s ,..VM-.rfiilWf.'w.Wl SUtMitbUUtlWkriMr. r iin ii i THETRA1M ir. ,No 1 East bound 9 :10 p at oatlm No 6 Wui 8:6 p m on twe j :.:hi'l C I. V i U ORANDE, OREGON. f FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 15 $04. NUMBER 210 VOLUME III la OBSERVER: GRANDE 1 f I V MAY BE SETTLED . S00N Packing House Troubles May Soon Be Settled By Arbitration Con ferences Held :' Obioago, Jul; 16 The strrke wtiiob Iim dtmoral ted (he picking industry t'jroobout tbe oouotrjr bu aot yet bwn tattled, bnt tbere are indications H wil tosooo by tbe adjustment of tbe difficulties by arbitration. After a conlerenoe wbicb luted all afternoon between representatives of tbe packer! and member of tbe un ions tbe employe tooigbt are wait ing lor an anawer to tbe counter pro portion wbiob tbej tbie afternoon tub nitted to M. J. Donnely in reply to a statement of tbe terma upon wmcn ne would be willing to make a tettlsnient. .Donnelly stated tonight tbat the counter propoeition of the paoken will be rejected and be will in turn present a counter propoeition to morrow. ' " ... Toe bttouin negotiations Is over the reinstatement of tbe striken, the union demanding tbat every one who went on strike shall be given his old plaoe before any agreement io arbi trate will be considered. Pipe Line Finished Water Superintendent Oilman has just completed the work of laying- the 10,000 tees of new water mains to tbe complete satisfaction and gratification 1 of tbe many eit'tena who will now hare tbe opportunity of Are protect ion and tbe ase ol city water for do- meatio purposes., v . .. ; : Plant Burned - Word was received in tiis eity today of tbe burning of tbe power station of tbe Enterprise electric light plant and a planing mill uear by, The loss . to tbe light company is said to bs $5,000 with no insurance. Tbe fire orginat- ed in tbe planing mill. - - ; Ignorant Boys. Baker City July 16 What at Brat was thought to be a well planned at-, tempt to wreck tbe O B 4 Meaatuf Baker Oity last night resulted in a narrow , escape tor Superintendent M J Bnoklsy and several engineers, who were on an inspection trip. Yesterday aft'rooon Mr Buckley and two engineers who were ont on inspection, arrived io Baker Oity and took tbe helper engine Iram here, wbiob was in charge of I T Mayfield, to Huntington. On the return, trip, while inspecting bridges and running at a high rate of speed b itween stations near Weatherby tbey slowed down to about SO miles an hour. Here tbe en gine struok a new apike wbiob bad been placed on the rails. Tbe .big maobine was stopped as soon as possi ble by Mayfield. Mr Buokley, believ ing that tbe spike bad bean placed on tbe rail maliciously, and seeing an em igrant camp nearby walked over there and charged tbe man be met with tbe deed. Tbe man denied all know ledge of It, bat two of bit b iys came op aod said they knew about it and bad pot the spike on tbe track (or fun. The father pleaded for his boys , said tbey had never teen a railroad bafoie and as tbe erowd looked rather inno cent Mr oupkley let Ibem go with a good lecture, but the track walker will keep him under surveilance. mayor and recorder and the money turned over apoo their delivery, Tbe bonds were viewed wilb admi ration by all who taw them, being is sued in denominations of $600 each with ooupona attached.: Tbey require tbe signature , of tbe mayor .'and re oorder on eaob bond but in , addition tbe name of tbe recorder, is required on eaob coupon; and : when - recorder Newlln baa signed his name S0U0 times be certainly earned tbe title of an expert in autography. ' . :, , '; Tbe floating of these bonds and for the purposes for. wbiob. tbey have teen issued bare been a scource of gratifi cation to' the residents of tbie eity from the inoepiioa ol the undertaking. Tbey was no opposition at any time and eaob atep met with the approba tion of everyoho and , it. certainly pleased all to know tbat one of our own oitisens was able to finsnoe and take up the