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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1904)
a a : r '4 a . Coal For Hot Weather Oar Bock, Spring coal , will give sat'ufaction We always bay it o. band. CastiGate and Clear .- Creek coal, too, if you would ratber have it,W We ; al ways have coal, all kinds and at lowest . piicesT If j you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. G. E- FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY lioiie No 1611 Li Grande Evening; Observer CORBET BROS., Editors AProps. Entered at the Port Off! as at La Grands, Oregon, aa Second Class Mall Matter. llllDBBIBBaBOBIItt4ttiet(l . JOHN JAMISON W B STULL ! , ELVA JAMISON , a.t " all '" II . . : L I I. "'-J. ?i. O we win can ior; ii ana onne n ; home when promised - . We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a ' trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business, you can stop ' our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and can do your washing better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. ' Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1981. 1 742 FIR STREET. , , Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. ; .. . .16 50 Six months in advance.... 8 60 Per month. .65c Single copy ,6c THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 30, 1904 TIRADE WITH HAWAII- Meat Market. - ' ' Stellwell & Vandermueien, Proprietors, v - , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kindsof butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. OFFICERS : . f . B. Haunt ...President. J. M. BaaBT......Vlce President J. M. CiiCEOH.. . . . . . .Cashier F. L. METISS, . ..DIRECTORS! ) J. M. Berrtf J. M. 'Church ' A. B. Conley, B. Bmltb " BBUO. Stanley v A a. l-l.f ti aABBVi (.'MUlOr La Orande Nj ; .i'- . , 5 La Grande,' Oregon. IATIONAL few 1-4" 1 B NK - i CAPITAL-AND SURPLUS,' $72,000.00 Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sella exchange on all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. s BkaaAflflaaieaailaaaaaiaaaaiaaiai The shipment of domestiu merchandise from , the United States to Hawaii . for - the ten months ending with April 1004 aggregated 19,852,873. The people of the Sandwich Islands purchase some of nearly every thing grown or, made in the United States, among which for the time within consideration were 174,300 worth of animals and fouls; bread stuffs to the value of $1,265,618 of which there were $30,815 worth of wheat, and $417,737 , worth of wheat flour. During the same time ; the Hawaiian people bouuht of the United States 84,965 dozen , eggs . paying $18,859. , The shipments of fruits and nuts for the ten months from the United States to Hawaii were of the aggrigate value of $146,854, a part of which was 16,633 pounds of dried apples nod 13,734 barrels of green apples and 38,050 pounds of dried prunes. " Provisions comprising meat and dairy produot were purchas ed from the United. States by Hawaii during the ten months, to the value of $467,563, a por tion of which was 830,144 pounds of butter worth $88,161 and 183,665 pounds of cheese worth $24,483. - Shipments were ' made from seven sea ports of the United States to Hawaii during the ten mouths ending with April 1904, one from the Atlantic and six from the PaoiBo of which is one from S Alaska that shipped $38,920 worth of stuff to Hawaii, one from Washington, Puget sound, i from which $625,181 worth of stuff was shipped; three from California that sent eul during the ten months $3,023, 936 worth of stuff, and one from Portland Oregon, from which there were shipped during the ten months ending with April 1904 but $12,032 worth of stuff just why Oregon gets so Bmall a share of the. Hawaii tarde direct, is not clear." " The Atlantic shipped from New York $262.