La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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We Believe thatthe "
Best TrademaKer i$
-Satisiaction- :
'"' AnJ re building up our buainett "' ' ? ' '
,"' by giving qor cortomers. . . . -
j The Best Their Money Will Buy
You get the beat when - i ; v
; you buy from us
The "QUALITY' : Shoe store
"V.l - . Kextdoarto J MBerrys. '
A Few Choice Bargains in Wal-
Iowa County Real Estate . ; V
(1) 200 acres of Ian1, 120 aorea oapable of cultivation, 113 ao ,
In fall own wheat. Mouse, bam and other buildings. A ar
snapan 82,500 . B " .
(2) 240 acres small orchard, houae, barn and good omblllldlnn.
iowu giain; small itream of water flow thr.iuKh place A great ban
S ?0acreauf laud uart ol whica is Che flne.itnaadlTw' ic
rtiitriltilii intra armA haj aa't nna - t, .. i .
ombuiMinm itood bar- aticik. 2uo tonaof haycanbecut on ib'e oUoo-wiUUki
1650 in cattle in r.a.lcon An proiwtti. Price 110 per mm- iu-wiii iu
4 160a. rel. liBof odoioclaud-I'rfttflOptracre. ToU is a areat bargain,
s 160.M.-4 of tint land ml $J0 per acr.i Theae are a lew of I ho many .naps Wa
have to offer lath way of real catalc bargalae. For further particular! addraaa,f)
M'DFirviel S6 M'Donald
' . ' V
Fresh Chocolates '
Fresh Bon Bons
, Fresh Nougact '
Fresh Carmels
" Fresh Taffey I -
' Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fresh Salted Almonds
Frebh Popcorn
- ' '- '-'', Fresh
If you are thinking of papering, this season, ' you
should not fail to inspect our stock. We have sold
wall paper a good many years, but we can honestly
say we have uever been able to offer such truly artistic
designs at such an extremely low price as we are now
We have a force of experienced paper hangers and
decorators and guarantee satisfaction. Call and see
. onr new urrivals. New paper arriving every week.
Paints, Oils,' Glass, Lime,
D oors and Sash
0. F. C00L1DGE
Union Pacjek
IPABT Tlmt Sch),rtal WOH
8:50 am.' Bait LUe, Denver Ft. 5uPa.n1
NO a Worth, Omaha, Kanaaa '"J?
ai. elty, St. Louie, Chicago IiV;l,
Portland, Dalles, Pen
Mn i dleton, Walla Walla, Nn j
t,1' Dayton, 1'omeroj,
a.n. m Colfax, Monoow.Bpo - p
-icq j ith via Hpo-
, kane.
Portland. Wall, Pen;
NOS dlclon Umatilla Wal- ajf)
lula, LewlHton, Colfax
Muxcow, Wallace War 8:30 am
8.-3 pm dner, wpoliiioe and
other poluta eoet and
. north via Hpulcane
Ka KDally i,iand City, AllceL
excedt imbler, and Elgin ..?
i Hunday connections at Klln 6:J0 p m
Tills a m with alnge for polnta
In Wallowa rtniinty
Ocean Steamers between Portland and
Ban Francisco every nve days
E. C. MOOKE, Agent
That is why people come here
Inr- mnn'n mid bv bovs' shoes
The J. E. Tilt line is our spec-
ioiio TlnVn in where mice and
-quality are combined.
Shot Specialist DEPOT STREE'
80 icm In tall
mln at. Ii ni
Special Excursion to the World's
The Denver and Rio Grande, In con
nection with the Missouri FaclHo,
will run a series of personally con
ducted excursions to the World's fair
during June. Tbese exourstoua will
run through to St. Louie without
obange of cars, making short stops at
principal points enrouto. xdb umui
these excursions will leave Portland
June 7, and the second June 17. The
rate from La Grande rill be $60 to St.
Louis and return. Exoursionists go
ing Ala the Denver & Rio Grande have
the privilege of returning by a differ
ent route. This is tbe most pleasant
way, aa well as me most ueugouui
route to cross the continent. Ihe
stops arranged give an opportunity
of visiting in and about Kanaaa City.
