La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 19, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    ("',,.-., .
tnodata yor.
jCa Srande Snvostment- Company,
1110 Ad ami Avenue,
Uao. Palmes President
J, M. Bokt Vice President
J. M.Cuoaou Cashier '
t. L. Mitnufl and Geo L Clearer
' 3655
La Grande National B nk
-'- L Grande, Oregon
Traataete a laneial banking baatness.' Buys and sella exchange an
; all parts of ths world. Collections a specialty. . ..
Meat Market
Stellwell & Vanderrauelen, Proprietors. ? . ,
' Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
; Coal For Hot Weather
Our Rock Spring coal will give satisfaction
We always haye it on hand. Castle Gate and Clear
Greek 00a! , too, if you would rather have it. ' We al
ways have ooal. ull kinds and at lowest piices., If
you want wood we can fui niah you the kind thai burns .
longest and best. !
Phone INfo 1611
: We will call for it and bring it
home whenpromisedi
. We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a
trial order to demonstrate to yon that we un
derstand the laundry business. Kou can stop
our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry .
and your work will be called for at once. We
make a specialty of family washing, aud can
do your washing better and cheaper than
you. A trial order solicited.
Union Steam Laundry
PHONE 1981.
Mr John II Uiillotu, Kilitor nt the
Ciarlnml, Texas, News, baa writ ton a
letter of congratulations to the manu
facture of Chamberlain's Couuh Re
medy, ae follows: "Sixteen years ugo
when our first child was a ba'iy he was
subject to croupy spells and we would
be very uneasy about him. We bounn
using Chamberlain's Cough ttomedy in
187, ami lindlug it such a reliable re.
ineily for roldaaml creup we have never
lieen without in the house since that
time. We have live children and liavo
given It to all of them with Rood re
sults." For sale by all druggists.
Change of
Tho undersigned has purchased
the busin s known us the Harris
Cash Meat Market and will here
after conduct the sumo.
We wish to inform the public
that we ure prepared to furnish
all kinds of moats, game and
poultry at the very lowest prices
consistaut with first-clas articles
We have our own delivery
and tnakfl two trips daily to the
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cuttle, hogs and
slienp. we solicit a snare 01
your patronage and guarantee
the vry best satisfaction;
Phone orders receive prompt
aud caTef'il attention. !
Harris meal market across the
1 U Pknm 1AM.. "' ! . I
truua. - 11 w .1 -
good real estate ie now. Tbe place la
Home Investment Addition wh.ra
are selling choice lota, 195 by 213 1m
(or 91(10 to (300 lor oath or Initallmsata
Do yon Dot Know that money pat In
to the right kind of real" estate U one
of the moat profitable iovestmenUT
-. Home Investment Addition will grow
rapidly, and I he price of late than la
bound to no up In the near future. It
will be wiee to purchase Dow. ;
La Grande, Oregon 1
J. M. Berry, J. M. Oburch
A. B. Cooler, Geo. Ik Clea
-ver, Geo. Palmer
Asst. Cashiers
Lodge Directory.
KAWI.t-H-l UratHle A trie) iu F O R HWl
ovurv VtiA.y nihtiiLlu K of F hall it I p a
Vi-lllnn lirwlhtrii lmlll to attend,
C M Ituckwolt, W t AN lUyvUle, W 80.
Mnrtoii, No it iiimIn enoh Tuesday la ENra
Al lleUner Cbl( Banner.
0 J VamU'tpoul, Kcutko.
I O O P l.a mucin Lodge, No 16 bmu In
lliolr Imll every KnnnUy nixtit. Visiting mi-m
uvrm txmiiauy luviicu uj aiuiuu.
UJ Vauderpool, N O.
I 11 8nooli. KM. .....
A, F.& A. M. La Grande Lodge
No, 41. inei'ta evory Island 3rd Batur-
AC Williams 8eo,
CI) II nil man W. M.
Delightful Route, Daylight Ride
Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons.
