La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 08, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    , -
1 Ladies' High Gtade $3.50
Most people don't know what
ocouomy means.. Merely pinch
ing the price ienV economy .
eal economy thiols last o!'
price and Bret of QUALITY.
Economy ie in what you get,
not in what you 'pay.'1" Saving
money at the expense of QUAL
ITY isn't economy, it i extra
vagance. When we ; buy our
goods we look first to QUALITY
both in material aud workman
ship. When we sell our goods
we give you good QUALITY at
prioes that are uever higher than such gcods are woatb. The
best QUALITY shoes are cheapest in the end by far
The "QUALITY' S. oe store
Next door to J. M Berrys.
Wm. Miller & Bro
Are preparing fo move tlioir office to No. 1107 Adams
Avenue Foley-Iloesch Building, ground floor where '
they will have the finest aod most modern suite of of
fices in the city.
They will be hotter prepared than ever to take care
of everything in the line of -
Heal Instate
Mortgage Loans
A Pew Choice Bargains in Wal
lowa County Keal Estate
(1) 20Hfn rpH of lant, 120 uures capable of cultivation, 113 ao
In fall wn wheat. House, barn aud other huildingfl. A gr
ennnan 2,500
(2) 240 am-. sm;i!l or.-haril. hirtisc. hart! and good OUtbulUHOK. 60 acres in fall
town siain; small (ft r. :itri .f w;H. r How thr iltch plncc-A Kreat bargalu at $2,(Mi
CU .11 aires of la i.l oi w liiffi is ti e lliictl of meiuluW; (food house and
oiiil'uiMinKi Koodht Aw ions of luy can be cut on ibe place will take
SnMI in cut lie i" itn.ieun ihis propi.ty. Price 810 per aCrc
4 160 a- rt?B. rJu if c.ioi-e lai.d-l'rkc SH' pr acre. Tim if a great bargain.
5 l60a.c.-4 , 11 ,k- land Rt S K r act -TIieM are a lew of the many anal We
liavc to offer in Hi way of run I estau tinrains. i-or further particulari addrass,
M ' D n r i i e I &c M'Donald
FreBb Chocolates
Fre9!i Bom Bona
Fresh Nongact
Fresh Carmels
Fresh Taffey
Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fresh Salted Almonds
Frebh Popcorn
If yju are thinking of papering, this season,
!.., i,i f.iii in insnHct our stock. We have
wall paper a good many years, but we can honestly
rsay we have never been able to offer such truly artistio
designs at such an extremely low price as we are now
We have a force of experienced paper hangers and
; decorators and guarantee satisfaction. Call and eee
onr new urrivals. New paper arriving every week.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime,
D oors and Sash
0. P. C00LIDGE
GRANDE R0NDE VALLEY Away to the Mountains.
FDHIT FADM' Sow is, tha time ol rear lor oating
KUII r"lV, partita anil flsliiog ftps, and the
1 The Grinds Roods Valley Fru t ;n jplf who ire ubW to leave iheir
Farm contains 320 aorea aud ia to be i bualiieaa for a faff daya ire not slow In
old in loti ol fire acrea and unto niit i advantage of an opportunity
the purobiai r. H In eituated fight
rile northeast ol La Graude, Orfi(oo,
near (be Elgin branch of tbe O. H. &
go. A trip of this kind make a new
iiiun out o( u i e'Sun, ind breutliiug the
pure mou'tuin air, taking tbo exercise
N. Railroad. , ,M .,, ,i,. ,!, i
I We (urni,b the purchaser at tbe cdiI ,, ivin) ollt dBt adda to the,tl,e grouoda
ol three yeara a tbriftly growing apple ; health and life of .the pi-reon fortunate . K'nee.
orchard, ooe that baa been cared fir enough to par kipatu in it.
Case Dismissed
Bjkir City July 7 At tha evening
aeaaiou o! the oirouit court lt night
iu tbe one of Blaufie'.d agaioat tbe
D K.iS, Co. which waa on trial b
fore a jury no a olairu for damagia lor
pemoual injuries, on motion ol 0. A.
