16 I .-. Ms).; if; u. it' 11: i Si it- J.J : 1 i i '1 Coal For Hot Weather ' Our Rock Spring coal will give satisfaction We always have it cu band. ' Castle Gate and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. ' We al ways have coal, all kiuds and at lowest prices. If you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. ', ....J.-.y; ;. ' . ', G. E. FOWLER, , TRANSFEB-AND DELIVERY - - - Phone No 1611 OFFICERS) -i DIRECTORS! Ore. Paijieb ...Preildent I. M. Berry, J, M. Cbiuvn. J. M. BnBBT......Vic President ,, ' V A. B. Conley, Goo.L. Cletv- J. M.CuuaCH Collier ver, Geo. Palmer - F. L. Mktsu and Geo b Clenver :. AMt. Oiuhieis ..36S5 Lf a Grande National B nk 'i " ' ' ' La Grande,' Oregon t CAPITAL, AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 -Transact a general banking business. Bays end sella exchange on all pwteol the world.. ColleotloniaepeclaltT. m BOSS MEAT: Market Stellwell & Vanderrauelen, Proprietors. ; WHOLESALE - AND ; RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid stock Hides, pelts aod furs. Wai REVOLUTIONS AND REAL yQA'j iVr HPPf V NOVELTIES , DECORATED Jfki 'HWl SEJaVNl XffiW FAVORS AND FULL OF Hwffim MM OF EVERY KIND SO THE PEOPLE HAY KNOW OVERWHELMINGLY SUPERB SPECTACULAR HIPPODROMATIC ENTREE WHh th. mfl agtraVMiillr tly ani bomifjlty pWwuiw c.lum... ntn wllw aitl. Mil, Bml 4, If I , a Umm S nS lutit a nri fUM Obbkb LtUIIM 3 PHIMIKN tQUaaTRirnNI. m MLLE. ARLIliE, " THE ST. LEON QUINTETTE rmmtim ffvafmarllM of Frsnte-At THB pimwi in GREAT AI rvniQ 3k. "aa"iai v TT'Ti! SUCIMOTO' SCORE Or LOOPS TH E LOOP ,"" JAPANESE Dll(ifl the law f frwvHaftai, mm4 fMert.fi U I MfWaaase 0uk Olrta, Mentv HERR LITZEN'S FUNNY DUTCH ELEPHANTS anfrhlal MfawTM a aniilaa aaa taiattw etxlia. MaieaBlttMl ItlVV f lit Mlual Mriarmanv fey lh watisl'a h:ioJ feataattt) aantoutarly laiturlna psamfN ntsry aaa nar rrlaa. Afeaaiirtaii ina nif aiepnaai i mi wsrid aarlarmlns .atathar. THE BEN HUR HERDor ARABIAN STALLIONS fwaUa la ntrrnbar. tha haraa marvata at I ha b, Th ont ct In Ihla aaunlry, with ihaaaaapilan ol iftas whloh war raoanily aramBUtfto Praal dnnl Haaaaoafl. INTERNATIONAL LEAPING CONTEST Prattlitaua aaHal mn4 iratin aDspUya, aanv bait, batria and aiaauita, iVlr ' UllVr'ajlatar aroa"ni"ej ijy anaina in iaruiiw j,v- j s Ha. and faalara ...f Rrwaaaa as ay mmg snr har a lack! BELLE fSI SMALLIST HORSE IVER BORN Ahian lion lb laryatl aadaniy na l Ha ttma la iia o.niniry. Raval Sihanan I maaata and eialuiryi Ihitld nf. tha aaraonlllsallon at brawn antt maacU. Itgar, May I Daagal iltraaa, laaaartfa, aaaihara, ttaagaraa. Iiamaa, wdlia aiaartaa ' lw anlnalai.i t saly aa marvalaua aa tha nam aya taatl aiiwsi fct.4 E era wis j -, . n,r'ej- .x. rKtE.T,.o.ouolSI53!tf WanaarW aatBta ftr Parasto ana' Oanraal. Ftra wtlsl Bata In taaall arrsj ttaal Hlfe1 Dan aan t aualU vw. Ttta Wt4raaiaM Hr4 f ) .far tialMN-Tylana lllaalralad arllh aaillat Tlaaa. N lata lla n.l aw ftalara Iha atraata atty. Tara Or4, Oamalal Nrhnaiaief Polly. MilanlBfj al mM , ml Oaara Ota Hassr 2rtlar. OHt, t WAIT $ OMITt TO iVtBTTMlUQ. CHIlXtttl. jnbfA IA VKA. H-t fBICI. r LA GRANDE, One Day Only for all kinds of butchers' Also chickens & poultry. We Promise end Give Clrous Performance In p pau MLLE.VALLECITA Ttitalalrv.llkqMMl THE BEAUTEOUS J0N8LE QUEEN tawaaa wild feaaat Ham, tlgara, laaaanta a); anlhar light far her aaraaaaa, anal aa THE GIRL IN RED" FAIRYLAND FDR THE CHILDREN A hurray aitMlasttl eanla. maahavlhasrir af lift msmhair allriu IxtrtwrsJInKlra, Th a up ram rttnta fosrltw th M wi.hoiH a iss aaaaii r eirouei aitiari PBISKORN BROTHERS CU5SID 0IIICTCLIIII A CKUITIj NfliMI aifMlUpMtlll llllt,HlWI aaa teaawtitu. Mrtto fwfataarwHJi FUNNY CLOWNS A Mia BUNCH or FOOLISH BEAUTIES THE BARTINE TRIO NaafcetmakarB, ttlallaMrtt lvlaiart itaslstaowa paapla, llyavar and baatftraahara, aid allulAl tymnaalla eamlquaa trwa JM).tlrana! feeby THE GREAT JELLETT FAMILY OF FLYING AERIALISTS BEYOND COMPARE I A HUNDRED 'f , n . WEDNESDAY, ) July 20 1904. Li Grande Evening Observer Cl'RBElf UCOB., Editors Prop Entered at the Grande, Oregon, Post Office at La aa fiecond Clan Ma i Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. . . . Six months in advance.. Per month.. Single copy..., ,6 50 ..3 60 , . .65c ...5c WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 13. 