1 WEATHER FORECAST Toaifibt lair sad Cooler, To- , anew fair so I W si nr. OBSERVER; S THE TRAINS A I East bound 9:10 p m ontlmsA 6 WMt J p m on tim VOLUME III LA GRANDE.' OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 12 1904. NUMBER 207 $5 .1 LA GRANDE EVENING 1 ; A TOO MANY LINES A Prominent Business Man Thinks La Grande . Merchants Carry Too Many Side Lines. ', You have through your columns ol ) late, several times oalled attention to i . in necessity lor La Grande to increase t her pay roll, establish enterprises and i especially lor the people to give en- oouragement by patronizing home ; manufactures. ; The main spring ol human endeavor j , iseelfiihness. When a person claim. ' to be doiugsomething lor the pure love ! ol humanity we always look lor an in ' t-rior motive. ' Enterprise doea not establish pay ' rolls merely to help the community neither do the people buy tbe home manufactured product merely to en courage looal production. . The price and the quality are" very . ' essential elements. There should b however in a. pros perous community a oerlain amount ol publio spirit and unity ol purpose. A mans first interest should be him sell and family next in bis towu, next ' bis count ', then bis state and lint but r not least bis interest in the wdfare ol '. the nation. The oondition that prevail) in La Grande in abuBiuess way at the t resent time are not conducive to tbe welfare '. and prosperity of the oity. True we ' have tbe oounty seat and we are en i joying considerable buiIJing and busi ' neBS aotivity but we are not getting the result' that should or can be ob- . tained in a commercial way This city from its locality surround-1 ing and resources should be the tnetro' polisol Eastern Or f goo but it has al lowed other towns to grasp the oppor . tunities and take tbe lead simply from a lack of organisation and couceotrat ed effort. This oity should not only be a manufacturing center but it . should ba a plaoe to break bulk and accumultte tbe products of tbe eur rounding county for re-distribution to .the consumer in other counties and A FEW INTERESTING Jul) - Clearance - Sale - Pricings. Ladies Shirt Waist Suits Greatly Reduced These cut prioes effect our entiro line of ladies Shirt Waist Suits in white, cream and colors. All $150 Suits, now ...$3.60 All 6.50 Suits, now 4.86 Ten Dozen Shirt Waists LADIES AND MISSES H A LIT PRICE. In' this lot of waists yon will find some of our best numbers some of them slightly soiled and mussed but best values ever offered. Men's Straw Hats One half price. 25o and 35o quite a number of 50c choice for 15 cents. Ladies and Children's Hose In black, plain and lace hose, regu lar 15c values, 2 pairs for 21 cents. 25 cent Lace Hose 21 cents. Qood assortment for small and large apd all of them special values at our regular price. states. - ' Other altlaa to tbe east and west of us have taken time by the forelock and tor bnainaaa men bav adopted metropolitan methods. Tbey bav segregated and specialised lb differ ent lines ol basinets and coocentraUd their capital and effnrta into special line. In a prlmativa ttateeacb man eau supply bis wanu Iron) bia own efforts. About all be needs is a skin covering and a duck lor bia dinner, bnt in she complex organisation ol civilised so ciety eaob person follows a special line in the trades, professions manufactur es commerce 01 transportation and each buys from tbe others to supply bis want. But tooutre down to tbe application ol specialising in business as weil aa in the trades and professions, "Jack 01 all trades and master of noue," is just as true in merchandising aa it ie in tbe tr adee and professions. - - - What are tbe trade and business conditions we find in La Grande? . All kinds ol aide lines sra carried by tbe different dealers. . V Yon go to an implement bouse to buy wood, to a dress goods house to get lumber, to a furniture store to get hardware, to a hardware store so get shingles , to a dry good store to . get harness and so on ad infinitum. . Tbe result is that while there ia bo more business done in the; aggregate the expenses ol operating are increas ed, tbe stocks are incomplete; by buy ing in small quantities the cost ol buying ia higher and the benefita ol shipping car lota is out out. Not be ing ab'e to buy in large quantities tbe merchants here oan not reaoh the in terior trade like they do at Pendleton, Walla Walla, Baker Oity and Hun tington, i . Just thick of it seven places ia and around La Grande to buy shingles when one concern could handle tbe wbole business with time to burn; six places to buy furniture where two oan handle all tbe trade there ia, end could ran a jvbbry trade besides. Biz places to .buy doors and eaab .when there is about half tbe business for one house to handle. . 