entire Issue. - --V "Creamery Burned. Payette July' 15 The ' Maple L1 creamery was totally destroyed tins morning by ' a fin tbat broke ont a abiut 5 o'clock. '.The lost is ISOOOdi vided between tbe creamery company whose loss is $1000 with $1500 insur ance, aod Manager Maple, the lessee of plant, whose lots of 5000 pounds of butler amounts to $2)00 with no in surance. . u '-.' ' Very Low. Southern Oregon. ; Portland July 15 Ee ports of tbe losses caused by tbe heavy storms during the first of the week in various parts of tbosUte show tbe damage to amount to $100,000. AbmtAsblaad in the southernmost portion of tbe state tbe loss to the fruit crop a mounts to about $50,000, while in the eastern Oregoa country tbe damage to Bonds Delivered. Mrs Geo Ball, who has been sick with typhoid for tbe past thirty five ! g" P1 W4.000. days, has been gradualy growing weak er for tbe past week. For tbe past two days she his refused to tike nour ishment of aoy kind. All hope of her rcoovery has bean abindooed and tne end is expeoted at aoy time. Every thing tbat human bands oan do is b ling done, but sue hat not the consti tution to withstand the disease. The printed forms of the city bonds amounting to $25,000 wbioh were porobased by J W Sorib.r in open competition with bond bnyers of sav enl large oities, arrived this morning and were immediately signed by tbe VERY RICH BrSTRIKE The Richest Strike, Ever Made in Corncupoia District Causes Great Excitement s . wblei tbe first committee bad tailed to give to the president because no pre vious appointment bad been made for its members. In response to "the request Secretary Loeb smmptlr lelegrapbed t'r Davit of citizens in the offloe of Attorney J. F. Baker in response to a general call tor tbe par pose ef taking action ea the proposed moving of the graven In the oriinal burying groand. ' A committee has bM appotnted to aacertsla what that tbe president would be pUv-eed to gbte the public or tbose having see tbe oommlttee either tomort alt- niailres or Meads bnrird there may eraoon or on Baturday as either date have. As soon at this can be aacer would be convenient to him. taioed another meeting will be called, i Mo reply has been bad from Mr Davia aod It therefore is not known definitely! ;'-. when th committee will arrive here, Pall Meelintf bnt It- it expeoted that the mem bare wall lWiUlll5 .. will reaab Oyster Bay some time, to! There will be a special meeting of morrow tbe members of the . Rest Boom to- , : ;.; mormw (Saturday) at the home ot Mrs. B. O. Moore at 2:30 o'dook. THE MARKETS ,.- , J ' '. :: t (July IB) ' Liverpool July wheat 6 8d, New fork-Silver $7 8-; Unioa P elfio Pfd 93 1-3. , 4, ,.,. v " Obicage July wheat opened 07 i-x . a 93. Barley tl SO; Northwestern 119 1-2. Bia Franclsoo-;ssh wheat 1371-3 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 67 89, Blues tern 7S( Valley 78t TaoomaWbeat BlueeUm Oj Club 70. Oat lie Beit steera, $3.50; msdiq ra t3 ; oows, ,S. . i . , Disastrous Fire Cornnoepia,' July 15. The wildest Bectl0n ia osed as truing land and the excitement is raging in this camp over )oas to the stockmen will be enormona, sstriks of the rlchestore possibly ever ; Kwry tn, whole of Clark's valley la Willows, Cel., July 16 A disastrous I ,...;;. Pv. C.I. n hi. h-n jln In the foot hill i OT Jmn atinn in th mat for t), naat two ' Oab!uet Grand Piano and bonae hold davt. The tire has burned over a strip torntture. Inquire corner of 7th AM st of conntrv 16 miles loos. Most of the Mrs Besean 3b. disooveru.l jn this section;- It it really the blgg't strike on reoord here. The disooveiywas made by Gallagher and Pierce, prospectors, nn what It tup posed ti be the old Nelson location mailei'vy hack In the slxtio.' on Pine crtek smt Union and Omipanlon mine. eixfeet vlde end tbe ore oirries 80 burned over and much standing grata destroyed. .. . , . i Emperor of China 1 1 1 London, Jnly 16 The Shanghai cor- " ' T n.ntnd.nt nf lh lnat uv that h ,,"la' T,e