71 4JLZI '., On The Rlajit Road ' You v. ill. ha also if Tyon pur chase owe of our choice lots lu Pleasant Hotce liivestment Ad dition. Tbereyou cai Jay , the found atioi)i,of jf olid com fori for yout family and yourself. High prnuud, pure atmosphere. Viie "ideal spot vfor home " building. Terms, of course, to suit. . Maybe you would like tq buy a btuseV II so, we can accpjpa- Lt Grande Evening Observer) Many pear trees are rejortid CUB BET BROS., Editors Props ' to have died from some unknown I .! in the upper portion of the Willamette Valley this year. 'Entered at the Post Offits at 'La Grande, .Ongoo, Z as Eeaood Class MaU Matter, ' f : ,-. - Published daily except Sunday modaieyon jCa Srande Snvesiment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, . La Grande, Oregon - DIRECTORS I J. H. Barry, J. H. Oburcb 1 A. B. Cooler, Geo. L. Clea- er, Geo. Palmer m OFFICERS: ' ' "" Gao.PiuiEa.'.'.i... ....... President J. M.BaBT....,.Vloe President v J. M. ChvbOB.. Caaliler ? F.L.Mitus end Geo L Cleaver , Asst. Oashlars La Grande N 5 ;V bAPITALNAND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 w i .v a Traasaeta a , general banking bnelnSM. Boys sad sells exchange en 1 " all parts of tbs world. Collections a specialty. ATIONAL, .. B NK ' sTs- W I " Meat Market 8 tell well & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL - BUTCHEPS. ' . Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers', stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. , One year in advance f 6 50 Six mocths in advance... .".3 50 Per month ............ r . . .65c Single copy." r.V. . ; ." . '. . 6c During the height of the season the cannery at Los Gatos, California, received 40 tons of K)yul Ann cherries daily and shipped t ut from four to live car loads of canned product daily. . SATURDAY EVENING JULY I6,;i904 ' Judge Parker's belief is that a telegram in the wind up is worth two planks in the platform . : y Not only, is ; the Bpple -crop short in the Pajaro Valley, Cali fornia, this year, but tliecodling moth is much in evidence. Ox tail soup on the eastern hill of fares will bo on the extra lint it the butchers strike con tinues many more days;- : '".' Five more deaths have been adfded to the list, caused by the premature or careless explosion of fireworks on the ' Fourth at Chicago."':!. '.'.,". : Mr. Parker is receiving many telegrams of congratulation from all parts of the couutry bdt none are so far reported from Mr, Bryan. -s-' The bay crop in California is 'said to be : rather larger than usual and there is a tendency towards lower prices lor hay If the country is determined to go to the deminition , bow wows, Mr. lirvan gives notice to all whom it may concern that be did his best to save It until bis tail holt slipped, and tbatfie will not . be responsible for further results; , . Most of the war news the last few days has been received from St. Petersburg if it was confirm ed it would be exoiting reading, but tne element 01 doubt tnat is easily read between the lines deprives it of its excitement that is hrst conveyed by the head line orators. Iu this issue we publish the report ot tne committee who bad charge of the collecting - and disbursements of the Fourth of Ju'y celebrationr Not only is every dollar accounted for but the unprecedented result of the efforts of the committee entitles them to the congratulations of the cltv and this thev have received many times over by the repeated expressions of sa'isfao tion not ouly of our citisens but by the thousands cf our visitors on that day. , , ' J - '- --'- y - 'twere. 