.:.;;(V-.:...;-r-; WEATHER FORECAST Tonight sad tomorrow fair To- . morrow Warmer. P U) l i THE TRAIN! - - lV XNosEsstbound9:10p Lesaf U X No 5 Wert 8:5 p r TRAINS m on tin j :!;.n' - -v LA GRANDE, OREGON, ! MONDAY EVENING,. JULY IS 1904 VOLUME III NUMBER 213 GRANDE ENDED : THEIR fS OLIVES ; Tboqaneoa Ml here tbaflnl of lb WMk lortbe Blf Oratk Uliltt. LmI week h nettMd lMtr ialoralag him of tb talk p! hie S-reu-cld-boy io Ohio, mheb Mnd to mum Mm aoDiidenbl gri. Hie Irieudi rap ourfl believe lht be woo Id be lullly lot ooumlttiog eoeb crime, , , The Holdewejr mmilr were raid en t ol Le Onnde Hnnl yesre ego. A jMan . Shoots His Wife and Then, Ends His Own Miserable Exist ance v Bmlth'i Ferry, JulyJ 18 Freok : TbompwD ebot end k lied hit wtleigd tbea bimetH at Van Wyok oa Thun- day.; LMtTneeday night he paaied here oo hta way to Van Wyok ,' xrhere HrcTboirpion bed been living ell aummer la a booee ol ill fame. Be aaked Mr. Tbompeon to oome baek ' witb him, bat ahe refoaed. , Tboriday atteroooo they went out tiding and oeighbora ,ko wiog there had. been trouble watobed which way tbey went. They left about 2 o'olook io the after nooa and at 10 o'olook a party went ont ia eearob of tbem. They found the horee and baggy near 'the grve-, ' yaid at , Van Wyok and about SO feel' from the rig they found - both . bodiea I lying on a buggy robe and ooat wbiob . wen apread on the groaad. . ; ' Bin. Thomptod wae ebot three timea through the heart aod Tbompeon onoe in the head. . " ... ' kfra. Tbompeon wae buried there yeaUrday and Thompaon'i body ia held awaiting inatruo.iona. RUSSIA HOLDS , - Nf W CHWANG. Tien Tela July It The biuelaii agent bare hat omoiaily atated thai the Japaneae have not oewupied New Obwapg, The .JBoaeiaa offloiala are, be at tat adainiatariag, there ae barc tofore. : .:..i:jv!:'U"i: (if Heavy ; Firing. Tien Taip July 18 It baa bwa larned from a Gbiijaae aoouroe that heavy firing baa bwaibeard outaide ol Ta Tobe Kiao for the pait two dayt, DISEASE AND FAMINE Frank L. Thorn pnoo, who ia meo- tionea io the aboe dirpatcb wae a teaideot of Blacktoot, but wae well known in Boiae, wht-re he eptDt a oon aiderablo portion of hia time, He waa largely interacted in the Blacktoot Gold Mining A Hilling company, rbiohowoe the Silent Friend group, one of the moat promiaing propertiee in the Big On-ek dialriot. do far ae la knnwn be waa not mar ried to the woman whom he ah. t. She formerly lived hero and will be ramem bered a Miae Anna, Ho'daway. , She wert to ' rlDOieVHlt" wlii rj it i" aaid Thompapo beoama.iolatn4td ilh her Beoeqtly ahe bad b no running place io-Pearly But left me tune' eg) to open a bouae' t Ola. fllm i di crib d by thoae who know an being deoide .ly "lir ieu", and out one to ba Dioked out aa a womaq of Ibe world by bar appeeranc. ' - " ' . . ' " Negroes; In United States . Toe Ubierver leoeifed on Monday mcrnipg Iroqt the deparlmtat of oom meroe and Labor Bureau nf Oeneut Bull, tin N j. 8 baing the moat elabor. ate tludy o! tbe negroee ia tbe United SuteteTer offlelaUy publlebed. Tbe book ia a duarto of SSii pagee oopiooa- ly llluitfted with, mapa and diagrame ahowlng tbe nomMr.ooeupatioo, ago and literary of tbe black raoe. ' ' From it we learn that lbs number ol negroee in tbe , United Btatea ei olualTO of the Philippine Ialande ia ,- 80431, wbiob 89,7 par oeal aie in theBonlbern or old alive holding etaUe.V- ... -: -: More thfca thiee-fouithi ol tbe ne groee 77.8 per cent live ia the eonntry whereat S7.8 pei cent of tbt w hi tea live ouUide of eitiea having at leatt 1.600 lnhibltaoU,and 43,7 per