La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 23, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    We Believe that the
Best Trademaker is
-Satisiaction -
And are building up our business
by giving our curtoraers. . . ; . .
The Best Their Money Will Buy
You get the best when
you buy from us
The "QUALITY ' Shoe store
Next door to J M Berrys.
-.m union pACiJFif
NO. 3
8:60 p. m.
NO. 6.
8:80 a. m.
Bait Luke. Denver Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kamu
NO 1.
5:50 a m
NO ft
8:5 pm
9:16 a m
Tina rtchtHlul
Portland Dalle. Pen-I
Dayton, Pomeroi,
Colfax, Motwow, Spo
kane annts
n j .th Tla Hpo-
PortlADd. Dalle, Pen
nicLon uniBium wan-
laia. LewiBton. Colfax
Moscow, Wallace War
duer, npoKuiie ana
other )oluue&stauid
norm via opunHuq.
'Hand City, Alloel,
ennnecftoua Ht
wltu mhkc lorpoiom
in wailownramniT
NO. i.
8:5 p.ta
:3n. m
6:30 pm
Ooen Steamers between Portland and
Ban Francisco every Ave days
E. C. MOORE, Agent
That is why people come here
fnr men's aud bv boys' shoes
The J. E. Tilt line is our spec
ialty. Here is where prioe and
quality are combined.
Shoe Specialisf DEPOT STREET
Special Excursion to the World's
The Denver and Bio Grande, in con
nection with (he Missouri Pacific,
will ran eeriea of per-onally con
ducted excursions to the World's fair
daring Jaoe. These excursions will
ran through to St. Louis without
change of cars, making ahort stops at
prinoipai pomta enroate. Tlie Drat or
theae azonraiona will leava Portland
Jane 7, and the second June 17. The
rate from La Urande will be (00 to Bt.
Louia and return. Excursionist! go
ing Ala the Denver & Rio Urande have
the privilege of returning bv a differ
ent route. This la the muBt pleasant
way, aa well aa the moat delightful
route to cross the continent. The
a to pa arranged give an opportunity
of vlaiting in and about Kansas City.
If you wlah to accompany one of theae
excursions' write at onre to W C Mc
Bride. 12 Third atreet. Portland, for
Sleeping oar reservations
Only costs about 5o per yard
more than common plaster, and
worth many times over.
No danger of freezing as it
can be' used in zero weather
Being flexible instead of brit
tie as all sand mortors are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jammed, instead of
breaking Doors, windows, pipe
holes, etc are easily cat through
it It is a non conductor of elec
tricity and thus prevents short
Ti . T . 1 1 1 1
circuiting it aaoeres equally
well to brick, stone or common
lata it contains no acids nor
chemicals to corrods It will
not burn nor disintegrate by fire
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blister
Parties having -plastering to
do should consult ine regarding
this olass of work Estimates
cheerfully given
E. REISLAND, Phone 371
Office at A T Hill' Drug Store
La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361
Residence phoue 701
Are like the ''Smile that won't come
off," They are put on right and stay
right. I nae only Wbltmore's paste
and guaramee that if alter thirty daya
trial you find that it baa in any way
way injured the leather 1 will preaent
the ouelomer with a $5 pair of shoes
purchased at any store lie may select.
It you desire really flrBt clasa work
call and get a abine. Ladies won a
specialty. Remember the place, K;rt
ley'a Barber 8 'op, where everything
Is first class fiom the boot black up.
