( ( $ ( ) ( ( ( Half a Carload' of - 2 New Wall Paper. - We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. - Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. This Is more paper than any one firm ever thought of bringing into this county in a single season. ThU paper U U for'sale and mast b sold tbla aeaion. We hae brought two Brat olass paper bangers direct (rom Chicago, who ire without doubt the moat skillful workmen lo Eastern ' bo, with the Uvo first clean n. i haDgers already io oar em ploy, gives as the best working ' - ii i be Inland Empire. Stackland & McLachlen ; PAINTS. 0I12S AND GLASS JMM If yon want to Bave money. We can make you money by buying anything you have to sell and gave you money ..when you buy from us. ri. '. We have a lot of apple boxes left from last year which we will sell cheap; also a large hot water tank. Remember we buy cheap by paying cash and if you deal with us you will save money. We handle all kinds of Furni . ture, Crockery, Hardware. Jowelry, Harness, Wagons and Money. . ' V The La Grande Pawnbrokers ComervFir and' Adams 'Phone 158 J Remember we still buy and sell all) klnde of Second Hand Goodij J J J TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc." "um ' ' The only Seed House inUnion County. A. V.' Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 1 City Property For Sale Finely Located, Well Improved 5-Room House For Sale. Also Other City Property At GRANT & HERRONS Slew Sxpcsi licit cfks Abb 50 GTS. Call &, LookatThem SOM KTII IXC i:' TO DJ TIC KOSS & ANDREWS TAILORS AND GENT FURNISHINGS Mil Dulighlfii! Route, Dayliuhl Ride Dizzy Crags, Deep (Jaiions. A Golden Opportunity See nature In ull hpr glorious beauty, and then tlio ncme of man's handiwork. The first is found nlonji the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Ruilrond and Mm latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will e one of pleasure make the moi t of it.. For iuformation and illns (rated literature write W. 0. MoBRIDE, Qeii.Act. " l'ortlund, Orcgc.il Lodge Directory. KAdl.tH-l.. (I ,11,1. J, rot iiitol. ov.tv Kri..,v 111 K .if 1' lull .1 t ill VMtln. llrullu-ni ImlUul U llolld. I C Kuvkwtl . W I'. A N M.yvlllc, W Sea. KOHKSI'K.US OF AMKUICA-lhurt Mailt Mnrlon, .No li mrrln rK'li Tnu.Mny lu fcilk lull. Ilitiltiti'. Mr. hirf1il to nttpntt. . At lU'Unur rlilul Runner. CJ Vnunvrpitot. KrCMrC. IOOr-l(lranli. Uxlir", No I rrwt. In tliptr hall WBI-) Siitortlny IHht Vlilllng m.m burn ourtlialijr tavtlf il Ui Mttl. ' CJ V.mttrMKt, N O. A. P. A A. M. L (I rami. I-odue No. 41. niectj every 1st and :lnl Satur day nl each tnontli. . , AC Williams Seo, 0 1) Hiittman W. M. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST anil will be sold at prices wltliin tbe reach of all. Remember the jdare, ftomlg A Staples. Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. . Mr and Mrs J N Dllllnger are in Core to day visiting Irieads and relati ve,. Ray Williams, of HUrbuck, Wsshini too, ii in tbe citjr the guest ol Marshal Rayburo. Mre N M RayborD, of Starbuok, Washington, arrived io the oity yester day and will remain io tbe city visit ing ber son Marshal Raybarn. Mre Ed Thomas and children l'l tbis morning for Cove where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives. I Mrs A F liaise, of Wallowa county, who Is In tbe valley visiting ber brother M L Hulse, was in the city this after- UOOD. Mies Murel (io dnougb returner! home yesteiday from a months outing at me sea siae. Mies Annie McAllister, of Euter prise was in tbe oity today the gnest of Mrs F S Ivamhoe. She ia on ber way home from Portland, Do not forget the social at tbe borne of .Vies Aldrloh next Wednesday evening. There will be a meeting of special Importance Tuesday evening for the members of the United Artealans at Ibe home of Mrs Aldricb. All mem beis are expected. Mies Bessie Hobnenkamp returned tbla morning from Spokane and walla walla, where she has been visiting friends Miss Franolllia Duncan, woo bas been teaching in Eoho the past three years is in tbe oity, tbe gnett of Miss Lillian MoUall. Mrs tied Lasso, formerly of this city but now s resident of Spokane is in the ciiy looking after her property here. , WANTED A girl In private family. Inquire at this office. The base ball game yesterday result ed in a victory for tbe home team. The core stood ten to eighteen In favor of La Grande. The Huntington boys did the boat they eould bat were simplrly oat classed. Jack Cronin, one of tbe carnival men was op before Justice Hough Saturday charged with stealing a trunk, bnt the party making the charge was un able to produce enough evedenoe to aubstanuate the charge and be wai allowed to take his trunk and gO his way rejoicing. Marshal Rayburn oanght his man, 0 II Barnbart, near tbe old tole gate