A Golden Opportunity Set
nature In all her glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first is
found alontr the line of the
Deuvnr & Bio Grande Railroad
and tlm Inter at the St. Louis
World's Fiiir. Your trip will be
one of plt'imure make tha most
of it. For information and illus
trated literature write
V. 0. McBRIDE, Qen.Agt.
Portland, Orvgon
Li Grande Evening Observer
CUBRET UEOB., Editors Prop
Entered at the Poet Offloa at La
Grand, Oregon, aa eeond Olaaa
Hail Matter.
Published daily except Sunday
one Tear in advance...... 16 60
Six moctbi iu advance 2 60
Per month. ....66c
Single copy... 6c
"Nerer despair, though the way be dark
Somawbera tho sua Is shining;
Keep heart ol cheer, , through the
winter drear, , , .
Bomewhere tha rote are twin'.ag.
Ever: be hopeful, b true-
Some time for you shall the rosea
( . bloom.
A glowing sun ablne out ot the blue.
On the path now wrapped In gloom."
In the 20 years endiug with
1900 Carroll D. Wright United
States Commissioner of labor i
the 16 Annual Report in writing
of the time lost by strikers gives
the number of days lost by wage
earners at 2,789,160, which
reduced amouuts to 7,641.6
years, -fie alto gives the wage
loss of employes by lost time by
reason of strikes during tne 20
years under review at 1357,863
478, during which time other
labor organizations than those
direotly engaged in the strike
assested the strikers to (he
amount of $16,174,793. anbTthe
loss to the employers by reason
of the strikes therein for the 20
yeais amounted to 1122,731,121,
tusking the total leasers for the
period foot up " $895,769,392
obargable to strikes. The num
ber of persons who lost time by
reason of strikes for the 20 years
from 1881 to end of 1900 were
6,105,694 , and their average loss
was $42 to each wage earner
engaged. ? . 7
The losses from lockouts for
the 20 years ending with 1900
was not as great as from strikes,
being $48,819,745 as the wage
loss of employees, $3,451,461
assistance to employees by labor
organizations aud $19,927,983
loss of employers; making an
aSgregcte loss from lockouts foi
the 20 years of $72,399,199.
By adding the losses from
strikes and lookouts during the
20 years it will be seen thai lab
or troubles are responsible for
loss of $468,168,681.
By scanning the above figurei
it will be seen that the lossert
from strikes and lockouts for thi
20 years under review fell heavi
est on the employers, their sha.-e
being $826,509,477 while the
employer was $142,669,477.
Of the 14,457 strikes in the 20
years under consideration those
in 103,465 establishments were
orders by labororgsnizations, of
which the strikes in 64,690 were
successful, those in 14,066
succeeded partially and those in
34,699 failed . At the same time
there were strikes in 13,913
establishments that were not
ordered by organisations of
which 4,947 succeeded, 1,259
partly succeeded and 7,707 fail
That some idea may be form
ed as to the relatiou that the
present labor troubles bears to
the whole business carried on in
the United States the following
figures are given. In 1900 there
were 512,734 manufacturing
establishments of all kinds in
tne united states that gave
employment to 6,719,137 wage
earners, clerks and officials to
whom were paid iu wages and
salaries $2,735,439,848, and turn
d out a product valued al 13,-
80 far as the farmers and farm
bauds have not entered the labor
tarmail. In 1900 there were
5,739,657 farms in the United
States on which 10,438,219
either as tenants wage earners
or owners. The value of the
farms and farm property in 1900
was 20,514,001,838.
Just how mauy wage earners
are organized in the several
unions or kindred organizations
is not certainly known, but
president"1 Mitchell rrcentlv
estimated the number t
2,000,000. This is not
quite all the number employed
in the factories.
We are now shippirg cherries
from this valley in sar loud lots
and it will tint be - many ' yt-ais
until eare shipping apple' iu
train loads. This is destined to
be one of the large fruitsbippiug
counties of the State..
The miues in Southern Ore
gon have attracted nore than
the usual atteotion the past few
months. Oregon is rapidly
becoming one of the best gold
producing states in the uuion.
In fact there are very lew things
that we do not excell.
