ES if??' K . A I: Coal For Hot Weather Oar Bock' Spring coal' will give satisfaction We always taaye it on band. Castle Gate - and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it... We "al ways have coal, all kinds and at lowest puces. If you want wood we can famish yoa the kind that burns longest and best. z C V G. E. FOWL ER, TRANSFER" AND DELIVERY ' - Phone No 1611 - Li Grande Evening Observer OUBBEf , BROS., Editon APropt- Entered at tbe Prat Office it La Urande, Oregon, u Beooud Cleet Mail Matter. illlliOBBBaaDaBBttBteettti JOHN JAMISON : W E BTULL . ELY A JAMISON, We will call for it and bring it" home when promised W We guarantee satisfaction and ouly ask for a 5 trial order to demonstrate to you that we un- , 5 derstand the laundry business, ou can stop . : oar wagon at any time or phone the Laundry . and your work will be called for at once, t We 'J make a specialty of family washing, and can JJ ' do yonr washing better and qheaper than -i , you. A trial order solicited. : Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1081. j 742 FIR STREET. 0B(M ' i Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermueleo, fropriotora. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCH EPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butch' stook Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance 16 60 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month 65c Single copy 6c FRIDAY EVENING JULY 8, 1904 PHILIPPINE POIICY. THE KEY NOTE. In .1 speech of one hour and forty two minutes duration The Hon. John S. Williams lealer cf the Dendociaoy iu the House of Representatives, on taking the gavel as temporary 'chairman of the national Detnooratio con voli tion , at St. Louis on July 6, sounded the key note and gave a forecast of the campaign. That key note is an instruction to the Democratic oratoia and writers to abuse Roosevelt and Republi can leaders. And it now looks as though the campaign will be conducted on that line by the Democrats. " This is the only sort of oampaign the Democrats can conduct, for it has no policy cn which its own leaders chu unite, save the negative one of opposi tion to the Republicans, and to and and every thing that parly has done or proposes to do. Democracy proposes nothing. The sole purpose of its existence is to preserve the solid South as a political asset, to be enjoyed by the Southern country. i i November the people will give expression as to tlitir 'Loire fur cheif txeeutor of tin" louding nation of the world, foi the next four years. The national democratic con vention has been well advertised as the coming attraction for many months mn r'rom nil reports every feature advertised was there in evidence and possibly some thul were not on the bills. It mu3t pay to advertise; if not, why should the tobacco trust spend $1U0,()()(J in oue year to proclaim the merits of a single brnud of ciguis and also reuewing their contracts for another year. Big Damages The Ditlls.Or., July 8.-1 he hife case Is proceeding slowly. The untie com pleted its rare by putting st-vi-rnl me chanics on the stand to chow thu value of the Talfa plant at Olilo. This morning I H TiiiTa vhh put'ti the stand for the defense, and Ms tcHtiujony pays the plant it worth 2(iO,UiO, and that the canal would ontitely ruin it. The case will probubly go to the jury tonight. Ed. If such daumues ate awaided, thie will in all pru'ialily prevei.t the state from building the poiti go railway. AArTT. at? 1 I VT A "TiiOTT A I'T.K1 :i v v a 'A .a jiL v.a - For Kodak and Kodak Sup)H''- A complete stock of professional paper' Plate at wholesale prices Mailorders auswereu promptly. ' La Grande Drug Co. ' and Red Cross Drug Co full measure Chain wood by the. Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-iuch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than ty the load. You pay for what you get ar.d get what you pay for. