La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 14, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' i
We 'Believe that the
Best Tradejpaker is
And are building up our business ' ' '.
- by giving our ourtomer ....... . -.,
The Best Their Money Will
You get the best when
you buy from us.,
The "QUALITY ' Shoe store
Next door to J M Benys.
A Few Choice Bargains in Wal
lowa County Real Estate r i
(1) 200 acres of land, 120 acres oapable of cultivation, 113 ao
In fall town wheat, House, barn and other buildings. 4 at
snapan $2,5(10 .
(2) 240 acrw.srnnll orchard, house, ban, and good outbuilding, 80 aereaia fall
own friatu ; Bniail streum tif water flow tbrouRh plaoe A great bargain at Sa.600
181 40 acres 11 la ad part ol wales is the Snail of meadow; good honac and
outbuildings KOOdht, shed. 200 tuns of hay can be out on the place will take
160 a- res. 120 of 0'ioice laud-
rice SIB
c IMlartl'J of flu. l.ltil dl tttltr tn.ThAU
have to offer in th way of real estate bargains.
FreBh Chocolates
Fresh Bon Bona
FreBh Nougact
Fresh Carmela
" Fresh Taffey
Fresh Baited Peanuts
. Fresh Salted Almonds
If yju are thinking of papering, this season, you
should not fail to inspect our stock. We have sold
wall paper a good mauy years, but we can honestly
say we have never been able to offer such truly airtistio
designs at such an extremely low price as we are now
showing. ,
We have a force of experienced paper hangers and
decorators aud guarantee satisfaction. Call and see
onr new arrivals. New paper arriving 6very week.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime,
Doors and Sash
0. F. C00LIDGE
Union Pacuftc
Time Hnhedul
NO. 3
8:50 p. m.
NO. tV
8:80 a- m.
St.H Luke. Dourer Ft.
NO. 1.
B oo a. m,
Worth. Omaha, Kftntiu
(Mty, St. i-ouu, Chicago
m nut.
&5 p.m
'ortland, Dalle, Pen
dleton, Walla Walla,
. NOl.
.:80 a :
NO 1
9.0S p I
Davtin. foinwro?
CoUaz, Moscow.Bpo-
khuv an nut
MiiU j U via .Spo
Portland, Dallf, rea-
ti p nn I nmi a wai-
ititn. l.flwiHtoii.Colfail
Mtwcow, Wallace War
8:X)s m
8:5 pm
dner, poKi.a u"
other point wist and
nor'n vis rpitiu
No MDally island City, Allcel,
excrai imbler, ana r.iaio
Htindav .nnnn.tlnnH at Klaln
6:30 pm
:I5 a m with stage for polnM
In Wallowa muniy
Ocean Steamers between Portland and
Ban Franc isco every nve oays
E. C. MOORE, Agent
That is why people come here
for men's and by boys' shoes
The J. E. Tilt Hue is our spec
tn Hnrn is where piioe and
' '
quality are combined.
Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREE'
per acre. This if a great bargain.
.r- . nf ,hS .n. W.
For farther particulars address,!
M' Don aid
. Fresh Popcorn
Fresh Fruit
Special Excursion to the
i air.
The Denver and Rio Grande, in con
nection with the Missouri Pacific,
will enn a neriAa at nersonaiiv oon-
ducted excursions to the World's fair
during June. These eicursious will
run through to 8t. Lools witbont
change of cars, making short stops at
prinoipal points enrouie. xne nrsvui
these excursions will leave Portland
Jnna 7. and tbe second June 17. Tbe
rate rrom La urauue 111 ue vw w o..
. - . 1 1 . i sun ... o.
Louis and return. Excursionists go
ing Ala tbe Denver & Rio Grande have
the privilege of returning by a differ
ent route. This is tbe must pleasant
way, as well as tbe most oeugouui
route to cross tbe continent. Ibe
stops arranged give an opportunity
n niaitino in onrl about Kansas City.
t tns mah tn sAnafflmnT one of these
excursions write at once to W O Ho
Hrlde. 124 Third street. Portland, for
Sleeping oar reservations
Only costs about 5o per yard
more than oommon plaster, and
worth many times over.