7 -TT- . . - - ------- L iuEW FEATURES.MQVATfONS. J Jj JtK -,' 1 REVOLUTIONS AND REAL ytJWl NOVELTIES , DECORATED MlMWl .WNIX FAVORS AMD FULL OF MPfifam mmWMPISOFEVERrMD jJSBSS SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW Our citizens are deeply indebt ed to the labors now being expended and have been tot the 1 last number of years by our representative real estate firms. They have worked in season and out of season for the advance mem ot this ci'y and county and their efforts have been crowned with succtss We have not a real esute firm in the city but wliHt can be highly reccom' mended Their years of experl tnre have established for tbein- s -Ives a reputation that can only he obtained by close attention 10 business and in the tratsac- ion of business intrusted with 'hem on business lines. Such are the 'men engaged in real' trbtute in this city. . We Promise and Give Clrous Performance In the Best America. OVERWHELMINGLY SUPERB SPECTACULAR HIPPODROMATIC ENTREE Wl t asm srtf fsHt ecitly mmi etrtlluily sjlqrs)ajnue hHwusi, rpiwilhsft Jsys. Reile, Im1lsj Asile, gsnlw, lilwtt. tlswsl w4 Amwifc LA BELLE LEONA PRf MIKR IQUBftTNICNNI. Thts hslryllha Qusen l Aresisi l new the swl lady aesnerauull rWr llvlni. MLLE. ARLIHE, "THE GIRL IN RED" THI GREAT ALEXIUS LOOPS THE LOOP THE ST. LEON QUINTETTE run, 6 raalur ! Iha siae, wllhairi a ffjim m turn inatii of elrowa hlstery; PHiSKORN BROTHERS cusm imcnuiTi a ertuiri St n turn tlluipl H Iwttilt Hww y m mm mm ,n suqimoto's aooaa or JAPANESE rtiHsHH, aas) am tHandaems Oeleha Olrls, Maaly mum pwr issi mif . s mhf isesiTsu HERB UTZEN'S FUNNY DUTCH ELEPHANTS if, rrtoaa. AbseluMy th anly fanastag Haam fasts aa emutaa la thalr staring tone lea as tnay ara anhaswa j?-". "j?"1 aarlsrmaaaa ay tha warla'a hup it nasals, aartleularty faalyria THI BEN HUR HERD or ARABIAN STALLIONS ffMta la satjsr, tba aaraa aaarvsla al Mm aaa. Tha only anaa In Ihla aauatrv, a ai ifteea wnism wara raaaaily praaalsa la rraaiaeal fleeeevell. MLLE. VALLECITA THE IEAUTEQOS JUROLE QUEEN wtla aaaata Itaaa, aama sjaial at bar FAIRYLAND FOR THE CHILDREN FUNNY CLOWNS A BIO BUNOH OP FOOLISH BUUTIIS THE BARTINE TRIO afcare, flla flaaparaa ssslSMasra Mania. fly-ava aaa aaaa-raaliara. aiea twlslara, u aaai saUltlaa tywaaaHa eaaMaaaa. J F&'t avo tvm if SOL? I"?!L .Vf bv sat- --""J ta - sBBsa i LHaavaiBBaBBjUBL THE GREAT ELLETT FAMILY OF FLYINO AERIAUSTS BEYOND COMPARE INTERNATIONAL LEAPING CONTEST Pnfgliiii aartat as waasl aleatstis, aaas MM, saaM aasf aaaaalia, aattaalaf la aaaariailva alaaasr Mm ataaar aaa attar all-atar prsaram al aasy aava aaalwatva aevet i aaa BLACK BELLE mors avia BORN WEDDING-CAKE WHIRLIGIG There is no question that the next year La Grande is going to , niiike substantial gains in popo- ; lui ion. We brt already begining : to reap a portion of the benefits that will be derived from being itbecouuly seat. La Oiandshas reached that stage where it will e a great deal easier to secure i lie next 5000 population than it bus been to secure our present 5000. We have not reached that , point where many small indust- ries can be sustained and will be j increased from time to time which in the aggregate furnishes (employment to many . people. Our next move will be towards ncouraging manufacturing both large and small and when we give our united support to this line of development we will be surprised at the progress possible iu this direction. WKMUWNtf fWMV MlfU timiMIS WMMai .1 mm im. MM. MM A PRODIGIOUS AGCItEQATION or LIVING HUMAN FREAKS ....ur..kit.m.n.. w nunusau buiuks r--:v'':L--.v:"-":.":v;'':"i..-.v: "T!."?"," IT ' ' ,,t" mmi iMHtii MMMI. im, M. mlMaiia .1 tma .nd mu.oi., .l I., l..r., ..nlr., l.nf.nH, ll.m.a, whlM Ik.rl iH. mmtmtuuummn M I m WMUlm. M MM luiniii a v. ma4 miiul trtmm, nlIM v. Mm, .1... I . m.mw. ' " "" mtm mum mtmm y,"r .47''. ' f - ir.'