8o it is ah along the line. The thing to do ia for tbe business men to get together agree upon the lines each one ii to oarry and out tbe aide lines out. v, ' La Grande baa a common enemy in the other towns both near and remote and the only way to bold onr own-, ie to organise and apeoislise, carry the stock to get the trade, buy in quantity to get the prices, ship in oar loads . to get the rates, niakeof La Grande . a center to break bulk for Eastern Ore gon. . This is an introductory to tbe , main questions involved. J. B. 8. (ly be continued) bats and values. Your IS WANT THEM RUN I N C. H. Bidwcll In Search Of Game Warden He Won't Stand For Kill ing Ducks.- : . Judging from some reoent occurr ences, it seems to be true that the peo ple are awakening to the faol that the State of Oregon baa game lawe, pro tecting the different kind of game, and prescribing the time within which certain kinds of game may be killed. Tbe people have not sought, heretofore to assist in enforcing this law, not de airing to voluntarily eompUin of the violation of thia law by friend or neii Ii bor. . But when the violations of the law became' so frequent and so fla grant, is it a wonder tbat at last some patriotio oitiien, casting aside person al friendship, and looking. only t the weal of tbe State' should ''take ermn against this sea of troubles," and make an attempt to enforce tbe lawe. The first one who baa taken a decided stand on this matter, and who has attempt ed to oarry ont tbe law to the letter, as lar aa it could be done by his bands is the Hon. 0. II. Bidwell of Island City. The first notice tbe Observer bad of tbe serious intentions of Mr Bidwell in this line was when a cal', load and long, at the telephone in ti e offloe was answered, and upon asking wbotheoaller was, and what he want ed, an exoited voice announoed that it was Bidwell talking, and tbat be want ed to know who tbe -Game Warden was, and where he oould be found; that be needed him at onoe to arrest tome violators of the game law. Upon being asked the names of those who had violated this law, tbe man in tbe Observer offioe was shocked to learn tbat the parties aoensed by Mr. Bid- well Were Dad Moon, Engineer on the Elgin Branch, and Mr, Jake Gulling tbe conductor on tbe same train. The listener in the Observer office was astonished with this news, having known the parties lor along time, and being acquainted witi their reputa tion as law abiding citizens, and aektd Mr. Bidwell the circumstances of the Ladies Silk Coats. Reduced to less than cost of material. 22.600oat now. ......... .$16 50 14 00 Coat now.....' 10 90 12 00 Coat now. 9 85 7 SO Cout now..'.. 6 25 6 00 Coat now 4 85 75c Hen's Underwear 60c Jj Light Balbriggan summer under wear, the suit while they last 60c. . $1.25 DRESS SHIRTS 98c. A good assortment of the season's best offerings, soft or stiff fronts, some of them with collars to match. r Q Your choice for O Ladies 35c to 75c Belts, 25c Here are belt values never before offered in La Grande.' Choice for 25c case. Mr. Bidwell then, informed us that, as the train from Elgin - came through I-land C tf last aliirJOoa tbey recklessly and unlawfully killed lour ducks (whether tame or not he did not say by lunning over tbem with the engine, and as Dad Moon and conductor Gulling were in cbaige si tba train, he wanted tbem arrested for "killing duets out olaeasou," Tbe Observer gave the iuformat.on desired as to tue Game Warden, but up to tbe time of going to pieaa, noth ing further bad bn learned as to what steps Mr. Bidwell baa takn, and it is not liarned yet whether brake- mad, mail agent, tisggaga agent and express messenger Lt 11 jll is imp'ioat ed iu tbe crime by Mr. Bidwell. Encampment. Camp Murray, Wash., July IS Supported by artillery the National guard organizations Washington and Oregou today were given some practical instruction in advanoe, rear and guard work; G.'U Mao Arthur ex pressed B.tisfaotion with the work ol tbe troops. Few eirjrs were made in the problems of the day. ' '' -- Lumber Prices. Considerable uheap lunib r is being advertised fi r saie that consists chiel 1y of remnant stcckstnd culls. We desire a .bare of the trade and will meet any legitimate prioes accord ing to tbe quantity purchased. far ties buying iu oarload lots ran have the bentbt ol carload rates. Large bills to be handled on a very small margin, ' Let ua figure with you ud ba convinced. We have a well equiped pUnt for woodworking and tbe manufacture of doors and sashes. We oan furnish any kind of timber and get your woik out to detail in neat workmanlike manner and at lowest prioes. " . Let us make your frames and every thing that can be got out and cut up by machinery. Stoddard Lumber Co. New Manse. The1 uew sidewalk adjtoeot to tbe Presbyterian church ou Washington Avenue is now about oom plated, and the manse for tbe paster is now ready for occupancy, these adding greutly to tbe view of t'mt part ol tbe city. The niauee is now a perfeot little jewtl. It has four rooms ou the ground floor, three oo tbe upper floor, and . eaob room is now papered nicely and ap propriate 1, water eeivice has been placed in the bouse, rlectrio lights placed iu each of the rooms, and every thing is rusdy for the pastor to move uto the building, which he will do about the first