cent live ineitiae or larger town!. ' In 1900 nesroee operated, that ie managed oo their owo acoounta 746,- 716 larme Containing J833,tf3S acne or 68,741 tquara m:lea of " their farm the negro operatore owned by clear title 197,799. farm., i. Utile mora tbaq one quarter of tbe farme ' tbey worked",' ,, 'j . .. . . Said to be Rife in the Japanese Army --Japs Surrendering Because cf Hunger ' Ta Tcbe Kiao, July 18 The Japan eae are aufferiag from banger. ' Six of tbem oame in and aurrendered to Oeneral MUtehenko, begging tor fo:d. Tbey aaid dlaeaae and famine were rife ia tba Japeneae army. ; , ' Aoeordlag to re porta from the vicin ity of Liao river, a diigoieed Japanexo officer and a detaohment ol Japanese have gone toward Hat Cheng with 10 eheatafuUof ilver 'to py Obioese btndita. .. ;,".' . ,. tASD 30,000 Berlin, July 18. The Loksl Anzelger tbia moraine printe a epeclal diapatoh forwarded from a junk in front of Port Arthur under date of July IS, via Tion Tain, July 16, stating that tbe Japanese alnoe July 11 have landed 30,000 men near Pigeon Ray, under protection of the entire fleet. " ' Hie Ruaalane. tbe dispatch aaye, of fered little resistance. A general at) aaolt la expectod eoon. V :, ' Parker's Resignation preaent. . . . , .., ,.- Scale of wagea paid to skilled em ployee ahall not be equalized through tbe nsok iog centers. ' ' -1 - Minimum eerie shall be raised to blgliei tacale now paid. i ' Working boure oaonql be changed so that eaob employe shall work ten boure a day. ' - "' ' Ohieago July 18 Aa a- result of a atubboro .diaagreament, ohiefly o et wegte for unskilled labor,:, one of thi moat extensive atiiket io the history of the meat picking industry of tbe United States h.-gan In Chicago, 8 , Paul. Kansas City, Omaha, 81. Joeepb Mov aod other pltoee-where packing plant are lnoatrd, . . The number of men and women em ployed io the packing house et the vanoua oitiee ia eatl a ted aa follows; Chicago 20,000; Kansas City 10,000; 6t Joseph 6,000; Gaat Bt Louie 6,000j South Omaba&OOO, Fort Worth 1600. New York ' 1600, fit Paul 8000, Bioux Oily 800. Total 49,600. , i' - ' Io addition to tbit great total, an- othrr 50.000 workere will bt made idle through , Hie t'ike ol the butobi re. ' " . ' If prolonged the strike ia expected to cause widespread inconvebienoe, possibly (quailing the anthraelte coal famine of two years ago.. The . unan imity of. ttie airike wae, complete. More than 49 000 emr loyea are directly nvolved. In Chiuago alone 20,000 men are oo strike. ' ' ' ' A synopsis of tbe rebeipta an valuet for 1003 aa lakim from the report ol the secretary may be of intereett - ':':,..;', Beoeipte .Value a Cai tie... ....3,443 ,428 ., $164,093,403 Calves ....,.,. 203,718 ' 2,727,180 Hogs 7 ,837,e49 106,787.977 Sheep . . . r. . 4,6f 8.792 . ' 18,688,867 Horaee 101.103 .. 13,623,626 STRIKERS DEMAND PACKERS OFFER A miolmum eoale of 18 1 2 osata an hour for unskilled labor. N A uoiform tosla lor all paoking bonaet in the weat; Aa equalization ol the scale paid to tkillrd laborera. Alloootraota to be drawn up at t it time t? cover all deparments and to expire iu June eaob year. Tbe minimum scale at all psokins oentere to be raised to - tbe hlghi at scale now paid at any point. 