No daneer of freezing as it
can be used in zero weather
Being flexible instead of brit
tle as all sand mortors are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jammed, instead of
breaking Doors, windows, pipe
boles, etc are easily out tnrougn
it It is a noo conductor of elec
tricity and thus prevents short
circuiting It adheres equally
well to brick, stone or common
lath It contains no acids nor
chemicals to corrods It will
not born nor disintegrate by Are
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blister
Parties having plastering to
do should consult me regarding
this class of work Estimates
cheerfully given
E. REISLAND, Phone 271
Death list
New Swa, July 14 The total dead
In the Slocuoi disaster of June 16th Is
liven as BJ8 and oi these 357 were
identified, 02 nilning and 61 uniilenti
fled. Only 235 out of nearly 1,400 I
the steamer escaped uninjured.
Will He?
Chicago, July )3 Roger fiulllvao
member of the democratic national
oommltteo. declared tanlubt it waa
considered desirable by iba members
of the committee tliatW J Bryan lake
the stump for the natioual ticket. ,
Oregon Gold
Washington, July, 13. The Mint
Bureau has finally determined to coin
all Lewis and Clark aouvenier dollars of
Oregon gold, and baa inbtrusted tLe
Boise and 8an Francisco essay officers
to hold such gold sepuate (ur shipment
to Philadelphia.
Advance on Thibet.-
Biltna British India, July, 13 Gen
eral Macdouald expects to commence
the advance on L'Hassa, the capital of
Thibet tomorrow and hopes to reach
there about August 6tb,
Big Cherries
While making a shipment of cherries
at the depot last evening, which con
sisted of 180 boxes by espress. Mr
Tamau opened one box just to show
the orovd who were gathered what
kind of fruit was being aent from this
section. They were of tbs Bing variety
the top layer contained eight rows one
way and nine the other, 72 cherries to
the layer. This has possibly been
equaled by other shipments but never
excelled anywhere in this state. This
I not a specially prepared : box
any of the entire shipment was the
e. Grande Roude is gaining a witle
reputation for her excellent cherries
and this season marks the beginning
of carload shipmenls which will inc
rease each year..
O Cochin , Portland
A E Nathan do
Geo Rose do ,
V K Ramsey do
MA Clark do
E Smith ' do
QeoCohlln ' ' do
G A Rodgera Aniona
E Abrahams iCincinatt:
A A Roberts City
LC Stone Spokane
O A Mitten " Denver
8 O Swsckbammer & wife '- Union
GMish NY
Miss Lottie Vaseor , Cnldwell
H Johnson ,' - V.' Boise
John T Weistler
J Wolfe
Walla Waliu
, ' ' s jr
' (In '
: . Boiso
H Taylor
M C MoGuire
Sam Calhorn
The Grande Ronde Valley Fruit
Farm contains 320 sores and is to be
sold in lota of five acres and up to suit
the purchaser. . It ia situated right
riles northeast of La Grande, Oregoo,
near tbe Elgin branch of the O. K. &
N. Railroad. " ,
We furnish the purchaser at tbe end
of three years a tbriitly growing apple
orchard, oae that has been cared for
from setting,' in ' the most approved
manner, cultivating tbe land aix to
eight times a year , keeping the ground
well, pulvetixed, and at all times Iron
from weeds, grass and other vegtt-ition
between May 1st and. August 15th of
each year; keeping tbe trees pruned in
tbe most scientiflo manner: removing
and burning all cuttings and tuckers,
and In shoit do any arid all work which
will be for the best interest of the land
and trees. We replant all trees that
may die in the first, second and third
years, and pay all taxes on the land
for three years. We furnish the land
labjr and materiel and trjes and three
years' care, at tbe price of $120 pel
aore, giving three years iu which t
pay for it.
Oar terms of payment are G5 per
cent of purchase price, cab; bal ince
in three yearly payments, bearing in
terest at tbe rate of six per o.nt per
annum '" ' "
Tbi purobaaeroan remain where re
is make no immediate change in hi
business or borne itteieats making his
present business pay for his inv stnien
sacrificir g no time while the orchard
ia being brought into bearing condi
tion and rest assured tbat skilled hor
ticulturalista will do tbe woik btttei
than be can unless he has bad borti
cultural experience under cnuditiom
existing in Oregou. Alter trees have
bsd scientific care pruning and shap
ingfor tbree years, the pubsepuent
work is much more methodical aud
can be successfully done by these with
out horticultural skill.