of August. Tbe house is tastefully papered ud conveniently arranged, and the pastor should be duly thankful for such a beautifully arranged home. Water Spouts. Arlington, Ore., July 12 Tbe cloud. buret wbioU occured here last night destroyed the railroad bridge aoroes Wnljw creek. Considerable othe- damage was done along tbe stream but no lives wire lost. Complete de tails were notoouinsble from tie en tire rahed Out dintriot at this time. Heppnur, July, 12 A cloud burst occured bore lat evening which for a time bid fair to rival the gn at disnster of a year ago, but soon passed over and though tbe danHue to crops and proper. ty nar tbe city was great, no lives wore lost. Mitchell, Oo., July VI. A cloud burst ocenred here early this morning which caured considerable damage to crops and stock aud it is reported that two lives were lost. At tills time complete details are uno itnlntble and tlie idenity of the drowned persons ha not been established. Steamer Wrecked. Hood River July 12 The Colum bia river s, earner ripeucer was wrecked here this morning upon the rocks. The (teamir is a K Ul wreck. Tbe passengers were rescned with great difficcltyand for a tinie it was thot tbet many lues were lutt. All were saved. Forest Fires 8 oat Up, July 12. Forest fires arc niging in four place in King County. Thf I'iigot Mr ia ; t Haywood mid it h alreHd HprtiiM ovf-rno ii-mjih nunnr y ci?n H tii'f timlnT. A net her He j jt berry Va lev, fltrl a third M I tUren'riH h iSi-'i bor ol tho latter can do inunb dnrn i'B. Tit- fourth fire In burning tutwfcii (irio-i Like and IM i 1l. jut! fUtbilo ot .Se tttlp 1 bo enn d it oiisr i'tt'Hl t t forest lire and tbe , r UK ben are bupiug for rain. STILL GOING NORTH Japanese Began Push ing North July 9 and Have Been Steadily Advancing. Yinko, July 12 The Japanese be gan to pusii tbeir advance north July 9 after taking Kai Ohou, and since then they have proceeded steadily. It is now reported they are in olose touch with Cett Che Kiaa. , STEAMER CAPTURED Vladivostok, July 12 The British steamer Cheltenham captured by the Vladivostok squadron today was de clared a lawful prize aa. ber comman der did not attempt to defend himself beoause the proof sgainst the vessel was overwhelming and tbe evidence tended to show tbe ship had already been bought by the Japanese. She was MID For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices.', ' t ' ' If you are in need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to look over our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All waab goods' on sale at one third off. ' ; ; ' ;.V .; ..;.;,.,:,.,'.' .. ,'- ' ' All wash wash shirt waists at a reduction of 25 per flent. On Wrappers, Kimonas, and Dressing Saqnea we will save you 20 per cent Jast what you will need for these warm daya. The NEWLIN DRUG CO. tailing under the British Bag some formalities of the transfer lacking. The erew wen mostly Ger mans and they did not eooeeai joy at the fact tbat tbe Bussiaas captured tbe Cheltenham. bad New Telephones. ltS S021 336 61x8 1784 1836 im 1108 SMI 841 HT Williams Bainbiw Store W 0 Eriosoo ' tee. farm rss. W R Jasper ; J J Adams G J Wsgeoer ret. vV Davis Oity Council Rooms Joo E Hougb Juatioe ef Peace. Myrtle Hovart : Crop Conditions. Washington July 12 Prl"ary re turns to the D patmentof Agricul ture shows the average oond't:on of winter wheat on July 1 was 87 7 as oompsred with 77.7 last month, 78.8 on July 1 1908. The existing oondi tipn of epriof wheat Jnly 1 was S3.7 as compared with 93.4 last month and 82.6 on July 1 1903. Tbe amoutt of wheat remaining in the hands of tbe farmirsJulyl Is estimated to be a boot 36,630,000 b sbets equivalant to about 5.7 per cent latt years crop. i that sad Ttw Weekly SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Chicago IIHIIIIIIIII Lesstasssksfc prescription Value A prescription that lacks in tbe loaat essential is worse than worthless. It may be positively dangerous a peril to the life of the patient. It may defeat tbe doctor's efforts, and it may re tard the recuperative forces of natare. To have any value whatever, a prescription must be osmpouuded from drugs that are abso lutely pure and of standard potency. It must be exactly what tbe dootor intended it should be. If it is this, it is certainly worth the retail value of the drugs it contains. Our prescription ser vice is right both in quality and cost. MOTIVE IS NOT KNOWN Residence of Iron Mills Superintendent Dyna mited But No One Was Hurt. IronwoodMlob July 12 The bum) ul Rarl Walton, a superintendent ol the Brotberton and Buuday Lake Iron Hills at Wakefield was destroyed by dynamite today. Portions ol the, house were blown !0) feet but toe. f imily, asleep up stair', es oaped serious ii'Jnry. Tht identity ol the perpetie. t irsof the orime or the malive. ' - f Turns Republican Chicago July 12 Chicago Chronicle, generally regarded aa a democratic news paper, will announce tomorrow tbat It will hereafter appear as a republican newspaper. ' Store gfiasgaVal 1 1 T. r f - i r .. "- v. ij-. 1 s