La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, June 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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9 -
a ;
i I
: Coal For Hot Weather
. .. .-... -
Bock and Spring Creek epal will give satielaction. j
We always hay it on band. Castle Gate and- Clear .
Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al-,
way have coal, all kinds and at lowest pi ices. -r If '
yon want wood wa can furnish yon the kind that burns
longest and best,
g: e. fowler,
PhoneNo 1611
Li Grande Evening Observer
OURKEY BROS., Editors AProna.
EoUred at the Port Office at La
Orande,. Oregon, , as Second Class
MaU Matter.
We will call for it and bring it
home vvKen promised
Published daily except Sunday
One year in advance .16 60
8ix months in advance. . . .3 60
Per month 66c
Single copy...;..... 6c
$8,830,800 and in letined gold
bullion $60,630 worth, makiog a
total foreign shipment of $8,485,
439, and a total shipment ol
gold for the ' 10 months frooc
Alaska of $14,804,63 .. '
The trade with Hawaii and
the Philippine Islands will be
given in subsequent articles..
We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a
trial order to demonstrate to you that we un
derstand the laundry business., Yon can stop
our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry
and your work will be called for at once. We
make a specialty of family washing, and can
do your washing better and cheaper than
' you. A trial order solicited. ,.- -
Union Steam?
PHONE 1981. 742 FIR STREET. ,
: m
Meat Market
Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors."
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
R. Hhith
J. M. Bkbrt..
J. M. Ciiuacn
- F. L. Mkykbs.
.Vies President
Cashier 1
..Aut. Cashier
DIRECTORS : ., i .
J. M. Berry, J. M. Church
A. B. Conler, R. 8mlth
' " IHL. O. Stanley
- .'. . 3655 . '-'"'
La Qrande National B
. La Grande, Oregon
Transacts a general banking business. Bays and sells exchange on
all part of the world. Collections a specialty.
The people ' of the . PaciBc
Coast are much interested in
the well being of our new poss
essions in the Pacific Ocean from
a financial view point. ' To make
clear the interests we have in
the new , lands the following
figures 1 are taken from1 -the
Monthly Summary of Commerce
and finance compiled- by the
Bureau of Statistics, Department
of Commerce and labor ior
April 1904. ; i
From it is gathered that dur
ing the 10 months ending with
April 1904 these were shipped
Irom the United States to Alaska
domestio merchandise to the
value of . $7,000,871, of ' this
$267,803 was for bread, $160,881
for fruits and nuts, $107,477 for
animals, $120,177 for 409,248
dozen of eggs and provisions
comprising oared and canned
meats and early products $798,-
495 worth.
The most discouraging thing
to Oregonians about the Alaskan
trade is that while Washington
sold to Alaska for the ten
months ending with April 1904
$4,690,073 worth of stuff, and
California for the same period
sold Alaska $2,262,664 worth,
Oregon only sold to our northern
neighbor $48,134 worth of
things. ;
7 During the same period there
were shipped from Alaska to the
United States gold in base
bullion valued at $5,432,151 and
refined bullion worth ; $482,940
and $14,123 in gold coin making
the total shipment of gold from
Alaska to the United States foot
up $5,909,214. During the
same ten month the shipment of
gold from Alaska 10 foreign
countries in base bullion was
Two large armies equipped
with all ; the latest modern
armament are now about., to
meet and the world is anxiously
awaiting to bear what the result
will be. . While possibly a large
per cent of the population
of the world are to
day - sympathisers of Japan,
it is not by any means certain
that the peace of the world
would be assured or that condi
tions would ... be permanently
bettered if Japan should piove
victorious over Russia.
For Kodak and Kodak Supplies
La complete stock of profo.slon.j- papsr Plate, at wholesale prices. Mailorder,
answered promptly. , 1 '-.. ' ,
la Grande Drug Co- and Red Cross Drug Co
TEe various Fourth of July
committees are busy preparing
for our grand ' celebration,
Everything is working in per
fect harmony and there will not
be a dull moment from . sunrise
till long after . the hour when
generally speaking good citizens
should be ' enjoying peaceful
slumber. .