As an investment it is guilt edge;
and is tbe nearest possible approaoh
to a guaranteed annuity.
We have all our woik done by con.
traotandthe contractors are uoder
heavy bonds to us for the faithful pre-
formanoe of their wcrk.
Wa bave executed a bond lo the
amount of $10,000 and have apioi' t
ed Hon. J M Church, ca-hir r of the
La Grande National Bank, trustee to
indemnify any parties purchasing
land on the Grande Ronde Valley
Fruit Farm from ns srbo may stiller
by our not fulfilling our obligations.
Plentv of Hav.
- I
Reports from tbe bay harvest are to
the effect that this seasons crop will
exceed that of many years.. Especial
ly ia this true of the wild and mixed
varieties. , Tbe timothy yield ia import
ed to b light. Loose hay is selling
In tbe field st f 6 per too and horn 17
to fit delivered in the oily. '
-Dissolution Notice.
, Notice is herrby given that tbe oo
par'nership heretofore existing be
tween G H Moore and J A Rodgera,
under the firm name ol Moore and
Rodgera has Ibis day jeen mutually
dissulVt'd.' Tbe business will be con
tinued by G H Moore,' wbb will col
li ct ell ouutandiog indebtedness due
the firm. Signed at La Grande, Ore.
this 14th day of July 19J4.
. Moore & Rodgera.
Summerville Siftings.
Tbe people are all wishing for rain.
Miss Vern ..Allvrd returned home
Friday from La Grande.
Mr George Cbildin and family ol
Alicel were vieiiing frienda and rela
tives hi Sunimeiville Sunday,
Mr Pete Wright and Mr Matt Mills
made a business trip to La Grande
Ml JjpChoate aud family ratruned
uome Tueeday- from WaLowa where
tbe have been visiting friends and
elatives. " . .
Mr Jap Bonnet made a business
trip to La Grande Sunday.
Mraod Mis Royos of Imbler were
callers in Summervi'l Sunday.
Mr James Christian -and family
lei t lor Wallowa Tudeday to b) gone
two or three weeks.
Mis Guseie Cul.ins of Imbler was a
caller here Monday.
Train Robber.
Spokane July 14 George Wilson,
biiievcrl to be one of the men who
held up tbe Northern Paoiliio train
uear Bearmoutb Mont. , was arrested
bare today. On him was found 17
small diamonds b'l-eved . to be part
of a consignment of 800 diamonds
"tolen in tbe robbery, aud about $700
in cash. ; . .
Residence Burned..
At two o'clock this morning the res
idence of John L Feik, situated in the
valley near the Iowa school house to
githsr with the ojntents were con
sumed by fire; Word was sent in to
day' to 'MrOliveragent for Oregon
Fire Releit Association who had writ
ten insurance to the amount ofJt575
on the pr perty which will be adjust
ed within a short time. .
T G Gynne, city editor of the Bump
ier Daily Miner, was taken for a bur
glar and shot by bis wife The bulls!
went through the floshy pitirt of the
left arm, Gynne was not seriously
injured. His wife almost tainted
when shq discovered her mistake.
Gynne vat able to attend to his duties
today Mihougn be had a narrow es-
oape from death.
Important Notice.
All persona inUresled in the matter
of the O'd Cemetory are requested to
meet st my ofiice . Friday afternoon
July IS at 2 o'clock.
J F Baker.
If you are lanquid, depressed and
iucapuble for work, at indicates that
your liAor is out of order. Herblne
will assist nalute to throw off head
aches, rheumatism aud ailmonte akin
to nervousness and restore the energle
and vitality of sound and perfect health
J J Hubbnrd, Temple, Texas, writes,
March 22 Ui2: "I huvo used Herblne
for the post two years. It; baa; done
mo more good than all the doctors.
When I fool bad and have that tiled
foeling I take a dose of Herblne. It
ia the best medicine ever made for
chilis and fever." 50cts a bottle.
