La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, July 06, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Ladies' High Grade 3.50
Most people don't know whht
I economy means. Merely pinch-
ling me price ; isn't ' economy.
eal economy tbiois last of
price and first of QUALITY .
Economy it iu what you . eet,
not in what you ? pay. '-, Saving
money at the expense or QUAL
ITY isu't economy, it is eztr -vsgance.
When we buy our
goods we look first to QUALITY
both in material and workman
ship. When we sell onr goods
we rivi vnn cnnrl QUALITY u
prioes that are uever higher than such gcoda are wojth. The
best QUALITY shoes are cheapest in the end by far
The "QUALITY' S;.oe store
Next door to J M Berrys. ''
Wio. Miller & Bro
Are preparing to move their office to too. 1107 Adams
Avenue Foley-Roesch Building, ground floor where
they will have the finest and most modern suite of of
fices in the city.
They will be better prepared than ever to take care
of everything in the line of
Real Estate
Mortgage Loans
A Few Choice Bargains in Wal
lowa County Real Estate
(1) 200 acres of lanrf, 120 acroB cnpable of cultivation, 113 ao
in fall miwii wheat. Huuse, barn and other buildings. A gr
sua pan $2,500
(2) 2-10 acres rn.ill orchard, hnusp. Kirn and good outbuilding!, 80 acres in fall
uwil giam; small ftlrnm of walt-r itow llir .UKh place A great bargain at $a,60t)
3 Z0 acrca tf laud partoi whicfi is trur Unci of meaduW; good house aud
ontl.uilt)nis Koudhi. finds. ami tons o( luy can be cut oo Itte place Will take
f650 in cat Me in ttaile on this propvity. Price $10 per acre
4 I60a rca. YM of chmce land I'tlx 81') porucrc. Thii ii a great bargain.
5 l60acit'4 of tine Ijtul at $:) per Her. Til use are a few of the many snaps We
nave to utter iu iu way oi rem csiaw uintauis, ror lurwiur parauuiara Buuraw,
M' Dnri iel
So M'Donald
Freeh Chocolates
Fr9h Bon Bona
Freeh Nougact
Fresh Carmels
" Fresh Taffey
Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fresh Baited Almonds
Fresh Popcorn
I Fresh Fruit
If you are thinking of papering, this season, you
should not fail to iuspect our stock. We have sold
wall paper a good many years, but we can honestly
ay we have uever been able to offer 8uch truly artistio
designs at bucIi an extremely low price as we are now
" We have a force of experienced paper hangers and
decorators and guarantee satisfaction. Cull and see
our new arrivals. New paper arriving every week.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime,
D oors and Sash
07f. C00L1DGE
A Horde of Greek La
borers Insulted The
Nations Dignity At
Pleasant Valley.
Scott Resigns
Portland, Ore, July 5 At tbi annua'
meeting of tbe stO' k holders of tbe
Lewis aud t'lirk Exposition, President
tlarvy W Scott tendered biri-signatluii
which wna sowi'teil. . The reasons as
signed was tailing health and necessity
of laying aside all business cares. A
sunessor for President Poott bss not
yet been selected.
For an old Indian lighter
General Miles showed the white
feather when it name to tackling
fire water.
Bed blood came nbarljr flowing in
riot at Pljasant Valley on the Fourth
The dignity of tbia country was to
talled by gailio-eating (oreitjuois, kud
Amerioan eit'xens promptly resented
the outrage. .
' Bat for tbd scaroity of citizens in
the little town of Pleasant Valley, who
went pfonioing in tbe mountains yes
terday, there would have been some
thing doing, sod there would have
bsen bloody-headed Greeks to tell the
A work train of ignorant Grtek la
bnrere, who were tidetraoked at Pleas
ant Valley, spent tbe Fourth in idle
ness except when poking fun at tbi
United States and United States in
stitotitions. The first tbing was to
construct a Sag of a flour sack, a
strip of green cloth, and a strip of red
cloth. Tbey mookingly stated that it
was tbe Amerioan flag and unfruled it
over their quarters. Tbe citizens bore
Then the garlio-eatera com true ted a
life-sised dummy representing what
tbey termed an American citizen, and
plaoed in one band a small Amerioan
Sag and in the other a wbiakey bottle.