Chain wood by the Cord
128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain
wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load.
You pay for what you get and get what you pay for.
Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY
tssaaaaaasssssesssesssseatesssisss tiai 1 ttfff
Classified "Ads;
For Rent
FOR SALE A Two story house In
' good condition, 1012 6et inquire at
tolBOffloe. 8-16-22.
TO TRADE A heavy team, harness
and wagon lor real estate enquire at
Van Bnrens cigar ator.
WANTED The (irande Honda Croats.
Our city for ' the next three
days will have the honor cf
entertaining the eastern Oregon
members of the Grand Army of
the Republic who may attend
their annual district encampment.
Seasonable weather is the
kind that everybody kicks
about. This also - applies to
unseasonable weather.
That good old summer time
we have been looking for for the
past two years, seems to have
arrived at last.
Estray Notice
Notice Is hereby given that there
oaroe to my place on the Owsley estate
one and one half miles north of La
Grande, one g'ay horse, no vieiable
brands, about 11 years old, weight a
bout 1150 pounds, Owner may have
same by proving property and paying
tor this notice and for care and atten
tion and feed. Dated this day of July
Wm Jones
snlo ylU
In wiilkiug through the high
ways of life di fit ever impress
. you that the ownership of real
eatste would improve your con
coiutilioii materially Y If not.
it is-time that you did realise
tli lit such is u faot. - It will make
1 you moi e independent in feel
ing' and YOUR HOUSE will be
yours in every sense of the
W'q luvc lino lots for
MENT ADDITION at -right prices. lweiy lot is
about au acre in size and eucBiothi s a water right
in one of the best irrigating ditchos in the valley.
We will sell you these lots on
installment, ahd we will also
coutruvt wiih you to erect a
dwelling In use for you, a- 1 al
low you to pay for the entire
property in installme ts. Put
your rei.t into your own home
Cull on the
Company, 1110 A'lams Avenue,
La Grande, Oregon.
.Woodmen World
You are hereby requested to meet at
labor hall Monday morning July 4th at
8.30 o'clock sharp for the purpose ol
partlcapating in the celebration.
Ey order of committee.
Begin Decorating
A great many ol tbe business men
of tbe oity are beginning to deoorate
and adorn their businesa bouses, pre
poratory to tbe Fourth ol July otle-
tT.tion, and this is tbe proper spirit
to abow for "Well begun is halt done"
and by commenoing in time, all will
be in readiness by the morning of the
gl rioue Fourth and the oity diessed
in her gala rc bis. Be no laggard;
"ginger up," -'get a move on yon,'
and when the sun rises on the morn
ing ol tbe rourtn ana louts 10 your
place of business, do not at.y 'I bave
not had time." Let all begin at onee
and assist io doing La Grande proud.
Westmoreland. Kans. May 5 1902,
Ballard Snow Liniment Co. 1 our Snow
Liniment cured an old bo re on the side
of my ohin that was supposed to be a
cancer. The gone was stubborn end
would not yield to treatment, ui.til
I tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work In short Older. My sister, Mrs
Sophia J C. a 1 son, Allensville, AllHin
Co, Pa, has a sore anil mistrusts (hat
It Is a cancer. Please send ber
50c bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co
La Grande Inyestraeiit Company.
Spokane Cafe
Under the new management
la rapidly building up a good
trade. Prompt service, cour
teous treatment, everything
olean, and you will always And
plenty to eat, are the eatieos of
tbe increaseJ patronage. Try
our regular
25 Cent Meal
Many say It la by far the beat
meal in the Inland Empire. Try
one and then you may judge.
Open day and night.
Depot Street
J, F. Johnson
Depot St La Grande.Or.
FOR SALE Complete outfit of bouse
hold furniture will be sold cheap
if sold at once. Inquire at residence
on seventh Street between Washing
ton avenue and F Street E T Thome.
ery Co wishes to contract for one
hundred cords of yellow Dine wood-
Inquire at tbe creamery.
i-u . . ..