There have been more ' dam
ages reported, resulting from
electrical disturbance this year
both east and west .'than for
many years
Now is the time for steps' tn
be taken for a creditable-exhibit
of tbe resources of this county
to be made and properly main
tained next year during . the
Louis and Clark fair. Soveral
counties in the state are now at
work and in a few instances the
county courts are assisting by
liberal appropriations. . There
, 1. u .; r 11
Should he United action Of all
portions of the county, relative to
f , ' " .
tnis exuiitib. 1 iiw bumib uuuub;-
. ii , 1 wiwl
Should be represented Whit
is everybodys business is no-
Lrooys. .Lure duuuiu ud oicpo
taken towards organization for
the proper carrying out of this
exhibit. :
J. D. McKennon has returned
from Walla Walla where hs toek
26 head of horses belonging - to
McKennon & Leadbetter, where
he found a good market. The
horses were . between 4 and 6
years old welgbiug frim 1200 to
1400. He states horses of this
olass are in demand at satisfac
tory prices but small horses are
not wanted at any price.
Perchcron Horses
W.G. Peaoh who has been visiting
early scenes of his life in Varment for
the past eighteen months is now on
bia way home and is bringing several
bead of fine pcrcheroo horses witbhim
Call Us Up
If you do oot receive your Observer
regularly please call us up by phmn
and let us know. We are Just as an
xioas to have yon get your psper bf
yon are to get it. All papers should be
placed In the door. It yours does not
com that way let ns know. 1
London, July 19. The Morning Post's
correspondent at Kuroki's headquarter
telegraphing July 17, says:
Tbe Russian force, apparently about
JO.OOO strong, attaektd the Japanese
position on tbe western slope of Mo
Tien pass at 3 a m today under oover of
a dense fog. Tbe sudden onslaught
drove the Japanese outporta, but
soon aa reinforcements arrived the
Japanese gallantly advanced to the
attack and alter severe fighting drove
off the Russians and reocciipied thotr
to have your meals is our restnrant
Everything is attractively arranged
and nothing Is lacking to make Its ap
pearance neat. Here I he young ladies
and gentlemen ean eat to their heart'r
contrnt, without feeling abashed at the
people here Is the merits ol our cookery
It is unsurpassed when It comes to ex
cellence, and all our meals prove health.
ful, tasty and enjoyable. Our prices
a right, too, and our waiters pol It
alic! attentive.
We tell weekly Meal ,
Tickets, caan.
.I'lvodaUandKodjikSupplio.- ,
, A. complete stock of professional paper. Plates at wholesale prices .Mailorders
answered promptly.
La Grande Drim Co. and Red Cross Drug Co
Chain wood by the Cord
128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-iuch dry chum
wood $3 per cord. This is cheuper than ly tbe load.
You pay for what you get ai-d get what you pay for.
Phone 571
FOR BENT A 5 room bouse on Adami
- Avenue in western part of city In
. quire of C. R. Thornton. - tf
FOR SALE AND KENT On account of
ill health we will lease our forty five
room looming house, wbitb is doing
a good Orst class business to reaponsi:
ble parties for a term of years Will
self the furniture at reasonable
prions . kur particulars call on or
address W. H. Ferguson, La Grande,
Orejpm. ; ;..., , Jistf .
Notice la hnrehv crlvnu. tlnt.Ht. rn-
'gnlsr meeting of the Council ol tbe City
of Gramie, Oregon, held on the 6th
! fy otlaWA n., iu4, sixth street in
the oily ol La Grands, Oregon , was or-
uereu improveu oy cue construct on 1
a seven 71 loot side walk along the
westerly side Street Irom
the ally-way In block CO, in Cbapllu's
to be constructed bv thi abuttinif iron
erty owners on or before the7tb Jay ol
September, A O., 1!XU, and to be cou
strueted as follows, to wit:
Tbe top of (he walk shall consist
of pirnk one and one half iuuhes
by eight Inolies, of pine wood, seven
feet long.' The top of the walk
shall be inpported by not less than
four stringers of tamarack or fir
wood aud aball not be less than two in
ones by six inches, and shall be laid
upon ii!la ol t.marauk or fir wood nut
lesa than four iuches by four inches;
said sills shall. oot be mora than eight
feet apart. The outside ei'lugers ahull
not be more than three iucues Iroiu
outside of tbe'walk, and shall join end
to end; all other stringers snail lap;
and all shall ba solidly nailed together
with not leas than 20d wire nails; cov
ering ehall ba put on and solidly nailed
to tbe stringers with two 20d. nails in
each board on each stringer.