4. minimum so le of 17 1-2 cents boar to onsk.lleil labor iu killing, out- ting, beef loading and casing depart meats. , 8c 1 in othr department to be fixed b? agreement. " ; i Waste and wrrking coadition;lu - Eaopns.July 16. Judge Cullea of Brooklvn, one of tbe seven Judges of the court of appeals, of which Parker is chief 'Justice, arrived at nooa and took luncheon with the Parker family Parker's resignation It now ia progress skilled depeit-uenU shall remain as at SENSATIONAL July Gcarance Sale "OFFERINGS Don't overlook a single itom : of bur , ,i - JULY PRICE BULLETIN8 v, r They may seem sensational and un- j believable, but we assure you you will.. , find every item and every pride exactly' at ire quote tbem here. . i feoyi' Waists 25 cents : ; Lot of4oys waiels ranging in prioe from 25o ap as high as 8Bo and $1 00. Yaur choice for 26b " ' : :; ' Campinj BUnkets 65c ) Follsiie double blankets, suitable for the home or camp, 66c , :i Wash Goods Much Less -f ,. All summer drees goods must go. They csnsist of lawus, batiste, organ- -die and cotton voiles in choice assort- ments af colorings. . , 1 19e lor 25o to 860 goods - 10o for 12io to 20c goods ; ; ; 60 for 8o to 10c goods. J. All Ladies Hats ..... i ' i-l, Half Price . , All trimmed bats and all street huts without reserve, including many choice pattern hats at "just exactly , 6iij ', half i, . regular price. ,-v VJT Ladies Neckwear 1 Less k-j-,.. Price, Than l ' : Half TAYLOR DIVORCE CASE. Decree Granted tiff in Umatilla's sational Divorce May Appeal Plain-Sen-Case Mr Taylor waa given a decree on the grounds that Mrs Tajlor had a violent temper, thalebe oalledhim vile oamee aod continually aeoueed bim of Infi delity and drunkenness, which tbe oourl found the evidence did vol sustain. vi-v. ... . The Taylors bare lived on a ferm near Weston for 85 years. Kose Taylor Is worth abont $90,000, aoeoidmg to the flgurea ol tbe court. lire Taylor was given the home farm near Weston, valued al 10,000; a briok block 10 Athena valued at 17400, and 11600 immediate alimony and 11000 a year fur six yeara and $500 a year for two yeara longer. , ,4 , ,. The ease waa bitterly ooaietted, i requiring five days Io take tba testimony. "V- evening, and at 11 o'clock dalrity; lunch was served.' Those present1-, were; RnthOotnor, Maydoll-Orandell Euth . Allen,. Barbara,. ;8nodgrase, Jeaale, Elva.and Beutrise Green, Gertie Oarpenter, Wanllla CarpeuUr, Myral Hiraaell, Cyrus Watson, Hnr Short Bex Green, Grover Eleworth, . Bnodgrass, . -.Leater Klngsley . Gleu Carpsnter, Edward Oarpenter apd lister Preobatel. PenHhton, Ore.' July 18 In thr Taylor divoroe case, wMch haa created aueb interest torougbout Umatilla oounly on aocoont of .tba prominence of the parties. Judge Ellia today rendered a deoislor, granting Moses Taylor, the plaintiff, a divorce from Isabella Taylor ou : the grounds nf cruel and inhuman treatment..' Mrs Taylor wae given one third of proper! and given tbe onslnily of two minor children. ' Judge James A Fee, one of the at torneys for Mrs Taj lor, gave uotioe of appes 1 -i .-.;..' . ; Thin Your Apples A. I. H.l, advnoalee ihinning the ap..l. . r p. "Take 1 ff two thirds ol t'isrii," saya Mr. Gals, "end you vwill g t more (munds and batter ei.p'es- apiiliM th.t will sell." . Ap le-gr iwers slioulil b'sr this in mind. It is the oh a (mil lht brings the high pr oa Vtf sarub Irull Repnhlican. Surprise Party Good Advice; Look here, reader: II you are one ol Ihose whnare thinking of . leaving Union,' wait awhile; think if over. . rberoare many worse places thn ? Union? and you may not have to tray- ; al far to find tbem. ... Don't ac Mtily ,( Bspubliean. Posse in Pursuit 1 -'i A vary pleasant eururlee party wee given at the borne of aire J E Birdsell In honor of tbf-re sou Earl., Gamca and moslo waa the features of the1 their men to elioot the raiderenn might. A special from,. Baker city says: A messenger froth the fKiean in pursuit of the raiders who- aliughtered a largo number of abeop on Old Baldy mouu taln Thursday reports that nothing has been discovered to lead to the Identity of the criminals. A war between the sheepmen and the raiJora, who are sup. . posed to lie employee ol certain cattle raisers, le imminent. ; During the pant few monthe numerous raids have been made on ebeep camps and large num bers ol sheep deatroyeiL.Tho sheepmen are now arming their employee with high calibre rifles ami have instructed mm Toub. . 