Small Fruits
Freah from the patoh. Order your
berries direot from the grower by
phone. An order (or berries of any
kind will receive prompt attention and
wul be delivered at once. Remember
the phone ia 1626 for treeh berries.
tooniiuued from lat week)
Hetry Chambers, Judge of eleo-
tion, Cove precinct........ 8 00
Samuel G White, same 6 00
Otic E K.'rsley,. Judge and mesa
enger of e'ectloq Cove preo 8 00
Jaaper H Stevens, clerk of elec-.
tion Cove p eolnot. 6 00
George Holmes, same. . , 6 00
Alexander Thompson, same 6 00
F E Feater. Judge of elertion
Union precinct No. S. 6 00
N F Fioklin, tame.... .... 8 00
8 D Correy, same 8 00
F W Davis, clerk of elections
Union precinct No. 8...... 8 00
Frank Minolok, same........ 8 00
Waldo Ferry, aame 6 20
Patrick Con Ion, Judgeand meas .
enger of electron Antelope
precinct 7 60
Hiram Clay, Judge of election
Antelope precinct . . 6 00
W G Slnttowell, aame 6 00
Charlea Hill, olerk of election
Antelope precinct 6 00
Wallace Hiuokley,' aame 6 00
Hugbey Lynch, same 6 00
J J Turner, Judge of election '
. Big Creek precinct 6 CO
R M Duncan, Judge and meas.
enger of election Big creek 10 00
Onnllam Wright, Judge of eleo
tion Big rreek precinot. ... 8 00
Geo. W, Booth, olurk ol election
tion Big creek precinct.... 6 00
Andrew Melville, Barns. ...... . 6 00
Jumea Uobel, clerk of e eetiou
same 6 00
Robt R Kelley, Judge of election
Ferry precinct. .'. 6 00
Peter Nelson, same 0 00
Alex Nibley, aame 6 00
William Stoldard, clerk of
election Perry precinct.... 0 00
John Mahouey, same 6 00
Wm Kelley, olerk and messen
ger of election Ferry preo 9 80
Andrew Wilkinson, Judge of
eleotion Union preo No 1 6 00
Ed Mitrhell, aame 6 00
Tyra Warren, aame 6 00
Perry Oliver, clerk and messen'
ger of election Union preo
No 1 .. 6 20
Homer Bidwell, clerk of elec
tion Union precinct No 1. . 6 00
J A GilBUun, aame 6 00
Geo E Wells, Judue of. election - "
Island precinot. 6 00
Jaa Mobs, same 6 00
Fred J Holmes, same. . 6 00
U O Couch, clerk of election
Island precinot.,.. 6 00
Andrew Van Blookland, same.. 6 00
J A Rus-ell, same 0 00
U N Lewis, Judge of election
Hilgard precinot ...... ' 6 00
Lee Young, same 6 00
CW Maugban, same 6 00
H A Shroi shire clera of election
Hilgard precinot 6 00
F, Nibley, aame 6 00
W H Dillon, t ierk and messen
ger of election 10 GO
C E Golden, Judge of election
La Grande precinct No I. . . . 6 00
Frank Counaell. aame 1 ' 0 00
Dexter Eaton, Judge and mesa
enger of election La G No 4 9 00
Wm f?berwood, clerk of eleo
tion La Grande No 4 0 00
Jas Gulredge, aame 6 00
Ed Kamerer, aame 6 00
Perry Clark. Judge of election
La Urande No 3 6 00
J M McUa 1, Judge and mess
enger of eleotion La G No 3 9 00
Arthur Wamiuk, olerk of "elec
tion l a Urande No 3 6 00
Frank Mead, same 6 00
Grant Keys, aame" 6 00
B Logsdon, J dge and me een-
ger of election La G No 1 12 00
Wm Proebstel, Judge of elec
tion La G No 1 9 00
.... 9 00
Opposite the Sommer House.
rtna nt fhu hflfit musioal institutions
L M nil. Four rooms used fori
musical inatrnotlon, 15 grades of music
taught. Drpaimont 1, t rooms ured
for the 3 Brat grades. ' hrdren at the
age of 6 and older come o ie hour every
day. Department 2, 1 ru.ras for grades
4 lo 16 for pupils of all ages The lat
est oourw best pmotlod musical in
struction M is. al ootiieU for med
als every few weeks.
