Tonight law aad Cooler. To- A snoriow fair and Warmer. Ii LA GW THE TRAINS aNo S East bound 9:10 m outline.- No West MpuwUMi VOLUME 111 LA GRANDE. , OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 13 1904. NUMBER 203 mm EVENING OBSERVE!? t GREAT WALL OF WATER Sweeps Down Upon 7'- Mitchell Carrying De ; j struction in its Wake -; Heppner Again Visited 4 1 j Arlington Orf 3U 13 Th rani. -denti ol Heppner tod Mitchell expe ls' . rienced a thrilling repetition of the . great cataetrophy ol lust Jane, last '. evening, and while the damage is , Very slight at tbe lormer plaoe, Mitoh- ; til resident were compiled to dee to i.'i 11 'or safety. A wa 1 of water j Jweo'y Aw 'set high earns down Brdgeaod Mill creeks which unite about three hundied yorde above the , town. The flood claimed two victim, V Martin Smith, a man nearly 100 years - old, and Mrs Betbnne, an aged woman living thir'. It also oarried away 25 xr5' . houses In the mad rath. Ererj tbing bilow Looncy'e etore was car . ried away. Two 1 irge livery statlae with twenty borses were loat. Oakes Merjancile Campany'a store, Water man's tt ire and tbe Sour mill escaped . being wrecked, but tbe first mentioned . .loat 1 n tone ot barbed wir'. There was little rain at Mitohell bat tbe . thunder and lightning gave tbe in hab.tanta warning tbat a flaod or olonubrret might be ixpected, bo they : prepared lor it. Over ball tbe popula tion Hid to ibe billa b irdering vhe val . 'ey and the 1 there prepared lor tbe . water when it suddenly burst upon ' tbem. Two agd people who met -. their death by drowning refined to ao company tbe otbera to the bills, feel ing tbe alarm unnecessary. -. Tbe exoitemeot at Heppner was ' even greater than at Mitohell, for the j people have hardly reoovered from tbe j nervous strain of last year. Tbe j flood damage at tbia point waa coo- fined to tbe washing away of b'idgee j and the weakentng of the 0 H& N ilrdgeat Lexington. The rreek rose suddenly and with a rush overflowed j its bank, but there was no great vol ' time of water as a'. Mitchell. No re porta have come in from tbe farming diatricta eo it ia impoasible to atata A FEW INTERESTING Jul) - Clearance - Sale Ladies Shirt Waist Suits Greatly Reduced These cut prices effect oar enliro line of ladies Shirt Waist Suits in white, cream and colors. All $4.50 Suits, now (3.60 All' 6.5G Suits, now 4.85 Ten Dozen Shirt Waists . LADIES AND MISSES HALF PRICE. In this lot of waists you will find some of our best numbers some, of them slightly soiled and mussed but beet values ever offered. ; ;. " Men's Straw Hats One hall' price. 25c and 36o hats and. quite a number of 60c values. Your choice for 15 cents. Ladies and Children's Hose In blank, plain and lace hose, regu lar 15c values, 2 pairs for 21 cents. 25 cent Lace Hose 21 cents. Good assortment for small and large and all of them special values at our regular price. 0 - ' - what damage fax been dona to iopr, berdt sad ranch pioperty, " ' A Ninety Day Run Frank Alexander returned' thie morning from Waverly, where be hat been employed in the eogar factory. He ttatea tba faotory it figuring on a ninety day run. Tba faotory paya $5.25 per ton tor beett and ttttei tbat former field superintendent Larson, ot tba La Grande faotory baa made 112, 000 tba last lour yeart growing beett and thai tbia year be it alto Bled tup-, erinten lent of tbe Waveily faotory, CHERRIES! PLENTY. Oherriee are prolific tbia year, and their lite and Saver can not be excel led, while tba amount raiasd on tne tree seems almost Incredible. . A faw yeart ago large lota of tbi trait ware tbipped in here from California and Walla Wtlla on account of the meagre aupply in this valley, bat this year wa have not only cherries lor our own consumption, bat obfrries to eptre to tbe rest of the world. Stackland and Hanooek ', of Oove are busily engaged in buying obeirlee for tbe purpose of shipping in oar 1 Jtd 1 its, and Mr Huih Hougb it superin tending tba packing and shipping in Pruitdals.