It Has then that tbe few citizens who
remained in tbe town proceeded to tbe
place a-bi re tbe effigy was attached to
a high pele and removed it, and in
formed the Greeks that no futthtr
foolishness would go. , "
The garlic-eaters, upon seeing the
determined move ,oi
siBted Irjoi their fuurniaking at tbe
expense of Ibis Government. , -
It is claimed tbat some ol the men
were in tbe famous riot at La Grande
last fall when the Greeks bild for ran
som the O. K. & N. trainmaster for
two hours because he 'refused to issue
tbem transportation. The oitiiene
finally rose up in a body aud drove
tbem from- twn with guns and pick
landles. ...
We Do Not Claim
That wo can please all cf the people all ol the time 'but
That our plant has been underlie same management for
nearly TEN YEARS
That during this time our aim has been to please as
uearlj all, at all times as good work and courteous tret.
That we will do our best to please you if you will favor
us with your putronage
That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley s
barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attentton that
they would if left at the luundry.
PHONE j 1851
Delayed By Cloudburst
A oloudbipt ocouried liteyesir-
day afternoon about one and one half
miles bast of Durkee, which delayed
passenger train No & for more than
three hours. Tbe deluge of water
came down from tbe bills on tbe right
as tbe train was coming seat, and for
a half mile tbe water wasovir the
ties, but tbe rail could be been, and
tbe train pushed Its way as far as pos
sible through tbe aageb.-usb, rrud and
sand tbat covered the track fi r a half
mile. Mowever, tbe train was com
pelled to (top when it reached the
point wbire tbe. greatest volume of
water had Btruck the track. At this
jilnce bad been a Hmall culvert, which
being too Bmvll to carry the uausml
amount of water, was washed out and
a gaping space about eight feet deep
and ten feet wide under the rails. The
work of repairing this ilico w s im
mediately begun. Some of tbe pae
sengers deserted the coaches and pick
ed their way carefully about Tying to
i void tbe mud and water, making
numerous inquiries as to how longit
woulitake to do this or that, and
bow long they moull be dttained.
The employees of railway company
worked faithfully and quickly, and in
three hours tbe track was inoondition
for tbe train to proceed on its way.
Leo Harmon Elgin
Ri l le Hi rtin do
B. 1. Fan do
T. Campba'l do
L. Merrioh ' do
M.Wood do
W. F. Osborn Baker City
B. Bluraen tain Elgin
F. H.l noh do
Oh as. Barnes do
D. 8otnmrr 4 wife do
Mr?, a. J. Wood do ,
O. G. Vyti do
Miss Tower Hot Lake
Vtiss Brown do
F. Tower do
A. R Tower do
W. W.Fa t Portland
d. Hanson Shenonheedla
A. Barnes Seattle Wash.
0. G. Gamabam Elgin!
4.P. LettT : Joseph!
L. Wulkir Sumpter
O. F. Martine Dayton Ohio
Walter Lewis Ban Francisco
C. O.PUt do
F. Palmer Imblir
B. Bach . Milwaukee
J. D. Dodion Portland
II. F. Figgl t & wife do
A. Roderick Grant do
H. Haas do
L. Gitsil'ag do
F. VV. Young do
j CURED. ; i
I was troubled witb a distress in my
mai'h, sour ttmiaob and vomiting
,eltr, and can truthfully say that
Jhauiberlain's titomacb and Liver
fableta cured nie. Mas. T. V, Will
iams, Laingsburit, Mich, For sale by
All uiuggists.
Westmoreland, Kans. May E 1901.
Balluid t-uow iduimeiit Co ) onr Snow
f.iuiuient tui-ed an o!d sore on the side
of my chin that was supposed to be a
uauce-r. lue so.-e woa stubborn and
would not yield to treatment, uitil
1 tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in sboit otder. My sister, Mra
Sophia J (.'a i eon. Allenaville, Mlttln
Co, Pa, baa a sore and mistroata that
it is a canter. Please send her a
DOc bottle, Sold by Newllo Drug Ob.
Are like tbe 'Smile that won't come
off." 1 bey are put on right and stay
right I nae only Whitmore's paste
anil guarantee tbat if after thirty days
trial you Hud that it baa In any way
way iojared the leather I will present
tbe customer with a (5 pair ot shoes
purchased at auy store be may aeleot.