yesterday. Tbla was tbe man charged with stealing a saddle from some party at the edge of town and also charged with taking a team from Win- Smith. Barnbart was nrooght before Justice Hough and waived examination and was sent to the county jail to await the aotlon of the circuit court. Parties wishing to see a real demon stration of what can be done In thl climate In the way of lawn growing should call at tbeliobnenkamp resldeno and see the beautiful lawn now grow ing t'.iere This lawn has been planted less than two weeks and tbe ground is completely covered. DIED ZWEHEL-In this city Saturday U3, 1901, Hilda, tbe little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zoeiful. Tbe funeral took place at tbe family residence Rnndey afteninau at live o'clock, tbe Rev. Walker officiating. THE WAR EFFECTS THE U.S. Oriental Liner Arabia From Portland Now 10 Days Overdue In Japanese Port Attempts to Settle Strike (Continued from f!rt pig)) Warehouses are beiog filltd with permanent kitchens, bunks, etc., v ftcomorU e a total of 66oOmeu, which it in claimed by the picker, will he ii - side tbe pin U Monday uicirn'iie. The etriktra met at tliuir various' uofon bpadijuarfrs during the alter nooo and ughl and liatmed tu ad dreatea by their leader in wSich the Kdneral air'ke which ae 'ma already a fixed program for Monday was the only subject diaou.wd Ob'tl ol pulic O'Neil baa aent in calls for men .'rom every precli ct in Chicago io report at Iha stoekyarde station to get acquainted with the aurroundiog.. Ctiiei O'Neil aaul to night that tbe whole poiice fnioe ol Chicago would je at tbe call ol n e stockyard, diatricl Mond y and that peace will be maintained at uy price. ' E. P. Staple E.E. Romig Portland Ore July 23. The orleutul liner Arabia, whicb sailed front this oity for Yokohama Jnlyl, has nut yet been reported as having reached the Japanese port, although 10 days over due, A portion of ber freight con sisted of flour consigned to Jupauese firms Ofllclals of the Portland Asiatic company sre bsc-onilng ala-med over the steamers non-a' rival. Since flour Is acontraband of war, (ear ia enter tained that tbe vessel may bave fallen Into tbe bands of the Russians. People who are keeping in close toooh with the war situation ray that they are convinced by recent develop ments that Russia bas decided to con duct an aggressive campaign, and from now on any vessel ca'rylng con traband goods to Japan is "Ikely to be soiled and ouflscut.d Her oourse carried ber into waters that are care fully patrolled by tbe Russian fleet. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUB1 1. CURED. I was troubled with a diatreas in uiy . msch, sour stomach and vomiting pelln, and can truthfully say thai Ohauiberlain'e ritouiacb and Livei Tablets cured me.--Mas. T. V. ill Alls, Lalngaburu, Mich. For sale by All lii uiigiats. ROMIG & STAPLES --GROCERIES- A full and comp.ete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; TiDware, graniieware and woodepware. Fruiis nnd vegetables in season. Bakery prodncU always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. "1 wonin cougn nearly an migut long, wrltea Mrs Chaa AoDiensle. of Alex andria, Iud., "and could hardly get any ! sleep. I bad consumption so bad timt If I walked a block I would cough frightfully nnd spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three 1 O'J bottles of l)r Kinu'a New Discovery wholly cured ineaud I gained S8 inlands." . It s absolutely truaruuteed A to cure t.ouv'Qa, (Joins, l.a drippe. Bronchitis and all Throat and Lnnu troubles Price &Uc and ! 00. Trial bottles freest Newllu I ruK Co. ACUTE RHEUMATISM Deep tearing or wrenching ,aina, occasioned ,by getting wet through: worse when at rest, or on first moving the limbs and In cold or damp weath . er, la cared quiokly by Ballard's Snow Liniment, Oscar O'eson, Gibson Oity Illinois, writes, Feb 16 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me ." 2oc, GOo, l 00. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. M M. Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to.do in the hour of need. Hie wife bad such an unusual i ate of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help tier. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally oured. Only 26c, at La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Drug Co., Drug Stores. It i I J i: i it ! i i: 4. 4. 4. 