John, alurtey for tbe defendant lor
a non-suit the oaaa waa diamiaard on
ol conlribjtory oegli-
from letting, in the moat approved
manner, cultivating the land aix to
eight timea a year , keeping the round
well polveiiied, and at all tiraee free
from weeda, graea and otbir veg.titioo
between May lat aud August 1 o:h of
eaob year; keeping tbe treea pruned iu
the moat aoieotifio manner: removing
and burning all euttinga and tuckem,
and in abort do any aud aK woik which
will bsfor tbe beat interest of the land
and treea. We replant all trees that
may die in tbd first, second and third
years, aod pay all taxes on the laud
for three years. We furnish tbe land
labor and material and trees and three
years' care, at tbe prioo ol 1120 per
aore, giving three years iu which tj
pay for it.
Our terms ol payment are 65 per
cent ol purchase price, cash ; bsUnci
in thrae yearly payments, bearing in
terest at tbe rate of six per o nt per
Tbt purchaser can reniain where be
ia make no immediate change in bir
business or home irtneeta making bit
present business pay for biainvcatmeni
sacrificing no time while tbe orohard
ia being brought into bearing condi
tion and reBt assured that skilled hor
ticulturalieta will do the woik btttei
than be oan unless be has . had hurii
oultural experience under couditoii
existing in Oregon . After treea bnvt
bad scientific oare pruning and ebap
ing for three years, the fubac puenl
wt rk ie muoh more methodical ' and
can be successfully dona by these with
O'lt hoi tieultiirsl skill . . .'
j As an investment it i , guilt edge.
.aud is the nearest possible approach
toa guarat-teed annuity.
We have ul our woik done by oon
tract and the contractors are under
heavy bonds to us for the faithful pre
(ormanoe of their work.
We bave executed a bond to tb
amount ol $10,000 and have appoint
ed Hon. J M Church, oaebier of tlit
La Grande National Bank, trnttte t
indemnify any parties purchnaiii
land on the" Grande Rondo Vallej
Fruit Farm from us ho may euiTer
by our not fulfilling our obl;gtioui
The last pury to leave tho city on an
outing of this kind, was composed of
Messrs Itobert Newlin, F L Myers,
A V Andrews, J 3 Carr and Jndge Win '
tirant who :it thia ufteruoou for Beaver
cieek to be gone several dHya.
Mr J.itm Madison, the manter me
chanic of the O. R.& N. Ky.f made a
Dying trip trip to Huntlngtou yesterday
and returned laat evening on No. 6.
(July 8)
Liverpool July wheat fl s fid,
New Vork Silver 08 1-4; Union
ciflo ; rfd'J0 5-S.
Cbicajo July wheat opened 83 3-4
a!U. Bjrldy ii 5J; North woatera 117
S.m Frarcisoj Cash wheat 123
Portland- hint Walla Walla 07 60;
Bluestem 77; Vulley 78;
. Tucouiu Wheat Bluobtem 80; Club
If you are Innquld, dopressod aud
iucapable for work, ut indieatoa that
your liAer is out of order. Ilerbiue
I will assist naiuie to throw oil head
aches, rheumatism and- ailments) akin
I to nervousness and restore the anergic
( and vitality of soui.d and perfect health
J J nuooara, lemplo, Texas, writcB,
j March 22 19d3: "I bavo used Herbine
tor the past two years. It bus done
me more good than all the doi tors.
I W hen I feel bad and have that ti:ed
reeling 1 take a dose of Herbine. It
is tbe best medicine ever made for
chills and fever." 50cU a bottle
Sold by Newlin Drug Co.
