La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 07, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Taaigbt ehavats lad tbunder
stofaet. Cooler tomorrow.
Probably Mr.
No 1 East bound 9:10 p m outline 4
, No 6 Wee Mpnta time ,
Company L Leaves for American Lake, - Wash.,
Where They Will Spend Several weeks '
In True Military Fashion.
sell and makes his talk verbally lo one
coatumer, wbile the tame amount of
eneiery, thought, salesman ability and
convincing argument would wlo per-
bapa a thonaand people U told tbrougn
the columns of the newapapsis L w
l'oat, in Fame
Last evening company L., 3rd Regi
ment, of the Oregon National Guards
left on passenger train No 5 for Amer
ican Lake, Wash., for a three weeks
encampment. Before leaving, ths ap
pointments of the non-commissioned
effioere were made by Capt. H E Cool
idge, the same biing subject to the ap
proval of the Colonel of the Regiment
and were as 'follows: firit sergeant,
John H Biever; qunr'.er matter ser
geant, Claud J Janes; and the ocher
ergeant. Clarence Jtckson, Tboa H
Williamson, James Gutridge and Ar
thur F Haynes; corporals, Albirt V
Griffin, Eail Kinsey, Earnest F Har
ris, and A Lee Morelock. It was a
busy scene at Armory hall jutt before
the train came in as the boys were
completing their preparations for tbe
trip, and the ooroptoy preseuted a
brave appearance when Capt. Coolidge
marched them down the steps iroai
tttrhsll. All were lilted nut in the
new summer uniforms, wit guns up
on their shoulders, cartridge b 1 a
around tbeir waists, which wfri empty
(the baits), canceens (whether empty
or not we can nr t stale), a tin oup at
tached to eaob canteen, a keen bayo
net by eaob side, and each with tbeir
teut roll containing the jointed poles
and stakes for tbe tent, as well as
another uniform and other things
necessary for tbe trip. Borne even had
looking glasses, small mirrors smug
gled inside tbe rolls,
After reading to the company tome
instructions from tbe War Depart
ment of the U. 8., the Capt. marched
the boys to tbe dep it juit in time t j
catch train No6, on which there was
a special coach prepared for their
transpiration to Portland.
It seemed that all La Grande turn
ed jetit to bid tbe biys adieu. Hun
dreds of people crowded tbe platform
and were strewn np and duwo the
railway trick for some distance.
Friends, relatives and sweetheart) of
tbe boys were bidding them farewell,
wishing tbem good luck and God -speed
Ae tbe train pulled out from the de
pot, there was a rust, of the biys, who
were lingering aa long as possible, to
get tbe train , and then there were
"fond faiewells, and loving signals."
Those who left were as fol owa: Cap
tain H E Coolidgo, First Lieut. Rogers
Firt (Sergeant, Biever; Sergeants,
Jonea, Jaokaon, Williamson, Gutridge,
and Haynes; oorporal', Griffin, Kinsey
Harria and Morelock; muaioian Wen
house; artistioer Sailing; nook, Jaoobs
privates, Ghristenson, Obilders, Obris
tensun, Cochran, Cross. Gutridge,
Hendricks, Hopper, Hopper, Hough,
Houston, Ladd, Lee, Loyd, McKiddey,
Millipaugb, and Mariok, Nasb, Rob
retsoo, Stitzinger. Bynborst, Tayor,
Taylor, Webb, Wfbb VVMiams, Loyd,
snd Cotner.
' List of unclaimed lotters remaining
in tbe La Grande, Or ., poat office for
the week ending July 4, 190tl.
. JDeilx Madame
Ward Edward
Motley Willie
Williams A E
. Oliver E L
Wright Mrs Delia
Brown A ,,.
Phillips William
Caldwell BO
Southwell ED
Covert Miss Babe
Walters J H
Prof. Horner, of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, Looking After Interests of
The Institution.
McNutt Dead.
While in Portland a few dayasgo
register E.W. Davis was lofornedof
the death ol Tboe. McNutt, who was
formerly special agent, ol the land
offioat, which took plaoa boat two
weeks ago in Colorado, where b wn
assigned upon leaving bare.