If yon wiBb to accompany one of tbese
excursions write at once to W O Mo
Bride, 124 Third street, Portland, for
Sleeping car reservations ;
Ouly custs about 6o per yard
more than common plaster, and
worth many times over.
No daueer of freezing as it
nan be used in zero weather
Beine flexible instead ot orit-
tl aa all sand mortors are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jammea, luuieau :oi
. . i . i j r
breaking Doors, windows, pipe
holes, etc are eaeily cat tbrougn
it It is a non conductor of eleo
tricity and thus prevent siiort
Circuiting 1 auutira Mtjuui.j
well to brick, stone or common
lath It contains no acids nor
r-tiBmieals to corrods It will
not hum nor disintegrate by fire
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blister
Parties bavinu plastering to
do should consult me regarding
this class of work Estimatei
cheerfully given
E. REtfr'y hone 371
, . - If.,-
It Is Reported 30,000
Japs Were Killed in an
Attack on Positions at
Port Arthur . -
- 8t Feterabarg.iuly 13 A diipatob
trom the Baniaa correspondent at
Mukden daiad July 12, says :
"AcorrJlog to iotflligeooes reoleved
bare Ibe Japacoea last night attaoked
the PoslMous near port Arthur and
were repalaed with 'enormous losses,
not leas than 30,000 it is said being
killed by oar mines." ,
London July 13 The Morning
Posts Bhaoghai oorresponont says
that tbe Japanese oaeualitiea by laad
mines at Port Arthur last Sunday
night are reported to hae been S800O,
bat none ol tbe special aar dlspatehea
mentions the - Japanese dieuUTai
Port Artbnr. .
Not Confirmed.
8t Pelenburg July 13 Tbe general
staff had received no information re
garding the reports ol tbe Japanete
attaoking the positions near Pott Ar
thur with ajoss of 30,000 Japanese
killed or wounded by tbe Russian
mines. ". ' .
Enterprise July IS The eastern
part of the county was visited by' a
heavy rain laal Sunday night tuet did
considerable damage to crops, grain
and fruit and otherelasses olpropeity.
Tbe force of thestorm'struok near ti.e
bead of Grow creek and caused that
stream to go on a rampage, and
fences, bridges 'and orops along the
bjttomj were washed away and dam
aged badly. Mr O O Holmes' bouse
was submerged with two. feet of wat
and filled with grovel and mud to tbe
depth t,f ten inobesV Tbe eime occur
red at the home of Mr Weaver and at
e viral other homes 1 .og tbe creek.
The pionio grounds at Cbico ..were
flooded -and 'Mr Gilee Daugherly's
stand and all his goixls were. oar. ied
away. : Tbe storm passed on by the
Bnttes and struck the bead of Trail
oreek and did an immense amount
of damage. The road down Trail
oreek runs, muob ol tbe way, in or
near tbe oreek' and it is said that it
will require SS000 to restore tbe road
to its former' condition: Tbe houses
ol John Hamilton and Wm Pesreon
were carried - away sod smashed to
pieces, Several bead of stock were
d i owned aid gardens, orchards and
orops suffered seven ly. The total
damage will amouut to many thous
ands ol doll ire. ' '
Tbe road is In euoh a condition,
that teams can not pass over it, and
tbe inhabitant of Imnaba are practi
cal Iy cut off from tbe reel ol tb
county, -
The Street
'Tbe Carnival Company arrived ir
tbe city 4 p. m,, today. Among its
most nitible shows is tbe one called
"It's All Right." And-itisa)! right,
too. It present) Miss Shirley Everett
and her aseisrsoti wbo taitbfully por
tray that beautiful story "Pygmalion
and Galatea." Mias E-tr.-lt also tri
sects 'Trilby, tbe Maid of tbe Air."
In this aot she defies al l.iw of gravi
tation by gracefully floating and flying
in the air, above the heads ol tbe ao-
Tbe other nine attractions are equal
ly meritorious.
Among tbe free attractions, one o
the most notable la tbe drring feats of
DanaTbompson, the world renowned
high diver, wbo will twios eaob day
dl-e Irom a 90- oot tower into a tank
containing but four-feet of watir.
