fit 4 W J J A Fair far Tiiim W cneter ) LA UKAlMUt ''EVIINyiQfVt..i3 ' """ .. - ; -. . r A , . ... ' :''lCfd VOLUME III , r :.:..2;"':'r ClA foRANDE,'-OREGON,' WEDNESDAY EVENING,'. JULY' : I9H ' , , , NUMBER 202 ' ' ? X'fi 1 1 GRANDE RONDE'S EXCELLENT FRUIT ATormer Citizen of This' alfey Tells' His pressions oLw Wonderful Fruit lndu$rC' ' ;, t Grande, Oiegon, Jtrfy 2, iWt lTn em:... ri '.. - v ( Alter in aosenos onevri yen ,C 'ltomGrnde Eonde ValUV. 'd orlne jyhioh 'time I bave initnd 1 slwoouie i familiar wilh several 'famoaa fruit J . 8ipg eeotions ( Oregon apd Wash. Ingtoa,, the fuct- that tbia valley it way ahead of all of tbera io appl igrowiDg haa been itrongly impreaaed : T5a me during a reoent visit to mv; for mer home on tbe 9and Kidge, where 1 lived for fifteen years. ; -"' In 1885 I pHnted an orohard on tbe V;;"p!aoe now owned by L L MoKinnon, ' J ! Whloh oonaisted ol quite a variety of ' , trees, which was added to from time to time. I , Thia orouaad did remarkblr well, ,; although it bad no extra care, as " wheat raising waa the principal busi ; rjess with me then. v'Tb trees b ire heavily nearly every !: year, Urge fioe fruit, ntTely- free from j apale and eodlio moth, the great peats f nl nearly every other fruit section o ' the PaoiBo northwest. j Seven years ago I planted another orohard near the same place, and I " am told that it bat been bearing for three years, and that last year it was J so loaded with fruit that many of the V, branobea were broken off, because the fruit was not thinned' as it shooll ' have betD.'1" ; .; ; i ; JTbebrst varieties of apples grow ; and mature to perfection in this favor ' ed plaoe. 0 0 Fraiier basa young orobard on j his Sand Ridge farm that contains (.quite a number of the famous New (i town Pippin trees, the fruit of wbioh iVtrialures large fine and entirely free ir;.frpm seal) and oudlin moth .;- This freedom from insect pests makes a vast difference in tbe labor aud ooet of apple raising, as the trou- blesome and expensive spraying takes v. much labor and money, which many oases takes away all profits ' the basiness. Tuen the fruit is never entirely olean TO-DAY We Inaugurate Our Annual TULY CLEARANCE SALE This Sale will be the greatest Saving Event of the Season and every item offered will prove of immense interest to description will be closed out with absolute disregard for It will show you how to lave Going Away for a Vacation? We received aline of trunks, suit cases, and traveling bags just a few days ago and can supply you with just what you want at SAVING PRICES. lm- nJ dear, and will nob bring the best prioes. ' ' - . Another very Impcrtant faol baa been forcibly brought to my attention which is tha advantages a tub-irrigated or naturally moiat soil has over tbose wbiob require irrigation. ' The only tbing required on tbia eo called Band Ridge, (wbioh M a soil oonaiating of rich loan mixed ' with a fine tend, oontaining no rocke or gr re or alkali) ia cultivation eo ae to keep down weedeand graae, and keep tbe surface fine and level . So irrigation ia required at all, at tbe soil when properly cultivated it always moiat, doing away with the oosfiand labor of artificial watering. Oh the irrigated fruit aeotiona of the west there are vast expenses oonneot ed with the use of water. It must io moat places be broogbF to tbe land by expensive systema of oansls and flumes. Expensive litiga tion is going on most of the time in some ol tbe places , over ihe various and conflicting rights and claims that are made by tbe prior users, riparian owners and the later aprropriatoie, all of wbioh olaims bave to bi adjusted and settled in tbe courts. These legal processes last in many cases for years and the user, of the water have in tbe end to pay the ex penses ia one wy or nothefr--' Tbe regular yearly oost for water varies from two to five dollars per aore besides the first coat of a water right is usually twenty to thirty dyllars per acre. ' In many oases after paying these heavy expenses, there is a Bhortrtge of water during the hottest part of tbe summer, wben most is required, and tbe orops often suffer severely. Iirigated land is muoh balder to keep clean of weeds and grass, as after each watering a new crop springs up, wbiob must be subdued, thus making constant work, watering and cultivat ing during tbe entire growing season which must be oontinued year after the Economicl Buyer. Summer goods of all kinds and regardless of former pricings, and in a great many instonces cost of goods. Watch this space vacation money. !..,!, . , . : i : T : r-i..:- .w . I - !, 'afra .i . ... I Va ir.' a a I hl- i . .r anaaa a I -.t i II tbera should be , lew , daya