Tbe above will be beld 14 days and
then sent to the dead letter office.
When called for please say advertised
July 7, 1904.
J C. Ardrey, P. M.
Summerville Siftings
Weather hot, dry and sultry.
Mr Pete Wright and family have
moved to tbeir homestead above Sum
merville. Mr Duke, Mr Wodskow.Mr Ashcraft
and Mr 01 -on has just returned home
from Idaho.
Mrs Fugate and daughter baa re
turned to their home in Walla Wall i
Mr Obery and family of Canada are
tbe guests of Mr and Mrs Piatt.
Mi-s Lulu Lanman has just return
ed home from L Grande where ahe
haB b en visiting friends and relatives.
Third Annual Meeting
Of Eastern Oregon
District Medical Association.
Proffessor J. B. Horner of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, which is lo
oted at Corvallis, the largest educa
tional Institution in the ' northwest
wae an Observer visitor and will bs iu
the city and oounty for soverai days
and on Monday tbe lltb at 2 o'clock
will hi at the parlors of the Foley house
for tbe purpose of meetiog any who
may desire to attend tbe college this
fall or are thiuking of atteuding the
school at any time.
Proffessor Horner ttates that in pro
portion to the number of students
that have attended more have' grad
uated from this than from any oounty
in t-ie stats.
Last year there were 5110 students
and during its existonca 500 have
graduated. Trie ecli'jol nittJo an in
vertigation of the reaul aud acheive
meots of those who liavu gradualid
aud Prof. Homer says that the aver
age Inoome of suob alter leaving the
aohool is 91503 per annum. This ia
sertainly a showing that any aohool
can be proud of.
There is no qnesti o but what tboa
who oomtemplateleiving tbia oounty
to receivi higher school advantages
should thoroughly investigate the op
portunities thi oollege offers. We
speak advisedly as It ooveri a field of
praotloal eduoalion that la attempted
by no other institution in the state.
The courses ol study inoludea Agr
iculture, Dairyinc, Household solenoe,
M'eonanioal so enoe, Mechanical En
gineering, Eleotrioil Engineerings
Pharmaoy, Mining, Lite ary oommeroe
Muuio, Military science aud taot os and
many other branches.
I'rofessorHo ner will be only too
glad a to meet any and all in
teieited in the sohrol during bis visit.
Fiftieth Anniversary.
Jiekson Mioh July 7 Five thou
sand assembled in Loomle Park her
today to celebrate the 60ih anniversary
of t '.e b rtb ot the repub'ican party
'under tbe oaks," in tbiaeity Jane 6,
1854. It was here oo that date that
the firit state convention, acting
uoder the name of 'Republican" was
held. Tbe state ticket nominated on
that day went through heated cam
paign to eleotion day auocest.
Seoretary of btaie John Hay, who
was private secretary to Abraham
Lioooln, tbe firt republican president,
was tbe orator of tbe day. Other dls
tingulsbed giiwtt present were Speak
er Cannon, of tbe National Houae ol
Representatives; Smator Faitbaoka of
Indiana, Republican onlidate for
Vice-President, and Senators Alger
and Burr.iws, of Miohigan.
Rev J 0 Walker, pastor of tbe Me
thodist church at this place, returned
y eterday afternoon from a visit to
Wallows Uonnty.
Dispatch Says a Battle
is in Progress in the
Mountains Near Liao
London July T The Llao Yang
correspondent of the Daily Tlrapb
inn diipateh dated July,
"A b .ttls ia proceeding Si mitre
from here. ' Numbers of tbe wounded
' r b Ins brought in from tbe mount-
ains. It le believed tbe Japanese are
continuing tbeir advanoe with the ob
ject ol cutting off Muk 'en."
Notices Posted
Notloet are being posted in the viri
ons precincts of the county to the .
effect that the county teat of Union 1
county will be at La Grande on and
after September 3 1904. This Is being
dona to oomnlv with tha ranulremnnta
oi the law.
Socialist Ticket
Now ifork, July ti The socialist
labor party, inconvenlion here today,
nominated Charles 11. Corrigan, a
printer, of Syracuse, for president,
and William M. Cox, a coal miner of
Illinois, for vice president.