10.4t,60 ' .i 295.71M 748 Some oonoeptiou c( the steady de velopment ol the. stock yard, industry in Ohiuago . may be gaioed from the knowledge that .tbe figures for 1908 show a eaiu of about 9 per cent over (ha previous year. ; ; GAVE UP HIS SECRET Disappearing 30 Years go Simon Pote Gives Family's Address; On His Death Bed. 26p turnover collars and ladies " 25o and 35c ties on sle Your choice 10c ' : f-U .' 25e Sun BorwveU 19c Laree line to choose1 (rom irt and children's sun bonnets. . thing to take along for your ' Your choice for 19c : ladies' , Just the, outing s,-.;:o:v.i ;( Shoe Counter. ! Offers the best shoe values ' ever. ' Men's shoes and boys shoes valued up to $2 25. Choice the pair $1 J8 ' Marion, Ind., July 18 After a thirteen- ear' aearoh Simon Pote, 74, who myatariputly disappeared from' bit borne in Bt, Louis, Mo., has been found by hia family, but not until ha was on hie death bed in tba hospital at the Marion Soldiers' Home. Broken down with tbe infirmities of age, Pot baa been in the' Soldiers Home Hospital in ' this oily for ' the lata few yesrs,but lie guarded tba se cret ol bis peel until yesterday, when, between gasps for bis last, breath, he told the atirtieons tbe address ' ol bis family Pote died a few minuses after giving np bie secret r Vil'" '" - Alias ittoacoa rote, aoaugnier. woo had never given up tile search lot. bar father) waa imfotmed of tbe death of her father and the came here today from Bi.lLonia to attend ; the funeral Ptite wai given a military burial in tbe ttoldiers' .Home Cemetery., this alternonn. . . Pole waa one ol the Union veterans tospike tbe sfuna'on Island No. 10 In Ihe Mississippi Biter during the war ol the Rt billion, and-was a-playmate of Oamp brotbeie, the ahip builders, ol Philadelphia. . MID SUMMER CLE AR ANCE; SALI1 1 V Summer Goods VjVli at Q really Reduced. if For the next thirty days we will offer all Prices. -'.:. ! i ). 1 1 v 3 k I tK-'ifVir If you are in neod of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to .,y 'loot over our stock before purchasing ekewhere. All wash goods on . sale at one v ' third off. x ,1 - v i ll wash wah shirt waists at a reduction at 25 per fwut. v ,v w-t "On Wrappers, Kimouas, and Dressing Saques we will save you 20 per cent. ' Just what you will need for these warm days. v-u- ' 1 ; ' i , i i i i L.t. J i I The Chicago Stom Lost a Fincs. 4 I4IH IO Dozen Uadies Bhirt Waists ! ,v HALF PRICE : II , Wto Hamilton was ia the city 8t i unlay Io have a fingef dreaaed. Mr. Hamilton is working at the Saw mill near Hilgsrd and in some manner bie fingtr waa caught between tbeoogeoo tbe slab, oonve'yor and was' so badly crushrd (bat Drs Baoou and Hal were obliged t) amputate the finger I lh. sioiutl Joiut. ',. , : s .... .i ,. ... . .-, T. If. Bovnton ol Whitney, who ss lieon in the city tbeptst few days t onsaotlnr huainrat, returned borne -ANY BOOK: ! i - - " - ....11-, .....- . ... In Our Window 15Cents i Ol ll.t' i Vll 'rt-l NEWLIN DRUG i . CO, ii 1 i t fit fJOiJ i, 8 I Tilt II r this morolng. v Ma