Almost Left Behind
llierrf is fault to find somewhere in
the manner tbe me i.bers of company
L. or ibis place were retarded io gttt
ing upon passenger train No 6 la-t
evening. There was a ocr eapeoiaiy
piepareu uir meir transportation to
Portland, attached to the rear of the
tiain, but, from negligence in
quarter, the ifocra to the coach were
uu, ujjcuoi at iub time ine ir.iu ai-
rived, nor for some time afterward?,
and just as tbe train was starting. The
boys were al ready when tbe train th
rived, and waited patiently lor tbe
doors ol tbe ooacb to bo opened
When the do ra were opon, the niem
br of the company began to ornwd
aboard as fast as possible, hut scarcely
more man Hall Had gotten upon the
coacb when the train began to move;
and it began to "sprint" from the start
Itscemed that several would he left
nut oy risking mangled limba. anil
witn the assitance of thoie alijr,l,H
finally succeeded in gaining foothold
upon the car, and none were l-lt b'-bind.
Westmoroliiud, KanB. May f 1902.
Ballaid Mlow Liuinient Co. our Snow
Liniment t u.ed an old Bore on the side
of my chin that wad supposed to be a 1 tie ao.-e was aluoooru and
would not yield to tieatineut, until
I tnuu anow Ijinlinent, wnich did the
work in Khoft onlor. MyBiBtor. Mrs
Sophia J i a-Boii, Allousrille, AliUln'
'o, i'a, has a sore and mistrusts that j
it is a culii'Cr. I'leusu Bond her a i
oOe bottle. Sold by Newllu Drug Co. i
I was troubled with a diatrets in my
reach, sour litomach and vomiting
pclln, aud can truthfully say that
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets cured me. Mas. T. V. Will
iams, Laingahurg, Mich. For sale by
All Lh tiiigists.
FOR RENT After July 8'.h lUOl will
have three cults ol rooms for house
keeping, and three single rooms tor
housekeeping, and three single rooms
to root Kates reasonable. Apply
. to Gtorge Bal1, Corner of Washington
AveaudUth St.
STRAY HOG I have taken up a
black hog no marks owner oan ob
taiu same by calling on J M Lilly
near h lowering mill paying expenses
mid proving property. - 2d- 1-w
Cabbage Plants
E Z Cm blno, of Fruitdalc. bus a
Inrge number of cabbao pliinta for
sale. PUoDO 1037. tl
"I wuuld cough nearly all night long,'
writes Mrs CI. as Applegate, ot Alex-
andr.n, lad., "and could hardly get any
sleep. 1 had consmnplinti so bad that
if 1 rt'Hlkd a blui-k 1 uould cough
frihifiilly and spil hluod, but when
all other inediriues failed, three ft 00
uotileB of lr. Kiug'a New JJlBcovery
wholly cured me audj I gained
lioiinda." Its absolutely guaranteed
Are like tho 'Smile that won't oome
I off." 1 hoy are put on right and stay
right 1 rise only Whitmore's paste
an I guarnneo that it aftor thirty days
trial you hud that it has in any way
way injured tho leather I will prouenl
the customer with a (5 pair ot shoes
purchasod ut any store he may (elect.
If you desire really first class work
call and get a shino. Ladies worn a
1 specialty. Remember the place, Krt
; ley's Barber S'.op, where everything
is first class ftom the boot black up.
May Duke cherries now ready for
doliverv. I hci.,o 1041. Residence
Ri miles X E ui La Uiande tf. Tatmnnot
. , 1., r-
lironchi:ia mi l all Throat and Lung Special Excursion, tO the World S
tio.ib:us. 1'ri.e oUe Biul $1 00. Trial
huitiea froy at Newliu Iriug Co.
For Rent.
Eleven room homo next door to the
pi'31 ollico for rout per month in
advunro. Apt.y to led Myers iu La
tirtimlo Niitiunal Hank.