E PORTER DAY Principal
MRS DAY, Assistant
at the
Spokane Cafe
For a Grand
Chicken Dinner
J, F. Johnson
Depot St. La Grande.Or
. Detroit Mich July Si With (tie re
adjustment o! rate eta the moat im
portant business ol eaueideration, the
triennial review ol the supreme tent,
Koighte of the Hao:abes of th
World is doing business here. -
Supreme Commander D H Harkey,
in bis annual report, said today that
the membership ol the order at the
close ol the three year term was 363
385, a net gain during tbs year ol
1 24.709.
The report of Supreme Beoordtr
Aitken showed that there have ben
paid during the past, term b,1d8 death
claim. , amouuting to $7,337,431. ;
Mr Aitkin, wfo also ia supreme
councillor ol the trder, reviewing tba
proposed ;haoge in tba rates at length
oonrluded aa follows: '
"If we wish to bs true to ourselves
aud to tbs membership we represent
and bope to see Ibe fraternal order
the pride of its membership and pro
vide ftr collections equal to th
amount demonstrated to bt necessary
by the mortality tall-) bised on uur
own experience."
Base Ball
Portland, July 22. Tacoma 0, Port
land 2.
At Los Angeles San Fianoiaco S,
Loa Angelea 2.
At San Franoiaoo-Oakland 0, Seattle
. i - .. t' .
At Boise Butte 16, Boise 6.
At Bait Lake Spokane 2, Salt Lake
(July 23)
Liverpool Sept wheat 6 s 9d, -New
fork-Silver 68, ; Union Pioifio
97 J-8, Ptd 94.
Chicago Sept wheat opened 88 1-8
al-.ndcloselat87 3-4a7.8. .
Barley 42 SO, flax 91.17 1-2, north
western 1.S2. '
Ban ,Franoiso Cash, wheat 11.82.
Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 66 67;
BluesUm 74 a 76: Valloy 78: cattle
Taooma Wheat BluesUm 76: Club
68, .. , V
Westmoreland, Kana. May 6 1901.
Ballard 8now Liniment Co. ' our Snow
Liniment cared an old sore on the aide
of my chin that was supposed to be a
caooer. The eote waa stubborn and
would not yield to treatment, until
I tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in abort order. My sister, Mra
Sophia J Carson, Allenaville, Mlfflo
Co, Pa, has a sore end mistrusts that
it is a cancer. Pleaae send her a
60c bottle. SoldbyNewllo Drug Co.
' I would like a steady job driving
team or working in a livery baru Ad
dress H. P. Wells, La Grande, Oregon,
or call at the corner of 7th and Wash
ington streets. d and w 1 wk.
FOR RENT Small houee, one block
of land In orchard and garden lot.
Inquire of Attorney F S Ivanboe. j 11 1
Piano Tuning
Mr Silas H Soule, the well known
piano tuner, and member of the firm
of Soule Bros. Piano Co. of Portland
is in the city this week. Orders for
tuning may be left at the La Grando
Drug Co's store or the. Hotel Foley.
Must Renounce Unionism
Victor Colo, July 21. The Portland
mine is closed again as ooneequeoce
ol the action uf the military authori
ties who have arrested one hundred
and seventeen workmen, incluulng the
entire moobanioel force at the mine.
The men arrested are accused of no
crime, the only acousation being that
they refuse to give up their member
ship in the union and take out Mir e
Owners Association working cards, If
they persist in their refusul they will
probably be deported.
.':', For Sale"
A four room house in best residence
(! portion of town will be sold cheap
if sol at onoeenquiteatthia offiop.
The Rusaisns oUim that after a
oareful inquiry tbay have found that
a large amount of war materials were
being shipped from England to Japan
through the Red Sea, and Russia is
determined to stop this trade in con
traband ol war with her enemy. 1 '
In this controversy with England
international law seems to bs on Rus
sia's side.
A Correction :
- The statement has been made that I
exoArt to remove the bodiea now n.
posing in the old cemetery and plaoe
them in a trench, I wlah to correct
this statement. It. Is not my intention
to do this. . .