Profeeeor Edgar Birger, a renowned
equilitriit, will lo give a free per-
frrmance twice daily. Then there art
tbe animals, merry-go-rnunds and tbe
thousand and one olhef attraction
and accessories ol the s: roet carnival.
Saoramenlo Leader.
Sunshine Circle.
Tbe Sunshine Cirole naa eniertein-
ed Thursday ait?rnoon, 'ro two I ill
four, by little Mii Bisa e Burhler,bi
proved bertelf a charming In tie ho
ess. A dainty luocb waa served, lb
table decorations being sweet peas
:- '": V 1- " 1 ' ' ' ' "
Hum Bacon entertained tbe society
by several oboloe Instrumental select
ions well rendered. Altogether tliej
bad a-most rnjoyalls time. - , .
' Mils Eoae Tirty ltlt this morning
(or Wasco to vieit relatives for a few
Tbe Grande Ronde Valley Fro it
Farm oontaina 320 aorea and is to be
sold in lota of five aorea arid np to suit
the purobastr. It ia situated eight
n-ilea northeast of La Grande, O'egoo,
near tbe Elgin branch ol tbe O, B. &
N. Railroad .
We furnish tbepurobaser at tbe end
oi three yeara a tbriltly growing apple
orchard, one that baa been oared for
from setting, in the most approved
manner, cultivating the land six to a year , keeping the ground
well pulveiiis d, and at ail times free
from weeds, grass and olhir vegf tation
between May let and August 15tb c'
eaob year; keeping tbe trees pruned in
tbe most sciemifio manner: removing
and burning all cuttings and lackers,
and in abort do aoy and all woik whiob
will b3 (or the best interest of tbe land
and treea. We replant all trees that
may die in the first, second and third
years, and pay all taxea on the ' land
for three years.' We lurnish tbe land
Istnr and material and trass and three
yeara' care, at tbe price of f 120 per
Westmoreland, Kane. May 5 1902.
Ballaid r-uow Liniment Co ' our Snow
Liniment vu.ed an o d sore on the aide
of my chin that was supposed to be a
cauoer, Ihe eovo waa atubborn and
would not y eld to treatment, nitil
i. ci w ... ..LUU
.nrk lii hn,l o.rlnr Mv alatar. Mra '
Sophia J Laiiton, Allensville, Aliifln
Co, Pa, baa a sore anil mistrusts that
it i a cancer. Please send her a
6uo bottle. Sold by Newlio Drug Co.
(July 13)
Liverpool July wheat 6 s Gd,
New York Silver 58 1-4; Union
oitlo ; Pfd 90 6-8: :
Cbicaiio July wheat opened 88 3-4
a 90. Barley ii 50; Northwestern 117
1-2. Frat oisco (,'aab wheat 125
Portland- V. heat Walla Walla 07 09;
Blaestem 77; Valley 78;
Taooma Wheat Blueatem 80; Club
70. -
If you are lanqnid, depressed and
incapable for work, at indicates that
your liaer ia ont of order. Herbiue
will aesiet natuie to throw off head
aches, rheumatism and ailments akin
to oervousueBB and restore the energie
and vitality of sound and pei feot health
J J Hubbutd, Temple, Texas, writes,
March 22 lft'2: "I have need Herbine
for the past two years, lt.hasdone
me more good tban all the doctors.
Vilien I feel bad and bave that tiled
feeling 1 take a dose of Ueibine. It
is tbe beat medicii e ever made for
chills and fever." 50cta a bottle.
Sold by Newllu Drug Co.
First Class dressmaking at reafonable
prices..' Inquire for Miss Mary Coon,
lale of Seattle, at Mra Shearers rooms.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs Chas Applegale, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad thutj
if 1 alked a block I would cough j
frightfully and spit blood, but when ;
all other medicines felled, three (1 00 !
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery!
. ... J T I 1 KO I
wnouy cureu me uuu, a guiueu no
pounds." Its absolutely guarantctd'
to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe,
Bronchilis and all Throat and Lnug
roubles. Price 60c and (1.00. Trial
bottles Ires at N-ewlin Drug Co.