8ld by Nos'lin Co.
, Estray Notice
Notice is hereby given that there
oaine to my place ou tbo Owsley esiate
one and oni hlf miles north of La
Grande, one g'uy borao, no visiable
bruti'lf, about 11 years old, weight a
bout 1151) pounds, Owner may have
dime by proving property and paying
for this notice ami for care and atten
tion and feed. Dated I his day of July
Joe Jones
(July 13)
Llvorpool July a heat 0 S 6d,
New STork Silver 68 1-4; Union
ciflo ; l'fd 30 5-B. '
Chiruwo Jolv whnt opened 88
a!Ki. Ilarley il oil; Xorthwestern
3 4
Bin l'ra clsci ' ash wheat 125
Portland-wheat Walla Walla 07 09;
Cluuslem 7"; Vally 78;
Taooina Wheat Bluestein 80; Club
W. . v... ....
I WiU Sill
' My home place in old town about 8
acres, My farm of eighty acres, 3 miles
east of La Grande, and 3 lots on 2nd
St. Grandy'a addition. M. Raker
j U-H.
Mr John H Cullom, Editor of the
Garland. Texas. News, baa written a
letter of cougratulationa to the roanu-
uiedv. as follows: "riixteen years ago
when our brat child was a bany be was-
eulijecl to rroupy spells ana we wouiu
be very uneasy ulwut him. - We began
naiug ChanilierlalD'a Couab Remedy in
18H7, and finding it such a reliable re
medy for oldsandcrtup we have never
been without in Mia bonse since that
time. We have fivs children and bave
given it tu all of . them with good re
sulia." Kor sale by all druggists. .
Notice To Water Consumers
Ordinance 68 No provides that
The water r.ttee shall be due payable
in advance ut tba odirnof City Recorder
on the first day of each month i except
for nieteis, which are payable on the
first day of the succeeding month),
and If uot paid within, the first ten dava
Ibe water will b. shut off the premises,
and not turned o.t until payment ia
made of amount due with oue dollar
in addition for tbe expense of turning
waler on and on. This rule shall be
strict fy enforced beginning with the
J3rd. of May.
H O Gilman.
. Water Snpt.-
Change of
The. undersigned has purchased
the busin sd known as the Harris
Cash Meat Market and will here--after
conduct the same.
We wish to inform the' public
that we are prepared to furnish
all kinds of meats, game and
poultry at the very lowest prices
consistent with fireb-olas articles
We have our own delivery
and make two trips doily to the
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cuttle, hogs and
sheep. We solicit a share of
your patronage and . guarantee
the very beBt satisfaction, '
Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention. . '
'Harris meat market across the
track. Phone JL601. '
Are like tbe 'Smile that won't come
off." j hey are put on right and stay
right. I jibo only Wbitmore's paste
and gnaraniee that if after thirty days
trial you Hud that it has In any way
way injured the leather I will present
the ouBlomer with a f5 pair of shoes
purchased at any store he may seleot.
It you desire really first class work
call aud get a shine. LatlieB wore a
specialty. Remember the plaoe, hart
ley's Barber Snop, where everything
Is first class from the boot black up.
Delightful Route, Daylight Ride
Dizzv Craes. IJeep Uanous.
A Golden Opportunity See
nature In all her glorious
beauty, and then the acme ol
man s handiwork. ' lue nrst. ib
found alone the line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
and thn hitter at the St. Louie
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleiiBure make the most
of it. For information and Uius
trated literature write
W. C. McBRIDE.jGen. Agt.
:.--.." Portland, Oregon
Opposite the Somtner House.
: One of tbe boat musical institutions
in the slate. - Four rooms used for
musical instruction, 15 grades of music
taught, u-patineut 1, ; i rooms urea
for the 3 first K radon. Children at the
aire of fi and older come one hour every
day. Department A 't rooms (or graaes
4 to 1G for pupils of all agea The lat
est course best practloal musical in
struction M lsi. al contests for med
als every few weeks.
E PORTER DAY Principal
MRS DAY; Assistant
Spokane Cafe
U.ilir the new management
la. rapidly building up a good
trade. Prompt service, cour
teous treatment, everything
clean, and you will always find
plenty to eat, are the oattsea of
the increased patronage. Tiy
our regular
25 Cent Meal
Many say it ia by far the best
meal In the Inland Empire. Try
one and then you may judge.
