at- 1 . . r---. it"'r1 - '1 ! t t6a!f6f:itot Wdithe. Our BocV; Spring col will give satisfaction We always have it on baud. Castle Gate and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. .We at-1 ways have ooal, all kinds and at lowest .puces.' If. yon want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns ' longest and best. v r . 4 ' G. E- FO WLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY ' Plioiie No 1611 Li Gftnde Evening OfesefVei BET HBO 8., Editors AProse Entered at tbe (irande, Oregon, Mali Matter. Port Office t Li at Eecond' Clau Published daily except Sunday One year in advance $6 60 Six months in advance. . . .3 50 Per month... 65c Sinele cony 5c TUESDAY EVENING JULY 12, 1904 a) . OFFICERS s O Geo, Palmkii.. ......... ...President J. H. BmsBT. . . . . . Vies PiMident J. M.CurB-H........... Cashier DIRECTOEBi i. M. Berry, J. M. Ohucuh . A. B. Coaler, Geo.L. Cleg ' rer, Geo. Palmer , ' ' P.L. Mktkbs and Geo L Cleaver Asst. Cashiers Z a - . " 3655 La Grande National B nk ; ' . ' ; L Grande, Oregon , ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 a Tranneti a leneral banking bnalneu. Bo; a end aella exchange en all parte of the worid. Collections a fpecUlty. ........ BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. , .; " WHOLESALE -'' AND RETAIL BUTCHEPS. -Highest market price paid for all kinds' of butchers' eSides, pelts and furs'. Also chickens & poultry. stook- WHAT DOES IT MEAN. The recently ' promulgated Democratic platform j yaguly says in its 19th Statement or proposition . ' declarative of purpose; "We favor liberal trade arrangements with Canada, and with other countries, where they can be enteied into with benefit to American agricultun manufacturing, mining or coin lurrce." Here is a proposition, if it ed in the three great to American igficUtiUff ( jaunt factoring1 and mining, but as 0 tbee it has ho advice. the public is left in absolute ignorance as to what the Demo crats will do in attempting lo cafry out the trade arrangement with foreign countries. .The proposition can only mean that when the Democrats get in power it will notify all the countries with which we trade that it wants to do some bargain ing. This bargaining will be carried on bv the secretary of state an appointee of the presi dent, and when a bargain bas been agreeed upon it will be formulated into treaty. In this stage for the first time it will reach the eye of the law makers, and then behind closed doors in the secrecy of an execu tive session of the United Slates senate. . . The proposition, is, if any meaning can be affirmed to the string of words in statement 19 is that the business now Conduct. industries meuns anything, means a recast of " the people of oil present arrangments where States shall be by our entire foreign commerce is carried on. This : foreign trade in 1903 aggregated $2,445,- 860,916 being a per capiU of $29.86 to the whole population. Tbis is a big undertaking and can ' have but . ' "disturbing influence if it has any. The public whose business plans are thus threatened with a recast ou suoh a sweeping scale have a right to know just what the "we," who are going to do the big job mean by "liberal trade arrangments" and : that name We" means by henefii WlE ask HIS AtitTAltTKHR: 1 or Jts.oaais ana jt - A complete' fitock of professional paper. answered promptly. Plates at wholesale prices. Mail orders ' La Grande Drug Co. ' and Red Cross Drug Co 11 FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry cnain wood 13 per eord. This it cheaper than by the load. You pay for what you get exd get what you pay for. H. W. NIBLEY ..t..--.-..!.