Est ray Notice
Notice Ib hereby given that there
came to my place on tho Owsley ostato
one and oi.'r h; lf miles north of La
(irande, one t"ay horse, no visiublo
bran ia, ul t 11 years oid, weight a-
borit Hod pounds, Owner may h.ivo
naine by pto i'jf: property and paying
for thie nol u v. and for cute and ntLcn
tinnuudfei d. Dattd thi day of July
Joe Jone
The Dourer and Rio Qrande, in con
nection with tbe Missouri Pacific,
will run a series of peronally con
ducted excursions to tbe World's fair
during Juno. These exoursioua will
run through to St. Louis without
chango of cars, making short stops at
principal points uuroute. The tirBtof
these excursions will leave Portland
June 7, aud the socond June 17. The
rutu from La (iraudo "-in be tGOto St.
Louis aud return. Excursion istB go
ing Aiu tho Denver & Uio (iiaude have
the priviloge of roturning by a differ
ent route. This is the must pleaBant
way, as well as tbe most delightful
route to cross the continent. Ihe
stops arranged give an ' Opportunity
of visiting iu nnd about Kansas City.
If you wiah to accompany one of tbese
excursions writo at onto to W O Mo
I'.rido, I'M Tbiid street, l'ortlaud, for
Sleeping car reservations
Delightful Route, Duyliyht Hide,
Dizzy Crags, Deep Gumma.
A Golden Opportunity S(-e
nature In all Iter glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first iB
t'ound iilmifr tbo line of the
Denver it Rio Grande Railroad
and tbo hitter ul. the St. Louis
World's Kolr. Your, trip will be
one of plfiaiire make the most
ol it. l'or infm iiiation and illii9
trnted lilernlnre write
W. G. McURIDH, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Oregon
: We Do Not Claim
: That wo can please all of the people all of tha time'but
That our plant has been underlie same management for
: nearly TKN YK A KS
I That during this time our aim has been to please as
xieariy all' at all ttmes as good work and courteous trea.
! That we will do our best to please you if you will favor
us with your patronage
: That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley e
baSer sbo; 9 w,ll receive the same prompt attention that
they would if left at tbe laundry.
Iabc laundry
: PHONE i85l
Harry Near I'mlliim!
A A Baui am
ON Smith ,10
L II Hodleman ilo
L L Qsborn ' do
P J Bosuraagln Kpuknue
L A Baker I'orrlund
A Baker do
J A Thornton do
L A Mortin Ho
C M Neuminster Tanoiim
Stephen Paul Rnchottcr
li Salislm Union
M Jones Pendleton
E Smith do
II S Centisa .V wile Wa Iowa
B llolton do
J B Thorson l:J;iii
J A .Martersou do
A Litcoteld H F
A JohnBon X Y
I. Osborne Tec nna
T Casslds X Y
M L Hamlin llaltini ire
P J Hrsnegor bpukan e
J Tancheck ity
E E Willard Portlaml
U li Cathin X 1'
Only costs ubciut 5c per yard
more Ibuti common plaster, and
wor'h iiiiiny ItiiuM over.
A lv'. S'l AG Krf
No d.ini i ;f fret icing as ii
can I - uril in .i-ro weutlier
Bciiio f 1,-x i 1 -1- instead of lirit
tie I'sull' mortors arc
it will dent like wood when
struck or junimcd, instead of
breaking Doors, wihdows, pipe
boles, etc are eat-iiy cut tbroiiu'li
tl It is a lion conductor of dec
Irici'y and tlius pn'vcnta niiort
ireiiiting It. iicllierca tjiiall j
well to (.ii. k, tot.e or common
!utb It roui'iiii.s no acidn nor
chemical" to orroiN It will
not burn t)
Spokane Cafe
Qjlir t,:ij new manageuieut
is rapidly building up a good
trade. Prompt service, cour
leoua treatment, everything
clean, and you will always llu I
plenty to eat, are the onuses of
tho increased patronage. Ty
our regular
25 CeQt Meal
Many nay it is by far the
meal iu tho luland Empire.
one and lhen you may judge.
Upon day and night.
Depot Strest
J. F. Johnson
Depot SL La Grande.Or.
