La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 09, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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X Tonight showers aad thunder
storms. ' Cooler tomorrow.
Probably lair.
No 3 East bound 9:10 p m ontlme
No 5 West ' 8:5 p m on Uma
No Nomination Yet Made For Vice President
Convention Is Now Taking
A Recess.
, 8t. Louin, July 9 Tbe demociatio
- ooDveiUioo nominated Alton B. Par
ker for president at 4 a ra tbie moro
iog Tbe convention ie now taking
a recefn. No nominaiiona (or vice.
pieaident has yet bien made up
4 :30 thit afternoon.
Judge Alton B. Parker, tbe presi
dential nominee la resident of New
York and at tbe (in-sent time ia chief
judge of tbe atate court of appeals
whioh carries a salary of $14,200, trra
of olBoe ezpired Deoembir 31, 1904.
Until Itis nimb vu amrirAiiteil riminir
the past lew months judge Parker was
Mtle known ont-ideof bia state where
ha haa bee. ti.. I, ,h fo, . nnmh, r .
of years, till nomination was brought
mus through tbe leadership nf David
B. Hill and Augu-t B. Belmont in
. face of tbe opposition ol Tammany
woo finally oame to bis support and
j Mr Bryan. Now that be baa received
the nomination it will not be long un
1 1 the world will know moie about Mr
Parker who is undotibedl' a man ol
force and character and represents
tbe ideas of the gold standard element
of bia party. -
Editor Penrose
Salt Lake, July 9 Charles Penrose,
editor at the Desert News, waa today
appointed an apostle of the Mormon
chnroh, vioa Aposlli Woodruff, de
cease I.
. Social Dance
The next assemble danoe given by
Prof, and Mr Simpson will In held in
Commercial Club Hull Thursday even
ing July 14th. Childreracl its at 3 p m
V on the same dal.
Misa Murel tiordoough left last
evening to spend three weeks vaoation
at tbe seaside.
The light rain last night helped
some. ''Every little helped" as tbe
ol lady said.
July - Clearance - Sale - Pricings.
Ladies Shirt Waist Suits
Greatly Reduced
These cut prices effect our entire line
of ladies Shirt Waist Suits in white,
cream and colors.
All 14.50 Suits, now $3 00
All C.50 Suits, now 4 85
Ten Dozen Shirt Waists
In this lot of waists yon will find some of our beat numbers some of them slightly
soiled and mussed hut beet values ever offered.
Men's Straw Hats
One half price. 25c and 35c hats and
quite a number of 50c values. Your
choice for " cents.
Ladies and Children's Hose
In black, plain aud lace hose, regu
lar 15c values, 2 pairs for 21 cents.
25 cent Lace Hose 21 cents.
Good assortment for small and
large aud all of tbem special values at
our regular price.
Mrs. Cunningham Dead
Pendleton, July 9 The funeral of
tbe late Hra Cbaa Cunningham of thia
city took place I hie afternoon. Death
reaulting from an operation last Sat
urday In the boepital bare. She
tbe wife of tbe wtll known abeep man
and land owner.
The Filioinos
The U,,,ted Bu,e h" "",n 10 the
Filil 1 101 ' olvil government complete
iD "' 'W- of wbiob ia
is carried on by revenues collected by
it, and not a dollar of which oomea
from the Ireasury. Aa at present or
ganized tbe officials consist of 17.345
persons of whom 17,000 are Filipinos
aod 346 Americans. 32 of tbe 40 gov
ernors of provincee are Filipinos;
1,708 of the jus ices of the peace are
natives and not one American. Tbe
maycra of all tbe cities, 982 are na
tives together with all the city offi
cial'. Savings Department.
The Farmers aod Traders National
Bank baa adopted the W. F. Burns
Go's system of Home Savings Bank
and Mr. A. H. Oatiln of that Co. is
in the city with a force of men to in
troduce the system for the Bank.
The Bank establishes a savings de.
partmeot wbioh is entiiely indepen
dent of the commercial branch, except
that it is conducted in tbe same build
ing aod by the same officers and is
subject t the same inspection by the
U. S. Bank Examiner. Any one can
open a savings account in Ibis depart
ment with a deposit of f 1 ,00 or mo e
and money If-It on deposit for three
mouths or more will draw interest at
tberaeol 4 per cent per annum.