-i....l-. Phone 571 ... , 1 ' person ioo a prescribed line ef action. - U W".'i-U Doubt, uncertainty, confusion as to prices will foll6 as surely as tbe night follows the setting iiiiiinTi-jinn-siin-n NEW FEATURES.iNNOVATONS, REVOLlrOJVS AND PEAL NOVELTIES, t VTirfi FAVORS AND DECORATED FULL I milTMPHS OF EVERY KIND SO THE PEOPLE y AY KNOW OFimw&ktm We Promise and Give the Best Clrous Performance In America. OVERWHELMINGLY SUPERB SPECTACULAR HIPPODROMATIC ENTREE With tit im ainiiitlv !? mi ttintiUtMll ploturaauus ftoilurrw. wirtMsllin Jap. WmmIs, IMIs, Al, Inilntt. Iflwi, Hm4 mm Iswrtu, al LA BELLE LEZONA MLLE. ARLIKE, "THE GIRL IN RED1 THI GREAT ALEXIUS LOOPS THE LOOP Th' ST. LEON QUINTETTE SallnueM KalrfMreHaall. Thfi UBrlM ronU httm ! Ihct wlihawt a fimni in m stnnaist airtHsa PRISKORN BROTHERS CUSMI 9KKTCLIITS CICtltTI Ut tst dirt iHwt tt liwltitt tkm jm mm el IM in MfHttlaa. ffl aMWM I J I fi mm4 aflat slrI. SUOIMOTO'ft SCORI OP JAPANESE I Hernial Oalahe Olrto, Maatly HERR LITZEN'S FUNNY DUTCH ELEPHANTS rttf Mian Nata aa amailni ta lhatr ertttV cenMeHM """ Mao an a Mara nii hap bnv, Frtaela. Ahaolutalf lha anty traUMit aaaiha mm aar alathaat la lha wH aarlanwlrn lapaiharv THE BEN KUR HF.RDor APAIBilflN STALLIONS Twalva la avtahar, lha heraa manrala al lha Tlw anly anaa la I a la aaoatry, arrth tha aaaaaiin ef ihaia Mah INTERNATIONAL aai aa at 4 I r fl r I H li vWkIS B.IB ra a a m tan UUIIIbUI vf-v MLLE. VALLECITA THE BEAUTEOUS J DHOLE QUEEH avaaa wM4 aaaata tlarta, Iliars, laaaar4 aae faathara tlshl far har aaraaaaa, antf oama ulel at har aaranna FAIRYLAND FOa THE CHILDREN A hawarwel aaatlaatl paalaa, fajaahar ihaatr af rifly maakara aai haaaaihel atraa taaelharwjUfc FUNNY CLOWNS A BIO BUNCH OP FOOLISH BMUTIfa THE BARTINE TRIO Naoli . Hlf-flapaarat twlatara, iiaalaVaawa paaala tlr-avarand baktPMhara, aUa apllHlat Bvataaada aamlqaaa in the United placed in the jeoperty . inseperuble ' from deplomatio manuipulalion con ducted with impenetrable sec recy, for tbe most part in foreien courts. ' ' , Tbe magnitude of the interests involved in proposition 19 of the Democratic platform is an insupperable irgument agaiuat it It is a proposition to place in tbe bands of the ' presides!, with power to conferin secret with the treaty making powtrs of the world aud bargain as to on what terms our people can do business with other nations Li t us cite some figures to show the enormous power the Democrats would place in the hands "f their president to be exercised iu sec ret It 19l'3 Agricultural exports from tbe farms of the United SUtes amounted lo $873,322,882, and the exports from our manufacturers was $407,526,159' worth. - It takes neither prophet nor philosopher to foresee the effect upon the business activity of tbe nation that will be produced when it is known that 'the established arrungements by which this large volute of busi ness as been conducted for years of unpai ailed prosperi'y is about to be changed, or even that a proposition for '' some sort of a change is being secretly consi dered by our president and fjreign courts. The darkness that will surrouud the proceed ings wilt be doubtly black when there secret bargainings are be ing conducted by, a president whose private opinions, if he bas any, are unknown, and the platform on which he was elect ed is a string of platitudes and nebulous expressions, that say nothing definitely ai.d with such precesion as not to bind any FURNISHED ROOM8-Partiet desire ini, niueljr furnished room ppiy 10 ;OD Simmona corner 8 and Ji :reet Pasture THE GREAT ELLETT FAMILY OF FLYING AERIALISTS BEYOND COMPARE WEDDING-CAKE WHIRLIGIG lanaa- tha htaaar mi !V' war ir-c pntn aw aW ua4 ualva aavat aaa aaa Uataraa avar MaaaM at hy aay alhar BLACK DELLEli rHI aMALLIST HOKSB (VIII BORN ?..Tav7- .HWJC, "-j'.V.l V. IK,( U.oat-'W .4. R J V.-. 3 J;' 1 .1 ' ".TV HI . :JI1 w-. r - stfgi'a;fc,aij u,,,..