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY Classified Ads r m a OFFIOER8! R. Hhith ..Prcaldent J. M. Beaux...... Vice Preeldent J. M. Church Gaahior t. L. Hetku Asst. Caahler DIRECTORS : 3. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conloy, R. Smith . E3b. 0. Stanley J ' . I . . ' i ; 3655' La Grande National, B nk La Grange, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transact a general banking business. Bnya and sells exchango on all parte of tlia world. Oolloctioua a apecialty. The grand ovation tendered I William J. Brjan when be entered the convention yesterday will not be pleasatt reading to those leaders who have for the p ant eight years been trying to read him out of the party. Mr. Bryan has a strong following and will be in evidence in the leadership of his parly for rohiiy years. Our next national campaign is now on. The two dominaut parties have placed their candi dates before the people and in 1 - 1 ,. , ; - 3 TO THE PERSON; PAYING RENT! In walking through the high ways of life did it ever imorers you that the ownership of roal eatute would improve your con condition moterirllyV If not, i 1.-, tune that you did realise 'imt nidi is a fact. It will make vou more ii.depeinlotit in feel ing, and YOUR HOUSE will he yours in overy sense of the word. We have fine ols for pule in ' HOME INVEST MENT DT1TION at right j rices. Eveiy lot -is nbotit nil ncro in size nt:d curb lot has a water righ iiToiui of ihebest irrigiilirg dilohes in the valley. Wo will soli vou thoso lots on i-ju inslallmonto, at.d wo will also 1 contract with you to erect a dwelling house for you, ni"l al low you to pay for the entire proppriv in tiutulltue1 Is. Put your rent into your owu homo Call on 'he LA GRANDE INVESTMENT Company. 1110 A'lttnis Avouue, La Grand", Or. gon. Real Estate La Grand 0- Investment Company. (Allif (Sill WILL CURE, any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine No medicine can do more. WAS GIVE" UP TO DIE. B. Sp!ep;el, 1204 N. Virginia ., Evnnsville, litcl., vi "Foroverfiv venra I was tronliicit with kidney and bladder all'cet inns wtnt :i caused me much pain and worry. 1 lust llcstiand was all run down, and n ycut no had to abandon work entirely. 1 had Hiree ol tho best physicians who did n? no food and I whs practiciliy K'veu up to dia. Foley's Kidney Cure was rt-commended and tho first bottle k.ivc nic xreat relief, and after taking tho second bottle J was Dill jly cured." TWO SIZES, 50c A7TD 51.00. FOR SALE Complete outfit of house hold furniture will be sold cheap if sold at once. Inquire at residence on seventh Street between Washing. ton avenue and P Street E T Thome. FURNI8HKD ROOMS Parties deaire in nicely furnished roums apply to G D Simmons corner 8 and M street Pasture Plenty of uood paatui 91 per bead per mouth, Phone 1276. i FOR SALE Klmbell piano. Inqnire of Mra Ingte. Cor. ofS and K St. Phone 1727, Piano Tuning , x-roi nenoricKs cue veiuie fiailo tuner, is fully irppared to care for VOIir Piunn. nnH anlii.ita umi ioimnti..A in his liue. Mve him a trial Phone 470 Cheap Lumber FOR SALE About 150000 fret in our Sara at tinnier ant table tor houses arns, fences and ranch purposes cheap for next 30 days. Come anil see us quick. t Brings, Mgr. Summer Dresses Made on short notice, at reasonable prices Mrs Etta E Wiuee Phone 1717-9th St between O & M Sts. 0-31 For Rent leveo room bouse next door to the post office for rent. per month io advance. Apply to Fred Myers in La Grande National Bank. Notice To Water Consumers Ordinance 68N0 provides that The water rates shall be due payable Id advance at the othrenf City Recorder on the first day of each month (except tor meters, wnicn are paynoie on ine first day of the succeeding month 1, and if not paid within thelirst ten iliivfl tbe water will bi shut oil the premises, and not turned 0.1 until payment ia aiade of amount due with oue dollur in addition for tbe expense uf turning water off and on. This rule shall be ftrictly enforced beginning with the 23rd. of May. H C Oilman. Water Supt." Sweet Cream Commencing Thursday June llitb the Grande Konile Creamery Co will be propmed to furnith swwet cream in quanity to suit, whole sale and retail Hemember the place Uuntlngtnns new building next door to fire building. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an EaBtern trip, or visit to the Louisiana l'm-chase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages ollered by the Misaorw Pacific Railway, which, on aocoqn of its various routes and gated ways, -.has uen' appropriately name 'The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take tbe Missocbi'facific trains from Den ver or Pueblo nith the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and Pneblo to bt. Louis without change, carrying ail classes ol modern equigi meut, including electric lighted ob-ecr-vation, parlor .cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains, between Kansas City and StLouia. Write, ."or call on W. C. McBride. General Agent. 124 Third st, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated literature. tf. Notice Beginning witb June 1st no one shall be allowed the nse of city water for irrigating purposes except between the hours of 5.W and 7.H0 P M. H C Oilman. Water 811 pt. That tin' way to reach a man's heart i? thnnli his stomach. Try it bv iisiiitf GcdJes Hros" cainif.1 Irui's, delifious bciaics, K-ttuce, on ions, and radish. s, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fnsh est eggs, butter, cc. SH.vial attention given to phone orders. Geddcs Bros. 1 ' it , 'ti: . r7l AIM l""! "! if '1 m 1. .... 1 FOR SALE A complete threshiu out fit inquire of Jud Drttper at th Andross Ranch. Camping Ground Good camping ground at Hilgard apply to Mrs U J Hart Wizard Ore. FOR RENT Rooms suitable fof light housekeeping. Inquire at corner 3rd and Adams avenue. K. 21. tf All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis does all kinds of scav enger work, such as cleaning wells, cess polls, etc. Hive him a call. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to fill orders for all kinds of lumber. If yon need lum ber see prices before ordering. E Rosen banm Prop. Rainbow Store, Piano Instruction. Firs class instruction on tbe piano, Harriet E young, Phone 11)31 July 37. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BT A THILL, liniimi-t v Think of It, Calgata Floating Rath Soap Sets New Un Drug Co. J.-28-tf Reward I will pay a reward of $16 to the party or parties, securing informstion that will secure the arrest andcotivlct ion of any violating the game bird law A. W. Nje 8tate Deputy Game War- den. 4 b. Mi O-vfGois Ti . 5 ST I IU PEPAKT No. : :W p. 111 NO.fl. 8:.t. in. 1 '"' MUM Nil I. tn NOS 8- 111 N..T.'llly .., CM-v.ll , , KlltlllH.V n . M. 1, 0 11. 111, M NO i .i p n NO e K:JII 11 m Real estate Snap Two acre treot, Beven blocks from con (or of La Grande. Good six room- oil cottiigc furnished completely and well, if desired. Two barns. Urge hen bouse and wire enclosed park ovt r one bundled elm-kens, over 100 bearirg fruit trees imludiDg winter and aum- ni er apples, pears, prunes, peaches 8iid fjoveml rarities of cherries, one thousand raspberries, 600 strawberries twenty live shade irees, lawn, flowers and ntite garden ready for use, three wtlls, two pumps, ten shares in good water ditch. Uounc insured for 4700 fur three yours. Tart down. Tor particulars inquire at this office. Notice A) p m (V,an Htritnii'r. I'.-nv,.,.