1904 Judge Parker was a loug time silent, but when be bad e me- thing to say , it was to the point, You are excusable if a man deceives you cce. You get what you deserve if he deceives you twice. The? starting point for the journey to the White House will oe Chicago. St. Louis will have to be content with her magnifi cent fair. The rate of increase of tbe negro in tbe United States was considerably less during the 1 9th (Hiitury than it is supposed to have been during the 18th century. Bryan is politidilly dead, was crucified in 1896 and 1900, yet 1 . , i. 'ci ub was a iiveiy corpse at me ot, Louis convention, aod it was his inlluonce that hold the radical con ervatives in"' check. 'XU wonderful how these dead poll ticiana will come to life. . -, the Best Amerloa. mircn -i, a I k aaa WEDDING-CAKE WHIRLIGIG A PRODIGIOUS AGGREGATION or LIVINO HUMAN FREAKS ACTORS T'T?.V.?S"".:x!l''m"'ZZ I'll ( A. ' 'j 'fit v- jjemit;":.r rewui'a . -. MORNING. rAnftUla ADMISSION: Children, 25 cents Adults, 50 cents. . . it'O.ii The average daily income of j lb saloons in tbe Uuiled SUtcs is 115. This would make the total ,. receipts of America's saloons for one year is about 1950,000,000. . No Western democrat jg under obligations to support Parker; Debts comes much nearer the democratic ideal than be. Parker can rea-ouably expect the votes of tbe gold democrats who elected McKinley and who, at St. Louis, last week, sounded tbe death k 11 ell of the democracy. A few disgruntled republicans will also vote for Parker, but be was not nominated to beeleoted. He was used as a tool by the trusts and the gold power to disrupt the true democratic party and make sure ol the perpetua tion of the graft of the money interests. Tbe sensible, sane way out of tbe present mess is for the whole people to vote for Roosevelt, give him end his oongrees full swing, drive the delirium of imperialism and concentration of wealth . and power to the farthest extreme in the shortest possible time in hopes ' mat in toe excesses of that hour the common people will get their fill of a trust government, and will then com back to the true independence which is being bartered away and absorber! by class legisla tion today. The concentration of wealth and power in the bauds of the few, under the Roosevelt regime ii preparing ihdicodfniry for socialism more rapidly than any other agency. Eastj.Oregonian. . 'X' " ' ' formal notification of President Roosevelt of bis nom- 1 inaction will be made on July 1 27 1 "pt Oyster Bay. Speaker . Cunbon will be chairman of the notification committee. The 1 notification of Senator Fair banks wjjl ocour a week later at .Indianapolis. Former Sec retary Root will be chairman of the notification committee. , Pianc Instruction. Flra class instruction on tbe piaoo. Harriet E Young, Phone 11131 July 27. For Sale 100 acre farm Improored 8 miles South of Union. Write or oall oa Frank Bollin, P O TalocaeBet. Real estate Snap Tiro aore treot, seven blocks from ; oenter of La Orande. Good six room ed cottugj furnished oompletely and well, If desired. Two barns, large hen house and aire enclosed park over one hundred ohiokens, over 100 beariig ' Itult trees incluiliog winter and sum mer apples, peats, prunes, poaobes and several verities of oherries, one thousand raspberries, 500 Blrawberries twenty Bve shade trees, lawn, tloneia and large garden ready for use, three wells, two pumps, ten eharea in good water ditch, limine insured for I7U0 tor three yeara. Part down. For particulars Inquire at tbis office. llllflBaBBBBEBaaBIKCIItllllllMII JOHN JAMISON W We will call for it and bring it home when promised We guarantee satisfaction and ouly ask (or a trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstated the laundry business. You can stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, aud cab do your washing better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1981. modate yor. mCa Srcuicic investment Company, 1110 Ad ami Avenue, La Grande, Oregon .sSj - Mr f Jsjaa-.V-n'" ' WJE ark HEADQUARTliHB ,..'