- niOTMifturntwira ' v I Ilia lilt V Plenty of good paatarell per bead per moDth, Pbooe 1K6. FOR SALE Kimball piano. Inquire of Mrs Ingle. Cor. of S and K St. Phone 1717. . - Piano Tunina Prof Hendrieka the tellacle PlaDo Inner, ia fully praparedi to care for your Piauo, and aoli. i8 your patronage In hia line, five him a trial Phone M . : ...... Cheap Lumber FOR RALE-About 150000 Iret in oar yard at Irabler suitable fur houses barns, fenct-e and ram-a pirpoara cheap for neit 80 daya. - Lome and aee na quick, . ,, t Brnifa, Mxr. For Rent Eleven room bouse next door to tbe poet omoa tor rent, isu p fa advanoe. Apply to Fred Myer in La Orande National Bank. Notice To Water Consumers flMlnmn. FSfili nfflviflfiS tbat The water ratse abatl be due payable in advance at the office of City Recorder on tbe flret day of each month (except lor meters, wnicn are payaoie on um fink da of the succeeding month). aoq II not paia wlinir menrsi ten ' tbe water will baabnt off the premieee. aiul nnt tamMl oj until navment ia made of amount .due witn one oouar ia addition for the eipeuae ol turniog water off and on. This rule shall be strictly enforced beginning with tbe 23rd. of Hay. HO Oilman. Water Suit. Summer Dresses 1 M ade on short notice, at rrasonable pricea Mrs Etta E Wines Phone 1717-Otli 8t between O M Sta. 6-81 Sweet Cream Commencing Thursday June letb the Orande Konile Creamery Co will be prepa ed to fnrniah swsiet cream in quaoity to suit.., wholesale and retail Remember tbe place Huntlnginnt new building next door to fire building. The World's Fair Route Thoae anUclpatins an Eastern trip, or a Tittt to tha Louisiana Purchase expo sition at BL Louis, cannot afford to Overlook the advantages offered by the Uuuwcu Paoino Railway, which, on account of Its varioue routes and (rated waya, baa been' appropriately names The World's Fair Route." . Paarenfare from the Northwest take tbe MisooaiAcirio trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott 'and Pleasant Bill. Two trains daily from Denver and Pueblo to St, Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between .Kansas City and StLonia. General Agent, 124 Third at, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated uierarure. u. Notice Beginning with June 1st no one shall be allowed tbe aae of city water for irrigating purposes except between the hours of &M and 7.30 P M. -H C Ollmaa, water Supt, FOR SALE A complete threebin oat fit Inquire of Jud Draper at tb - Androaa Ranch. Camping Ground - Good camping ground at Hilgard apply to Mrs U J Hart Hilgard Ore. FOR RENT Rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at corner 3rd and Adama avenue. F. 21. tf All Kinds of Work Waaler Davis does all kind of so enger work, aucb aa cleaning wells, ceaa polls, etc. Hive him a call. 4MU New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to All orders for all kinds of lumber. If yon Orad lam- ner see pr.oea before ordering. - E Rosenheim .. Prop. Rainbow etc re Reward I will pay a reward of 115 lo the party or parties, aeon ring information that will secure the arrest aadooavlct Ion of any violating tha game bird law. .. A. W. Nye State Deputy Game War den. 4 b. nun UT2W romor outln ciimwrrj IN THE WiENACERIE K tMaM lUat. tha laraaai anaanlv ana at It hi lit, llavil BoaflaltlnraeatlatiBariia, aanihare. jiiMfi ICmaa atnala, tlraaiadaHae, ntaa-alaylni Mt t'a;, inarthavit at., T;uVJr,'aS.nlB.hl.e--mer.el nUllURI.1! "Av I KflZ9 (lJ,,.d l.i .lihan tlShta. aa llvin IJi nia -.otinirw. fiayaii iissiibb i mwwoiai einn sratuairi p uivtiv mont irn aiwi "I'liiamiinn ei wiaiiwn mu mai rv. If 1 r r riltEATIOO'CLOCKERSCIJMORMIMC. PAHAUij iiBOBODioaiiaaBssti JOHN JAMISON W E STULL ELVA JAMISON We will call For it and bnng it home when promised We guarantee satisfaction and only ask lor a triul order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business. r"ou ean stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and can do your washing better and cheaper than v you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1081. 