ViriSclieve that the Best Trademaker is -Satisiaction - And are building up our business by giving our curtomers f The Best Their Money Will Buy You get the best when you buy from us., The "QUALITY ' Shoe store T M STUBBLEFIELD, . v . Next door to J M Berrys. OREGON Union Pacifi NO.l 8:60 p. m. NO.. SJOa. m. Salt Lak. Deliver Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kaurm OUT, St. l.ouli, Chicago NO I. 5:60 a m NO 6 N SlDally exoeat Sunday Tim Mchedul LA (IRANI) B. Portland, Dalles, Pen- aieura, wna vvaim, Dayton, Fo meroi , Coin., Mocow,Hpo. Baue HDnu -a j lib Tli Bpo- Kane. Portland. Dull, Pen- aiouin umaiiiia whi lula, l,owlKtnt(ilftix Moaoow, Wallane War dner, Hpokaoe and other points eaitand norm via rcpuniwa. 'aland City. AlloelJ imnier. una cifin mnnfleilnuii at Kfeln with Mtage lorpoinu in Wallowa ranim v NO. 1. 6-50 a. m. Nl 8:5 p.m NO 2 0.06 p I no a ftwi a m 111 6:30 p in Ooearx Steamers between Portland and Ban Francisco every Ave daya E. C. MOOKE, Agent TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here (or men's and by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt lino is our spec ialty. Here is where prioe and quality-are combined. C. Vv. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET Special Excursion to the World's Fair. , The Denver and Rio Grande, In con nection with the Missouri PueiUc, will run a series of . personally con ducted excursions to the World's fair during June., These excursious will run through to St. Louis without change of cars, making short stops at principal points enroute. The Hmtof these excursious will leave Portland June 7, and the second June 17. The rate from La Grande rill be WO to St. Louis and return. Excursionists go ing Aia the Denver & Rio tirande have the privilege of returning by a differ ent route. This is the must pleasant , as well "as the inoBt delightful route to cross the continent. 1 he stopB arranged give an opportunity of visiting in and about Kansas City. If you wish to accompauy one of these excursions write at once to W C Mo Bride, 124 Third street, Portland, for Sleeping car reservations HARD WALL PLASTER Ouly costs about 6o per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES . JNo danger ot freezing as it can be used in zero weuther Being flexible instead of brit vie us an Band morlors are it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe noles, etc are easily cat through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity and thus prevents snort circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common latu it contains no acids nor chemicals to corrode It will not burn nor disintegrate by fire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to do should cousult mo regarding this class of work Estimates cheorfully given ' E. REISLAND, Phone 371 Dr. I' A CHARLTON '-VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 MY SHINES Are like tbe -'Smile that won't come off." They are put on right and etay right. I nse only Whitmore's paste and guarantee that if after thirty days trial you And that it has in any way way lojured the leather I will present the customer with a 15 pair ot Bhoes purchased at any store he may select. If vou desire really first class work call and get a thine. Ladies worn specialty. Retnerubor tbe place, Kirt- ley's Barber Shop, where everything Is first class from the boot black up. JOKB. WILLIAMS Small Fruits Fresh from the patch. Order your berries direct from tbe grower by phone. An order lor berries of any kind will receive prompt attention and will be delivered at once. Remember the phone is 11126 for fresh berries. o-lsu. STRIKE WILL BE SETTLED Both Sides Atree To Submit to and Abide by Decision of Board of Arbitration Chicago, July 21 Tbe strike of tbe packing house employes tbat begin nine days ago and which has demora lized the packing iuduatry through out the country, was settled bare to night at a conference between tbe re presentatives ol the the rack ers, (he officials of the Meat Cutters' union and the representttivetof all the allied trades employed at the stock yards. ' The wbnle controversy is to be sub mitted to a board of arbitration, b