"A ' " s! ' . l. K .'ft A : f 9 I I "tf ' 11 i Taaagl t far LA GRANDE EVENING'-OBS the rra ottutboma&tMpmm"im )fo 6 West ps I'm . VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 25 1904. llV Vf ,A . An V i RINEHART REUNION Members of the Tribe Continue to Gather at the Camping Ground NearSummerviIIe,V . . t ,. Sommerville, Juu M, 1904 Editor Observer ' Still (b binebart tribe gather at the camping ground 1 mile above Summerville in the beautiful grov on he J H Binebart old homestead, A Urge number cm toe In yesterday among them from lar distance era L B Rinehart and . wife trout North Yakima. L B vh properly welted upon by a committee and tied to a tree and blind folded while we all (an him a hearty hand shake that wae a punishment on him for not arriving on time. At o'oiook p m the meeting was called to order by President J H Bineliart aud bnsinese of importance was ditenssed by diffeieot members of the family from all parte of the globe after the meeting wm elosed they all gathered at tba grand stand. " Robert Drinkwater of Harney Oreg in appear ed with hi violin and Alice Drink water at tbe piauo and soon the sweet strains of musio began after that was oloeed their were short sperei an songs from different ones of the tribe boo fire were kept np nntil 10 o'oiook p m when all retired until miming. 7 :30 this m wait? bre ikf ut w m over and tbe em ill boy and his fireorackera wae beard aud all enjoyed themselves Tomorrow will be a publio day whpn all are env'ited to attend and bring their dinner pail with them and have a general piooie and tomorrow even ing there will be a display of Bra works for children, there are now 111 mem ber of tbe tribe enjoying themselves, one) "of tbe -greatest visit that any one sou Id have, some had not met (or Si year and several had not met lor 16 year bat w era now together, and saa talk of oldsa time surely a happy Meting It will fcev This afternoon will be epent in decorating the grave of the departed one that an harried in the Bommerville oeraetery. Tbe age of the c-oa present will range fro 74 year down to 0 month. Thi leave everybody in the best of humor and all eating hearty under a big tent where they oan feed 75 at a time. Ladd Canyon The Ladd O.njon eohool closed ye, tarday with a picnic ' There were about 200 present. , An excellent program was given and , one of tbe finest dinner ever set before a hungry arowd wae served. . The afternoon wae passu! In amuse ment of different kind tbe moet ap preciated was tbe serving of ice cream and oake about fonr o'clock. Mr Fox who wae the last teaober la aooapted tbe oohool for next win tey, and all are looking forward to an other food year work. - A Noted Mormon Dead Aoel A Woodruff a widely . known and highly respected Apostle of tbe Mormon Obnroli, died five days ago In Old Mexioo of tbe small-pox, wbioh he contracted in that oonntry . Hi many frienda will be pained to learn of tbe Aprwtle death a well as the death of hie wife, which ' occurred two weeke before that of Apostle Wookrnff , and of the same dread di sease. :,!. V Funeral The foueral of Fred, tbe fourteen year old eon of Mr. an-t Mrs. Crawford of Kamele, took place this morning at 9 o'clock in the V- R ehnroh, Rev. Walker officiating Tbe interment took place in tbe Mason lo oemeteiy. Tbe body arrived on the morning train accompanied by the family and many f rlends ' Enjoyable Evening An enjoyable evening -Jta spent at the residenoe of tbe Rev. rJlUe and wife on Friday, at tbe informal mus icals given to tome of the Old Town people. There were about twenty present, and the evening wss spent in a pleas urable manner by playing game upon tbe lawo. .. Later on In the evening an excellent program wae rendered, consisting of insrtnmental and vocal musio, (elect ion and readings, among them an o riglnel reading by Mr. Karl Kipetriok. After enjoying the music end tbe el- oqoepot ol the readers, tLose present were given U the lemonade they could drink, and departed to their home well pleasd with the entertain ment. ," . - ON THE FOURTH 1 Athletic Program For The Afternoon of July 4th. Some Splendid Features. "beautiful stereoptioan illustra tions, Mr. Cook preeenU . hit object purely frym a icientific standpoint, based upon reeulU and conclusions arrived at bj the Loadou Society, a moat reputable - body of scientists, known on both continents at the Society for Phyiioal Re search. The work done by this society it attracting world-wide