bi ween watering aud weeding tbe Iruit grower must put in the' time spray ng to keep tbe scale and moth in check but many have to hire extra help and carry on both operatioua at onoe . How different the apple grower on tbe Band Eidgel No irrigation, no no expenaive spraying, no scale, no worms in tbe fruit, only a tborongb cultiation four or five times during the growing season, and tbe crop will be made with probably less than' one fourth tbe expense, of irrigated land and the produot will be nearly ail marketable at tbe best prioa while the others will be oulled down to some times twenty five per cent of tbe crop If these (acta were widely known , if the advantages of that portion of Grande Sonde Valley for apple rais'iog were exploited and advertised as some of tbe irrigated eeotions are, it would be only a lew yeara till it would be a vast apple orebard . - Land of tbe beet can - be brought there now at very , reasonable . prioes in large or small tracts. This land io a f ew year., oan b made to produce aa much fruit. as I he very high priced landa of tbej iriig'M sections, and will bave the adjfantpgi. of cheap cultivation and olean market. able apples . , ,h - N The would be apple raiser oan fin J nooiher locality ifi.tbe west where all laitionsare so favorable as iu tbe le lionde Band muge . I'u "v." Yours truly, 5 3. L. Roe Another &arn Tbe Hon. J W MoAllister is now ereoting a new barn on bis farm near this oity wbiob will be a credit to him as woll as to the oouuty. Tbe struc ture will hi 40x60 on tbe ground Boor and with 16 foot walls. Tbe Orouud floor will aooomadate 25 bead ol milch C0K4 and 6 head ol work -horeen, -a granery, a scperate room, and harness room. Tbe upper Boor will be mi Hi -oient to bold 75 tons of bay, This will be one of tbe largest barns in the countj. Marshall L Rayburn recieved u letter to day from Wm. Canavan, asking him to ascertain the neccessary expense to bave tbe remains of bis father, Win. Oauavan who suicided in this city ou the 17th of May sent to Pittsburg Pa. The Information will be forwarded this evening. Marshall Rayburn is to he commended for the zeal he bas used iu finding the address and infarming the distant relatives of the demise of the decased. 1 carefully during JULY, ror.HRAM DEPlM Dist. . Attorney -tbirfax Moves to: Bak4&4 Wallowa; AppoijtW Yet MAfrP;" ' ' LetBV Loniax, tlie new District ProB- ecutiJtt Attorney for'We Elght4letrict Is in Baker oity and bas .takenkoharge of the duties of his office. Mr, fjomax has rented a boose in Baker City and will move bis family at once. ' -e ap pointed Attorney C E tJocbrari, De puty Prosecuting Attorney oJjUnioo County. He haa not. named "pis de puty for Waliowa yet. "J Omitted ! It was omitted in yesterdays 6bsW'" ver to mention the name of tuo- prize winners for the Novelty Float ;lu' the pjiirth of July parade. This omission n ne uua iu iiw itti.n tiiub 1.110 uumtuiiicv had failed to report ou this at time of going tortss . Tl.e winners 'of the prize was tleory 'ftioiimeyer Jr, Tom Wanted 4 Springfield 111., July 6 Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, for. president and Thomas H Tibbies of Nebraska for vice-president were nominaVid by die populist convention today. J ' Good Showing County treasurer J. W. Fiawley, upon balancing bis books June 30th nsc.arrains .that dudICJhL,;,is( JOtHf. from July Is! It)ii3 to June 30th 19(14 warrants to the rmount ol -f 1(18,132.74 have b.en paid. Io a few days tbe Observer will as:urtnin the total amount ol warrant! ipsucd during the same period. We believe without haviDg t'ie Bgutvs before us thHt our debt has been considerably decreased the pfttt jear, possibly $35,000 it more. SENA.TOB DUBORS Ol Idaho who states the Demoora tss will nominate Ftrker for president. OFF FOR THE FNC.AMPMFNT The Armnr? HhI! ib a scene of ar- tivity thia afterooon, and of (be members of compahy h., 3rd. Uegi- tnent, O. N. (., are making preps ra - tions for their dopartuie this evening on No. 6 for American Lake, Washing ton' where they will participate in the maueuverti to ba hcM at tbat plaoe by tbe United riUtua regulars, and tbe militia from Washington, Orfgnn, and Maho The fl ji r of tbe srrnnry was covered, at the time tbe repoitir was thero, wit.i par-tpbcrnalia belonging to (be noldiur , which they were packing ant! up in tbeir rolln. The commiptfiom-d o Hi cere of tlio company are CApt. II. K. Coolidge, Kirwt Lieu- tenant Aenn B. Hogerp, nod Hccond Lie'itenant Chart, BrtrmeAc. Mr. Bartmepw however, will net go on to tbe PDcampmnt. The Firm Heargint is Jno. H. Weaver. During the after- noan and hcfnif, the company leaves 1 tonight an i-lt-otiun f r a m cnmriiin- 