FURNISHED ROOMB Parties desire
inn nicely furnished rooms apply to
6 D Simmone corner 8 and M streets
FORRJENT-3 room hones for house
keeping apply to Mrs S C Zuber 5 lit!
Piano Tuning
Prof Hendriuka the eUaMie Piano
tuner, is fully prepared! to care for
!0 or Piano, and solicits your patronage
n hia line. Plve him a trial Pbone
Cheap Lumber
FOR SALE About 150000 feat In our
yard at Imbler suitable for bonsea
barns, fences and rancn purpose
cheap for next 80 days. Come) and
see ua quick. .
F Brings,' Mgr.
, Eleven room bouse next door to tba
post offloe for rent.; per month
in sdvanoe. Apply to Fred Myers in
La Grande National Bank, - -
Notice To Water Consumers
Ordinance 68No provides that
The water rates shall be due payable
in advance at the offleaof Oity Recorder
on the first day of each month (except
for meters, wbleh are payable on the
first day of the succeeding month),
and if not paid within- the first ten dava
the water will be abut off the premises,
and not turned on nntil payment is
made of amount doe with one dollar
in addition for tbe expense of turning
water oft and on. This rule shall be
strictly enforced beginning with the
23rd. of May.
H 0 Oilman.
. Water Supt.
Summer Dresses
Made on short notice, at reasonable
Mrs una u wines
Phone 1717-9th St between O A M Sts.
Sweet Cream
Commencing Thursday June 16th the
Grande Ronde Creamery Co will be
oroiaied to furnish swwet cream in
qnanity to suit, wholesale and retail
Remember the place Unntlngtona new
onlldlDg next door to tire Dunning,
Mr John H Cullom, Editor of the
Garland, Texas, News, has written a
letter of congratulations to the manu
facture of Chamberlain's Cough Re
medy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago
when oor first child was a bany be was
subject to croupy spells and we would
be very uneasy about him. We began
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
1887, and finding it each a reliable re
medy for rolda and croup we bave never
been without in tbe bonse since that
time. We have five children and have
given it to all of them with Tgood re
sults," For sale by all druggists. -
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geddes. Bros' canned fruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything.
j We always have the fresh
est eggs, butter, etc.
Special attention given to
phone orders, y
Geddes Bros.
FOR SALE Good gentle, team, Geld
ngs 5 & 7, year old, Weight about 1250
pounds for particulars enquire at this
office. 6-24 31 D A W
The World's Fair Route
Those antlclnatlno' an Eastern trin. or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to
overlook the advantages offered by the
missodbi raoirio Railway, whicb. on
Account of its various rentes and gated
ways, nas neenzappropriately names
The World'! Fair Route."
Passengers from the Northwest take
the MusonarAoirio trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of either
going direct through the Kansas City,
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor .cafe dining cars. Ten
daily trains, between .Kansas City and
St Louis.
Write, for call on W. O. McBrlde.
General Agent. 124 Third st, Portland
for detailed information and illustrated
literature. tf.
'Beginning with June Ut no one shall
be allowed the use of city water for
irrigating purposes except between the
hours of S.IO and 7.30 P M.
HC Oilman.
Water Supt,
All Kinds of Work
Wesley Davis does all kinds ol scav
enger work, such as cleaning wells, cess
polls, etc Give him a call. 4 24 tf
New Lumber Yard.
I am now prepared to fill orders for
all kinds of lumber. If you need lum
ber see prices before ordering.
E Rosen banm
Prop. Rainbow Store,
I will pay a reward of 815 to the
party or parties, seourlng information
that will secure the arrest andconvict
ion of any violating the game bird law.
A. W. Nye State Deputy Game War
den. 4 b.