Notice is hereby, further given that
unless said sidewalk is constructed by
the abutting property owners in the
manner af-irosaid, on or before the 7th
lay of September, A D., 1U0I, that the
same will be constructed by the City of
La Urande, Oregon and a lien taken
aualnfjt the abutting properly for fh
construction of same.
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Oth
day of July; A D 1904.
Chester P Newliu
Recorder of the City of Lu Graude
Union County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that at the
reguiur moetltig 01 the Council ol the
Cltr 01 l.a Urande, Orego , held on
the nth day ol July A D, 11X14, o street
In the City of La runila, Oregou was
ordered improved by the cnuRtruction
of u seven (7) foot side.walk along the
houth side of U ntreet between Fourth
a. id Cedar Streets, said shle-walk to be
coi st u.tetl by tlio abbuttin property
oweuerii on or befo ethu 7lu day of
September A D 1801 and to be con
structed as follows, 10 wit: The top
of tbe walk Bhall consist of plank, one
and one ttal(iuclieB.byeigbt inches, of
pine wood, seven feot long.
The top of the walk shall
be supiwrted by not less than fonr
stringers of tamarack or fir wood and
aball not be less than two inches by si
Inches, and shall be laid upon sills of
tamarack or llr wood not lesa than four
inches by four inohes; said sills , ball
not be more thau eight foot apart. The
outside stringers shall not be more
than three inches Irom outside ol tbe
walk, and shall jolu end to end ; all
other stringers shall lap ; aud all ahull
be solidly nalteu uigetner wltn nut leas
that 20d. wire nails ; covering shall be
nut on and solidly nailed to tbe string
ers with two 20d. nails iu each board
on each stringer.
Notice is hereby further, given that
unless said side-walk Is constructed by
tne emitting property owners in tne
reamer afoieaaid. on or before'the 7th
day of September, A, D.. 1BU4 that tbe
aame will be constructed by tbe City
of La (jranue, Oregon and alien taken
against the abutting ronerty lor tbe
exponsos of eonstruotiag the same.
Dated at La tiraude, Oregon, IhiaSlh
day ol July A. u ,
Chester P. Newlin
Recorder of tbe City ot La Grande,
Union uounly, Oregon.
In the niattor of the estate ot )
f Citation
A NG IE A WOOD. Deceased)
To William H. SV00.I and Percy M.
I11 the numo of tbe state of Oreson.
You are hereb cited and required to
appear in tne (Jonnty Coint ol tbe
State of Oregon, tor the County of
I'DUip, at tne uourc rtoom tnereur. at
Union in tho County ot Union, on
Monday, the 15th day of August 11HI4,
at 1 .30 o'olock, in the afternoon of that
day, then and there to allow .'ante if
any yon may have why the petition ol
J. K. Wright, aa Administrator of the
estate ot Annie A. Vood. Deieasd.
10 roll Lot No eight (8) block sixty (iO)
rhaplin's Addition tu tne City ol La
Grande, Oregon, should not be granUd.
WITNESS--Ine Hon. M. A. Harrison
Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon, tor the County ot Union,
with the Seal ol said Court attixed this
1.1th dy ot July HUM.
ATTJSaU' J. 11. Uilham, Clerk.
Classified Ads
FURNI8HED ROOMS Parties desire
Ink nicely furnished rooms apply to
G D Simmons corner 8 and M :rect
FOR SALE A complete ihreshin
out tit inquire of Jud Draper ut th
Aud rose Ranch.
For Sale
Good paying busine-s (or sale. For
particulars write But t37. La Grande
Hrnity of pood pasture Si per head
per mouth, Phone 12TG.
All Kinds or Work
Wesley Oavis does all kinds of scav
enger work, such as cleaning wells, cess
polls, etc. Give him a call. 4 24 tl
New Lumber Yard.
f am now prepared to fill orders for
all kinds of lumber. If yon need lum
ber see prices holore ordering.