itb eidoe agreeing to abide by whatever decision thin Inard may reaoh. Find ing tne decision of the arbitration board, the men arc to be taken back to work a rapidly as possible by the paokera that all the i Id employes are to he reinstated witLin 45 days from the date that work is resumed. If any ormer employes' are (till unemployed at t ie expiration of that time auoh perrons are to have the privilege ol submitting thoir oases to the arbitra tion board for settlement The strikers will return to work . as i on as tbey can be notified of peace able adjustment nf the trouble, and it is expected that by Friday morning everything will be in normal shape at all the plants iu the different cities where tho employes were on strike. The settlement of the difficulty by arbitration was brought ab tut by the allied oraft at the stock ysrds, wbo would have become involved in tbe controversy had it continued much longer. JUDGE JOHN AVBRIDE Of Spokane, Brother of Ex-Senator McBride, of Oregon, Dies Very Suddenly lo be a winner. Ha is the whole show and if r ia ool worked to death be fore he reaches tbe eg ot maturity be will otrlaioly be the strong dm of too age. . Tbe erpwds stilt ottmt and each day seem to bring aa inoraeas ol business. Are Recovering f Mr. I, E. Cbenault ,of Cove, and Mr. F. A. Paddock, of Union, who were operated upon at tbe hospital, are convalescing rapidly. The are mora tban usually comfortable onn sfdtrlng tbe bot weather, East Ore- goniao. Awful Heat Heat caused six deaths at Ublosgo, Tuesday with lb thermometer at 91 Relieved Of Command Boise, July 21 Ool. MoClellan ol the Seoond Idaho infantry, state mi litia, baa own relieved ol hi com mand, because ol negligence and dis orderly oonuuot, it if alleged, in fat ting left by bie train at Pendleton, as his company passed through there Tuesday morning. Attorney For Canal Zone ..' Washington, July 21 The Panama canal commission today annoonotd tbe appointment ol James ' Harborg Seedy, ol New York, as proaeoutiug attorney for the oaoal tone. , "The sum of flo.OOO was disbursed ia tbe payment ol these 1,800 men," said Colonel Tucker.' t The National Guard ol Oregon received pay lor 9W enlisted man aod 67 offioers, Oregon bad the largest militia representation, "1 - Urges Morality. Rome July 81 A new cneyclioal letter addressed to all tbe bishops ot the world, and dealing with tbe duties ot laymen toward' the church, is in course of preparation at the vatioan. It will insist strongly on the obliga tion sf all lay Catholics to obey tbe eooleetioal aotberlties and to under take no innovation without the pre vlous consent of those wbo have bsen placed by Gid to govern the oburob. Tbe pope will also point ont tbe necessity for laymen who are oliiefs of Catbolis sooiotie. or leadera in Catho lic work, to be consistent in their pri vate life, aa eiamplea of good living Christians. , , . .. , ., Brewery Strike Ended. Ban Frauoiaoo July 21 Tbe strike of tbe brewer) workers ended today in compromise. Hereaftsr tbe men are to receive $21 a week wages, aod i to bi paid BO cents an hour for all overtime labor. . , ' ", .,,...' i paper and Tbe Weekly Thief Disappears 8tookon, Cel., July SI Ifarrha gabin a Chicago diamond thief, jump ed berbiil this rooming. Bheleft 18, 000 worth of diamonds and jewelry. It is believed by some she haa ioioid- ed. ,". ' ' Five Thousand Locked Out New York, July 21 Five thousand carpenters were looked out today , by the Master Caroentars' AfftoietioB. The trouble isdue to the alleged vio lation of tbe, arbitration agree nent : ' ' CURBS OLD SORES i Westmoreland, Kans. May 6 1002. Ballard Snow Liniment Co. our Snow Liniment cared an old sore on the side of my ohin that waa supposed to be a cancer. - Tbe soee was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in abort order., ' My sister, Mrs Sophia J Carson,' Allensville, Mlltln Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts that it is a cancer. Please send her a 50c bottle. . Sold by Newlln Drug Co. A Correction The statement has been made that I expect to remove the bodies' now re. posing In the old cemetery aud : place them in a' trench. I wish to correct this