Real estate Snap
Two aore treot, seven blocks from
center of La Grande. Good six room
ed cottugd furnished completely and
woll, if desired. Two barns, large ben
house and wire enclosed park over one
hundied ohickens, over 100 bearlcg
fruit trees including winter and Bum
mer apples, pears, prunes, peaches
and several varitiea of ohorries, one
thousand raspberries, 500 strawberries
twenty Ave shnde treea, lawn, flowers
and Inrge garden ready for use, three
w lis, two pumps, ten shares in good
watei ditob. House Insured for 1700
for three years. Part down.
For particulars inquire at this office.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
wrltea MrsClias Applegste, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that
tf I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but when
all other medicines failed, three 11 00
bottles of Dr. King's Mew Discovery
wholly cured me andj I gained A8
ponnda." Its absolutely guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe,
Bronchitis and all Throat and Dsmg
troubles. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Newlin Drug Co.
Bear) this paper and The Weakly
FOR SALE A complete threshin
oat fit inquire of Jud Draper at tb
. Andreas Rancb.
Camping Ground
Good camping ground at Hilgard
apply to Mrs O J Hart Hilgard Ore.
a lnrge place in the food question. It
is essential therefor that the meat be
good. Tooitli, gristly steak, or djy,
iniceless roasts will spoil any meal.
Suppose you consult ua ou
We know and buv the best kind. You
can rely on our knowledge and our de
sire to hold your trade to get you the
nnesc meat you ever closed yonr teem
on. As for prices, well we are not so
foolish as to have them high.
Bock & Thomas
FOR RENT Rooms suitable for light
housekeeping. Inquire at corner 3rd
and Adams avenue. F. 21. tf
Lodge Directory.
AOLTO la Qrande Airie iy) FOE meets
Tory Friday night In K of V lull at S p m
Vlaltuuj bnUwra Invited to ausnd,
C O Book wall, W P. ANktayvlUe.irsee.
Marioa, No XI meets each Tuesday In Elk's
halt Brothers an Invited to attend. '
Al Uelioer Chief Banner.
0 J Vaarlacswl, Itee See.
Early Risers
Per asJek relief from BIHoi
atok Headache, Torpid Uver, Jean
Hoe, DUalBsss, and all troubles aris
ing frara an Inactive or sluggish Mver,
DeWM's Little Early Risen an as
aqsallei. They ast promptly and never gripe.
They era as dainty that It la a pleasure
ta take taaro. One to two sal as a
aHa laxative; two er fear aot as a
pleaaaal sad effective eathartla. They
are awehy vegetable and absolatssy
harmless. They tonle the Uvar.
tamtam eei tv
B. O. OerWIt Co., GtaUaaJst
I OOF 1 Grande Lodge, No 16 meets In
their hall every Saturday night. Vliltlng mem.
bars oordially Invited to attend.
CJ Vanderpool, N Q.
IE Snook, See.
A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge
No, 41. meets every 1st and 3rd Satur
day of each month.
A C Williams Seo,
C D Huffman W. M.
Change of
Tho undersigned bas purchased
the busin so known as the Harris
Cash Meat Market and will here
after conduct the same.
We wish to inform the public
mat we are prepared to furnish
all kinds of meats, game and
poultry at the very lowest prices
oonsistaut with firsUclas articles
We have our own delivery
and make two trips daily to the
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cattle, hogs and
sheep. We solicit a share of
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction.
Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention.
Harris meat market across the
track. Phone 1601.
SH By All Druggists
If so, purchase yonr ticket via the
Choice of routes going or returning
For rates call on your local Agent.
Dates of sale: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3
Aug. 8-9-10 Se t. 5-6-7 Oct. 8-4-6.
For further information and sleeping
car reservations call upon or address
AH Mc Donald
Oen'l Agent -140
Third 8t., Portland, Ore
I am now prepared to do all
kinds of scavenger work thai is
generally done by a scavenger,
and will call at your place .at
any time. Call me up on phone
No. 1841 or address box 692.
H N Mason
tTasMI TaU.b I Wl-A AJtsWrtStta-aaT
halli I i III
BAKING powder:
AlwoluhPuriry, flrusr flavor,
' -a,.