g nan a anoaa 01 x : v W have just received hall a car load of. the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload - means 20,00Q " " rods. This Is mora paper ;, than .; any one ; Rrtn cver . thought of bringing Into this county in a single season. """" ""? mmm4 : This paper W all for sale and mart be told tola eeason. W km broagnt too tret alia paper bangera dliact from . Chicago, : bo ara without doabt the moat- killfol workaaen lo Eastern bo, with tha thru tret elaae papar baogara already in our em. : ploy, glvea oathe beat vrorklng forot la tbalaland Empire. y . Stackland &- McLachlen 1 PAINT & ' eihSANQ eLAss , , Si LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST TURKESTAN ALFALFA D The DryLaDd;i Alfalfa grows without irrU gatton. , BROME GRASS - Red Clover; Alfa.fa arid all kinds of T.. Garden Seed in bulk - Seed Wheat, Baled " " Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House inUnion County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. . Phone 1571 - A L Iforrla returned yesterday iron a bueioeee tnp to Portlaou , Ei-kfayor HuUnoa, of Elgin, la in tba city today transacting bnainaaa. A V Oliver ihippad two car loada or hay to PorUaad today. Brekeman McThorson of tba O. R. A R Bailwey left last evening for a two waeka raat and vacation lo Alberta. ' Tba Bar Fatbar Wbyta If (t tbla morn log for Baker City. Heeipectato re turn thla evening on No 6. 1:18 Billow, a resident of Nes, Faroe Idaho bat who ' stopped at Hot Lake, Ore, wsa a plesaut visitor iu the Observer office yesterday. George Thompson." a former resident of Darker, Oregon, baa accepted a poaition with tbe 0. B. A N. Bailwey oo tba flection at tbla place. Gwa Binglesdotf who ia down with trahold fever at tba borne of Mr and Mrs Henry Benson on Third St ia get ting aloog aa wall as eonld be expected Tbe fever baa been reduced below 100 for the pert few days. . County Clerk James B Gllbam com- Mr. B. V. Felk bia Just cotnp'eted tba trimming of tbe tree lo tbe yard around bia neat and trim osttige on tha corner of Main and Becond streets, wbleb enhances the neatm-si and beaut) of tba place. The blende of Mrs. J. A. Carlson in tbla city will be pleased to learn that she has returned to her borne at Kamela from Pendleton where ehe has been for the past ten days for medical treatment. Camping Ground Good camping ground at Hilgard apply to Mrs O J Hurt Hilxard Ore. Fire At Cove. ty of tbe oov. wee destroyed by fire yesterday. Most of tbb contents were saved bnt tbe building was a to tal lose. .; - ' ,;- ' ' . Chinese Band Oneof the attractions In the Fourth, ofjuly pa'edeaill be the Chines imuo imluding SJ, richly die.aeil rhinria. an ide .Ileal representation of Cliiii.ee K yi'H) . The ?o um ttecoii-i lei th-ru lve very fortunate in srcnrij tlii attia tl u "r EPRIGiRATORS j We are sole agents for the ICE KINO, galvanized I and porcelain enamel lined; will , not break, scratch, a ; or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Jj I Noted As An lee ver 5 ; Dulutb Minn, June 23 Tbe Hearst foroee captured the temporary organ isation state demoeratie convention for tbe selection of national conven- pleted hie arranKmenU yesterday Hon delegates today. Theantl-Hearat Baraa 11,1 i On all kindt of Second Hand and Fawn Goods. We ' -have everything in the line of ',;..'' '-'v; ' . -V ""'V ; if"- ' f .. Hardware and Furniture, y X i! '4 ' -yf; ? I Crockery a nd, Jewelry. ! ms V Bedding and Clothing- ; - The La Grande PawnTiiKers "Z ' 1 ; Corner Fir and ;Ada'msV U V Remember we still boy and aeU all kinds pi10ne cgt of Second Hand Goeows a - i J- rn0nC ,a0 . : : I irF e) , aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 10 PER , CENT REDUCTION n ON ALLT SPRING SUITS. f io ouiuf i or fS ov 130 auite lor 127 00 " 982 suite for 928' 80?" " 1 : 985suiUfor93160 4' 140 suits for 936 00 This for 20 days j ' . ' ROSS & 1NDEEWS TAILORS AND OENTFURNI$HINGJ, v. a a a a a a A Two;; Light Electrolier ' Empire style complete with etched'glass ; shades and all attachmects pnt up lv? yourreuldence lor oo I See samples In our window. La Grande Light ;& Power Co :- For Bryan. freemont C, Juoe The re olution introduced by ex-Senator William V. Allen, at tbe Populist state convention last night is generally admttejl to fa vor fusion with, the Eemooratio Na tional tioket should William i Bryan secure control of the Ht Louis conven tion. It demands a straight Populist tiokei however, in case tbe anti-Bryan wing is victorious. Tbe delegates to tbe National Pop ulist convention beieve thatex-8-na-tot Allen will be chosen as the candi date for President. He deoliues to ea- press an opinion. Please Return It. . It tha party who took rhe garden boar from my place will please return to tba . lawn where he got it he will ooafet a