attention. - - . ; State deputy game warden A W Njt, who resided in Pendleton is a La Orande visitor today. Tbe objeotol his visit is to see that parties who have dams aoroa the Grande Eonde river, must provide fish laddere. He served notice on tue interested psrties who promised to immediately com ply with tbe law. Mr. Nye is an old Eastern Oregon 'p'oneer. Ha first passed through La Grande in 18B2 and conducted a paok train between Jmatilla and Fort Boise. This ie bis first visit to our city in several year and he was very much surpris ed at our permanent growth. RfW Wear ; Diamonds On Your Feet Not the glittering, gkety tort, but the leather kind Nnipark lors ever Bet off lo better advan tage the hand of a bride than dues a Diamond Brand Shoe the foot of a man. No shoe fits like a Diamond Brand and fit mean more than comfort or beauty. It meant WEAR. A Bhoe that does not fit will not wear. A Bhoe that does not fit it not comfortable. " A shoe that does not fit it not trim looking. Diamond Brand Shoes Fit Diamond Brand Shoes Wear DON'T FORGET That our (20,000.00 Reduction Sale continues until June 30. . That you can save money on just such goods at you need this time of the summer. That we have a complete assortment of everything man, woman and ohild can wear. Diamond Brand Shoes are Com fortable. Diamond Brand Shoet are Stylish. Buy Diamond brand Shoes and you will wear uiamonos Don't Forget s The Completn Out fits For Men . At $13-10 These outfits in clude everything a man oan wear from head to foot. The suit alone is worth the price we atk you for the outfit. This outfit oan't be duplicated for leas than 120 to 25. mm MEN'S PANTS LESS pants for SI 95. . Qood, heavy cotton work pants 65c Heavy cotton and wool pants, O80 $1 75 and $1 60 wool To be held on main street on tbe afternoon of July 4 commencing r at 1-30 p m precisely Boys race, 100 yd Hdoap Boys under 14 , 1st prise IS, Snd prise 1 , Barrel race, 100 yd open 1st prize 2, Ind pris 11.60 Old Maus race, 60 yds, over (5 year 1st prise SS 1 Boys race , S W yd Hdoap 14 to 18 years, 1st prise S4, Snd SS . 1 Women reoe, 50 yds, 1st prise i Boys bloyele race, mile Hdoap under 14 yrt. 1st S3, Sod SI Half mile ameteor bioycie race soratob 1st gold medal, " Snd silver medal Fat mans raw, 50 yds over S2S Iba Potato race, 100 yds, 1st prise 2 Snd 11 Nail driving contest ladies, piixo 2 Fie eating 00 11 teat for boys, wlnntr must beat Obsrlie Martin present obampion of Union Co, prise 1.60aod ohampionabip Ohinaman'e race. Tfi yd, 15 , , Japanese rsee, 100 yds, 6 x ' Shetland pony raoe to be ridden.. by owners 5 . .. . ( . :;.- , ,., Mule raoe last uu'a to win 5 , Farm borae raoe, 1st prise IB, Sud 13 - Egg raoe on horsnbaok, 1st prize f 2nu3 , Climbing greased pole, prise 2 . 1 Oatohing greased pig, winner gete the pig , . . f Tug of war, open 10 men aside 20 Profeaeor M V Pattou tbe worlds re ucuoed trick bioyolist and aerial per former will perform one ol his wonder ul feats by ridding from the top of one of La Grande . highest building on a ladder. -.: All intending competitor sail and enter with J H Peare . . There will be a ball game In the afternoon at 8 :30 at thi ball ground J O Gardner, J H Peare, F L Myer J Van Buren and It K West,. . Com mittee , I , T Union Meeting. There will be a rjaioa meeting Bun- day evening at the Presbyterian ohuieh of the Cbraatiau Endeavour, Epworth Leeaue and xoung People societies commencing promptly at 7 o'clock Special mnaic baa been provided and R U Hamilton will speak on several item of interest regarding hi recent trip to Jeruraleni and return. Please be prompt as tbe meeting must olose so a not to . Interfere with the regular Sunday evening services. ' Garden Party y The Kaffee KJatoh and an equal num ber oil invited guest, were moet de lightfully entertained in the form 01 a garden part), at the home of Mies Proebitel north of town. The Mis Euhn, Barnell and Young iwiiting, The time of the reception was from 3 PI0NEfc rPROOITAr.l to4olosk. ' i , ; 5 Tne Mots were esTeeUveiy under tbe truss, aad srtistkally de oonted with pern lea, rose aad car aatiooa, v ,-.. . , f. The maau noaslsted of tried eprlng ehickew, hot baseait aad other relishes. The nwsis favatsw with, lastie mental aanalo by Mrs W W Berry, and Mis Haiti Toecg, H ?' f Tbe Invited gtisaasf water Meedamce S J White, Geo Henry, O H Barnell, HJ EckVsy, J J 7arr, Jt' BarUatt, J Van Bonn, I M Berry, WW Berry T Oliver, A