If you desire really first olasa work
oall and get a shine. Ladies wore a
specialty. Remember the place, Hart
ley's Barber Shop, where everything
is first class ftom the boot black up.
Small FniiU V .
Fresh from tba palob. Ordor yon
berries direct . from tU grower by
fi'"ii. an omer lor berries) ot any
uu win rvceive Diomnr ,nnH. . .
will be delivered at ono. Renember
the phoue is 1836 for fresh berries.
Offii at A T PTill. n o,.'
----- iiug oiort
La Grande, Oregon - Phone 1361
influence pbone 701 -
Oppeelta tbe Somuatr Hoom -
One ot the best musical instltatioaa
in Lh miMtjt ffnn, - .
moatoal inatrootloa, U grade ot muaio
taught. Dfparment 1, U rooms ured
tor the 8 lint grades. Children at the
&M nt A anH yvl.loa. Anm. i
W-.Pnt a,jirooma for grade
Aat OOlirsas hAaft rJ ilnl n.ll I-
" 7 , if psuai utuaiuai 111 i
Ertisntrinn M iu una.a j i'-
as am . . jm . --
mio VM,Msslslut
Cabbage Plants
E 7j Caebiue, of Fruitdule, bus a
large number of cabbaKe plants fur
sale. Phono 1037. tf
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs Chas Applegale, of Alex
andria, Iml., "and could hardly get any
sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that
if 1 walked a block I would cough
(righ'fully and spit biood, but when
all other medicines failed, three tl 00
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
wholly cured meand.I gained AS
pounds." Its absolutely guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe,
Bronchitis anil all Throat and Lung
troubles. Price 50c and (1.00. Trial
bottles Iros) at Xewliu Drug Co.
Mav Duke cherries now ready for
duliverv. I'bo. e 1041. Residence 1
miles N E of La Litande If. Tatmamii
To all parties Interested, notioe is
hereby Klveu that all boillts must be
removed from the. old city cemetury
within a rensrueble time, Anil just ns
soon us the crop is oti K et which will
run through the nrouortv will be open.
od. Dated at La Grande Ore. this thr
27th duy of June.
June 27 4tf. Goo O'Connor
Delightful Route, Daylight Ridt
Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons.
A Golden Opportunity See
nature In all her glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first is
found along the line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
and thn latter at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleasure make the most
of it. For information and illus
trated literature write
W. C. Me BRIDE, Gen.Agt.
Portland, Oregon
Special Excursion to the World's
The Denver and Rio Grands, in con
nection witb the Missouri Paciflo,
will rim a aeries of per-onally con
ducted excursions to the World's fair
during Juno. Those excursioue will
run through to 8t. Louis without
change of cars, muklng short stops at
prinoipal points euroute. Tbe first of
these excursions will leave Portland
June 7, and the second Jnne 17. The
rate from La Grande '-ill be 160 to Bt.
Louis and return. Excursionists go
ing Aia the Denver & Rio Grande have
the privilege of returning by a differ
ent routo. This is the moat pleasant
way, as well as the most delightful
route to cross the continent. 1 he
stops iiriuuged give an opportunity
of visiting in aud about Kansas City.
If you wish to accompany one of these
excursions write at once to W O Mo
Bride, 124 Third atroet, Portland, for
Sleeping car reseivatiou
If you are lanqnid, depressed and
iucapable for work, st indicates tbut
your liAer is out of ordor. Ilurbine
will assist natme to throw off head
aches, rhenmatlsm and ailments akin
to nervousness and instoretlie onergie
and vitality ofsoui:d aud perfect health
J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writen,
March 22 19i )2: "I have used Hcrbii.e
for the past two years. It bun done
me more gocd than ull the iioi turn.
Vihon I fee' bud uufl have that ti:eil
feeling 1 tuke a dose of Iloiblne. It
is the best medicine ever mado for
chills and fever." GOcts a bottle
Sold by Newliu Drug Co.