great favor upon me. I would like to wet down anain and in faot have nse for the hese for tbe next few daya. I have a good idea where ft is and do not wish to call for it , at my oall might cause serious trouble. Bet ter bring It home. . , U-S'i 'Ja'ok Ken..' Pleaded Guilty ordinance regarding women Inquent ing salooas wtll be enforced to the letter. " 'J City Property For Sale 1 j Finely Located, Well Improved s-Room House For t Sale. . Also Other City Property, At : GRANT &' HERR0NS X eeimemaeiesssssiee tbronghWm Miller tbe local agent, of the surety company for bis bonds, 110, 000, for the faithful performance of bis duties. Ohaa Playle waa In tbe city yesterday afternoon from Alicel. Mr Playlets a grain buyer and from tha erop. indl caUonaln bia vidnlty be expects to be busy after harvest. WJ Snodvrass arrived In tba city this morning from PorUaad where' he baa been tbe past few weeks' receiving treatment. His many friends will v be pleased to know that he was -'greatly improved. ..' ' G M Mestereon, and B M Robertson both of Elgin parsed through the City yesterday enroute to Pendleton where they will participate In': the shooting contest, . . - Mr Balrd, tba horse-buyer from Colorado, who baa baao.in tbe oity for two days pnrahaslng hoc see, lalt yea terday on horse baok for North Yaki ma. " : D W Merchison waa In tba city to day ' purchasing ' heavy baltere and he will bave nse for them aa ha Is engaged In breaking fifty head of bone for H 0 Rinehsrt of Bnmmsrvllle, Water Superintendent H O Oilman today finished laying 4000 feet of new otty water mains north of tbe track and turned the water on. This will fill Ipng felt want aiLOug tha residents in that vicinity, to Grout la in the olty to day from hla Clover (!rtek farm. He ia down to arrange for the removal of his family to bia farm. During tha past few weeks Charles Rockwell who was arrested he baa bad . built a new residence on Tuesday alternoon upon the charge of his reclently purchased place and from . allowing women of tbe Redligbt Din now on make it bis home- The plaoe ' ,r0, lo T1,jt bis saloon appeared be isthe one formerly, known aa the j ,ot, fteoorder Newlin this morning Hm'I? 0,Tb'M ,PU01 UZ Kat Ohanged his pleaof not guilty to guil- .V,.l i Tl. ... I 7 nq was unea twenty ore uurr 10 have tfaa banner oron of the Clover .. Marshal Bayhuru says tbe Creek district. It Is reliably reported that when the county sect la moved to La ' Grande that Judge Basin wll) move here, also- La Grande being the central, point in his district whloh - ooaprlses the counties of Wallowa, Union and Baker In addition to having the Judge a re sident which is very deslreabla La Grande gains as residents a temilr, an honor to any oomanity. . . County clerk elect hee selected Frank Bramwell and B Kay Jones of this city and Ed Wright of the valley aa hla ss slstapts. Mr Bramwell bee salved several years as deputy clerk In Idaho Mr Jonea ia eapeotelly adapted to eleri- It is probable distlct attorney eleot Lomsr may decide to move to Baker City. In case he does there will be a chsnoe fcr a deputyship for this county and attorney J W Knoales at d J F Baker bave been mentioned for tbe position. Have you visited tba sit of tba city hall and noted the way ooo tractor Mars pushing the work. Lineman Pankey of tba Telephone eompany returned last evening from Wallowa county repairing tbe linee In Lostineand Enterprise wblob were b.diy wrecked by tba storm which swep over tbat section several daya Mr and Mrs L n Rinebart arrived rsi evening from Yakima to be pre- tint at the Rinebart reunion. A E fluff, who has just completed tbe foundation for bis new (4,000.00 residence to be aree'ed in the Old Town, is now preparing to haul tba lumber for that purpose, and will put three teams to work at oaoe, OrmondACo., of Imbler, have tbe contract for the planing of tbe lumber. And still tbe Improvements go on. Mr E Lathsln war over from tbe Cove today with a load of berries. Lewis Noble, Lutber Derringer, Arthur Derringer and Raymond Peck left Wednesdsy night wltb a load of good things to eat, fcr a waek'a outing and fishing trip on Beaver Creek. I K Harris of Bock Creek was a busi vleltor In oor olty the 31 and 23 ina . He reports the range the best in yeara. BUI Lewis, the Jovial eoaohtender on the OKA N Railroad, reports It so cold at North Powder last evening, thst when paaeeager train Ne-S pa.sed t'KroiigV th all the"! boys there "were out oc) a skate." . . Our Brave Boys in Blue Ciipiii Coulidjre of Company L Third Infan'ry, Oregon National Guard on yeritanlay hd transferred fruui t;.e Jrei .bt depot to the armor? a rnnile ahl A-my Range. , Tl'ia Kann ii a wonder to behold to the iiiiinni iteJ It takes no exue.rt to learn the combination to it ran be open ed. Kit takes as long to get things Tha residence of Frank M Dsugher-, ,hatH,h. of the gallant, soldie B of Company L wi'l he well ouoked. Tba company will leave here alont tbeOtbof July lor the Enuampniant at Amerciarv Lake, Washington,' where they will partloipate i i the marenvera of 'bo Department of tbe I'olum: lathe militia of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. " ' .' : ' -. ' Tbe flint and second Battalions of the Fourth Infantry will leave tbe Presidio July ltt for forte Lawtou and 'Wright and will atopeuroute to assist in these X. Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices V, Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 For Hearst EANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers; ; HOUSE FUBNI6HINQ3 ' " 1202 Adams,. Ave . ! : ': ' ! -' ' i' ' J - - TON TIME I men seoored thiee of the fourdelrgatee at large and will get an oven bresk on the district delegates. When yon orde r groceries hi n t t are sure to have them delivered oo time ; Correction, v The article ' not unanim ua," ebould read, there were 600,000 men in the Confederate A- mies. Challenge Accepted. . We tbe undersigned tr niters iD good etandiD of the Ameri can Federation of Buttioskirs do hereby accept tbe challenge published in the Evinitig Observer of Juoe 20, 10C--4, by tbe B. -, O. E. Base Ball team roe game must be nine innings played on the La Qrande dimoud Players to appear in unilorra and receipts to go 65 percont to winners and 35 percent to lo ter tbe lineup (inskie.) . Gril:t-u, c, Doaahoe p, Whiteinan 1 b, Andrewes 2 b, Pidcock 3 b, Murphy s s, Buuker r f, Keeney c f, DouDley If, Plaster and Wm. Miller subs. ! ANOTHER. THING ; When yon order groceries from us you are sure to ' get theerr4beBttoJbe had. We keep onlyfthe best i The next time you are at our store - " ask to see our special line of . A f BREAKFAST BACON I & POTTED MEATS f C.IIRALSTON Z I NEBRASKA 'GROCERY STORE W Cor. Fir end Jefferson 8ts. r FOR RENT Rooms suitable for l'ght housekeeping. Inquire at corner 3rd and Adams avenue. F. 21. tf TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE .That is why people come here for men's and by boys' Bhoes Tbe J. K. Tilt line is our spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. l How Can I Cure My C W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET Amidst Peasant Surroundings and in the heart of the bnslness section of the city is our restaurant located. Here the business men and ladles oan partake of good wholesome food. . Our cookery is of tbe best, and the service quiok, neat and courteous. ... ' ' .- Our Bill of Fare : comprises ninny appetizing dlehe's, and le changed daily, so that you'll bave a variety of food iu them. Variety of foods tends to make ua enthuslastio with our meals, and is really necessary to proper health. The same food over and over again makes ns "tired o( eating." Call at onr reBtniant and tost tbe merits uf our dishes. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AP.BUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We sell weekly Meal . , Tickets, Cash ?4-50 " :: ' ' ; ' INDIGESTION? THIS IS A'ftUEsflON THAT HAS BEEN -AWQtD TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve ,( the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assimulatiug ' Sufficient Food to Rebuild the TisBM.es Support- ' ing the Organs Involeed. There i but one remedy that will do this, and .that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. ' If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and ' ' WE- WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL. et m Prescription Pruggisi La Grande, Qrei; . ; :;''' ; E, P. 8taple ' E. E. Rbmlg r; R0MI0 & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A full and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden ware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery prodnots always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 rM-M ttniiiMM 150 Beautiful Shirt Waists 150 At Manufacturers Prices! Not even the freight added We have just received this elegant line , by express and in order to move them quickly and give every lady an oppor tunity to bave a nice new waist fot the 4th, we have docided to offer tha tntire lot at aotuul cost price at the factory LADIES COLORED SHIRT WAISTS In a nice assortment of patterns good grade percale, 35o to GOo LARGEST STORE Some basket cloth weave Oxfords with oluny lace insertions, black lawn sateen, etc, 75etotl .65. WHITE LAWN WAISTS In almost endless varieties, 55c to 2 48. White Japanese Silk Waists Tenetim and cluny !ace effects-beautiful garments for evening and summer wear, $2.28 to $4 25. SMALLEST PRICES TI-IE GOLDEN RUIJSr t3TSricle Ore ' " .J I on i w yitm4j r .... - - -r!V)Sfc.lVJ rt aSsetf-arWa"'- rrrVaVrBTv"V "sTw