- Every nig at large ship ments are made by express, and next week Mr Hougb will thip an entire carload Irom Fruitdale, onr suburb. Tbe large amount of cherries which it taket to constitute a car load can be understood and appreciated, when one becomes aware of tbe faot tbat it tikea two thooaand cases to make a mini mum oar. Stackland and ' Hancock am packing two ear loads in Cove at this time, and altogether there will be four oar loada of cberriet tbipped pot of tbe Grande bonde valley tbia tea- son, besides the express shipments, whioh will probably amount 10 as much aa four oars. Although tome ory tbat there it too rauoh Iroal in tbia part ol the country, yet tba fact do not bear tbem out. - Wben we oan raise and ship1 ao many of the delicate eherries, ft goet to show that we of tbe Grande Bonde valley are located where climatic con ditions are almost perfect, ' aqd very few sections of this great North .West will b able to tbip ont oheiriet by tbe oar ljad. . JairJ PARKER AND DAVIS W J Bryan Says He Will Support the Regular Democratic Ticket and Gives His Reasons Liooolo, July 13. W. J. Bryan to day gave ont the following statement "lab til vote for Ftrker and Davit, the nominate of the democratic na tional convention and shsll do so for the following reasons! ;. '. "First: because the democratic tioket stands for opposition to imper ialism while " tbe republican tioket standi for Impertelistic poiioy. ' Second: Mr. Roosevelt it injecting tbe race itsne Injo Amerioan politios and tbit issue If it becomes national will make it impossible to consider tbe queationi tbat demand tolution. Tbe election of the democratic tioket will pot a quietus on tbit subject. , Third : Mr. Roosevelt stands for tbe spirit ot war. Hit triendt present him at a man of blood and iron. He believet in atrenuoqsness and" inoul- eatea the love for warlike things, Tbe democratic tioket ttands lor peaoe, for reason and for arb tration, rather than for foroe, oonqnaet and bloiter. Fourth: The democratic tioket platform standi for the reduction of the standing army and as tbit plank was unanimously adoptad then ia rea son to b ilieve a demooraiio atatenint on ibis anbjacl would bring tome ad vantage t the paopK -"For these reasons I feel justified in supporting the tioket. Tbe democra tic victory will mean vr little if any progress on any economic question so long at the party it uodtr tbe control of the Wall Street eliment. On tb money question. Mr. Parker it at thoroughly committed to tbe aide ol finance aa Roosevelt. Ott tbe trust question the demooratio platform ia very mucb bitter than the republican platform,. but the nomination of Jud ge Parker virtually nullifies the anti trust plank. Unless in bis la ter ol acceptance be commits himself , to ait:-'rust ligisletion we need not ex peot bin) to- pursue a dlff rent course - Pricings Ladies Silk Coats. Reduced to less than cost ol material, 22.50 Coat now. ........ .$16 50 : 14 00 Coat now. . . . . ..... 10 90 12 00 Coat now. . . V. . ..9 85 - 7 BOCott now.......' 6 25 . 6 00 Coat now.... 4 85 . 75 Men's Underwear 60cUJJJJJJJ Light Balbriggan summer under wear, the suit while they last 6O0. $1.25 DRESS SHIRTS 98c A good assortment of the season's best offerings, soft or stiff fronts, some of them with collars to match. r Q Your choice for y Ladies 35c to 75c Belts, 25c Here are belt 'value never before offered in La Grande. Choice for 25o from tbat voiced by President Roose velt - . "So far at tba labor question! are oonoerned we must await Judge Par kers letter before we shall know wheth er tbe Ubiring man has anything to expeot from his' eleotion. Tbe hb plank pr-pirad by Judge Parker's friend 00 tie