Any one opening a saving aooount
witb a deposit of f 1.00 Will be loaned,
free of charge one of the hltle Hume
Safea to keep in their homes. Mr
Celtic's men will Mil on tba people
and explain tbe system aod leave
tbem oaa of tbe tafea il Ibejr deeire, or
oan get it at tba bank.
A Success!
. (Elgin-Eeoorder) -'- -
Theoelebration at Jjt Qraode was a
pronounoed success, according to tbe
views of our people who spent the 4th
in that oity., The parade wax pro
nounoed aa being tbe beat ever eeen in
toe county and the entire program
waa of an interesting character and
oarried onl withont a aingle hitch.
Tbe orowd waa one of tba largest ever
aaaea bled in the county jet there waa
not a aingle accident or anything
else to mar the pleasure of the occas
ion. La Grande oitiiena exerted
themselves, to give everybody a good
lime and their (firts were crowned
witb success. - -
To The Mountains.
' The longing to go to tbj mountains
the desire to get away from tbe tur
moil and bnay strife of tbe city seems
to be an epidemic in La. Grande.
Party after party of pleasure seekeis
and fishermen have been going fro-n
tbe oity siuoe we people of La G ande
showed tbe people of Hie world what
we could do in tbe matter 61 enter
tainment when we "spread ourselves,"
on tbe Fourth of July. , i , . , . ' ' ,
Almost every day one or more' par
tiea bie tliemstlvts to the region of
sweet scanted woods , and rippling
wat n. This forenoon, four more of
our citizens, who could withstand
the "calling of tbe mountains" no
longer, were ttricken witb the epidera
io and left for the vicinity of Morgan
Lake for a weeks outing. Tbe mem
bers of tbe party were Messrs. Fr.d
Scott, George Gipaon. George Wilson
and Mr. McMilliu.
The timbers whioh constituted the
skeleton work of tbe beautiful arbor
used during the Fourth ol July cele
brations, which waa a scouroe of cool
comfort to those vie iting it and rest
ing under its shady bowers, aod which
at rioted mnoh favorable comment
from tbe visitors in town, have been
torn down preparatory to being re
moved. Tbere were thirty thousand feet
of lumbar used in constructing the
aibor. All of this lumber belongs to
tbe city , and will be used in necessary
improvements as the occasion de
nt d.
Ladies Silk Coats.
Reduced to less than cost of material.
$22.50 Coat now $16 50
14 00 Coat now 10 90
12 00 Coat now 9 85
7 50 Cut uow 6 25
6 00 Coat now 4 85
75c Men's Underwear 60c
Light Balhriggan summer under
wear, the suit while they last 60c.
$1.25 DRESS SHIRTS 98c
A good assortment of the season's
best offerings, soft or stiff fronts, some
of them with collars to match. f Q
Your choice for ? QC
Ladies 35c to 75c Belts, 25c
Here are belt values never before
offered in La Grande. Choice for 26c
The Damages From
the Kansas Floods are
Estimated to Excted
$16,006,000. , :
Kansas, City, July 9 Not teas than
$16,000,000 damage ia the figure nam
ed aa the result of thia season's Hood.
The Kansas nvr continues! to rise
bere Ibis morning and no apftreoiabl'
relief from flood conditions, iei expect
ed before tomorrow. Tbe day dawn'd
with another torrential ratal Seven
thousand refuges are objeots of ayste
matio relief work at Kansas Oity , Kan.
Step Father of Hugh
Scott Dies From Ef
fects of a Kick From
Mr Hugh Scott of Ktrtleya tonsorla)
parlors, re ieved word yesterday that
his step father the Hon James Gillia,nf
Stockton California has been killed by a
kick from a horse. The aecident oc
cured at the family home last Sunday
Mr tiiliis was one of tbe pioneers -o(
San Joaquin county and waa one of
the moat respected and honored men
in the community. ' During bis long
residence there he has been able to
amsBS a fortuna which placed him
well in the list of California's riohest
men. He was at the time of his death
seventy seven years of age Mr Scott
received a telegram to come at once in
order to attend the funeral, but on ac
count of business interests here waa un
able to leave.
Che Foo, July 9K trustworthy
Chinaman from Fort Artl ursayB that
fort feiiteen ol the main line defense
was captured b? the Japanese Wed
nesday. The Japanese bave now
r ached tbe northeast slope of Taku
Shan niountiiin, lees than three miles
from Port Arthur.
New Ohwang July 9 Gsneral Ku-
roki is advancing all along the line.