The third anual meeting of the East
ern Oregon District Medical Society is
In session today at Hot Lake . Promi
nent physicians from all portions of the
district are present inclnding promi
nent men from Portland and Wash
ington. The program ooutains a nu
mber of papers carefully prepared,
oovering various topics of interest to
the profession. Dr Moliter's term as
president expiree at this meeting which
closes its labors this afternoon at the
conclusion of whiob tbe new offlci r?
will be elected and the next place of
meeting will be deoidod upon.
Advertising Defined
Good advertising ia nothing more or
less than the talk of a good first-class
salesman, not to one individual, but to
each individual of a mass. One kind
of salesman takes bl time to carefully
detail the merits of the goods he has to
(July 7)
Liverpool July wheat 6 a 6d,
New ifork Sliver 58 3-8; Union P
ciflo 87 1-2; Pfd 93 7-8. .
I Chicago July wheat opened 88 3 8
to 3-4; closed 88 1 4; barley 45 "4;
flax 110; Northwestern 110.
San Frai.olsoo Cash wheat 123 3-4
Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 67;
BluesUm 75; Valley 78; cattle best
steers 3 50; medium 3 25; cow 3 00.
Taooma Wheat Bluestem 80; Club
Democratic Convention
Met Today and Ad
journed -Will Nomi
nate Tomorrow.
We Inaugurate Our Annual
This Sale will be the greatest Saving Event of the Season and every item offered will
prove of immense interest to the Economical Buyer. Summer goods of all kinds aud
description will be closed out regardless of former pricings, and in a great many instances
with absolute disregard for cost of goods. Watch this space carefully during JULY.
It will show you how to save vacation money.
Going Away for a Vacation?
We received a line of trunks, suit cases, and traveling bags just a few days ago and
can supply you with just what you want at SAVING PRICES.
St. L uis, July 7 The democratic
couvoution met and adjourned today
, without making any nominatioo'.
' The fenture of Che day was when Bry
, an entered the bull tnere was intense
, cheering for ever thirty minutw.
Conditions are ruch as no accurate
prognostication can ba made as to
what the result will be tomorrow.
Parkers friends maintain that ho will
be an easy winuer. Alt r !he demon
stration today for Bryan some ol his
friends say that be might be tbe nomi
nee but this is nit taken serious by
the le ic'ers.
County Treasurer Lich
Ienthal, of Morrow,
Turns Over the Office
Aid Suicides.
We are Going to Celebrate
Watch this Space
After The
The Chicago Store
Hepprer Ore. 7 Ex-county
t .easurer M. l.icliienthal , who has
beld the office for the past t:ucu terms
but v as defeated iu tbo 1 ist tkotLn j
couimit'.ed suicide lt niuht. He,
bad just turned tbe ollioe to bis sue-;
oessor. His accoun's srj known to 1)5 ;
oorreot and no ruaon can bs given
for his rash act He leaves a wile
and three children.
Fornvrs throuK'iotit the vall -y t
ready for hay harvent. Home are
waiting until the neaiber is a little
more settled, as the conditions miggest
rain which will lin li nihil with delight
by all. Yottirdny afternoon was
quite suggCHtive and today not a few
are carrying umbrella but have had
no oppoitumty to uae tin ni yet.
She tJkiur.
I "4
Pendleton Or.. July 7 The Indian
cc-UbMiion at tho UmU' U Reservat
ion in now in full nwiuv. Tho time
is being occupied w tii war dsncei,
borte rceat v&intlea and gambling.
The Utter h nnnt in evidence Hun
dreda of per.pte visit the gruuda daily
from Fendl itoD and out-itde points.
prescription Value
A prescription that lack in tbe luait essential
is worao than worthless. It may be positively
dangerous a peril to the life of the patient. It
may defeat the dootor's efforts, and it may re
tard the recuperative forces of nature.
To have any value whatever, a prescription
muet be 03tnpouuded from drugs that are abso
lutely pure and of standard potency. It must
be exactly what the dootor intended it should be.
If it is this, it is certainly worth the retail value
of the drugs it contains. Our presoriptien ser
vice is right both in quality and cost.
v t
r. .r