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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1904)
KIATi. t Tttaght tad Friday lo. 1 THETC&T3 o LA GRA No 1 East bound 0:10 p a oatimty , . j l v. VOLUME III IA GRANDE. OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 30 1904 NUA2E3 llj -.:'--' . ' f h, ... i u u in ' ia I ii i a I vr ' n t i iitv : mi : r. a j,,)- -j : - i n viui mi ii a ii mii ii i'r ii a Lmmm Vi Ml M II 1 U U-ffc-TU-4U U V IMUU O A nana va aw aaam m m ataa an m m h mm mam mm mm m m maw ar m m ai m mmw . Ji ll 6$ PROGRAM FOR 4th. Many Interesting Fea tures Provided i For Entertainment of the Big Crowd. , The following is thsofflolal prog run for the Fourth. ; ,.-.. Maato by band. Frayer by Chaplin of the day. Muato by oholr of 100 voices. Star Spangled Banner. Drill, accompanied by ctaorna of voices. ' Musle by Cbolr. Reading ot Dtolar ation of Indlpendance by the Goddea of Liberty. MubIo by Choir, Intro dnctlon of Speaker of the day by Hon. J W Knowles, ol La Grande. JPat rlotlo Address by Hon Obaa E Cochran of Union. Music by the band. Adjeurn ment for lanoh. - . Sporting evont on Adama Avenue, oommencfng at 1.80 o'clock P M Bharp and ending with a grand exhibition of fancy and trick bicycle riding, and toe wonderful feat of riding a bioyele dowa a ladder constructed from the top of the Sammer Honae. Base Ball game, La Grande ve. Fend- lelon, at the base ball park, at 4 pm sharp, to which there will be an ad mission of 25ote charged Immediately 'following the ball game, there will be given free exhibition , of Wild Horse riding: Everybody ii invited to witness this exhibition. - - Adjournment for Dinner " At 7.X0 l M the ceremony of laving the comer stone of the Jnew city Hall aal Court House wilt take piaoj at the site. Alai a band ooncert at the stand on the corner of Adams Ave Silk Coats Less Than Even We would call ynur attention of silk coats which includes prices would hardly buy the our windows. ' $22.50 Black Sslk Coats, r'Z . $i6.5o 14.00 " r 10.00 :, 12.00 " 9 85 n.50 ; 8.50 :;; : 6.00 4.85 - 12.50 Champagne Colorck 10,00 7- 50 6.25 6.oo xnryrdQ :4.850a Ladies Shirt Waist Suits $4. 5o to 6.50 If you need a cool suit don't fail to see our line. These suits are made and trimmed in tbe most popular stvle and will be sure to please you. LADIES' HATS ARE REDUCED. and Depot St, ........ The dims of tbe day will be a grind illuminated Street Pageant at ( o'clock sharp. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Parade; Formation'' . First Division., r.,i .;'-; Officer of the Day G M Eiohey, aide J W Borlbei.Col , F 8 Ivenboe. Or derlies Cor J H Pears, aljr. 3 B Tuoreon, Lienti 'Wsa' Grant, Ueot. W J Oborob, Oapt. J O Henry, Lieut. 0 J Boriber, J M Uurpby and N K West. , .All to be mounted upon black boraes.""- -if-."X 'i ' La Grand Brass Band. ,"v .. Vnole Bam and Columbia, represent ed by Grover Mellville and Miss Ada West Both mounted npon boraea ii . Original Thirteen Colonise, repre- sented by thirteen girls mounted up on decorated bioyoles',,"' m ,m ". Goddea of Liberty, repmeented by Hiss Lillian MoOall mounted npon a handsomely decorated float drawn 'by four whit horsea. ' ' The forty Bra state' ol the Union, represented by forty five young ladle on foot.' )' , ?' Territorial losseslons, by oaarao ters on horaeback Pieeident and distriot of Columbia represented by Mr Geo Harmon and daughter Hiss Georgia, mounted on norsebaok, , .. . Orator of the Day, Charles E Coch ran, of Union in carriage with . Mayor Foley and City Attorney Hon J W Knowles -n-i. iv j - City offloisls of La Grande. - ,n La Grande Fire Department. ( ; : y Beoond Dlviilon . Patriotto Department J" ; w GAB beaded by the recently elect ed offlosra of th Eastern Oregon G A B Encampment WHO headed by the recently sleet ed offloeri of the W BCol Eastern to this extraordinary offering every eoet in onr store. The lilies alone. See the display id i: , Men's Pongee Silk Shirts . In NegUgw and aolf'atyle."'"!'. 309 DOWN TO ,1.75 $1.25 Men s Dress Shirts J8 CCntS Here you will find some of the most desirable ' pat terns. Some have oollars to match. SILK FANS WITH BEAD CHAINS 75c Ladiea Lace . , , Hose in the famous and ' reli able "Topsy" brand in dozens of beautiful effects, absolutely fast color and warranted not to crack, in prices ranging from 76 eents down to 25 cents. ' ' REMEMBER the Big Slock Reduction Sale closes today. , Third Division -Lcoal and Fraternal Order , Uniform Bank, Woodman ot th World Order of tbe Knights of Phythias . Order of Eagles ' Labor Unions fourth Division - ' Float representing Industrial, Fra ternal and Individual Id tercet. . Contestant tor tbe finest driving borse and best decorated ' oarrlage driven by a lady. -r - Oooteetant lor Onset driving oorae ani nast decorated oarrlage driven by gentlemen.