.-.'. ..." A complete stock of professional answered promptly. . La Grande Drug Co. and Red 11 . r7, il v FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubio feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. , This is cheaper than ty the load. You pay for what you get a&d get what you pay for. Phone 571 Classified Ads. FO R SALE Complete outfit of house hold' furniture ill.-hesold -Cheap if told at once. Inquire at residence oh seventh Street between Washing-' ton avenue and P Street E T Thome. FOEN18HED'KOOMS-,P.rtlee' desire in nicely furnished rooms apply to u u oimmons corner a ana al elreet Pasture Plenty of good pasture II per head per month, Phone 1276. FOR SALE Kimball piano. Inqnire of Mrs Ingle. Cor. of 3 and K 8ts. Phone 1727. - Piano Tuning Prof Hendriuks the t'sdaie 'Piano Inner, is fully prepared! to care for your Piano, and aouVi's yonr patronage in his line. tMve him a trial Phone 470 Cheap Lumber FOR PALE About 150000 fret in our' , "Jrom ,nV ,We" n yard at Imbler suitable for .houses .the MTBMACL.tf T ,rom ??n-i-arn.,, fence, and r.u.n purposea "t ' f. hoice of eit her cheau for net 30 dava. tirn and going direct through the Kansas City, see us quick. ' - ' 9 Brmga, Mgr. ' : Summer Dresso u . i. . . . , Made on short notice, at rcawuable Pr'CC" Mr. Ef E Wines Phone 17 7-flt I. Ht huttvaanll . M ill. , 6-31 Sweet Cream Commencing Thursday June tilth the Grande Honde Creamery Co will lie prepared to furnibh swwet cnam in quanity to suit, whole sale and retail Kemeraber the place Hunting ons new building next door to fire building. Notice Beginning with June 1st no one shall be allowed the use of oity water for irrigating purposes except between the hours of S- and 7.30 P M. H V Oilman. Water 8npt. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis does all klnda of any. enger work, such as cleaning well, ceea polls, etc. (live him a call. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to fill orders for all kinds of lumber. If yon O'-ed inm- ner see prioea before ordering. E Roaenlianm Prop. Rainbow Store. Reward I will pay a reward of 115 to the party or partiea, securing information that will secure the arrest aod convict ion of any violating tbe game bird law. A. W. Nje State Deputy Oame War. den. 4 b. STULL ELY A JAMISON 742 FIR STREET. On The Right Road You will be also if you pur chase one of our choice lots in Pleasnut Home Investment Ad dition . There you can lay the foundation of solid comfort for youi family and yourselL High ground, pure atmospbere. Vne ideal spot for home building. Terms of pmirao in anit lerms, 01 course, 10 suit. Maybe you would like to buy a bouse? II so, we can accom For Kodak and Kodak Supplies -J, ' . ,., ,; " paper. Plates at wholesale prices H. W. NIBLEY For Rent Slaved room bouse next door to tbe peat office for rent, fiftl per montu in adt anoe. Apply to Fred Myers in La Orande National Bank. - Notice To Water Consumers Orrilnanre 8No provides that fha water ritsa shall be doe payable in advance at the office of City Recorder on tan urat day of each month (except (or meters, which are payable on the Brat day of ' tbe succeeding month), and if not paid within- thefint ten davs the water will bs abut off the premises, and not turned oa until payment ia made of amount due wi'.h one dollar in addition for the expense of turning wafer off and on. This rule shall be strictly enforced beginning with the 23rd. of Way. H C Gilmsn. Water 6upt. