goods, Allen & Lewis
goods, Allen & Lewis special
brand on all their leading lines. We have just re
ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's
and Shoes which we invite you to iuepect.
Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts.
We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized
And porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch,
or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean.
Noted As An lee Saver
Ornamental as well as useful
All sizes and prices
Admission 50 cents, Ladies Free.
Prises for best sustained characters
Undertakers and Embalmers
Phone 9-1
Residence Phone 367
1202 Adams Ave
eeeeei, f
I. AJL '
1 1 1
Two Weeks
SALE Two Weeks
This if boiiBe cleaning time with us and every ODD and END, REMNANT und BROKEN LOT of goods in this
store will be put on bargain tables aud a price put ou each that will sell them Our cost counts for nothing ia this
Sale The ODDS, ENDS and REMNANTS must go
We Will Clean House for Two Weeks
The Golden Rule Company
Smallest Prices
Largest Store