statement. It is not my intention to do this. I intend to remove all bodies of the unknown and the unclaimed and those whose friends and relatives, are finan cially enable to do so, and place them in a respectable cemetery wbioh is properly cared for and' maintained. in in v. i . . . MUCH DISPLEASED id"-' "rJ!" IXUJwIUli DU 1BI QD UVODIVID 'anil. UWUtra EMPEROR NICHOLAS khooi - mm. Opposite the Somuier House. One of the best musioal institutions in tbe state, Four rooms used for musical instruction, 10 grades of music taught. Depatment 1, 2 rooms uied for the 3 first grades, thildren nt the age of 5 and older oome one hour every day. Department 2, i rooms for grades 4 to 15 for pnpils of all nges The lat est ouurse best pasotioal musical in struction M isnal oonlests for med als every few seeks. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY, Assistant Real estate Snap Your Chickens ARE WANTED at the Spokaae Cafe For a Grand SUNDAY Chicken Dinner SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot SU La Grunde.Or Spokane, .Inly 21 Judge John , R. McBride, biutber of ex-8enator Mo Bride of Oregon, died suddenly today from hemorrhage of the braiu. John H. M:iBrirte wns born in Mis souri in 1833 and camo to Oregon In 1810. He was the seond oongrossman from Oregon , biing elected during the war, Later President Lincoln ap pointed him as Idaho's first chief jus tice. He was Republican nations' cmimiitlee from Idaho and Utah for 17 years Of late years he had b0 engaged in the praotioe of mining law iu Spokane. St Petersburg July 21 The Asso ciated Press is informed tbat Emper or Nicholas, io an interview with Count Lamsdcrff the foreign minister, expressed bis displeasure at the turn events bad taken and at tbe possibil ity of complications with Great Brit ain arising out of the detention ol British ships by tbe Russian volun teer Beet ot steamers in tbe Red Sea. This specifio attitude, if tbe report is correct, will doubtless lead to an im mediate and amicable adjustment. of the difficulties. A Strong Protest ' 8t Petersburg July 21 Sir Charles Hardinge, the British ambassador, this afternoon on benalf of his gov ernment presented a strong protest against tbe seizure of the Red Sea steamer Malacca, oarrying govern ment stores. The ambassador ; also presented a general protest against the action of the Russian fleet in tbe Red Sea. will be identified and markers set op at the graves. . The removal of the bodies rrom in is cemetery is maae necessary by the tact that the land adjoining this cemetery is to be sold as building lota and the said property is absolutely un saleable so long as this tract remains cemetery. Parties who are able to re move their dead are requested to do so at onoe as the tract is to be cleared of all bodies within the next sixty days. Dr. Geo. O'Connor. A Few Choice Bargains in Wal lowa County Real Estate ' f (1) 300 Scree of land. lfflanfaaiuraliU nt al,lwln 114.1! in faU sown wheat. House, barn and other buildings. A gr ninn a- ano " -! "I (S)M3aaa.,man orchard, bouse, bar and icod ontbalkiuita. 10 imi.ia fall T.V It'!"'1 "nail atraam ot waiar as tbrauaa plaot A gnat baigalii al Is.oOO 11 fUtiacrasoilaaa partolwhics is U Suit of meadow; food boiuc and' onibuldmia foodaay shtdi. an toaa ot tuy can be out oa las nlaos will take WO in cattle ia liJ on this properO. lMco W par MM. . . !Ma,iaoroholcUud-PrTcslOi.racr.. This is a fRatbarnta. v '"MlaiideptracM Theaaana law ot the many auapa Wo have to lath way of real catalc baraaiaa. Kw further particular, addreaa, M'DR,nlel S6 M'Donald WALLOWA, - - OREGON do nan a n d a a fa a n n o a n d o a a J j Farmers' and Traders J o National Bank, a OREGON B I 60.000 0 LAGRANDE, - Capital Stock fully paid . I 60,000 Surplus fund - - 13,000 Liability of Shareholders . 60,000 - . Responsibility . . . . -133,000 We do a general banking and exchange business. Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. a:- B JOSEPH PALMER, President V "' g" g ! ; J. W, SORIBBR, Cashier p aoaDDDDDDDQDDQmiODDnaD Tht Clock is something that is Indispensable to the home. It marks the hour for aria ing to cope with events ot the day, and tbe time lor retiring at night. There h Something - . about the clock tbat tonchea the bean ot all. It will some day mark the hour ol death, : My clocks are ot bandsomeappearance neat in design, and made ol nicely - polished bronze metal ornaments ' Prices Irom ll.uu to 110,01). . V H Pea re Union Co's loading Jeweler VextNewlin Drug Store. Watch re pairing a Specially. J. H. Pcarc, the Jeweler Fresh Cheeolstes - a 1 -.' . .',.,-) Fresh Bon Bona i-M.i-r. 'i ' Fresh Nougact '.: ..... i .tori-.-' Fresh.Carmela i: ii ; "Fresh Taffey . ; ! Fresh Salted Peanuts . - FreshJSalted Almonds ; : ' ." -; '.! .'-.' Fresh.Popcorn Fresh Fruit PHILIP LOY The World's Fair Route Those anticipating nn Kaslrrn trip, or a visit to the Louisiana l'un liaee expo sition st St. Louis, cannot atlnrd to overlook the advantnues ollered by the Missouri Panne Railway, which, on aeconuv of it vari.itis routes and iratcd ways, han oc-n aiproiriately names The World's Fair Route." Pan-enueni from the Northwest take the Missonai'rACiFic trains from Deu vcror Pnehlo with the choice of cither direct Ihroniiii wo Mine. inv, WichlU, Fori Scott and Pleasant Germany Expects Paris, July 21 Information reach ing government qutitrs here leads the officials to believe Russia will re lease the British aod German mer chantmen seized in the Red sea, as a mean- of averting international com plications. MALACCA AT PORT SAID Port Said, July 21 The orew and passengers oi the steamer Malacca eeized l.y the Hi. Petersburg in tbe Red aeii have ben landed here. The ship is being detained by the author! ties, who are awaiting instruction b; fore taking further action. Will Support the Government London July 21 Tbe opposition In tbe House ol Commons have allowed it to be prepared to support the gov ernment in its representations to Rus sia regarding tbe seiiare of the steam er Malacca in tbe Bed 8sa. Two acre trect, seven blocks from mr of La Grande. Good six room- ....... f,,rnlahpl ooinnletelv and su wi"in - - rainf .. j i-.l T rt l.nrn. Uree hen . f- W6I1, II oeaiiou. vl 1 hnnna and wiro enclosed park over one j ..... hundred chickens, over 100 besrirg Two trslns dally 1 . . .. 1 A..n, pn.,l.ln tit St. IjOU ' halt trees tnnu.i.nir -iu.. r u . - n".htvt ( ,n,lorn e...i,! mer apples, peais. prunes, peBcuea , . ,-, ,.lt.,ril. w,trl, ()wr. and aeverai vnri" - Jhousand, 600 'tra-berne. twenty Ave shade trees, law,.. Hoae.s and large A uw' thr wills, two pumns, ln shares in ood water ditch House insured for -00 for three years. r't down. Kor particulars lii'iuire at this othce. from Uenver and m- Pnehlo to tt. U.uia Hltliont clianare, vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ton ilailr trains between Kansas City ami . i.,i Write, or call on W. J. McBride, (ieneral Agent, 124 Third st, Portland for detailed Information nd illnstratei literal ore. tf. ANOTHER BIG DAY Not withstanding tbe faot tbat the circus was in town tbe Eagles Garni. val did a land ollice business yeatetday Tbe biv wonder high diver, Jobnie Mangles, teemed to have as large ao au lieuce aa on any previous day and the Berger Bros, who hold open air free acts did uot miss any one in tbe ground. This last feature is one of ttie strongest ac:s in the csrnival. Their feats of bilanoing are truly innrveliiu. It costs nothing to see them and their act (swell worth your time required to see them. The Ojn j Inland show is drawing larger crowds daily. The strong boy seems Warnings Are Sent Tokio July 21 The Russian Vledi- vostouk squadron., unaccompanied by torpedo biats entered the Pauifio ocean at 7 o'ol ck today. Warnings bae been sent to shipping along tbe coast of Japan and merchantmen are hurriedly seeking cover. Tbe squa dron went through t .6 straits ol Tsugaru. Tbe steamer Takasbima waa overhauled by tbe squadron bat later released the sqaadron, steaming southeast at great speed. It is believ ed they are beading lor Saigon, tbe capital of French Indo-Cbina, altho it is possible this ie a rnse to deceive tbe Japanese. A Japanese torpedo boat flotilla is in pursuit. Oregon's Soldiers. Ool. Tucker, paymaster in the U. 8. A. whose duty It was to pay oft tbe troops at American Lake It quoted by tbe Portland Journal aa saying. "Oregon may feel justly proud of her troops," says Lieut.