A I.iao Yeog diapatch reoor.s there
is a rumcr of a naval engagement at
Port Arthur iu which 21 Japanese
warships participated in a Russian
Pastors Announce The
Order of Services at the
Several House of Wor
ship Tomorrow.
Corner Depot St. and Washington
Bible Hcbwl 10 s. m,
Morning Wi rahip 11a.m.
Evening Servioe 8 p. m.
Preaching at Iowa icbotl house
3 30 p m
Morula "T'ie Value of a DeBoit
Aim "
E ruing "Some Bleesiogs of Being
a Christian.'
J. 0. Walker Paator
Sunday Hohotl 10 a.m.
Preaching by paatoi . . . 11 a.m.
Subject The Efficacy of Prayer.
Class Meeting 12:16
Epworlb League 7 p. m.
Led by Mary Reialand; aubjeit
"Modern Idols and their ovei throw."
Preaching by paator 8 p. ni
i The public is oordially invited to
all these services.
. ! ' . CHURCH. , ,
Sixth Sunday after Trinity. . :
Sunday School at 10 o'cl wk a. m
Mornlug prayer and sermon at 11 a.m.
A ly service All invited. 'J " " 1
Tbe Grande Ronde Creamery com
pany have plaoed a large awning in
front of their pi toeof fulness on Elm
treet, which adds greatly to tin ap
pearatoe of the building, and gives a
great deal more comfort to those on
tbe inside during the beat of the day
The refreshing aht wer, which began
s, out nine o'clock last evening and
I gradually increased to a go id rain,
will bi a god-eend to the ranchers
wbo bave had their grain injured lit
the Iroat, and will at least h?!i? make
good hay out of the ba My damaged
wheat.. , ...'
Mr. EliTioe from Summrrv lie was
in tbe town yes teed ay for tba purpose
of carrying some freight to Butnnvr-
Wc arc Going to Celebrate
Watch this Space
After The
The Chicago
I r ' : : I
Formation Of A New
County Suggested as
Means of Settling Long
Standing Feud.
The question aa to the advisability
of organizing a new county out of tbe
territory immediately tributary to the
oity of Union, ia being serlou-ly con
sidered by some of our leading tax
payer. Should it be fully determin
ed to proceed further with tbe new
conoty movement, the Republican will
endeavcr to j lace before its roadere all
fact ' bearing upon the proposed
change. It '.a argued that aa a means
of satisfying all parties to the county
aeat controversy, and forever burying
and obliterating the oM feud that for
so'rnany yntrs has ben in evidence in
this pownt , the new county idea pre
sents the must possibl i opening. Un
less some euch pi in is adopted , there
will , in all prtbibility b. many dif
ficulties iu the way of smooth sailing
proscription value
A proscription that lucks in the lciist csscnliul
is worse tliuu worthless).. It may be positively
dangerous a peril to the lift; nl the patient. It
may defeat the doctor's i-tl'urtu, ami it may ri
tsrd the recuperative forces of nature.
To have any value wlmtev r, a prescription
mu-t be compounded from drugs that are nliso
lulely pure and of standard potency. It must
be exactly what the doctor intended it should he.
If it is this, it is certainly worth the retail value
of the drugs it contains. Our prescription etr
vice if right b'.th in quality end cost.
f r I he new county seat for years to
come. . Tbe question before tbe people
is this: Isn't tbere some way of pai
manently aetilmg this contention,
and doesn't tbe new county idea seem
abiut the beat way? Think it over.
The Republican suggests a oonfereooe
of leading t x payers of Union and
La Grande with tie objtot io new - of
permanently settling their differences.
Union Republioan.
Mr J Butts,' from Snake River,
about fifteen miles below Huntington,
is in tbe city proving np on soma de
sert claims. Mr. Butts reports that
the fruit, especially the peaohee, in
that community are as nice as CJuld
potsibly b, and that they have not
lieen damaged io the least by tbe
The Hon, Peter McDonald, joint
state senator for this aad Wallowa
o unties, aod bis wife di ovo into tbe
city yesterday altera: on. t ' j
When you buy a cough medicine for,,
small children you want one in which
you can place implicit confidence. You "
want one that not only relieves but
euros. Yon want one that ia unques
tionably harmless. You want one that .
ia .pleasant to take. Chamberlain's t
Cough Remedy meeta all of these con
ditions. There Is nothing so goed for
he coughs and colds Incident to child
ood. For tale by All DruggiBts. y .
: v
r ? i :
: 1W