I intend to remove all bodies of the
unknown and the unclaimed and thoae
whose friends and relatives are Hnsn-
cinllv unable to do so. and olaoe them
in a respectable cemetery whloh is
properly oared for and maintained,
There will be no rude treatment or
desecration of any aort accorded the
remains. Bo far as nossible all bodiea
win be Identtnea ana marKeresei up at
the gravea. The removal ot the bodiea
from tula cemetery is made necessary
by the fact that the land adjoining thia
cemetery 1b to be sold aa building lota
and the said property Is absolutely tin
saleable so long as this tract remains
cemetery. Parties who are able tore-
move their dead are requested to do so
at onoe as the tract is to be cleared ol
all bodies within the next sixty days.
Dr. Geo. O'Connor.
t Wl1WWliiinilWSTMSPII!lM
s A Few Choice Bargains Irs Wal
lowa County Real Estate
(1) 200 acres of land, 120 acres capable of cultivation., 1)3 ao
In (all sown wheat. House, barn and other buildinga. A gr
ana pan $2,600' -, -
Co M0 torn, until ctdutri, boose, bar and r MlbalkUan 94 semla (all
ant? liua; small stream of water Sow through pl-A (rctMnraln at ji.stt
. 13) 20 acre, or land partolw&lcfi is tba flnit of meadow; good hbuae and '
outbuilding iroodtuurthadi. tin ot hay oaa bt om oa 100 place- will t"e
Stioi) in cattle in rrade on this propertr. PVlce S10 per aore.
4 isOai ras.iaiorobotoelaudr-Prl.altOperiare. Tbla is a gmit twmdn.
5 I60tte4 ot flu. land at jao per acr.' Tbuar a lav ol Ibo many anapa We -
n,nnwwit(Hiu r or luruw ptrucBiani wuuraaat
& M'Donald
Farmers and Traders
National Bank.
Capital Stock fully paid 60,000 . . .
Surplua fund .... 13.000
, Liability of Shareholder " - 60,000
Reaponaibility . . 183,000 -We
do a general banking and exchange business,
Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign bank.
a b
JOSEPH PALMER, President ? i ( V O
.' J. W. 8CRIBBR, Cashier p
o a a a b a a a a a a n a o a a a n a a n
n clock 1 " j
Is something thst is Indispensable to
the borne. It marks the hour for aris
ing to cope with events ot the day, and
the time for retiring at night.
There Is Something
a boot the dock that touchea the bean
of all. It will some day mark the boor
of death. ;
My clocks are of handsomeappearance
neat in design, and made ot nicely
polished bronze metal ornaments
Prices from $1,00 to .16,00.
r J H Pears Union Co's leading Jeweler
NeitNewlIn Drag Store. - Watch re
pairing a Specially.
J. li. Peare, the Jeweler
Freeh Chocolates . -' ' ' , y
' Fresh Bon Bona .' .,.:,,,..:.....;,..
i Frah Nougact
j - FreahaCarmels
' Fresh Taffey
- Fresh Salted Peanuts - -FresbJ8alted
. . Fresh'Popcorn
Fresh ' Fruit
9 00
9 00
9 00
9 001
10 00
" Real estate Snap
Two acre trect, seven blocks from
center of La Grande. Good six room
ed cottng' lurnished oompletely and
wmll. If desired. Two barns, large ben
limine and wire enclosed park over one
.rlred ohiokena, over 100 beariig
i..,it tre.a including winter and sum
apples, pears, prunes, neaobe
. I several rarities ''''""
i .anh.rriaa. 600 strawberries
..";- .. .hide trees, lawn, flowers
and Urge garden rcsdy for use. three
w lis, two pumns, ten tnsres in goou
'; ditch House Insured for $700
fur three years. r 0n;
For particulars Inquire st this office.