-Col. W T Tucker, chief paymaster department of tbe Colu-nbia of the United Stales army, wbo has returned from Amer ican Lake, wbeis tbe monthly pay ment of tne troops of the department took place. The payment of tbe troops uoder I be supervision of Colonel Tucker avsirted by Major Reese and Frank R Day waa accomp lisbeJ in a surprisingly short spaos of time, less than two hours was con sumed in tbe payment of any min.ia egimeut. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY -:.) . , FRUIT FARM The Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm contains 320 acres and ia to be sold in Iota of five acres and op to suit the purchaser: It is situated eight nrdlss northeast of La Grande, Oregon, near tbe Elgin branch of tbe O. R. & N. Railroad. .... ,, . r...,. ., ., .. We furnish the purchaser at the end ' of three years a tbriftly growing apple orchard, one that has been cared for from setting, In the most approved manner, cultivating the land lit' to. eight times a year , keeping the ground well pulverised, and at all times free from weeds, grass and other vegetation between May 1st and August lfitb of esob year; keeping tbe trees pruned in tbe most scientific manner: removing and burning all outtings and lookers, and in short do soy and al! woik which will be for tbe best interest of tbe land and trees. We replant all trees that may die in the first, second and third years, and pay all taxes on tbe land for three years. We. furnish tbe land labor and material and trees and three years' care, at tbe price of $120 per sore, giving three years in wbiob to pay for it.' v - Our terms of payment are Do per cent of purchase price, cash ; balance in three yearly payments, bearing In tereet at tbe rate of six per cent per annum. ; Tbt purchaser can remain where be is make no immediate change in his business or home Interests making bis present business pay for his Investment sacrificing no time while tbe orohard is being brought into bearing condi tion and rest assured tbat skilled bor ticalturaltsts will do the woik better tban be oan unless be has had horti cultural Sxperienoe under oouditiont existing in Oregon . 1 After trees have bad scientific care pruning and shap ing for three years, tbe subsepuent work is much mors msebodioal and can be successfully dona by these with out borticolttirsl skill. As an Investment it li guilt edge) and is the nearest, ' possible ' approiob to a guaranteed annuity. t have all our woik done by con tract and the contractors are under heavy bonds to us for the faithful pre- formanoe of their work. We have exocated a bond to tbe amount of 110,000 aod have appoint ed Hon. J X Cburcb, cashier of the La Grande National Bank, trnttea t indemnify' any parties purchasing land on the Grands Ronde Valley Fruit Farm from us bo may suffer by our ool fulfilling our obligations NESTOAND BRICK WORK f AU AT Of AU Kinde'Done 111 MM C HANSEN Phone, Main 1621 . i 3 f. EXTRA BARGAINS ' We are offering this week Sifa Bed, New. ................. 110 60 Chairs, 15c to .75o ; Fine Upholstered Chairs 2 50 Kitchen Treasure... 3 00 Dining tables, 2 50 Camp stoves, 1 40 Dresser 5 00 Trunk...... .1 75 Boss Washing Maohine 175 Good Lounge, 2 50 Rockers 60c-3 00 , Cook Stove. . .3 CO Kitchen cabinet 6 25 , Fine center tbl 4 50 Rugs, 75o to 2 60 Trunk 8 60 Colts revolver 9 00 Gassolene stove. .. '., ..2 50 Remember we do all kinds of furniture repairing, upholstering and house cleaning. Ihone us aud we will give you estimate". H.Be"HaiSten pho2n0e5l F. DJHaigten Formerly C & M Noble's Store. j We Do Not Claim J That we can please all of the people all of the time.Jbut ! WE DO CLAIM I That our plant has been undeijthe same management for nearly TEN YEARS That during this time our aim has been to please as S nearly all, at all times as good work and courteous treat That we will do our best to please you if you will favor us with your patronage 5 That Packages left at Anderson fe Myers or Kirtley's barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attention that S they would if left at the laundry. IA B C LAUNDRY ; PHONE X85I