Open day and night.
Depot Strest
J. F. JoLnsou
Depot St La 6rande,Or.
Small PruKt
Fresh from tbs patch. Order your
berries direst - from the grower by
phoos. Aq order lor berries of any
kind will receive prompt attention and
will be delivered 'at one. . Remsmber
the phone is 1826 for fresh perries.
Office at A T Hill's Drag Store
La Qrande, Oregon Pbone 1361
Kesidence pbone 701
Farmers a rid Traders'
a national oanic,
. Capital Stock fully paid i 60,000
Surplus fund " 13.000 .
laiability of Shareholder 60,000 J
; : KospoDsibility - . . 183,000 '"
. We do a general banking and exobange business.
Drafts bought and aold on eartern and foreign banks.
jQgEpjj PALMER, President - p
p J. W. SOIUBBR, CaBhier ' q
J. H. Peare, the Jeweler
' v'."--..; . i:,;V;. .r:r. p-'.trt-
For the next thirty days I offer my entire stock of, goods, -in-i
oluding dress goods, trimmings, shirt waists, skirts, hosiery,
shoes, millinery ia fact everything in my line '
An invitation is extended to the publio to come iu aqd learn
prices whether yod buy or not.
R W Laughliri & Co
i x Phone, Main 1621
Then you will need a strong Trunk aud nice Hand :
Bags. We have jast received a fine assortment, Just
what you want at 11 76 to 112.50. Nothing cheap
about these except the price.
Horse Shoe wringers, 12 65; elsewhere 3 00; Camp
Stoves 1 40, Good Typewriter 22 60, Jewel Range,
35 0C, Universal Range 80 00, Fine Iron Bed 6 50,"
Child'a Bed 1 75 and 6 00, Baby Go Cart 8 00, Gaso
lene Stoves 2 50 to 16 00.
Tr UHT TTP n our Glassware, Berry Bets
DlVl yllLULsJ and Jelly glasses. Look over
Crockery for odd pieces Cheapest house in Union
Co. on Granite and Tinware. Sewing machines on
easy payments. House Cleaning, Upholstering and
and Furniture repairing promptly done. Call on us
we will save you money. ; - .- . ' '
t B- Haisten
: We Do Not Claim
That we can please all of the people all of the time.Jbut
J That onr plant has been undeifthe same management
nearly TEN YEARS
That during this time our aim has been to please as
nearly all, at all times as goed work and courteous treat J
Tbat we will do our best to please you if you will favot
us with your patronage ;
That Paokages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley'a
baiber shops will receive tbe aame prompt attention . that
I they would if left at the laundry.
J PHONE j I85l c nsyX
Real estate Snap
Two sore treot, . ' seven- b'oeks, from
oenter of La Grande. Good aix room-,
ed sottage furnished completely aud
well, if desired. Two barua, large hen
bouse aud wire enclosed park oscroo . .
hundred chickens, ovor 100 beariiff
fruit trees including winter and sum- ' ,
mar apples, pasi s, prunes, peaches ?
and several varitlea of cherries, oft
tbonaand raspberries, 600 strawbcrnesl r
twenty; rive shade trees, lawn. rJtiHera !
nd large garden ready for use, three -
wens, two pomps, ten euarea in gooa -water
ditob. House iusured f or KUO '
for three years. Partduwn.
For partlculara inquire at this oOioe.
- My Lady's Jewels
Certainly add to her attraotlvenese.
The poet who wro'e that " Heaniv un
adorned is sdorned the most" nmbahlv
bad no dollars. He certainly showed
little sense. And if bis lady love bad'
teen my aispisy oi
, . Dainty Broaches
She would not have believed htm
For a wcmannaturallv loves lo adorn
herself. No one can blame her after! my store, fcuch beautifuii
things at so moderate a cost were neverl
teen beiore. mere are tnings tor men
too. Just come in and see how mucb
mors I coold have said about them.
F. D. Haigten
Formerly O & M Noble's Store.
: I
i m
. I..W.