742 FIR STREET. w m. ....... ,..r SMM, m mm 0rlvl. rtM WHS to Uwk m RifcM o m I. turn, TM wiiiwiwhww LA GRANDE, One Day Only WEDNESDAY, July 201904. ADMISSION': Children, 25 cents Adults SO cents. On The Right Road You will be also if you pur chase one of our choice lots in Pleasant Home Investment Ad dition. There yon can lay tbe foundation of solid comfort for yout family and yourself. High ground, pure atmosphere. Vhe Congratulations. John II Cullom, E 1 1. Taxaa. Nawa. h. ideal pot for home building. ''' ' congratulatioi.a to Terma of ronrao tn auit .factor ol Chamberlain's 1 erms, Ol course, to SUlt. medy, aa follows: "Sixteei Lodge Directory. SAOLns Im Grandi Airie 159 F O E meets avtry FniUT night la K of Y hall at S p VUtUai brettwrn Invited to attend, C C Bockw.ll, W P. A S Mayvllle, W Bee That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. by using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone orders. , Geddes Bros. MEAT Cl.ll IMS Ua hi rue plare iu the f i d quention It is esaentlal IhcrMor lht tbe meat bt good. Toutfh, griatty sti'ak, or djy jniceleiB loattts will Bpuil any meal Suppose you consult u on TUB MEATQUESTION We know and buv the beat kind. You can rely ou onr knowledge and our de sire to hold your trade to g?t you the Quest meat you ever closed your teeth on. As for price?, well wo are not bo foolish aa lo have them high. Bock & Thomas rORESTKBS OF AMERICA Ooart Maid Marion, He S Meeta con Tuesday In Elk's balL Aethers are Invited to attend. Al Helsner Chief Banger. 0 J Vaaojareoel, Keestc. IOO F La Grind. Lodge, Mo 16 masts In UHtr ball evary Saturday night. Vliltlng mem ears aaidiauy invited to attend. OJ Venderpool, N O. IBSaook.SK. A. P. & A, M. La Grande Lodge No. 41. meeta every 1st and 3rd Satur day ol each month. AO Williams 3eo, C D Huffman W. M. Change of Management. The undersigned has purchased the busin s known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, came and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with first-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, hoes and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction, - Jf hone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meat market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER Early Risers Til I4M0US LITTLE NLM. 1 Par ajalek relief from BIHeuanaaa, Sot Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, IXaslnsss, and all troubles arising- I rem an Inactive or eluf gtsh Uvar, OaWitt'a Little Early Risers are ea se, ul let. They aot nromptly and never gripe. They are so dalmy that It la a pleasure M take them. One lo two act aa a satU kaathro; two or four ael aa a pleasant and alfecllve cathartic Thry are pareb vegetable and absolutely aamlaan. They tonlo lha Uvar. paapAsaD ohlv av & C. BeWitt 4k Co.. CKIeMattei H By All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If so, purchase your ticket via the ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SYSTEMS. Choice ot routes goinir or returning via ST.PAUL. DKNVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, or PUEBLO. For rates call on your local Agent. Dates of sale: June 10-17-18 July 1-2-3 Aug. 8-9-10 Set. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-4-5. For further information and sleeping car reservations call upon or address A H Me Donald 140 Third St., Portland, Oren'1A8ent -SCAVENGER- I am now prepared to do tH kinds of scavenger work that i generally done by a scavengei, and will call at your place nt any time. Cell me np on phone No. 1841 or address box 692. H N Mason Maybe you would like to buv a nouse r 11 so, we csn accom modate yor. mCa Srande Snvestment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Orande, Oregon Mr John II Cullom. Editor nf ih. uanani, lexaa, News, has written a the manu- Cougb Ke- teen veara aim wuvu vur ma, was a Deny ne waa subject to croupy spells and we would be very uneasy about him. We began using Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it aucb a reliable re medy for roldaandoroup we bare never been without in the bonse since that time. We have five children and have given It to all of them with "orwt , SUIH." For sale by all drunlsta. 1 cm CM SPICES, 0 COFFEE.TEA, BAKlSiG POWDER ' FLAVORING EXTRACTS AWoiuMPunry, fincaf Flwor. CL05SET&DEYERS PORTLAND, OREGON. ir