.1:-', aaislBs f lltE AT 10 O'CLOcTErTRYiClSSiTiioRNING. PAR AU L WimHssW tswateeMar Bt-aal PavWe an OwaVal. fWraa WTI aHaafa la iaaaa tm4 atael Rrkasi aaa aaaa a unas ysylaaa lliaatrataa wlta sTaatHilitl Tcaisaux. a aaa ilka iri waa avar aatara aaaa aa raa H lliHaHa,a. Vr Oaaa Oao Hvtir larflar. Oal TlOUf MUTa TO KvKHTTMsfaOa Mstaa eattaJl aay Syf.1 TaO!i!!i7oaf rTMstO. QWLMlll JltOIR 11 TtAJIa. rUkf PRIOK. r t a rt sairt LH UIUC; One Day Only WEDNESDAY, July 2O I964. ADMISSION: Children, 25 cells' Adults, 60 cents. Lihtnin Stroke Jonepl., July 16 Fridy, Mias Nel lie Tjlir iu oompany with her ooaiin David Mahan, whilo out riding nar tier unole't place on Hurrioana oreak, came rery near loainf Ibeir lirra by a bi Uol lightning whloh f truck a Ira near where tbny were riding. Hias Tyler waa knocked from htr horn and rendored unonnnlou in which condi tion ahe n maioed for ten or tweNe boura. Young Mahan waa alto ran dered unonnoiou. During the tame (torm, young Olen Olay received a Tare dhnok lr m ligblniog. They have ill ei truly rroorared Iron) ihe hick hewererand are no worse bu lor the bad aoare and ahak ng up H.e r oeied. THE MARKETS (July 10) tlvorpool July u heat 6 a M, New Vrk Silver 67 3-4; Union oiflo 1 1'fd 03 1-2. Chicago July wheat opened 87 1-2 a 00. Bjrley il 5t); Norlhweatera 119 1-2. 8.in Krar.elao ?aah wheat 1271-2 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 67 89 1 Muestera 75) Valley 78 1 " 'l'aooma Wheat UlueaUm 8Q Olob 70. . . Oitde Uart steers, 13.60, oiadlaai S3.S&; oowa.3. WE a R i J ft h: ad qtj a rt iiiSs ; F r Kodak and Kodak Supplied ; A complete stoik' of Jrofessionaf - paper!:, !-Plates at wholesale prices'. Mailorders- answered promptly. La Grande Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co ; , t)esiSSSsssswa-a,eeeaeaesseetett aawssBaaBaaBBBWBBa.iaaaaai FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. ; 16-inch dry chain wood $3 pereord. This is cheaper than ty the load. -You pay for what you get atd get what you pay for. Phone s7i . H. W. NIBLEY Don't, Want Bryan. The Drmoe-atie National Commit tee era divided on tne edvimb lity pi having Ur Bryan taka ilia s amp I; r Parker. Boote think . be will injure it aod ctbsrs help. Hilard. Classified Ads FURNISHED ROOMS Parties desire , ina nloely lurniahed rooms apply to i D BimnjoDB corner 8 and M aireeta FOR SALE A complete tbresbin oat ut Inquire ot Jud Draper at tb Aodross Rancb. We have had two beautiful rains and they have done much good. ' , ..." Most every one has left Hil gard and gone across the mount ains to harvest. ' " J. P Casey has been compell ed tb shut his mill down owing to the scarcely of hands. Mr. C. S. Hawes who was quite badly , injured by being thrown from a wagon while em ployed in hauling lumber ftoin Casey Mill some three weeks ago is now able to resume his 'posi tion as engineer at the plaiuing mill.' ( ". - Mrs. Flora Hawes e-' r-u'ilv arrired on Tuesdays ti t, Hoed River where thv h. ve been visiting Mrs H .we'a parents Mr. and M - i W Liffertv for the paat fo- r ei lts. Mrs. Hawes lives . in Welter Idaho and is on her ro d home. Mrs. Mary Thorny n his accepted the position us waiter at the Casey House. Mrs. E. Ej Waite still im proves very slowly. . Mr. George Blauchard an family left for Pendleton Mon day evening.' Harry Wells has returned from the Payette drive v. here he has been for the past ten weke. r. Miss Cassie Fyburn h vit-iting relatives in rendleton. For Sale . . Good paying bneine's for sale. For partliolara write Box C37. La Grande Oregon. Pasture Plenty of good pasture $1 par. bead par month, Phone 1276. All Kinds of Work ;..w Wa.law riavla itiwi all ktnH. nf irav. anger work, aoch aa cleaning wells, ceaa pons, etc. Hive mm a can. a z. n"- " New Lumber Yard. t , , I am now prepared to fill orders for a1! kind, ot lumber. If von need lum ber aea orioea before orrlerins. A a 1 f E Rosen banm,-. i Prop. Rainbow Store. ' i Piano Instruction. - Flra class instruction on the piano. Phone 1931 Harriet E If onus, :1 inly il, CarYiDinU Ground - Go 4 CAmplne Brounffa'1' rtilgard' aui.lytiiMra IAJ Hart HileartfOre."