L Bicbardeos, - N Molltor L D Baavia, 9 L Mtyera, Chat Norrls, Kate Handlsy,' I Oladys Hooker, of Ba'em, Mlsase Bertha, ' Httte, and Nell Vobbi, Cad Bvnaanon, Jeanette Olark. Byra Kuhn. Maraerat Kirk. Margaret Newlln. , Mamre Anson. The following Is the pvograas for. Fannie McKeanlon, Bessie Henry, and Pioneer day whloh will be betd ia tbie. AMost EnterUinl Program Has Ceen Ranged tctk Picr.ecr . Reunion Day. Mabel Williams of Eugene. Reward 1 will pay a reward of SIS to the party or parties, securing Information that will escuia tbe arrest andoonvlot- lon of any violating the gam bird law. A. W. Nye Btate Deputy Game War. den. 4 b. ,-, The Pioneer Committa deeire the La Grands people to prepare their lnncbea and eat in the arbor with their friends ant visitors on Pioneer dy. Mr. Nels Holvervon who has biaa in the alty visiting her sister Mr P. W. Portsr returned to her borne at Bil gard yesterday,. . s s v w , et city Tuesday the S8tb. This prograsa " ooly (rprsssats a portion of tba exer cises as ike important faatnre whlek : are always enjoyed by all can not be arranged until the day of saeeting. .. Cell to uder 10 a m " Sieging by the sodienoe '.' . Prayer by Sev A Kads ' : Music by Choir s , Beoitatioa Address by Hon T H Orawlord . :". Musio by Oboir, XA, 1 Beeitation Music -i '', Dinner ' aiternooa B peeking, mnaie ess Eleotionof offioen a '! 1 M 1 V 3 DAYS; SAL1E THURSDAY , FRIDAY - ADr-;SAfURDAY June 23, 24 and 25 : SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES. 8T. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHUKCH Fourth Baoday After Trinity. Bon- day School at 10 o'clock A. M. Morn ing Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock A. H. A lay eervlce. All invited to attend. ME OHUKOH BODTH 3 W Oompton, pastor Preaching 11 a m Pastor will preach at Booth Bidge oburcb 7:80 p m M E CHURCH. JO Walker, Pastor, Sunday School 10 am ' Preaching by Pastor 11 a m Class meeting 12:1B Epworth Leag ie 7 p m Subject "Problems in Africa' Re demption," Leader Mire Enid Thome- son. Preaching by Pastor 8 p m . The publio is cordially Invited to all these services. 75c to 1 25 Drers Sbirtr, for cboite. 59c 1 CO Balbriggan underwear, suit, 75c , 85c straw bats for 19c Jim Jgin H - tfl7T;T7.-.,.M."..T., CENTRAL CHURCH NOTES. Rev O H King, pastor of the Central Church of Christ, of thi city, left last evening for Turner, Oregon, to attend the Btoto Convention of the Christian Church which is being held there. 1 be convention began yesteiday snd will continue In session until July 3rd. All the cervices hold in tbe eboence of tbe pastor will be conducted by the Rev S B Taylor on Hunday. Bible Sohool will be be'ld at 10 a m, Morning Worship at 11 a m, and eyenlng aer. vices at 8 p m, at the cburcb on th corner of Dopot Street and Waahlngtoi Avenue, and preaching at the Iowa S.bool house st 3 :30 p m. Speaks Tomorrow. Rev. 0. Hull Cook, Pa. D., ot the S tcioty for Psychical He- cearcli, London, England, will sieak at Odd Fellows Hall upon ''The Existence of Life After Death," Sunday at 8:30 p m. An attractive feature will be 2Bio ;. Special Slide Sale, IIa we wIU,plaoe on sal for three days i oar enure line of shoes excepting W. L. Douglass. This sale consists of a fall line of mens, women's aud children's Shoes. . .,,,! i . - . iHV-l f " ..-i ''.:-":-'".'i.',.:'-':;"f:iVf Remember Oue Fourth eff For ' ti -- Three Daye Only SPECIAL ON WASH GOODS All wash goods nt it reduction of 25 per cent tor THREE D4.Y8 ONLY SPECIAL ON CLOTHING 1 ' All Men's and Boys Clothes at a Great Reduotion during ihia4 sale. The Chicago Store ettiiiW't'i'''',''''M,IMtll'''' No One Buys Drugs For Fun ; ; J "-I . -,... v. ! . No one sells them for amusement It'a a ter . ious, important busineu on both sides. A drag , ; ; ' store should have two missions: One, to turnish , , i drugs that can be relied on, tbe other to furnish . : . I . them for what thoy are worth. Drugstores ex- i ist lor the publio good. Knowledge, experience , l ' and progressive methods should mark their ' mi ' -management weendeayor to keep step with the progross of the age, to meet every require- ; ment at the community, to conduot a elore that ' shall stand for all that a erug store should. We wish to eerve those who want aeeurate servloe, high grade drugs, and uniformly r fair and oourteoas treatment. ?.,'- ii ii - . , v.; .-l -''.i ,')- v":-': ' : . ..." ' I ;-r MT-; -5 T ''jiHii::.. NEWLIN DRUG CO. im MMinMiiUrrTsi