- ' ,,.-Fatl Division Chinese parade in which tbe royal family will be on exhibition Calitbumiaos in full costume i - Hay Seed Band with complete musie r -A WNE OF MAKCH - " ; Parade formation to bead at inter- seotion ot Washington avenue and Fourth street extending south along Fourth street. Line of matoh to ex- teodiog north along Fourth street to Adam avenne, along Adams avenue to Greenwood street, north upon Green wood street to Jefferson avenue, west upon Jefferson to Depot street, south upon Depot street to Washington ave. west npon Washington avenue to re viewing stand. ; '.. Column will open for Goddess of Liberty to pass in review from Jeffsr- Don ave. to Washington ave. to be met by reoeption committee oompossed of maids of honor and twelve ladies who snort her to reviewing stand. Tbe oommitt: oousisting of: Mrs' O J Soriber, Mrs Sherwood Williams, Mrs James. Bnod grata and Misses Maud De Long, Gertrude Mitohell, '. Allie Stevens, Moina Aikin, Mary Bamsey Marie Clark, Emma Oiark. Mertie Aldrioh, and Edna SohiUe. . FLOWER GIBLS .' Dorothy Romlg,' Mildred ' Buavis, Fniderika Hebllke and Dorothy. ; n rrr- . : 7SC Ladies Crush ' Leather Belts 59c ; . i-i.k . ' " Ladies Oxfords . And strap slippers in pattents , Colt, patient kid, fine ?ici kid, with light and heavy soles. ' :-t rl v-oa-DT V..u. )M '),: t ...I . i,t..,-.'.irt. ALL IS QUIET. Political Pot Has Not Yet i Commenced To Boil at the SL Louis Convention. i. St. Loots, Jane 10 None but tbe national leaders and but tew demo oratio delegates have arrived and the polltioal pot is qniet today. Tomor row and Friday crowds are expected to arrive. y . - ;: i: -The Oregon delegation, with 0- eroor Obambulain at tbe head, will arrive this afternoon. Tbe Washington delegation got in this morning and eipsot to hold a meeting this venlng to lay out a plan ot aetion to forests II anything savoring ol tbe Indorsement ol Cleveland. Tbe delegation will . be against Hearst and probsb'y lor Parker. .; IAVPOHTANT EVENT IN BAKER COUNVY Baker City Or., June 80 One ol the most imqrtant events in the his tory of Baker oonnty ooonrrad when tbe eliotrio Juioe was turned on from tbe Rook creek water power bouse In to tbe oity yesterday and tbe mines oontiguons bigan using tbe lights and power of tbe Baker City Oas t Eleotrio ooropany and 'Book Greek Power transmission oompany. It is remarkable that not a bitob occur red in tbe transminion of tbe power the very first time it was turned on, and it has been steadily in . oat ever sinoe. Grass Hoppers. Heppner Ore., June 80 Grasshop pers by tbe million are appearing In some localities in Morrow county. Tbey have settled in great numbers in tbe Band Hollow distriot, a farming district about ten miles northeast ol Heppner, where they are doing consid erable damage, principally to alfalfa and tbe bay orop and in - tome placet are eating up. the gardens. ; Oppose Morton i Washington June 80 The Cen tral Labor Union is arranging to bold a mass meeting to protest against tbe appointment of Morton to be secretary of the navy, it being held that he It an enemy to organised lsbor. Woodmen World - Yon are hereby requested to meet at labor hall Monday morning July 4th at 8.30 o'olook sharp for tbe purpose of partioapating In the celebration. By order of committee. The Encampment Proebstel's grove on tbe bslanoe of this week will be tbe oenter of attract ion. This it an Ideal oampiog ground whioh many will take advantage of. Ames of shade and water ol easy ao cess. The b'g flag flosts gently in the ever pleasant breeae and tbe mount ed cannon certainly adds to tbe mill tary spirit of tbe oooaaion. JULY 1 This is G. A. B. day proper. The exeroises begin promptly at 10 o' dock. The principal addressee will be made by J. E. Mayo, Asst. Adjt Gen. and Earl Kilpstriok, followed by recitstions and mnsio. In tbe afternoon will be a business meet ing which wilt inolude tbe election ol offloers and the selection of tbe lo cation for the next reunion and In tbe evening there will be a rousing oanapfire. ' JULY J This is tbe day set aside for tbe W B.C. and tbey have a vary interestiug program arranged, oousisting ol an adlress of W.lcome by Mrs. J. F. Baker, songs, fiag drills and panto mimes. Tbe pub'io is oordiallinvited to be preseot and enjoy all tnese meetiogs, Special Train There will be a soeoial train to La Grande on the Fourth leaving Elgi sbaut 8:15 stopping at