Small Fruits '"j . .v
Freah from the patoh. Order 'your
beirlea direct . ttom tha growar by
phone. An order lor berrisa of any
kiud will receive prompt attention and
will be delivered at onoe. ' Bemamber
tha phone it 1038 (or traah barriea.
Office HAT Hill'a Drop Rtnr
La Qrande, Oregon Phone 1361
. Kesiclenoe pbone 701 --
jcnoQL nmK
Oppoaite tbe Sotnmer Houae.
On of tha beat musical Institution
In th atate, Four room a uaed - for
muaioal Instruction. IK grades of musio
taught, Otpaimentl, Si rooms ured
for th 3 flret gradea. Children nt th
age of S and older oome one hoar every
day. Department tl, i rooms for gradea
4 to 16 for pupils of all agea Th lat- -at
eoure beat paactlol muaioal in
struction. Miahal oontett for med
ala every few weeks. .
E PORTER DAY Principal . ,
MRS DAY, Assistant , ' ;
Farmers and Traders'
National Bank,
t 60,000
. 13.000 ;
60,000 " "
. Capital Stock fully paid
Surplua fund '
, . Liability of Shareholders
Responsibility . . ,
We do a general banking aud exchange business.
. Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks,
i:-. V f :r, : : ; ,; J. W. 8CRIBER, Cashier
" My Lady's Jewels . u 1
Certainly add to ber attraotlvenees
The poet who wroie that "Beanjy un
adorned la adorned the moat" probably
t A ,l.ll.. . II.. ...(.. 1 .. l .,
little wnee. And if fate lady love had
. ji i i
Dainty Broaches
Bb would not have believed him
For a wi man naturally loves to adorn1
herself. Noon ci.n blame ber after
they visit my atore, fc'ui'h beiiutilui
ibinga at so moderate a cost were never
seen before. T here are things for men
too. Just come in and see bow mucin
Dior I could hv said about them.
J. H. Feare, the Jeweler
For tbe next thirty days I offer my entire stock of goods, ( in-, '
oluding dress goods, trimmings,' shirt 1 waists, ' ekirts, hosiery,
shoes, millinery iu fact everything in my line - ?
An invitation is extended to tho public to come in and learn
prices whether yod buy or not. .
R W Lauglilin & Co .
When you buy cheap lumber you get just what
you buy.
When you buy good lumber you get just what
you want.
Don't be caught with ads for cheap' lumber.
When in need of quality at a reasonable price call
on us.
beinj; a
WOO'i ft ,111.
no run'! 1 1 i
I'm'.. -I
sin. iM
tins clues
cbi erltl ly
r (liHin'f'L'r.'ile by fire
lei t pioti",tion for
tut '
win k
II. e
ill iitiilei
:i!'.iinX to
ri'cn riling
A TsT 13
1 W.iv to retch Wnllowa
county is to paironize the
TLl)i;kl:00i TRAXSP0R
leave HIgin
at lilgin daily
Special rat. s to Parties
Livery Stable Accommoda-
1 ,l("'s
Piiiprielors own stables at
Jiw jh and 1istine.
f Elgin olllce at City Hotel
and arrie
Of All KindsDone
Phone, Main 1621
Fancy Glassware, 7-piece Berry set, 4-piece Tea
set, 7 piece Water set, Open and Covered Jellies, Fruit
and Cake stands, Syrup and Vinegar Jogs, Fruit and
Jelly Glasses.
Many pretty things in Glassware and Crockery.
See our Granite and Tinware. We make lowest
House Cleaning
arpets made, Cleaned and laid; Furniture re
paired, Lounges and Mattresses made over and
Upholstered better than New. Call on us for
any Job Work ytu want done.
Remember we pay Highest Cash Price for Seoond
Hand Goods.
H. B, Hasten ' F. D. Haigten
Formerly CAM Noble's Store.
t x
' i
; . j
.. .0.
' i.'-.ltf'V-ir"
E. KEISLAND, Phone 271