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Mwaocai Pacific Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, baa besnZ.appropriately names The World's Fair Route." via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant iHuU ...... : Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St, Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip- ment, including electric lighted obser- Vaiion parlor cafe dining cars. Ten ' Kansas City and uru -ll nr n v. d-i,i General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland for detailed information and illustrated literature. tt FOR 8ALE A complete thresh in ont St inquire of Jod Draper at th Andross Ranch. . Camping Ground Good camping ground at Bilgard apply to Mrs C J Hart Hilgard Ore. FOR RENT Rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at corner 3rd and Adams avenue. F. 21. tf Lodge Directory. BAQLKS 1 Grande Aide 139 P O B meet. enry ftkuj night In K of P hall ,1 1 p Vldtlng bnth.rn Invllert to attend, C O BockwiU, W P. AN Majrvlllo, W Bee FORESTERS OP AMERICA-Oourt Maid Marion, Mo tt itueta ech Tuesday la Elk's Ban. nroaeers sr. invited to attend. Al Heliner Cblef Ranger. Ol Vaadereool, Keotice. IOO t 1 Orande Uric, No 16 mcata In tMirnaiievnrBaturl.ynlabt. viiiting mem- pn. eorouuiy lavtlca to attend. CJ V.ndcrpool, N O. lBSaook.Sea A, P. & A. M. La Grande Lodge -aa. nicva. vwrj isianu dru aatur uay 01 eacn montn. AC Williams Seo, 0 D Huffman W. M. Change of Management. The undersigned has purchased the busin s known as the Harris Cash Meat Market aDd will here after conduct the snmn. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with flrst-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cattle. hofrunnH sheep. We solicit a share of your patrouage and guarantee the very best satisfaction, Ph one orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meal market acroaa tha track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER .Congratulations. Mr John II Cullom, Editor of the darlan l, Texas. News, hu avrln.n - of coniratuiatioiis to ,'actnre o( Chamberlain's medv. aafolio..; "st.. , the manu- oiedy, s follows: "Sixteen years a wnen our Drst child was a batiy he was eubject to croupy spells and we wonld he very uneasy alrout him. We beiian 1887, and finding ,t such a reliable re IJnle'up we have never been without in the house aince that Ave children and have sulta," Foe aala by all draniata. .... Mail orders Cross Drug Co That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach-. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. ; We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, e'c. Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. ' MEAT CLIUM a lurge place m the loud question It is cflbeutiul therefor th.it ihe meat bi good. Touli, gristly stiak, oV djy j'licelens toasts will spoil any meal Suppose you consult ue on THE MEAT QUESTION We know and buy the best kind. You can rely on our knowledge and our de sire to hold your trade to get you tbe finest meat you ever closed your teeth on. Ab for price, well we are not so foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas Early Risers TIB at.UiniI I 1TTI It aawivva a, a a a avat a IbtWaVe Par s.aak relief from Biliousness, Sell Headache, Torpid Liver, Jauit dloe, Dullness, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltl'e Utlla Early Rla.r. are a eaeallel. They tot promptly and new gripe. They areeodalmythatltlsa pleasure e taJu taem. One to two act aa a tatM lauthre; two or tour act aa a pleasant and affective cathartic They are pares vegetable and absolutely haiaxlese. They tonlo the liver. raiPAiiD eabv v B.e.SWlt & Co., CHteaa,w By AH Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS o.ir??,.R?1'?5?8e y"r via ti e ROi:K I&LANU FltlSCO SV&TEM8. Choice of routes going or returning via " ST. PAUL. DKNVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, or PUEBLO. For ratoe call on your lm al Agent. Dates of sain: Jnn if!i7.ia .Tni 1-9.9 Aug. 8-9-10 Se t. 5-6 7 Oct. S-4-fi. For further information and elieping car reservations call upon or address A H Me Donald . Gen'l Agent U0 Third St., Portland, Ore -SCAVENGER- I am now Dreoared to do ?1 kinds of scavenger work that i' generally done by a scaveugei, and will call at your nlace at any time. Call me up on phono No. 1841 or addresa hoi H N Mason a. . rntii COFFEEaTEA, BAKING POWDER. FLAVORING EXTRACTS fwoiuttwmy, fiifFlvor, tmrtslStrmyh.rftQjowbtefrkei CL055ET&DEYERS PORTLAND, ORHQON. i Jfm ";' .-.aerOire- . -fnn a 4"mt'.; 'f "4 1 .ay i ' '' ' 'M"aiBBBBaaaaaaM..-arJ.Ta.i ' 'V1" " ' ' ' " ' "