- 798 worth of thing to Hagaii. - During the ten months ending with April 1904 the shipment of doinestio merchandise from Hawaii to the United States mounted to $18,435,949 worth. By. adding: the imports and exports the trade between the United States and Hawaii will be found to be $28,288,822. WF, arm HEADQUARTERS For Kodak and Kod-ik Supplies ; A complete stock of professional ; paper. auewered promptly. ' -' ' Plates at" wholesale prices. Mail orders La Grande Drupe Go. ; and" Red Gross Drug Co A stranger . who was in the city looking over the coast with a view of : locating, was deeply impressed with the pioneer reunion. - While all were strang er! to him he carefully noted the natural prosperity that was manifest on every band.. The well dressed assemblage, . the fine horses and comfortable rigs that lined Our streets, the happy children. As he expressed -' it nothing was wanting' to bring the happiness that was manifest on this occasion that can only be secured by a prosperous and oontented people. IMMHISIIMrillllUMIIIIimtttt' . FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord.. ., 16-inch dry, chain 2 wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than ty the load.( ' 1 V - ' 1 . . J . a maw fl. Z iuu pa iur wum yuu iuu gv wua jvu ynj .u.. H. W. NIBLEY ? Phone 571 Classified Ads For Rent FOR SALE Complete outfit of Bonn hold fornttara will ha (old ebeap If .old at once. Inquire at rettdeae on aeventh Street between Wishinf. ton avenue end P Street E T Thome. FURNISHED BOOMO-Partlee deeire Inn nicely (urn lined room, apply to 6 D Simmon, corner 8 and H atreeta FOR RENT 3 room hones for bouw- keeping apply to Mr. 8 O Ziiber i lltl TO THE PEKSON PAYING KENT! ..Ki Plenty of good putnre It per head per month, Phone 1276. The , extension of the new water mains will have the effect of greatly assisting in the deve lopment of the district north of the tract. For years this has been quite a draw back. The same is irue of other sections of the city but not to such an extent. . . , FOR SALE Kimball piano. Inquire of Mrs Ingle, Cor. o(S and K St. Phone 1737. Every citizen in La Grande is enthusiaeticly waiting for the Fourth. They all feel as though they had a celebration coming, as they have had no opportunity for several years and this year everybody is going to celebrate, The formation of the Fourth of July parade is published in this issue. Read this- carefully and you will note that much care and time has been devoted in making it the ' finest ever attempted in this city. 1 I In walking through the high ways of life di J it ever impress you that. the ownership of ' real est a to would improve your con- concilium materially? If not. " It is lime that you did realiie Hi hi euch is a fact. ' It will make you nioie independent in feel 4 fiig; and YOUR HOUSE will be yours in every sense of the word. 'rA'e havo Quo lots for, , sale in. HOME INVEST MENT ADDITION at right prices. Eveiy lot is about an acre in 'size'aud each lot has a water righ in one of the best irrigating ditchos in the valley. 'tVe iirsell you theso lots on tr " -n. Real Estate Tomorrow is Or. A. it. proper and a very interesting program has been arrange . The follow iug day is W. R. C. day which will also be very interesting The public are cordially invited to be present. 1 you installment", and we will also contract wilh you to erect a dwelliuB house for yon, ai-d al low you to pay for the entire properly in installments'. ; Put , your rent into your own home Call on the LA GRANDE, INVESTMENT. Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Orande, Oregon. MAS? wit m . The cheerful kicker is a more useful citizen than the resigned saiut who sutlers injustices to be heaped upon him. Kicking is no crime if you kick hard enough at the right time. East Oregon- ian. While the frost nipped some of the grain and vegetables in the valley, it certainty did not effect the Fourth of July celebra tion enthusiasm in this city. CURES OLD SOHliS WRStmoroliiiid. Knns. May 6 1902. Bnllaid Snow Liniment Co. our 8now Liniment cured nil old euro on the side of m? outn that was sunnoaod to be canoer. Tho BO(t wns Ktubborn and would not yield to treatment, ui.ti 1 tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in abort order. My Bister, Mrs Sophia J caison, Allouavillo, Mi 111 Co, Pa, baa a tinre untl mlHtrutits that It is a oanier. rionBO mini ner 50c bottle, bold by iewlin Drug C Lai Cf ran de j In vpstin en t r Company. Spokane Cafe Under tin now management is lapiiliy bu'Mlti! tip a good trftilo. Prunipt srrlce, cour leoua trcatinont, ererythin; clean, nad you will always find plenty to oat, art) tho oauaoa of the IncroAHe 1 fmtrontige. Tiy our regular Pasture h FOR SALE Open alngla buggy, almost naw. . 