The World's Fair Route
Thnae anticipating an Eastern trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition at SU Louis, cannot anora to
overlook the advantages offered by the
Missovu Pacinc Kailwav, wnicn, on
eccount of its various rontea and gated
ways, baa D9n. appropnaioij' ukujos
The World'a Fair Route."
Paaengera from the Northwest take
the Miasooaiactrio traina from Den
ver or Pneblo with the choice of either
going direct Ihrongn tno ftansaa iiij,
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains dallv from Denver and
Didn. to HL Louis without change.
earrrlng all claswe ol modern euuip
ment, Including electric lighuwl obser
vation parlor fe dining cars. Ten
lallv traina belweeii Kansas City and
"''uiSJi" mil on W. I). HcBrlde
Oeneral Agent, m Third st, l-orean.i
frr iletailed Information nd IllostraU!-.
John N. Young, same
Manuel Snider, olerk of eleo
tion La No 1
F H Tatman, rame
C Ij OwbIbv, same"
C Henderson, Judge .of elec
tion No Elgin preo
Charles Patten, Judge and mcBs
eager of election No Elgin..
SJ Marshall, Judne of election
No Eleotion preoinct... 9 00
J E Alexander, clerk of election
No Flgin procinet 9 00
John Raney, same 9 00
J A Baker, same 00
J F Sappingtou, Judge of elec
tion So Elgin precinct 9 00
W H Russell, Judge and mess
enger of eleotion So Elgin
Charlea Chandler, Judge of
elect!' n So Elgin precinct
H D Hpencer, olora So Elgin
John A Hug, same
FL Wade, same 9 00
J T Woorlell; Judae and meee
of election Summerville pre 11 00
Rudolph Hug, Judge of election
same 6 00
E S Logan, clerk Bame 6 00
W II Glenn, same 6 00
C D McDowell, same 6 00
J P Hallay, Judge of election
La Grande precinct No 2 . .
B w Grandy, Judge and mess
enger same
H W stoner, Judge eleotion
Wm Miller, clerk election same
J K Nordlioff, same , .
0 S Dunn, same 9
Henry Hush, Judge of election
Camp Caraon precinct . 6 00
Wm Hughan, aame 6 00
(continued next week)
Last Day Of Carnival
The oarnlval last night drew a good
attendance. The weather proved to
bs ideal and it teemed that everyone
aud his girl waa there to see the at
tractions and partioipate in the ooo
fetti battle. The elreets this morning
ara covered with the many colored bits
ol paptr which remain aa evidevce of
all that took plaoe last evening. To
night winds up the Eagles first great
oarnival in this oity and they certainly
have no reason to regret having "sign
ed up" with the Dixie Carnival Co
The oommitieeepeaka la the highest
terms of managers ol the Dixie Car
nival Company. In all the business
relations which tbey bad with the
managemen there has been nothing
but the most pleasant transactions.
The general publio also has a moit
friendly fueling (or the company for
all have received the most polite
nd gentile treatment. This offlos
wishes to inform us brother newt
paper men aloog the liue that tbey
will find in Mr. Ht llliman, tLe com
panies press nge.nt, a true gentleman
-tnd a man in eery way worthy of
rBBuect aud confidence.
10 00
9 00
9 00
0 00
Rioting At The Yards.
Chicago. July 23 The first rioting
nf the day at tbs a tuck yards came
when Frtnk Miller was to badly kick
ed and beaten by a orowd of atrike
sympathizers mat It ia believed be
will die. .
Fiist Class dressmaking at reasonable
pricei. Inquire for Mis Mary Coon,
late of Seattle, at Mrs fhearere rooms.
9 00
12 00
9 00
9 00
9 00
Fitzgerald Knocked Out
Butte, Mont.. July 23. Jimmy
Gardner knocked oat .Willie Fitzgerald
tonight In the tilth round.
Think of It.
Calgata Floating Bath Soap Sets New
in Drug Co. J.-28-U.
For Sale
One and one fourth acres near Court
House with 8 room house will roll batli
lawn and bouse or either,
J T Baker.