4L. H. 4 How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUE8TION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist tbe Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assimuluting Sufficient Food to Kebuild tbe Tissues Support ing the' Organs Iuvoleed. There ia but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is K0D0L DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice ia hereby given to all wbi in it may concern, that Christian VV Murphy, bas filed her final aocoaut as administratrix of the estale ol Thomas N Murphy, deceased and the County Court of Union county Oregon bas set Tuesday, ths Olh day of Sept ember, A. D. 1904, at two o'clock P M for tbe.bearlng of such report. Christina W Murphy. Administratrix, i "a BORN LOQSDON-In this city July 22-1904 to Mr and Mrs Logsclon a daughter. Died Kolly In Perry Saturday July 22 1904 P II Kelly aged 61 years. He was a veteran of the Civil war and leaves a wile and aix children. The funeral look place from the M E Church In this city Sunday the Rev Walker ofli eating. Notice Special meeting of the Commercial Club Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock to consider proposition of Pacific States Telephone Co for Improved service. All patrons of Telephones in pity requested to be present. Thomas Walsh President. In Justice Court Justice Hough held court a few min uets Saturday, Tbe usee was tbe matter wherein Howard Campbell waa charged with trespass by L. A Kay lor. The charge was diamissed upon motion ol plaintltf who also paid the oobU. Card of Thanks We wish to take this means of public ly thanking the kind friendaand neigh- liors who so generously came to our as sistance during the sad bereavement which wo have!just sustained, caused by the unfortunate accident which re sulted in the taking away of our little sun and and nephew, Edgar We do not hope to make the public under stand the full extent ol our gratitude for wordare iiiadquile to prorly ex press our true condition. Especially do wo wish to sxprets oar thanks to Mr and Mrs Julius Fisherfor the kind aid rendered by them. They did every thing pooeible even lo the extent of giving as the ase-of their home. We sincerely hope that the All Wist Maker may spare our friends any such sad exierleuce. Mr and Mrs J N Dlllinger. Mr and Mrs T J Hug hey. Mellon. Komlg k Btsplea received this morn ing direct from the famous water niellou fields of Fresno California, a cur load of choice watermellons. These m si Ions are tbe very Ones to be bad THAT TIRED FKEL1NU If you are lanqnid, depressed and Incapable for work, st indicates that your lUer is out of ordor, Herblne will assist nature to throw off head aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and rostorothe energie and vitality of sound and perfect health J J Hubbard, Teiuplo, Tuxas, writes, Maroh 22 1Si2: "I have used Horbine for the past two years. It; has.done me more good than all the doctors. When I feel bad aud have that tiled feeliug 1 take a dose of lloibine. It is the beat medicine ever made (or chills and fever." bOcta a bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug (Jo. A NEAT PLACE tn have your meals is our resturant Everything is attrartively arranged, and nothing Is lacking to make its ap pears ce neat. Here i tie young Indies und gentlemen cau eat to their lieurt's c ntrnt, without feelinu abashed at the surroundings, WHAT ATTRACTS pbople here is the lueriUof our cookery It ia uiisurpaHBeri when it comes lo ox-colleuc-i, Hud nil onr nu'e prove hefllth ful, tasty and enjoyable. Our prices tire right, too, and our waiters polite and attentive. M.ODJEL, RESTAURANT J. A. ARBU0KU3, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , Tickets, Cash $4.50 SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & Son have Leased the McKinzie S'ables and are prepared to Berve tbe public it' a first class miinner ut reasonable rates Get The Habit Of I roditig at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you caiimit break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prices are the lowest and our s'u.-k is complete. Rojf1c having the largest stock of "Preferred" UColUC3 cauned goods, Allen & Lewis special btaud on all their leading lines. We hare just re ceived a new and eomplete line of Men's and Women's aud Shoes which we invite you to iuspeot. tOA-R ALSTON f NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE W Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. REFRIGERATORS We are sole agents for the ICE KINO, galvanized and porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Noted As An lee Saver Ornamental as well as useful All sizes aud prices Ee ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 0.1 Residence Phone 367 house furnishings 1202 Adams Ave t M I 1 IHttl'HIH 1 H t ODDS, ENDS AND BEOKEN STOCK Two Weeks SALE Two Weeks This if house cleaning tune with us and every ODD and END, KRMNANT aud BROKEN LOT of goods in this store will be put on bargain tables and a price put on each that will sell thorn Our cost counts for nothing in this Sale The ODDS, ENDS and REMNANTS must go WeWill Clean House For Two WetKs The Golden Rule Company Largest Store Smallest Prices IHIIIM s a-