newly discover. I ledge Is Chlnme Emperor U reported terioasly' K Mah?r Worsted Pb Udelphla, Jnly U Tbe police ttopped I be boot between Peter Maber and Jaok Williams la the second ronntl Maber was knocked down four times ia the first and oame up very wobbly in Cows To Manila Ban Frsnoison, July 15 Tbe Army trans'oort Dix arrived jesterday 76 hours from Tacoma,and u preparing tora trip 16 the Philippine. "About 250 bead of horses, mules, and oows will be taken aboard'. Each animal will be fastened in . its little two-foot etall for a 6000-mile trip across the Paoific. Hor bob and mulet bave been transported to Manila but this is the first herd of cows that has bien tent to tbat distant pirt. - ounces In gold and eigh. ounces in silver to tbe ton. Pec pie are coming in from all directions ' from nearby camps ftnl owners of adjoining proper ties are Jubilant over the strike. , . Along beut 1867 L. W. Nelson of Baker City, the discoverer aod owner oi the oslobrated Nelson plaosr mines, and hi ,asso'iaea made what was probator tae llret quartz location In the Oeiesueopla camp, and even at that early,' iif ' peaked in by horses from UmatibVi en (the Columbia river, a stamp atili which was shipped from San Fmaoiaeo by water via Portland. The infll never wae erected, but the decayed pieces of it are still fonnd on the grennd and scattered along the trail between there and Umatilla. . f ill with dysentery. Has Plenty Of Money Mr. EoutkowsVy, an official in close tonoh with the ButBian treasury says : "My government is not in. need of money, It bae not --touched a single dollar of the loan oonoluded in Eurcpe for military purposes.' Bliice the eom- mencement the war paper notes have been issued to Ihe value of $56,- 000,000, but this is more than oovered by gold io-tlie reserve. - .. The paper money stands at par with gold yet in Rossis. v , 1 ,.. : ':. V ' v v ' Kev J C Walker, Pastor of the"" M E Ohurcb. of tbit city will prench next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in the 'island City Church.: J '- SENSATIONAL July Clearance Sale OFFERINGS Don't overlook a single item of our -JULY PRICE BULLETINS Tbey may seem sensational and un believable, but we assure you you' will find every item and every price exactly as ire quote them here. Boys' Waists 25 cents Lot of boys waists ranging in price from 25c up as high as 86o and $1 00 Your choice for 25o Camping Blankets 65c Full size double blankets, suitable for the home or camp, 65c - Wash Goods Much Less All summer dress goods mast go. Tbey consist of lawns, batiste, organ dies aod cotton voiles in choice assort ments of colorings. 19o for 25o to 35c goods 10o for 12io to 20o goods 5c for 8,0 to 10c goods. All Ladies Half Price 'iniiisiiiiiri'L1BgmT Hats I Cemetery Meeting r As we go to press there are a number Mrs Ctemmens Laid to Rest . Elmlt, N T., July 15. Tbe funeral of Mra Bamnel L. Olemment was held here-loday, toe barlal taking plane ia Woodiaen cemetery. Mr Harris, wife, two daughter and Ma mother are io the city from Ne- : ,- breaks and expect to make this their , ; home- ' '' " & r. Bell, of the' Cove, ia in oily and states that the Cove bat been blessed with considerable more rain : than this side of the valley and tbat tbey will be pirfectly satisfied. with settle 1 weather until after they harvest 1 their bsy. They are now in the-midt of their cherry crop which is of ex- oellent quality aud a heavy yle'.d. , Mra W J Linsey of Portland and her sister Mra Miltaur ot Omaha are ii iher' " city guests ol Mr and Mrs J D 81ater. Barry Htokett who hat been working at J D Casey's taw mill for the past two months hat returned. Tbe .mill abut down thlt week having ran oat of logs but ezpeets In have a supply again Monday. All trimmed hats and all street huts , without reserve, including many choice' pattern hats at just ' exactly one half ; regular price. , Ladies Neckwear ' Less Than Half ' . ' I.P'iceS i 25c turnover collars and. ladies and 