- Wood Saw Ordara lor eawing promptly executed Pbona 1840. reridence on Os orn 8t. Term a eeionaule. G W Allen Sweet Cream Oommencing'Thursday June 16th tha Uranda Road Creamery Co will be prepared to tarnish awwet cream in qoanity to ault. whole aala aod retail Remember the place HunUng oo new bnlldlngnext door to fire building, tl. ... Best - Ajsn " Easiest Way to reach Wallowa county is to patronize the TENDERFOOTjfcTRANSPOR TATI0N G0MPANY. Coaches leave Elgin and arrive at . Elgin daily GOOD SERVICE FAST TIME COURTEOUS treatment; Special rates to Parties Livery Stable Accommoda tions'. Proprietors own stablesjat Joseph and Lostine. . Elgin office at,Clty Hotel JOHN JAMISON WB8TULL ELVA JAMISON We will call for it and bring it ' jj home when promisedi I We guarantee a:iefa lion and ouly ask for a o trial order to di-uionstrnle to you that we un- B rjeratand the launrir , I'U-iueaf. fou can stop anr arao-on at n- r,m or nlione the Lauudrv D and your work - ill called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and can do your washm; better and cheaper than D you. A trial order solicited. 0 Union Steam Laundry i PHONE 1981. 742 FIR STREET. Coal For Hot Weather Our Rock Spring coal will give eatiofaction We always bays it on hand. Castle Gate and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al ways have coal, all kiuds and at lowest piices. If you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. G. E. FOWLER, TRANSFKK AND DELIVERY Phone No 1611 That thqay tftjfea man's heart is through his stomach.! 1 1 1T17 it .by li using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious'tilrais, Mtude, on-" ions, and radishes just fresh from the garden. We are the first stprthe-ifarmers call on and of course we get' the choice of everything..' ! ! We always have, fhe, lush est .eggs, butter, etc. ' j,,..-. Special attention given .to phone orders. 1 Geddes Bros; A i i i ...... . J, . . .1 . .. ( ' MEAT CLillM.s a liirge place iu the IWi quption. It ie ese nlirtl therefor th '-t tbe taeaf bt ' " p'od. ToukIi. gristly eUak, or day- . jnicelet-8 roaptg will spuil any meal :, Suppose ynn connnt ui on TB B M EAT QU ESTION We know and bnv the best kind. You., can rely on our knowledge Bnd oar do sire to hold your trade to get you tha " Uuest ment you ever dosed your tveth ' on. Ab fur price", well wu are not bo-. foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas Earlv Risers ....' A asaar anaravvif aaaa a ara iaaOra Par s,atek rallef from Blllouanaaa, Stok Haaaaoha, Torpid Uvar, Jauiv aloa, DUilnaas, and all troublaa arla Inf (rem aa Inactlva or aluggtah Hvar, DaWltt'a Utlla Earl Rlaara ara a aa,aalM. Thajr aal aromptly and narar frlpa. Thar ara ao dtlmy that it la a plaaaura la taka tkam. Ons to two aol aa a mIM laiaUre; two or lour aol aa a alaaaant aad atfoctlva cathartlo. Thay ara parah; varetabla and abaorataw aamkiaa, Thaf tanlo tha Urar. MarARio mmvt my B. O. DaWlll a, Co., CbiaKC M By All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If ro, purchase your ti.-kot via ti e RO K ISLAND FRISCO SYSTEMS. Choice of routes goinir 01 returDina via ST.PAUL. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, or PUEBLO. For ratea call on your lm-al Agent. -Datea of sale: June 10-17-18 Julv 1-2-3 Auir. 8-9-10 S t. B-6 7 Oct. 3-45. For further information and sleeping car reservations call upon or address AH Mt Donald . . . . Gen'l Agent UOThrd St., Portland, Ore -SCAVENGER- I am now prepared to do alj kinds of scavenger work tbut jr (jenerally done bv a scavetigei, and will call M. your place at nuy time. Call me np nn phone No 18-JJ or address box 692. N N Maon C0FFEE,TEAf BAKIN0 POWDER. FLAVCBiKQ EXTRACTS AbselurePunly. finesfFliVor, OrtotjitSlrenilh.CtasorAbkfricejL CLOSSETqDEYERS ' portland, ore00n.