r r l i i i i I I i 11 t . ,? . i L.aaies- nign urade $3 CO Most people don't know what economy means. Merely pinch' ing the price isn't economy ei economy thinks last of price and first of QUALITY. economy it in what you eet, not in what you pay. Saviug money at the expense of QUAL- 11 Y isn't economy, it is extr vsgaucn. w nen we buy our goods we look first to liUALITY both in material eud workman ship. When we sell onr goods ! we give you good QUALITY at prioes that are uever higher than such goods are woith. The best QUALITY shoes are cheapest in the end by far The "QUALITY'' y.oe store T M'STUBBLEFIELD. Next door to J M Berrys. Win. Miller & Bro Are preparing to move thair office to No. 1 107 Adams Avenue Foley-Roesch Building, ground floor where they will have the finest and most modern suite of of fices in the city. Thev will be butter prepared than ever to take care of everything in the line of - Real Estate INSURANCE Mortgage Loans A Few Choice Bargains in Wal lowa County Real Estate (1) 200 acres of laml, 120 acres otipuble of cultivation, 113 ao in fall sown wheat. Huubo, baru and otbar buildings. A gr snap an $2,500 2) 240 wresftliiall orchard, house, laro nd Rood ombuildioicfl, 80 acres in fall towu kimd; small 8 1 roam o( waler llow tlir-iuuli pUo A ureal hargalu at 131 iLo aires of land uartol whicli it. the Bnesl of meadow ; good bouse end outbuildings guodbtv shed. Aw Urns of hay oan be cut ou ibfe place-will take in ealtle in liade On tills prnH'rly. Price $10 per acre- , 4 loOa rv. YM of olioii't laiid-Prli-e W per acre. Hill a great bargain. 5 loOaeii'4 ot flue laud distil iwracr. These are a tw ot lite many suitpa We have to offer in lit way ofrenl estate bai'Katnti. Kor further partit-ulani address, M'DPtn iel 6c M'Donald WALLOWA, - - OREGON Freeh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougaot Fresh Carmels Fresh Taffey Fresh Saited Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh' Popcorn Fresh PHILIP LOY Fruit WALL PAPER II you are thinking of papering, this season, you should not fail to inspect our stock. We have so d wall paper a good many years, but we can honestly sav we have uever been able to offer nch truly artistic designs at such au extremely low price as we are now showing. ; We have a forre ol experiouced paper hangers aud decorators and guarantee satisfaction. Call and see onr new urrivals. New paper arriving every week. Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, D oors and Sash 0. F. C00L1DGE Mm, Avnu.. U GRANDE, OREGON THE KIND WE WANT the purobserr. It ( situated right 11m northessl of La Qrande, Oregon, near tbe Elgin branch of tbi O. B. 4 N. Kailroad. ; VY furnish lbs purchaser at tbe end of three yean a thrift! jr growing apple orchard, one that baa bean cared for from setting, Id tbe moat approved Dr,Itt4 Dc.,l I. manner, cultivating tb land six lo i i.muuii lVtvCll l eight times a yser, keeping I he (round business or borne Ir frest ranking bit ir. i J r i L I well pulf anted, and at all timri Ire I pre en t business pay frr bis iovistment VI 131 ailU VAHillUl UC from weed!, greet and ollxrveg.tttioo aera, giving three year in wblob to pay fur it. Our lermt of payment are (5 ' per oent of purobeee prioe, etih j baltnce in tbiee yearly ptymentt, bearing in- tereei ai toe rate oi aix per 0 nt per annom Tbe purchaser ean remain where be le make no immediate ehange in bia Contro!ed.Will Re-elected. Be I Marion Butler, who was chair man of the peoples party natjonai committee makes the following statement regarding president Roosevelt. , "I believe Roosevelt is a splendid type of the American citizens. The criticisms of tbe opposition are the best tributes ever paid to a president. He is not somebody's president. He is his own president. He is honest and square. They say he will make mistakes, but what mistakes haa he made thug far? Suppose be does make mistakes. Tbe American people do ' not tbink any less of any official if he does err, ptovided be is hon est, aud that is what Roosevelt is. That's why they are going to elect him. He cannot be con trolled. He is the kind of presi dent we want." .. .