85o tics on sale 25c Your choice 10c 25c Sun Bonnets 19c ' '! Large line to choose from in ladies' and children's sun bonnets. Just the thing to take along for your outing Your choice for 19c ' . ., , - 1 ; , $1.18 Shoe Counter , - Offers the best shoe values" ever. Men's shoes and boys shoes valued up to $2 25. Choice the pair $118 , IO Dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists HALF PRICE Strike Situation New Tork, July 15 The peckers and strikers both express a belief in the possibility 0' a settlement today or tomorrow. The price ol beef advances again today, and an inoreaaed demand for poult?', eggs aod vegetables bave raiBed the prices of those necessities. In the nearer eeotione of the east aide many bateber shops unable to procure meat, have been forced to oloae aud io the tenement bouse district many families are going witboat meat, : IN PHILADELPHIA.''.' J PbiladelyhiaJuly 16 All danger nf a meat famine in this oity is past. Local meat dressers say that tbey oan handle obe-balf of the beel sold in this cfty and they declare that they oan readily procure sufflbientca t'etoaup- ple tbe other half. ; AT FORT WORTH Fort Worth, Tea, July 16 There baa been no disorder among tlie strik ing, packing house employes in this oily. Ths union men bave volunteer ed to act as special officers without pay and tbe services of some of tbe striken has been aocepted. At Swift's plant a force, of seen has been put to work in place ol the strikers. HIkEING MEN AT OMAHA Omaki, July 16 All of the South Omaba heuBea are hiring men as fast as they c. j get tbem and are empty ing their tflloe forces In ' tbe packing departments. Swift's and Armour's resumed killing oattle and outtinghog todryon a small scale.. They say there is to difficulty in getting live stock. ., ' , AT ST. JOSEPH . 5 ' St. Josvnb, July 10 Hwiit killed a few hog and cattle today. An effort will be aside to operate the Swift plant later iu le week. AT ST. PAUL St. Pa .1, July 16 Slaughtering on a small irtsle waa resumed tiday at the South 9t. Paul packing plant oi Swift AOs. Tbe strikers today In creased f.oir picket lines about the Swiit tV-'t, which is the only one in St Pawl 'fac ed. ID SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods at Greatly. Reduced v Prices, i '. .If you are in need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to look over our stock before purchasing elsewhere. AH wash goods on- sale at one -s third off. 4 " V A II wash wash shirt waists at a reduction of 25 per eent. s v' ; On Wrappers, Kimouas, and Dressing Saques we will save you 20 per cent. , - Just what you will need for these warm daye. , The Chicago Store tniiiiiiweeieiinm iininmniiiiiiniiMtiiMinn Jim Jiirj At Oyster Bay - OyttW;..Biiy, July 16 President Roossvelt will recieve either tomorrow Wl afternoon or Saturday a cotnraitte of X the Ueilrd Mine Workers of Pennsyl vania, tkt members of which went d wn to Uysier Hay to pioeent a petition re garding the Colorado labor troubles which th comnilltee failed on Tuesday to filnce In the pr ldHnt.1 l-ands. Herniary Loeb tolay rceired a tele gram fro n I' J lav of tVllvrsbarre, Pa., oi, tr-half ot th miners, Inquiring whs he it ho iid be possible for a .regulsiy aicrcdite 1 committee of the J loianlzrtlen to secure an a.dicnce with bepreaUea- to present the petition' Prescription Value A prescription that lacks in the least essential is worse than worthless. It may be positively dangerous peril to the life of the patient. It may defeat the doctor's efforts, and it may re tard the recuperative forces of nature. To have any value whatever, a prescription must be oDmpouuded from drugs that are abso . lutely pure and of standard potency. It must be eaotly what the doctor intended it should be. If it ie this, it is certainly worth the retail value of the drugs it contains. Ou prescnptien ser vice is right both in quality and cost. NEWLIN DRUG , CO. Is-M iiieiftteiUTWwwd :fli;i 1 iaJl.iUMijfw Jt,