Notice ia hereby given to all whom
it may concern, that Christian W
Murohv. baa Bled ber account
aa administratrix of the estate of
1'hoinaa N Murphy, deceased snd the
County Court of Union county Oregon
ties ei Tuesday, the 01b dsy of Sept
ember, A. U. 11104, at two o'clock P M
for the besrlng of surb reort.
Christina W Murphy.
The Grande Sonde Vslley Fruit
Farm oontains 320 aores.and is to be
told in lots of five sores and op to suit
the purobsser. It is situated eight
rriles northeast of La Grande, Oregon,
near the Elgin branch ol the O. R. &
N. Railroad.
- We (urniab the purchaser at the end
ol three years a tbriltly growing apple
orobard, ooe that bas been oared (or
from setting, in the 'most approved
manner, cultivating the land aix to
eight timea a year , keeping the ground
well pulverised, and at all times (roe
from weedt, grata and other vegetation
between May let and August 16th of
each year; keeping the trees pruned in
the most scientific manner: removing
and burning all cuttings and. tuckers,
and in short do any and all work whiob
will be lor the beat interest of the land
and trees. We replant all trees that
may die in tho first, second sod third
years, and pay all taxea on the land
for three years. We furnish the land
lab.r and material and trees and three
yearr eare, at the price of $120 per
aere, giving three years in whloh to
pay lor It. -
Our terms of payment are oo per
oeot ot purchase prioe, cash ;' balance
in three yearly payments, bearing In'
terest at the rate of six psr cent per
Tni pnrobaserean remain wbsre be
is make no immediate change in his
butinrta or home ir teres ts making bia
pre.ent businete pay for bis investment
aaorlficing no time while tbe orchard
is being brought into bearing condi
tion and rest assured tbat skilled hcr
ticalturalists will do tbe woik better
than be oan unless he has bsd horti
cultural experience under couditiont
existing in Oregon. After trees have
bad scientific care pruning and shap
ing fur three yeara, the rubsepuent
work is muoh more meebodical and
oan be aueoesslully done by these with
O'tt hortlcultnrsl skill.
As an Investment it is guilt edge;
and is tbe nearott potsible approach
to a guaranteed annuity.
V s have all our woik done by con
tract and the oontraotora are under
heavy bonds to us for the faithful pre
formanos ol tbelr work.
We bave executed a bond to tbe
amouot of $10,000 and have appoint,
ed Hon. J M Church, cashier of the
La Grande National Bank, trustee to
Indemnify any parties purchasing
land on the Oraode Ronde Valley
Frail Farm from us vho may suffer
by our not fulfilling our obligations.
v Of All KindsDone
Phone, Main 1621
We are offering this week
Sofa Bed, New... $10 60
Chairs, 15o to .75o
Fine Upholstered Chairs 2 60
Kitohen Treasure. 8 00
Dining tables, 2 50 Camp stoves, 1 40
Dresser 5 00 Trunk. .... ..1 75 ,
Boss Washing Maohme ......176
Good Loange, 2 60 Rockers 60o-3 00
Cook Stove ... 3 CO Kitchen cabinet 6 25 '
Fine center tbl 4 60 Rugs, 75c to 2 50'
Trunk 8 60 Colts revolver 9 00
Gassolene stove .2 50
Remember we do all kinds of furniture repairing,
upholstering and house cleaning. i-hohe us aud
we will give you estimates.
H. B, Hasten Pho2n0V F.DJaifta
Formerly C & M Noble's Store.
We Do Not Claim j
That we can please all of the people all of the time.Jbut ;
That our plant bas been uuderfthe same management for
e nearly raw i niAxia
S That during this time our aim has been to please as
nearly-all, at all times as good work and courteous trottt
S That we will do eur beat to please you if you will favor
S us with your patronage
That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley'a
barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attent
e tbey would if lelt at the luunary.
? PHONE l85l .,