For Rent
Eleven room house next door to the
poat ofllce for rent 921 por month in
advance. Apply to Pied Myera in La
Grande National Bank. .
Estray Notice
Notice Is berebv given that there
came to my place on tbe Owsley estate
one and oue half miles north of La
Grande, one g'ay horse, no visiable
brands, about 11 yeara old, weight a-
bout II61) pounds, Owner may nave
same by proving prnperty and paying
fur this noti.-e and lor care and atten
lion anil fetd. Dated I his dy of July
190L. v-
Joe Jones
Delightful Route, Daylight Ride
Dizzy Crags, Ecep Canons.
A Golden Opportunity t-f
uature in all her gloriout
heuuty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first is
round fllnn the; line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Kuilrond
ir.d ili Inner n t the St. Louie
orid's Fnir. Your trip will be
me of plonsure tnnke lire most
if it. For information and illus
trilled literature write
W. C. McBRlDE. Geu. Aet.
Portland, Oregon I
ora, giving three rears in wbiob to
pay lor it. V ; : ", - i
Vat terms ol payment are Oft per
?ent ol purchase price, caabj balance
io thrae yearly payments, bearing- In
terest at the rate of six per o.nt per
annum' . ; ", ''.',
The putobaseroan remain where be
ls mske no immediate change io hie
bueioew or borne irfireeta making bis
present business pay lor hit investment
sacrificing no time while the orohard
! is being brought into bearing condi
tion and rest enured that skilled hi r
ticolturalist will do Ihe wok better
tban he oan unless he baa - had horti
cultural experience under oouditions
existing In Oregon."! Alter trees bave
had scientific care pruning and shap
ing for three years, tbe subsepnent
work is much more meehodical and
oan be suooetsfully dons by these with
out horticultural skill ' : '
As an Investment it is guilt edge;
and is the nearest possible approaob
to a guaranteed annuity. . ,
. We bave all our woik done by oon
iraot ana ine contractors are uooer
heavy bonds to ns lor the faithlul pre
tormanoe of tbeirwerk. ,
' We bave executed a bond to tbe
amount of f 10,000 and bave appoint
ed Hon J M Oburoh, oasbior ol the
La Grande Matioutl Bank, trustee to
indemnify any parties purchasing
land on the Grande Ronde Valley
fruit Farm from us bo may suffer
by our not fulfilling our obligations.
Are like tbe 'Smile that won't come
off." Ihey are put on right and stay
right I nse only Wbitmore's paste
and guaran ee that if after thirty days
trial you tJnd that it baa to any way
way li lured the leather 1 will present
"be oualomer with a 5 pair
of shoes
purchased at any store he may select.
: It you desire n ally first class work
call and get a shine. Ladies won a
specialty. Remember the place, Ktrt.
ley'a Barber Shop, Where everything
is first class fiom the boot black up.
"'1 Cherries
May Duke cherries now ready for
delivery. I'hone 1941. Residence
miles Eol La Uraude tl. Tatmau
Partita vno own shade trees are
hereby notified to have them trimmed
to a sufficient beightso they will not
interfere with pedestrians on tbe tide
walks. .: ''
F J Byohorst, 8tJeet Supt.
Cabbage Plants
E Z Caeblne, of Frultdale, bat a
large number ol cabbage planta tor
sale. Phone 1937. , " tf
i Will SJI
My home place In old town about 8
aoreB, My farm of eighty acr.'f, 2 miles
east of La Grande, and 3 lots on 2nd
St. Grandy's addition, Wm. Baker
Spokane Cafe
' ti . .'. - '. ;'
Orlir the new management
ia rapidly building up a good
trade. Prompt service, cour
teous treatment, everything
clean, and you will always Ami
plenty to eat, are the onuses of .
the increase! patronage. Tjy
our regular ,
25 Ceot Meal
' , :
Many say it la by far the best
meal in the Inland Empire. Try
one and then you may judge.
Open day and night.
, - Depot Streit
J. P. Johnson ":
Depot St La Grunde.Or.