E Rosen hanm
Prop Rainbo Store.
Pianc Instruction.
Firs class instruction on tbe piano.
Harriet E Young,
Phone 1!'I4 July 27.
Camping Ground
Good camping ground at Hilgard
apply to Mrs C J Hart Hilgard Ore.
Wood Saw
OrdorB for sawing promptly executed
l'hone 1840. residence 00 Osborn St.
Terms .eatonable. G W Allen
Sweet Cream
Commencing Thursday June Ititti the
Urande Komle Creamery Co will be
prepared to furnUh swwet cream in
quanity to suit, wholesale and retail
Kememher the place HuntioginnK new
unuaing next door 10 lire building,
LOST On the stroota of La Grande a
sealed letter from the Brownsville Bank
addressed to O r Good nil, finder wi
please return to post otlice
FOUND On tbe streets of !a Grim do,
a puree containing old and silver cin.
Tbe owner may have same by railing
on Henery Henson, describing property
and paying for this notice.
POKE SALIi Good work teams.
Have one I it; Ut team For fall Dur
ticnlnrs. terms and prices address
E K Vohers RF 0 No 1 La U ramie
Oregon J21.
Machinery For Sale
One 20 H p fire box boiler, J I case
One 1G Inch engine same make
Oue resHwing machine
One rip sawing machine
One wooden fianie tenoner
One 6 inch sided moulder
All iu good shape. Taken out to in
stall larger plaut
Stoddard Lumber Co, La Graude
Estray Notice
Notice ia hereby given that there
came to my place on tbe Owsloy estate
one and oh) hit If miles north of La
Grande, one yay horse, no viBiable
bran-Ie. about 11 years old. weisht a-
bout 1150 pounds, Owner may have
eame uy proving property ana paving
for this notice and for care and atten
tion and fetd. Dated this day of July
Joe Jones
Way to reach Wallowa
county is patronize, the
leave Elgin
and arrive at., Elgin daily
good service
fast time
Special rates toPaVties
Livtry Stable Accommoda
tions. Proprietors own ,rstables'at
Joseph and Lostine.
Elgin office at City Hotel
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geihles Bros' canned lruits,
delii ious bcraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the traiden. We are
the first .store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything.
We always have the frsh
est etrtrs. butter, e'c.
Special attention given to
phone orders.
Geddes Bros.
a large place in the fo d question It
is essential tbi'rufor lh-t the meat bt
ood. Toutth, gristly Bttak, or djy
juicelers rousts will spoil any meal
Suppose you consult uh on
We know and buy the best kind. Von
can rely on our knowledge and our de
sire to hold your trade to gtt you the
Quest meat you ever closed your teeth
on. As fur prices, well wc are not bo
foolish as to have them high.
Bock & Thomas
Early Risers
Til llUAItlllTTI .lit. W
Par .rick relief from Blllousnu.,
Sok Haadaohe, Torpid Uw, Jaua
dlc. Dullness, and all troubles aris
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver,
DsWIN't Utile Early Risers are iuv
They ut aromplly and navar gripe.
Thay are so dainty that 1 1 1, a pleasure
te lake tkem. One to two aot as a
mfM kuattv.; two or four aot as a
pleasant aad elfecllv. cathartic Thar
an surah; vegaiabl. and absolutely
karaaksa. They lonlo th. Uvr.
ft. O. OtWlll tc Co., Clalaaato
M By All Druggists
o.ll.W?118"8 "r ticket via the
vlg lce of roul08 8inK ot returning
For rates call on your local Agent. -Dates
of ssle: Juue 16-17-18 Julv 1-2-3
Aug. 8-0-10 Se, t. 5-41 7 Oct. 3-45.
For further information and sleeping
car rofervallons call upon or address
A H Mc Donald
140 Third St., Portland, Oren',A8ent
I am DOW tirennrerl tn An .1,
kinds of scavenger work tlmt i'
generally done bv e scavengei,
and will call at your place at
any time. Call mn up on phoue
No. 1841 or address box 692.
N N Maon
HOTgrjrfWiry, riMSffliVOr,
Iniroaini r man, Just the kind ol meat