'fliom d t fli'-'f't will b- h''id, and there Wi.l prob U (" he ft-vHrnl changes made. ! At tifl t m i if goiiiK t i prone tbe 1 election bai not b''en ht-id, but the lesutte ffill hi printed in tu-morrow'u oi8ervor, if' II The work of removing the tree aad boughs which were used to decorate and shade tbe arbor for the Fourth of July celebration, waa begun to day. and aa soon aa these are removed, tbe timber work and the seata will be torn down and cartel away, leaving a blank where once was abower of beauty, Tua painting oars of the O R AN Rail war, Co., are located in thia oity, and the painters are busily engaged in covering the .new freight depot with keata'ol patnt. The workTs progresa- iatr mpMly.jaa In a short time we ill scarry reopgnize what was onoe ie old freigh; department. ' -' , i i Vh':. : -r ' . Mra OeaBj, . wi;. of the mgr. of the BOptrlur 3. jtoods firm of Wallaoe Idaho and' John. Kinequlat a business mau of Wallace and P V fimlth also a bnsinost man and ex Mayor of that plaoe, who are' warm Irienda of II B Halstln were intnatesot tbe Hot take tbe th, bave been visiting1 Isi Grande and are well pleased jwttir the oatl;ok here. 'They praise the Hot Ijake a a great health resort and think they ill fully recover- from-, thler trouble.. Mr Huistio haa met several of hia Wallace friends and equaintance i Ills spring who came down to the Lake aud they speak highly of him at a buti- eee man and think he will no doubt d well in liia new business as an up- aolster, as he was very proficient In that line while in the furniture and un derttklng business at Wallaoe Idaho, , Mr and Mrs J A Oarlsnitj Of Kamela, will leave iu a few days for a summer vacation in San Franoisco and other Ualfornia p inte. r Wc arc Going to Celebrate Watch this Space After The FOURTH The Chicago t X T T 'jj - J J j j I T T ? f I i J I NEWLIN DRUG CO. COSTLY BLAZE One of the Largest Elc- vators in the World 1$ i ' Destroyed by Fire f l : ' ' AAA AAA Boston, July ft Tbe iatanense grain elevator ol the Button aad Railroad Company, on of the ia the world, together with three el lhec6mpaoy, freight booses on Mys tic wharf, 0 iarleetown, were owned tonight, eoUiliog a lots of 11,000,000 Tbe fire rta-tsd during heavy thun derstorm when a. bolt of ' lightning struck one ol tbe freight house. Mewei leady, Daley, Keady.of Port- land and J M Church of this Ity gents of the state agricultural college, visited the experiment station situated in this county Sunday and found every thing in a most prosperous eoa lltion The greases, grain and bee' were In eplendld condition and all express themselves well Blessed with the man . agement of superintendent G Gammiee No One Buys Drugs No one sells them for amusement. It's ser ious, important business on both Bides. A drug store should have two missions: One, to furnish drugs that can be relied on, tbe other to furnish them for what thoy are worth. Drug stores ex ist foi the public good. Knowledge, experience and progressive methods should mark their management, we endeavor to keep step with the progress of 'the age, to m set every require ment of the oouamunity, to eonduot a store that shall stand for ail that a erug store should. We wish t serve those who want ooeurate service, Wgh grade drugs, und uniformly fair and courteous treatment. Street Ooearaieeioner Byahoret as oat early TtModay morninti with a Corae of men oleanlng np the debrle from the attest. All tbe remuanta of fire crack ers, nniu esndlea, sky rockets and tker rafmsa- left apoa the strea'a . by tbe merry otle orators on the Fourth are now removed, and the streets and sidewalk have resumed -their usual . ,,y",r"r;tilu' "i llua with the vast crowd that was nrwa Hug with th yast crowd that was upon : thi streets, afoaday, la traversing the . stnets, a person fe-is "Like one wb 1 tria alone aoe biuqnat hall desert ' MraHsrty'Myiihdiend ehlldren are In High Va eek. visiting her parents Mr ani lemao. t ' . Mrs Francis ne of Hair. i who has been In tnl the gnee t ot MrandMrWn An njeturned borne this morning, Parties having billi against tb Fourth of July committee will pleas y prM -nt them at the office of Tm Mill er A Bro. by tomorrow evening. The democ-atie national convention mwlo Bt Louii bat adjourned until 10 o'olcck tomorrow wbea . tber , will proceed to nominate tbeir presidential , ticket. Reports up to a late honr tbia afternoon Indicates Parker fcr head of tbe Uoket. Chris Carlton, of Kimela, has 1200 cords ot wood ready for shipment to Walla Walla, having sold it to dealere cHt m tlm S Store kAtsaaaV snVsanaBaaBBBBaafaal rebtba. IftofW iTik .a. :." rfti "I ! Milieus. For Fun I' V i! -1 : ii. r.:- - A" lit 4 I i ' v i If 1 1