all statlona biteraea and arriving at La Grande at :30. Tbe round trip . will be only flttjr oeots. War News. " The big battle that may not take plate lor several days, or may now be in progress, represents the tenor ol tbe dispatobee today. The news at this time is so closely can sored that It'le bsyond conjecture is obtainable ont l tbe two armies club. Good Work - Street commissioner F. Bynborstia doing tbe right thing, and ia biglonlng in time. , He, with a toroe ol men, is Cleaning all , the : rubbish off tbe streets, filling In tbe low places, and outting down the high places, when necessary , In order that the etrjeta ol oor city may apyear more attractive to out own eitisens, ss welt as to tbe visitors from tbe suiroanding towns and cities, ' durlnj tbe oelebrailoas commencing July Fourth. t II everyone wonld follow this el ample and begin at once to remove theiubbleli from arouad their dwel ling and business houses, our city would be a delight to the eye, and visitors wonld speak ol It In terms of praise. La Grande is a buuliful city, peer to any in eastern Oregon, and she should put her bast foot foremost 3 DAYS SALE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - AND - SATURDAY June 23, 24 and 25 v SPECIAL ON WASH GOODS All wash good at a red notion of 25 per cent for THREE - D4.YS ONLY SPECIAL ON CLOTHING i All Men's and Boys Clothe at a Great Bedootion daring thii gale. The Chicago Store BsSaaBBSsBHMBBaw iiiiiniiiiiiiititT r iiiiiii a t ,; NEWLIN DRUG CO, during the Mlebratlone of the Fourth, for tbe eye of the people are apoo her.' . . MARRIED. Oraham-Baksr-In this sit la the parlors of the hotel Foley by lev. J. O. Walker. Mr. Harley B Graham and Miss Xva Baker both of Elgin, where they will make their home. The Wronjt AVan Uarsbal Bayboraand eoaatable Me Laehlen made a reoord breaking trip to afssohaaa yesterday only to Bad when tbey arrived that tbey vnre not wanted. Tbe man tbsy went to arrest lor robbing BuUlvao of the two baa- dred aad sixty fire dollars, proved to b anosoet man and In ao way con cted with the erlm. Good Ordinance Walla Walla, Wash, June SO The olty council has passed an ordiaaoet making Ua misdemeanor for junk and secondhand dealers to buy seoand hand material of any kind from boys under 18 yearl of age unless they have the written consent of their parents or the oliy marshal. : . , Indian Orgies Butte, Mont, June 80 Uelegatioa Special Shoe Sale We will place on tale for three days our entire line of ihoet excepting W. L. Douglass. This sale oopsistaof a fall lint of mens, women's and children's Shoes. . Remember Oae Fourth eff For Three Days . Only .. No One Buys Drugs For Fun No one sells them for amusement It's a ser ious, important business on both sides. A drug store should have two missions: One, to tarnish drugs that oan be relied on, tbe other to famish them for what thoy are worth. Drug stores ex , 1st for the pnbtle good. Knowledge, experience and progressive methods should mark their management, we endeavor to keep step with the progress of the age, to m:et every require ment of the community, to oonduot a store that shall stand for all that a erug store should. We wish to serve those who want accurate service, high grade drugs, and uniformly fair and oourteoas treatment IIIMIMMMIII trot tbe Ftebead Snake, Ohlppswaa, Blaokleet and Lemhi tribe of Indiana are in attendance at the eord" dance given this year by tbe Creee at the Hump, a boat it miles wees ot Botes. -,-.----'.- Eaea year one of tbe tribesof north- weat Indians bold a eoaeUve which Is considered by the redskins to he the greatest period in tho year. Tbe dance lasts lor two days and night and is for the purpose el perpetuating -lathe mind of the yonag warrior the heroic deeds of their forefathers. The bealinc of tomtoms and weird tooting of whistle of th Indian eas) oe cearo tor miles amai in no sap. As many as U Indian daooa a oao eontiaoing until they drop- ex hausted. Other Indians sUnd readv to taka tbe places of ths warriors who drop. Maccabees Headquarters The Ladies of the La Grands hiv . of kaeoebets will establish beedqtiar- tsee in the iUUF ltall. All Knignta and ladies and their fa mi Use are invit ee to make their headquarter oo the Fourth of July. - ' Mas bus of Bed Cross Lodge Ko 17 . are requested to meat in' Cattle Hall . Sunday J uly 8, at 9 o'clock a m for th purposs of making arrargsuxnt fortheparad July 4. Visiting bro thers an cordially invited. - ' E E Romlg, O. C. . B Fatllaoa B. of B. B. 8 timet. ' :;' iv-)- i':'.:. h !3C ' : -I . 2G9, Urn Job. t ! in--a af Ff , like' , a : ?... w -;: t : H , 4 - V -V