tub oommiltee was astiaddiing, meaningless, p'ank. In the full committee tbe pi inks ad opted favcr arbiiruiou od Ibe eight hour day and are againet government by injunotioni also the pliolc on tne Color ido situation. If Judge Parker it ailsnt or ambiguous on tbete tub jeott it will mran tbat tbe men back ol him will not permit him to take the labor side on these disputed quea tioni "On the tariff question tome little progress may b) booed for But the Parker mea on tbe committee wee nearly ell in favor of very conserva tive pUnks. It remains to be teen whether Judge Parker will carry out tbe definite plank whioh wassubititut- ed by tbe full oommittee. - "After describing tbe manner ol Judge Parker's nomination wbioh be maintains waa aeourad by "crooked and indefensible methods" Bryan con cludes: . 'V ; . ' ' 'After having ttated that I ebal support the ticket and rfter having given my reasons for to doing, I tbink it due to tbe demoorata ol tbe nation I to tay that wbile the fight on eoono mio questions Is postponed it tt not abtudoned. As toon aa the eleotion ie ovtr, I shall with those who be lieve aa 1 do, undei take to organiae bifore tbe campaign of 108, theobjejt being to marabal tbe friends of a pop ular government within tbe democra tic party to tbe support of a radical and a progressive polcy to make tbe democratic party tbe efficient meant in tbe bauds of tbe people for securing relief from the element that contiole the republican pmy and for tbe t:me being ie in control of tbe democratic party. This plin of organisation will be elaborated eoon." 40000 MEN STRIKE International Meat Cut ters and Butchers walk Out -Trouble Over Wage Scale KanSKsOlty, July 13 Eight thou saud meat cutters, butchers and others affiliated with the picking bouse un ions t truck today. At a result all men are aSeoted. None of the packing houses bought at the yards today. About 2000 hogs tbat were on band will probably bo returned to the oouo try. 17,000 AT CHIOAOO Cbiosgo, July 13 waa eetimatee 17,000 men had already quit work. No definite arrangements have been made by any of tbe packers for hireing non-union men. The packers say there is freali meat enough in Cbi osgo to last about 10 days. 4,000 AT OMAHA Omaha, July 13 At nuon today 4,000 empbyea ol the four packing nouses ol South Omaha went out on strike, following the order for a gener al strike of the Amalgamated Meal Costers and Butchers' union. Practi cally every man, skilled and unskilled employed at the packing houses is af fected. 6,000 AT ST. JOE St. Joseph. July 13 More than 6,000 employes at tbe packing houses bere struck at noon today and the plants have close ! down. Tbe strik ers ara orderly. EAST ST. LOUIS East St Louis Huly 13 At noon more than 6000 employes at tba pack- nig bouses bere stopped work. Ibe aueboritiea do not anticipate trouble but the police foroe in the packing oouae district has been increased. roitr woaxu Fort Worth Tex July 13 Between 400 and 600 men, Including butchers, cutters and cellar men employed at the packing plsnts of Armour and Swift struck today. Tbe . men tay tuny know 1 Ule of iue contioveray be tween the oulon and the ackers. They are simply obeying tbeordirsof , AT SIOUX our Slonx City, Ia, July 18 about 1000 men in the Uudahy packing plant here obeyed the order to strike. The plant waa forced to shut down, business at tbe stockyards it at- a ttandatill at a result, . 