-- Mr Cbaa II Morgan, of Denver Col a arrived lu the city yesterday on business. between May lt and August 16lb o aob year; keeping the Irene pruned in the moat eoienlifio manner : removing and burning all euttinga and uckere, and in abort do any and aK work wbiob will bifor the beat interest of the land and trees. We replant all treee ibat may die in tbs first, eeeond and third yeara, and pay all taxea on tbe land for three yeara. We furniab the land Ibr and material end Iraee and three yeara' care, at the prioe of f 120 per THE MARKETS p (July 9) Liverpool July wheat 6 a 6d, New Vork Silver 68 1-4; Union oiflo ; Wd905-8. Chicago July wheat opened 88 3-1 a 90. Barley il 50 i Northwestern 117 1-2. San Fracoieoo 'aeh wheat 125 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 67 60; Blneetem 77 Valley 78; -Taooma Wheat Blueatem 80; Club 70. CURES OLD SORES Westmoreland, Kane. May f 190-2. Ballaid Snow Liniment Co onr Snow Liniment tared an old tore on the aide ot my obin that waa supposed to be a canoer. The soe waa stubborn and would not yield to tieatinent, ui.til 1 tried Snow Liniment, which did the worn in suok oiaer. my sister, sacrificing no time while tbe orohard ia being brought into bearing condi tion and reet aaaured that skilled bi r ticulluraliste will do the wo.k bitter than he ean unleea be baa bad horti cultural experienoe under eouditiona exiating in Oregon. Alter treea have bad aoienlifiooare pruning and shap ing for three yeara, the auharpuent work is muoh more methodical and ean oe successfully dons by these with out horticultural skill Aa an investment it if guilt edge; and ia tbe neareat possible approaob to a guaiat. teed annuity. We have all our woi k done by eon. treat and the contractors are under heavy bonds tons fur tbe failbful pre formanoe of their wrrk. We have executed a bond to tbe amount of 110,000 and have appoint ed Hon J M Ubureh, cashier of the La Grande Nationil Bank, t mated ti indemnify any parties purcbaaing land on the Grande Rondo Valley Fruit Farm from ua arbo may suffer by our not fulfilling our obl;gtinua. MY SHINKS Sonhia J I asou. Alleusville. Mirtin Co, Pa, baa a sore and mistrusts that it la a cancer. Please send ber a SOu bottle. Sold by Newllo Drug Co. Are like the 'Smile that won't come off." 1 hey are put on right and stay right I nse only Whitinore'a paste Mrs and guaraniee that It after thlity days The Eagles' Carnival Riallziug that I be time in wbiob to prepare for their carnival ia brief, the Eagles are laboring industriously to have everything in readiness br July 11, the opening day. Chailee 8 Fox advance ageni of tbe Dixie Carnival Company arrived in Peiidleton tbit morning and waa busily engaged both tliit morning and afternoon, conferr ing with J r Hinkle and otbere pro minent in oarnival affaire relative to making arrangement for the installa tion of the varioua features, ao aa lo have everything in ebipabape by tbe opening day. " Wherevi r our attractiona have ap peared we have aecured good press notices," aaid Mr Fox. "Th re are 10 feature! ol the ehow we provide, and they are all good. Free attrartiont will be given both in tbe aftsrnoon at 3 o'clock and in the evening at boYbek Tbey oonsUt of Berger Brut, in band- in-band and head-to bead baUnoing and feata of atrengtb. At 4 and 9.30 p m Dana Thompson will make hia aeneational high dive from a 96-foot tower into a tank oontaining but four feet of water, turning a somersault in tbe air and striking the water head foremost." The offloial program of the carni val fnrniahes ' tbe following fea ture: Tbe electric palace, showing the ttalue turning to life, an optical illu sion taken from the myth of Pygmali on and Q Utea; Trilby, tbe Hying wo man, who seemingly defies the la eol gravitation and Boats around at pl.-a-surv; J mmy hoberts, Iba lilickfaoe comedian from Hosier & Bial's, New York and a reproduction ol the erup tion at Mt Pefee. Stmaon, said to In tbe largest bia oonttrict'ir on exhibition. The snake is 27 feet long and weigba 300 pounds His aaid to have killed two men be fore it waa captnred. Ornament il glass blowers, who spin mote than 200 articles and give them away to visitor as souvenirs of tbe ex- bib lion ; Esau, the Egyption, !io aiti in a cage surrounded by venomous toMee, which he ia at id to handle ad ftxd on at leisure; tin Sw tt vill age, mechanical roduotiou showing more than 600 automata ns in n rpe tual motion; tbe laughing palace the Ferria wheel, nnny-go-round, Dixie land, a Malty wonder, Luna, a repro duction of tbe aaaassination of tbe ate I risidont MoKiolsy by Cxolgoa? tbe anarchist, and other features. Emt Oregonian. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. writes MraChas Aoplegale, of Alex- Barber S,0P where everything andria. Ind.. "and could hardlv iretanv . UM" KmOT ",u "," P- trial you nnd that It has In any ay way injured the leather 1 will presant the ouelomer with a f5 pair ot ahoes purchased at any store lie may aelect. It you deBlre really first olass work call and get a shine. Ladlea wort: a specialty. Remember the place, Kixt- eleep. 1 bad consumption ao bad that it 1 walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines tailed, three fl 00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery holly cured me and. 1 gained 58 JOBB. WILLIAMS Cherries May Duke oherrlea now ready for delivery. Phone 1941. Residence .,, , I..U J V nl 1 .. 1 1 -U ... I a . f 1'.. ... ., t. ponnda." It a absolutely guaranteed I Sparrow, to cure Coughs, Colds, La Urippe, I Broncbilis and all Throat and Lnng , Wrial Fvruninn In the Wnrld'a troubles. Price 60c and 11.00. bottles freest Newlin Drug Co. For Rent , . Eleven room house next door to tbe post ottlce for rent (21 per month In advance. Apply to Fied Myera in La Qrande National Bauk. Estray Notice Notice is hereby eiven that tbera came to my place on the Owsloy estate the privilege of returning by a differ. one and one halt miles north ol La Qrande, one g'ay horse, no visiable brands, about 11 yeara old, weight a bout 1160 pounds, Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice and for care and atten tion and feed. Dated Ibis day of July 1904. Joe Jonas We Do Not Claim That wo can please all cf the people all of the titce.'bul WE DO CLAIM That our plant has been underlie same management ; nearly TEN iako t That during this time our aim has : near.y all, at all times as good work 5 That we will do our best to please you t us with your patronage That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or K.rtley s ' barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attent.on that they would if left at the laundry. Iabc LAUNDRY PHONE j 1851 for been to please as and courteous treat f you will favoi THAT TIRED FECLINU If you are lanquld, depressed and iucupable for work, st indicates that your liner is out of order. Heroine will assist natuie to throw off head' aches, rheumatism aud aliments akin to nervousness and restore the energie and vitality of sound and perfoot health J 1 Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes, March 22 1W)2 : "I have used Herbiue for the past tvro years. It baa .done me more good than all the doctors. vtheol feel bad and hare that tiled feeling I take a dose of lleibine. It is tbe beat medicine ever made for , hills and fever." GOcts a bottle Bold by Newlin Drng Co. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY FRUIT FARM The O ande Ronde Valley Frn tstm oontaina 320 aorea and ia to be Trial Fair. The Denver and Rio Qrande, in oon neotion with the Missouri PaciHo, will run a series of oer.onallv con ducted excursions to the World's fair durinar June. These exenrsious will run through to St. Louis without ohauge of cars, making short stops at principal points euroute. Tbe Hrat of these excursions will leave Portland June 7, and the second June 17. The rate from La Urande rill be tUO to St. Louis aud return. Excursionists go ing aia the Denver & Rio Urande have Delightful Route, Daylight Ride, Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons. A Golden Opportunity See nature In all ber glorious beauty, and then the acme ol man s handiwork. The hrst is found along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and tho latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most of it. For information and illus trated literature write W. O. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Oregon ent route. This is tbe most pleasaut way, as well as the most delightful route to cross the continent. 