Estray Notice
Notice is hereby given that there
came to my pUco on tbe Owsley eatate
one and one hnlf milea north of La
Grande, one g'uy horse, no visiable !
bran'is, about 11 years oldt weight a
bout 1150 pounds, Owner may have
same by proving property and paying
for thiB notice and for care and attcn
tion and feed. Dated Ibis duy of July
, Joe Jones
Spokane Cafe
J 1 1 ir t!i ) new management
is rapidly building up a good
trade. Prompt service, cour
teous treatment, everything
clean, and you will always find
ileuty to eat, are the cuiiees of
tbe increased patronage. Tiy
our regular
(July G)
Liverpool July wheat 6 s 2 1-1 d,
New York 8ilver 55 1-2; Union l'f
ciflo 87 1-2; Pfd 91 1-2.
Chicago July wheat opened 84 3 8
to 3-4; closed 84 1-8; barley 4:1 "i;
flux 101; Northern 107 1 2.
8jo Frsr.clso ' ash wheat 120 1-1
Portland-Wheat WbIIb Wnlla 00;
Bluestem 77; Valley 7H; onttle best
Sleere 3 50; medium 3 ; roi 3 00.
Tacoma Wheat Lluuutem 80; Club
For Rent.
Eleven room houe next door to thf
post office for rent t'Jl per month in
advance. Apply to Fred Myera In La
Grande National Bank.
Only ousts about Go per yard 1
more lliuii common plaster, and
worlh many times over.
No danger of freezing as il
can be used in r.ero weather
Being flexible instead of tirit
tie as all saud mortors are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jammed, instead of
breaking Doors, windows, pipe
boles, etc are eas-iiy cut through
it It is a non conductor of elec
trieity and thus prevents short
circuiting It adheres equolly
well to brick, stone or common
lath It contains no acids nor
chemicals to corrnds It will
not. burn nor disintegrate by fire
beinji a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blister
I'lirties having plastering to
!o Hhoulil cmibtilt mo regarding
this class of work Ectimutes
cheerfully given
E. REISLAND, Phone 371
25 Cent Meal
Many say it is by far the best
meal in the Inland Empire. Try
ono and tben you mny judge.
Open day and night.
Depot Street
J. F. Johnson
Depot St. La Grande.Or.
J armers and Traders'
b National Bank, ,
O . Capital Slock fully paid . I 60,000 .
Surplua fund . . , ; 18.000
mm h Liability of Shareholders -. 60,000 ' c'2
i ' Responsibility . - . S 183.000 4 ' !
We do A lflnAml iViiVInn an A ...l.r 1 :
Drafts bought and on eartern and foreign banks.
'ALMER, President . -I i .
J. W. SCRIBER. Cashier
My Udy'i Jewell '
- Certainly add to her attrantiveneaa
The poet who wrote that "Beamy u-
miornou is aaorneo ine most" prooaoiy
had no dollars. He certainly showed
little sense. And if bis lady love had
. w?n niy aispitiy oi . . '
" Dainty Broaches ' '
She would not have believed him
For a wi msn neturallv loves to adorn
herself. , No one can blame ber after
tbey visit my store. Buch beautiful
things at so moderate a cost were never
seen Deiore. 'i Here are things for meni
too. Just come in and see now mucbl
more 1 could have said about them.
J. Ii. Peare, the Jeweler
For the next thirty da8 I offer my entire stock of goods, in
cluding dress goods, trimmings, shirt waists, ekirts, hosiery,;
shoes, millinery in fact everything in my line 4
An invitation is extended to the public to oome in and learn
prices whether yod buy or not.
H W LabUgHlin & Co
When you buy cheap lumber you get just what
you buy.
When you buy good lumber you get Just what
you want.
Don't be caught with ads for cheap lumber.
When in need of quality at a reasonable prioe call
Oil us.
Way to reach Wallowa
county is to patronize the
111 leave Elgin
and arrive at Elgin daily
Special rat s to Partits
Livery Stable Accommoda
tions. Proprietors own stables at
Joseph and Lostine.
Elgin office at City Motel
STONE AND III 11 : ,:, .
Of All Kinds. Done
Phone, Main 1621
Second Hand Goods
Bought, sold end exchanged. I want everything
of value you have to sell and 1 will pay the highest
House CJeaning
Carpet cleaned and laid. Furniture repaired and
refinished. Satisfactory work done, Call on us lor
anything you need.
fl. B. Hasten F. D. Hasten
Forme; ly 0 & M Noble's Store.
. 'S
1 ,;