14. Bebilke. . Think oflt Calgate FloaUng Batb Soap tots Near' UnDrugCo. J.-2-tf. Piano Tuning Prof Hsodrlcka the (eUafU Piano tuner, la fully prepared) to can for o ur Piano, and aolicita your patronag a bis line. Oive bim a trial Pbona 476 ' Eleven room bouse next door te tbe post offloe tor rent. $2i) per month id adranoe. Apply to Fred Uyers in La Orande National Bank. , Notice To Water Consumers ' Ordinance 58No . Drovldea that The water rats, .ball be due payable in advanos at the officeof City Beoorder on the first day ol each month (except ior meters, wnicn are payame on toe first day of tbe succeeding month ), and if not paid wlthia the first ten daTS the water will bs shut off the premises, and not turned oa until payment is nsde of amount due with one dollar in addition for the expense ol turning water off and on. This rule shall be strictly enforced beginning: with the 23rd. of May. it u unman. ...... Water Snut. Cheap Lumber FOR SALE About 150000 test is our yard at Imbler anltable for boasss barns, fences and ranch purposes cheap for next 80 days. Coma and sea ns quick. - Brian, Hfcr. Congratulations. Mr John H Gullom, Editor of the Garland, Texas, News, has written a letter ol congratulations to the manu facture of Chamberlain's Cough Re medy, as follows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was a bsny he was subject to croupy spell, and we would be very uneasy about him. We began uaing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it anob a reliable re medy for rolds'andCTouo we have never been without in the bonne .luce that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with Igood re sults." For sale by all druggists. That the way to reach a man's heart ; is through his stomach. ;t Try it by i using Geddes Bros canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden.... We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. , We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone orders. ; Geddes Bros. inl'' Summer Dresses Mad on short notice, at reasonable prices - . ! airs nils c mow Phone 1717-9th 8t between O A Js bts, 6-81 Sweet Cream Commencing Thursday June lath tbe Urande Honde Creamery Co will be prepared to furnish swwet cream in quanity to suit, whole sale and retail Remombar th Dlaoe Huntinatnns n bnilding next door to fire building. ti. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the uiseoou rioinc Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, nas dm n appropriately names Tbe world's fair Route." Passeneers from tha Northweat take the MissocaCrAcino trains from Den ver or Pneblo with the choice of either going direct through tha Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant xtui. , . i Two trains dailv fromi Denver and Pueblo to St Louis without change. carrying all classes oi modern equip ment, including electric, lighted obser vation parlor .cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains, between .Kansas City and Stimuli. General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland for detailed information and illustrated literatare. tf. Notice Beginning with JuneUt no on shall be allowed the nee of city water for Irrigating purposes except between the Hours ol xav ana 7.) r m. H C Oilman. Water SupU All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis doss all kinds of scar anger work, such as cleaning wells, cess polls, etc. Hive him a calL , 4 84 tf New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to fill orders for all kinds of lumber. It yon need lum ber see prices be lor ordering. ' E Rosenbanm Prop. Rainbow Btore Reward I will pay a reward of $16 to tha party or parties, securing information that will aeoura tlie arrest andcouvlct lon of any violating the game bird law. A. W. Nye 8tate Deputy Gams War den. 4 b, beat Try 25 Cent Meal Many sy It Is by fur the meal In the lulnnd Empire. one and then you may judge. Open day and night. Depot Street SPOKANE CAFE J, F. Johnson Depot St. ( La Graude,Or. Real estate Snap Two aore tract, seven block, from center of La Grande. Good six room' ed cottage furnished completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large hen house and wire snolosed park over on