1 he stops arranged give an opportunity of visitinK in and about Kansas tJitv. If you wish to accompany one of these excursions write at once to W O Mo Bride, 124 Third street, Portland, tor sleeping car reservations Spokane Cafe tji1r the new management ia rapidly building up a good trade. Prompt service, cour teous treatment, everything clean, and yon will always ttutl plenty to eat,' are the onuses of too increased patronage. Try our regular 25 Cent Meal Many say it la by far the meal in the Inland Empire. beat Try HARD WALL PLASTER Only ousts about 5o per yard more than common plaster, and worth many timet over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tie as all sand mortors are - t will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe holes, etc are eaeiiy cut through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity aud thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains 110 acids nor chemicals to corrods It will not burn nor disintegrate by fire beiug a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates theerfuily given one and then you may judge. Open day aud night. Depot Street SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot SL La Grande,Or. Best ANA Easiest Way to reach Wallowa county is to palronize the TENDKRF0OT TRANSPOR TATION COMPANY. leave Elgin and arrive at Elgin daily GOOD SERVICE FAST TIME COURTEOUS TREATMENT Special rates to Parties Livery Stable Accommoda tions Proprietors own stables at Joseph and Lostine. Elgin office at City Hotel Small Fruits Fresh from the patch. Order your berries direct from tbe grower by phone. Ao order (or berries of any kiud will receive prompt attention and will be delivered at once. Remember the phone ia 1020 tor fresh berries. 6-18U. LA QRANDI Dr. T A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 Opposite the Soromer Boom. One of the beat mosioal toatitutlooa in the state. Four rooms need lor musical ioatruotioa, 16 grades of Baste , taught. Dapaiment 1, 2 rooms arsd for the 3 Brat grades. Children at Urn age of 6 and older oome one hour every day. Department 2, x rooms for grade 4 to 15 for pupils of all ages Th lat est oourae best paaotioal miialaal in atructiou Misii-al oon teats Jar med als every few week. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant Farmers' and inn odd oa Traders' National Bank. LAGRANDE, OREGON Capital Stock fully paid . $ 60,000 Surplus fund 13.000 Liability of Shareholders - 60,000 . Responsibility - . . 183,000 We do a general banking and exchange business. Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, President: '. J. W. SCRI BER, Cashier a . a a -a 4 My Lady's Jewels Certainly add to her attractiveness. The poet who wrote that "Beauty un-4 adorned la adorned the most" probably! had no dollars. He certainly ebowedl little tense. And if bia lady love had! teen my uiapiay 01 Dainty Broaches . ' She would not have believed him For a wi man naturally loves lo adoral herself. No one ean blame her after! they viait my store. Such beautiful things at ao moderate a coat were never seen before, 'there are things for men too. Just rome in and see now much more 1 could bave aaid about them. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler CLOSING OUT SA1E For thn next thirty days I offer my entire stock of goods, in-' eluding dress goods, trimmings, shirt waists, skirts, hosiery, shoes, millinery in fact everything in my line AT COST 'An invitation is exteuded to the publio to come in and learn prices whether yod buy or not. R W L,aughlin & Go 'CHEAP LUMBER' When you buy cheap lumber you get just what you buy. Whon you buy good lumber you get just what you want. Don't be caught with ads for cheap lumber. When in need of quality at a reasonable price call on us. STODDARD LUMBER CO. STONE AND BRICK MM Or All Kinds,Done AT REASONABLE PRICES WM C HANSEN Phone, Main 1621 k ; : . ' na JUST ARRIVED Fancy Glniswnre, 7-piece Berry set, 4-pieco Tea set, 7 piece Water set, Ot)en and Covered Jellies, Fruit and Cuke stands, Syrup and Vinegar Jugs, Fruit -and Jelly U'liSfes. Many pretty things in Glassware and Crockery. See our Granite aud Tinware. We make lowest prices. House Cleaning Ourpete made, Cleaned and laid; Furniture re piiired, Lounges and Mattresses made over and Upholstered better than New. Call on us for ntiy Job Work yiti want doue. Renietubi r we puy Highest Cash Pi ice for Second Hand Goods. . H.B.. Hasten F. D. Haigten Forme; ly C & M Noble'a Store. o d lo Iota of five aorea and up to suit E. REISLAND, Phone 371 i