8TRIKEB8 BT0RS Syracuse, N Y July 13 -Homer-D Call cf tl-ls city, secretary and treasurer of the International, Meat Co'.tera tad Butchers onion Bald today; ; Our coutraot with tbe paokert, which was (or a year, expired In June. We then met the respreientatires of ti e "Big Six" in conlermce and offered to renew the old contract with the at ale of wagea in the 68 different departmen a of the packing business. - Thit the packers refuse i to do. They wanted to cut down the the wages of the "c mmon laborers," as they oalled. i. Tbia vir tually meant tuny would reduce tbe wages of 85 per cent of tb ir employes. "The Union refusal to accept these terjqs and the matter wat placed before tbe locals for a referendum vote. It resulted unanimously against tocepting tbe terms of tbe packers. The statemeata that have been made to tbe effect th it we are fighting for a closed shop and an tuciease ia wages are untrue. We are aaklng for neither. The standard would mean an increase in wages in tome parts, but It would also mean a corresponding decrease In wages in ether departmuuti of the packinghouses." Hauling Brick Teams 1 re now employed iu hauling MID For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer Ooodi at Greatly Reduced "Prices. ; . If you are in need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to look over our stock before purchasing eUewbere. All wash goods 00 sale at one third off. ' ;" ' . A 11 wash wash shirt waists at a reduction of 25 per cent. V On , Wrappers, Kimouas, and Dressing Saquet wo will save you 20 per cent. Just what you will need for these warm daya. ' , NEWLIN DRUG CO. briok from tht brickyard to the city hall site. Contractor Slater Itexpeot ed to return from Port'and tonight where be bat been placing oadtr lor tbe structural iron. Saloon Attached. Tba saloon on Depot ureal owned by Be 4t and Orostmnn waa attaebed and otosed Saturday by Ralph Atkin son to secure tbe turn of $290.00 al leged 10 b due biro. Today tba Spo kaoe Drug Company filed a bil for U 94, . Usual Social Dance Prof and Mra81mpt6n will give their asual eooial danca tomorrow night at Commercial Club and also the children clasa tomorrow after noon at aama plaee. To See Her Father : Mrs. Brown, wife of ootdnotrrOba-. Brown of Pendleton paeaed through thismorningenroute east in the bopaa tbe would bi permitted to . reaeh . Ibe btd'ide of bei father, who Is e ltieal'y ill, before be patted away, ; For Sale Good paying b name's for tale. For particulars write Box 37, La Grande, Oregon SUMMER CLEARANCE Chicag o Prescription Value A prescription that lacks in tbe least essential is worse than worthless. It may be positively dangerous a peril to tbe life of the patient. It may defeat the doctor's efforts, and it may re tard the recuperative forces of nature. To have any value whatever, a prescription must be compounded from drugs tbat are abso lutely pure und of standard potency. It luuvt be exactly whxt the doctor intended it should be. If it is this, it is certainly worth the retail value of the drugs it contains. Our prescription ser vice is right both in quality and cost. Mayor-Jones Dead Toledo, July 13.-4ainnal L Jones, "Tbe Golden Bole Mayor" died tbia evening as the result of a oomplleation of diseasca. Indian School Washington, July 13 The Secretary ; of tbe Interior appointed Chaa. Mo- Nicbolt, now special Indian agent to be . superintendent of the Umatilla Indian ecbool In Oregon." - .. CAME VERY NEAR BEING A BAD RIOT Chicago July 13. What promlaid fnr. a moment to develops into a not w a nipped In the bud at midnight. Wh le tbe pott were being unload d from wtjons to be naed by non-union mea -bitlde the packing houea A large orowd ot people congregated a Croat the street. Aa toon at the work of aalotid ng commtnued a rush wat made to overturn the wagona. A polioeman 'rostrated the attempt and 1 laced three of the rlnglealert under arrett. '. Practically Settled Call River, Mass., July 13. Jt was practically tattled today thit a general red notion of Fall Rivar was. ordered to take effect July 13 tb. It it ex 1 acted tbe prepoaed redaction ordered will' average 12H per cent. More than 25, 00 ' operatives will be affected. SALE Store ititTimt in in 1 1 111 ii it ' m r ' at t -Wi a tt 1 1 ' J the union.