hundred obiokens, over 100 bearisg fruit trees including winter and sum' mer apples, pears, prunes, peaobee and several verities of cherries, one thousand raspberries, 600 strawberries twenty Ave shade trees, lawn, flowers and large garden ready for use, three Wells, two pumps, ten shares in good water ditoh. House insured for ITUO (or three years, fart down. For particulars inquire at this office. FOR SALE A complete threshin . out fit Inquire of Jud Draper at th Andross Ranch. Camping Ground Good camping ground at Hilgard apply to Mrs V J Hart Bilgard Ore. FOB RENT Rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at corner 3rd and Adams avenue. F. 21. tf Lodge Directory. KAOLKSLa Grande Airie 959 F O B InMta rr rnUT nlfbt In K of V lull at 1 p VUttlni bratherD tnvlWd to aUDd. C O BookWill. W P. A N aU;vtlle, W Seo. rOXKSTKBS OF AMKRICA-Oourt Maid Marios, No B meets each Tuesday In Elk's Ban. Brotaem are invited to attend. ai ileiiner Chief Ranger. 0 J Vaadarsoel, Kco See. I OOF La Grands Lodge, No 16 meets in their hall evarySalurdaj night. Visiting mem ben cordially Inrited to attend. C J Vandorpool, N Q. I BSnook.Sea, A, F. 4 A. M. La Grande Ixxlge No. 41. meets every lit and 3rd Satur day of each month. ' A C Williams Seo, CD Hufl'man W. M. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. 'I would cough nearly all aigbt long," writes Mrs Chas Applegale, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly ret an v sleep. I had consnmpUoa so bad that Bnd make two trips daily to the If t II 1 s . 1 lMJ fT . . v via iown. JHiehest mnrkBt Change of Management. Tho undersigned has purchased the busin ss known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds or meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices oonsistaut with first-olas articles we Have our own dalivAr MEAT CLII1MS a Inrge place in the food question. It is essential therefor thnt the meat be good. Touitli, gristly steak, or djy, . jnioeless roasts will spoil any meal. Suppose you consult us on We know and buv the best kind. You can rely on our knowledge and our de sire to hold your trade to get you toe flneet meat you evr closed your teeth on. As for prices, well we are not so foolish as to bave them high. Bock & Thomas any Risers ' tuiamous irn mil. 1 Per safck relief from Biliousness, Sett Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaua eioe. Diastasis, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or aluggish aver, DsWItt'a Little Early Risers are aa ee,aallea. They set promptly and never grips. They, are as dainty that It la a pleasure te lake them. One to two aot aa a salM staaavs; two or four act as a pleasant sad elfeotlve eathartio. They are pareb; vegetable and absolutely aanaliss. They tonlo the Uver. WsrAlID olv sv Mm C. PsWIlt at Co., Cbieuaalst SH By AH Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST.. LOUIS If so, purchnse your ticket via the ROOK ISLAND FRISCO SVfaTEMS. Choice of routes going or returning via ST. PAUL. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, or PUEBLO. . For rates call on your local Agent. -Date, of sale: June 18-17-18 July 1-2-3 Aug. 8-9-10 Set t. 6-0-7 Oct. S-4-5. For further Information and sleeping car reservations call upon or address A H Mc Donald : Gen'l Agent 140 Third St., Portland, Ore SCAVENGER- I am now prepared to do all kinds of scavenger work thai is generally done by a scavenger, and will call at your place at any time. Call me up on phone No. 1841 or address box 692. H N Maon if I walked a' block I would cough frightfully and rpit blood, but when all other medicines (ailed, three 1 00 bottles ol Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds." Its absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lnng trouoies. rnca ouc and 11.00. Trial bottles fret at Newlln Drug Co. Baas tats pater aaa Tke Weekly price paid for all cattle, hnrrn and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive Dromnt and careful attention. Harris meal market acrnaa tha track. Phone 1601. Of SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER. CORING EXTRACTS AhduhPurlly, flMsfflivor, IrarjfSiren;h.l?aMwbleWces CLOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND, OPCOON. v :': i TURNER & WALT ER. ttr . , s