N Way ' to reach Wallowa
county is to patronize the
leave Elgin
and arrive at, Elgin daily
FAST time;
SjK'cial rates to Parties
Livery Stable Accommoda
tions Proprietors own stables at
Joseph and Lostinc,
Elgin office at City Hotel
.v Smal Frulb ;
Freeh from the patch. ' Ordaf yoftr
besrlet direct iron tbe grower by
phoo-. An order tor berriea of any
kind will receive nromnt attention nt
will oa delivered at onoa. Remember
the ptone is 1826 for fresh berries.
Office i,t A T Hill's Drag Store
La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361
i Uesidence pnone 701 -
a a a a a a o a a a a a u a a a o a a a
Farmers, anct , Traders!
National Bank,
I - Capital Stock folly paid ' . $ 60,000
I : Snrplus fund ' 13.000 - ' ''
, Liability of Shareholders . . 60,000
1 - Responsibility . .. ,: . ;i-'."j 133,000 ', '
We do a general banking and exohange business. '
I Drafts bought and sold on eartern aod foreign bank. .
I ' J08EPH PALM KB, President .
I ' , J. - :' J. W. S0RIBER,' Cashiei"
mono do n nn n bbdb do o d a
J. H. Peare, the Jeweler
For the next thirty days I offer my e'ntire stock of goods, in
cluding dress goods, trimmings, shirt waists, tkirts, hosiery,
shoes, millinery in fact everything in my line '- . .
An invitation is extended to the publio to come in and .. learn
prices whether yod buy or not. V
R W Xarighlin & Co
Or All Kinds Done
Photie, Main 1621
' Then yon will need a strong Trunk and nice Hand
-Bags. We bave just received a fine assortment, Just
what you want at $1 75 to 112.50. Nothing cheap
about these except the price.
Horse 8hie wringers, $2 65; elsewhere 3 00; Camp -Stoves
1 40, Good Typewriter 22 50, Jewel Range,
35 0C, Universal Range 30 00, Fine Iron Bed 6 50,
Child's Bed 1 75 and 6 00, Baby Go Cart 8 00, Gaso
lene Stoves 2 50 to 15 00.
Crockery for odd pieces . Cheapest house in Union
Co. on Granite and Tinware. Sewing machines on
easy payments. House. Cleaning, . Upholstering and
end Furnituie repairing promptly done. Call oa ns
we will save you money.
H. Be Hasten
j We Do Not Claim " j
That wo can please all of tbe people all of the time.'but .
i That our plant has been uudethhe same management for J
; nearly TEN YEARS .
That during this time onr aim has been to please as
nearly all, at all times as good work and courteous treat
2 That we will do our best to please you if yon will favor
us with your patronage , .
I That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley'a
J barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attention that
they would if left at the lanndry.
- ; PHONE" f 1851 ' - :
" "eeeeesi
Opposite tbe Sommer Hooaa. -One
ot the best moaioal Institutions
In the state. r'oor rooms used for
moaioal loatracbioo, 15 grades of musle
taught. Dtpaiment 1, 2 rooms ured
tor the 3 first grades. Children at tbe
age ot 5 aod older oome one boor every
day. Department 2, 2 rooms for grades
4 to 15 for popils of all ages The lat
est course best paautio.l musical In
struction. M isii al oootoate for med--ala
every few aeeka.
E PORTER DAY Principal ..
MRS DAY. Assistant
: ' y My Lady's Jewels
Certainly add to her attractiveness.
The noei wno wro'e that "tJeaniv un
adorned it adorned the most" probably
I ad no dollars. He rsrtninlv showed
little sense. And If bis lady love hadl
te n my aiapiay or ,
Painty Broaches
She would not have believed him
For a wi man naturally loves to adorn
lieraeu. no one can blame l-er ttlle
thev visit mv store. Such beantifui
things at so moderate a cost were never
Men tieiore. J nere are tninga lor men
too. Just tome in and tee now much
more I could bave said about them.
:: r' ' . , r
In our Glassware, Berry sets
and Jelly glasses. Lock over
Pho2osi F. D. Haigfien
Formerly 0 & M Noble's Store.
1: :
U 1