- t'nruand and Ban Francisi'o cvt'ry tlvp iIavb E. C. MOOKK, Agent l'a.iiet rno own shade trees are heribr notifl.d to bare them Irim ' ed to a sutBcient beigbtso Ihey will not iot rf. rd witb pedestrians on the slt'e wslkn. F J Bynhorsl, Btieet Hupt. Notice To all parties Interested, notloe Is hereby given that all bodlss nut be r?moveu irnrn ins oii city ormeurj within reasonable time, And Jnat aa soon as the crop is off K at which will run through tbe property willboopeu. ed. Dato.1 st 1 Grande Ore. this the 27th day o( June. June 27 4tf. Geo O'Coaner , Lodge Directory. EAGLES-U Grande Ai-.c 2y, K O K tneetH every Friday night In K of I' lull & p m VUttiDg bretberu invited t .tuii1, C O, W F. AN Uj rvlllc, W Sec FORESTERS OP AM KKU.'A Omrt Maid HstrloD, No 22 meet arh Tuf-diiy Id El It a halL BtoUntiare iavlUrl U, Hiirnrl. Hf lout-r ( lilel 0 J Vttderpool. KcoHh I O 0 F La OrnDde lAidgn, No i inert in their ball eTeryfiaturdnyniitht. ViMtlnn ttuin ben oordiftlly invited Ut attrncL CJ Vandvrpxii, N 1. 1 R Snook, Sec. A, F. A A. M. La (iran.le No. 41. meets every Utand ;ird Matur day uf each month. A : WilliuniBSti C U Hull man W. M. Change of Management. Tho undersigneil has purchase the busiu 8. known uullie llHrns Cash Meal Market and will ,t r: aftr conduct the snune. We wish to inform tbe publi' that we are prepared to furriihh all kinds of niouta, game Hti) poultry at the very lowent pri , ronsistaut with lirst-clns artu ln We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price puid for all cuttle, lings ami sheep. We solicit a share of your pulrotiage and guarantee the very best satisfaction, Plione orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meal market across the track. Phone 1601. Tl'RNER & WALTER, Congratulations. Mr John II Ollum, h. iit .r of the (iarlan I, TTai, New-, has wriltit letter of conttratuUtini.ii to thu manu facture of Cliifnlwrlalti'p ( oiinh t. uiedy. aafollowi: "hiiU'en yMn jin ahru uir nrnt child w a ha if tin huh subject to crmipy aflla nn kh iuli( be very uo'y nint lilm. toaij list iit ('hamfMrlilrri 0ii)i lwtnid y in 1hm7, and tindtoi it inch a relUMe rn aitHly for ii-ildiati'l t rmp haven ir tjreo wtihMiit in the house smro that tluii. Wit bve Ilva ehil iren an-l haa Klven ittalt('f ihern with re suit." for sale by alt drneta. A1KAT fLIIiMs ;i htrge pla t in I in' f d pi"-tiiiti It i ei-fiillil th'T'-f'tr tli-t ih.' mciit hi good. Tousjn, prifiy -t k, nr djy juit'ele-t" loa-t.-j w i i ! s il any lui-ul Siipio!-e yii t ilt n - mi TliH MICA l' (..(MOTION We know and Imv t n- hert itiml. Vou can rely on our ku iwicle nii'l mir d pire to hold your tr.ulu to ut you the uiieet tJiO;it yum L'vr closed your tcoth on. As for price , well wi mo nut so foolish a? lo have them hili. Bock 8c Thomas EsrlvHisers cfiviuua LiiiLC, ril.l.a. Far .lclt relief from Bllleuinssa, Sok Hssdscho, Torpid Liver, Jaun. dice, Dtulneu. and all troubles arts Inf from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltt'a Uli: Early Rlion are an eauallesl They aot sromptly end never f ripe. They are so dalmy that It lea pleasure to take taem. One to two act as a rrJW laiathre; two or (our let as a pleasant and ettective c!hsrtlo. They are parehy vcfnble and ibjolutely stnaless. Thef tonlo the liver. leirARKD OHLT IT B. C. DeVTltt at Co., Chlaaetn W By All Hrmri!;ists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS It -u. iiiiiTliiiHi. y...,r ti. ki't t in ti o Cm h lsl,M, n;.-. yTKMS. Clii.i.i. ,,l r(iui,,tt nuun i ri-tiirnitiE lit " T I'.M'I,. Dl NVKIi, Ci,U)R.U)() S-;INJS, i.r ITI.lll.O. ''r ' rail '.ii in . hi Acctit. i'.iu-.,i -a'-: .inn,. ls.iuiv 1-2-3 An. --:-;. Si.-, t . .-; 711,1. :t-i:,-, f"r I'Htll'T INI .-llintl.,, , Hio(,iM ar .-nil ii , or n.l.ln'Bs A II M,- l)(l iii.t.i -t.,1 i, .VA"'1"" -Sf'AVI;Nf;::R- I tin nn- .rf)1r,-, t ,1,, ,J ku.dt :(.. ,iL.r ,lal (.neraiiy 'l,,ti- l,y a scavenpet, and wtii r inl lit ymir plue Ht any tiiuc. Call me up 011 phone No. 1MII or aildi eva Imx II N Ma-on ..,A.v,4j,t,fcB4fl O' SPICES, 0 coffee:,tea, BAKIKS pcvnro FLAVOJ.I.0 EXTRACTS Mtnoiurevunry. rmcsKHavor, CL05SET & DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. n