La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, June 22, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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; 7c Will '.cell Jar it and bring it
ID. o. - . tt.t. .it a i .
-. . g: ( n w giurim wuiiichbu ana amy & ror a
i i..-.. trial order to demonstrate) you that we un-
a , derstaud the laundry business. Yon can itop
ST V our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry
, Bd yoar work will be called for at dnoe; ' we
inake ft specialty of family washing, and can
S ' L".de your washing better and cheaper than
B you, a trial oraer touoiied.
. -4
Li Grande Evening Observer
vUBBKT BROS. , Editor aProp.
Coasted at the. Port OOc at U
Unod. Oragoa, at 8ooed Claa
Mall Matter. .. . ? VX
Union steam
n to ,f
Published daily exowpt Sunday
One year in advance $6 60
Six month in advance.;. . S 60
Per month
Single copy.....
Sk ' !
S ,J:T ,
SteUwell 4 Vandermuelen, Proprietors. .
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and fure. Also ohicVen & poultry.
i ;
- OFnOEBSi ;:,.. , , DIBIOTORSt ' ''
R. Biimi.:.;.".:..;.t..PiIdBt i ; S. M. Bwry, J. ILObuiuh '
i.M.BiST...,..VkPMtldnt, ' ! -I A. B. Oooly, B. Bmhh :
J. U.CnuacH....;......OHhiar ' s v 0. Btaalay !
r.kMaTaas.,;.aMi.Oaaliler! -..-.?- '
La Otaa4, Onftoa - . . .
Tr-anaMts a general banking boitae 1 Bay tad salli axchaoi an
' allparttof tba world, j OoUavttoos a tpaetaltr. '
. - joonoi An anv vnui y wi
WQOd, Clear Creek & Castle Gate Coal - 5
. Nat and lamp eoal. Bad Br, tamaraok, and rallow pioa - wood
Alfalfa hay $10 perton !lieHTeredii tV"
- Rhone No"1611
ge'. fowler, .
Boeoaawr to ta. 0. Grout and City Coal Oo. ; . r
-All phone orders eciyei 1 . .. j
Our prompt Attention.
Since Alexander Hamilton,
while in .Washington's Cabinet,
issned his celebrated report on
the manufactories in the United
States, recommending ' that
legistation be directed i to the
inoonragement of the manufac
turing industries of the United
States, leading men in the U. S
have differed upon the propiety
of plaoing : snoh legislation on
the United States statute : books.
The AntUfederalistrin th 'early
days of the repubjio ! opposed
Hamilton and aa a resultant of
this opposition the Democratic
party evolved and the , whig
party came into existence.' "
As an inoident of ' the heated
discussion betweea the Demo
crats and wigs child labor . was
brought into the disoussion 1 and
Democratic stump speakers drew
grpahio pictures of the horror of
child labor in the stuffy , factors
in ' their appeal to, the t kindly
impulses , of the voters. 0 Thie
appeal had much potenoy," in
forming publio opinion,' for the
60 years of Deinociatic asoeud
onoy from 1800 has 1860, against
protection of American manu
facturing industries. .
I In later years the adult wage
earners in the American factories
have made much 'objection to
child labor, not from benevelent
feelings toward children but
because they believed the
employment of children had a
tendency to lower wages. Yet
in their appeals - to the voters
they repeat much that the
Democrats had said more than
a half century ago.
The Status of the .Democrats
and adult Wage earners have had
a beneficial effect and there" has
been' great improvement in
In walking through the higl -.
ways of life dH it ever impreta
you that the ownership of real
.eatste would improve your con-
condition' materially? ' II not.
: it is time that you did realise
that such is a fact It will make
you more independent in feel
: iug, and YOUR HOUSE wilt be
' yours in every sense of the
V. word.
; S We have fine lots for tale in HOME INVEST
,! w MENT ADDITION at right prices. Eveiy lot is
' '' about su are in size and each lot ha a water right
. in one of the best irrigating ditches in the valley.
We will sell you these lots on
; installment", ai.d we will1 also
, con ruct ii h you to rreot a
dwelling house for you, and al
. low yon to pay for the entire
, j property In installments. Put
j your rent into your oan home
1 Call on the ' .i ' ; 1
Comauy, 111U Adkms Avenue,
i La Grande, Oregon. - '
i.. "n i ' "
La GrandeInvestment Company.
factory regulations and slate
laws affecting child labor within
the past 3Q years.
In the disenwion of this
question there baa always been
much exageration and lack of
information concerning the real
facta in the case. To bear the j
oppnents of child labor, or red
their argumenU one is led o
believe that children of very
tendsr age are put to work in the
factories in large numbers and
paid very snsignificant wages.
Neither of which is true, as will
appear from the following figures
taken from the 12 United States
census, report showing condi
tions in 1900,. and bulletin -No
52 from the Department ' of
Comrarro and Labor issued in
May 1804 a book of 218 :i page
devoted to child labor.
A Child labor is so regulated by
state laws tbal children under
ten years old are- not permited
to work in faotories and in most
of the states the age limit is 14
years. , -"-"
- Child labor, iQ the U. S. census
means from 16 years and under,
and read with reference to stale
laws means in most of the states
from 16 to 14 years, iu a few
from 16 to 12 and in one or two
from' 16 to 10 years of age.
That there is greaa misappre
hension as to the . number of
children : employed in factories
in the United States wiil be seen
from the following figures taken
from the 12 U. 8. census.
In 1900 there were 612,254
factories in the United States
which employed 6,314, 89 wage
earners, exclusive of salaried
officers and clerks, of these 4,114 .-
84$ were men 16 years old and
pv, r, l,Q3l,0U8 women 10 years
old and over, and 168,683
children undei 16 years of age.
The hours of labor vary from
66 hours per week in some
establishment in Alabama to 65
hour in New Jersey.
The wages vary from $10.90
per week of 58 hours, in Mass.,
fot children under 18 yeara of
ago to $1.60 with an average of
pyir $6 per , week.-.;. '...;.
, In . Alabama the - rates for
children per week of 66 hours
the wages vary from $6.72 to 63
cents with . an average of $4.
Bulletin No 62 from wbio'n the
above figures are taken makes
no figures on negro children.
,. Fm avodak and Kodfik Supplies
A complete stock of professional paper.
an8(red proniully.-"
Plates at wholesale prices. Mailorders
La Grande-.Drus.Co.,-an(l Red Cross Drug Co
: We Do Not Claim
That we cmi pWnse all t f the people all of tbfl tim,but
J That our plant hxs been uiideifthe same 'management for
nearly TEN YEARS .. . -
That djrijg this, time our aim has been to please as
J nenr.y nil, at all times ae good work and , courteous .treat, a
" Ttuit we will do our best to please you if .yon will rfavoi !
us wiili your putrouage , . 'f.tvr '!'-l !
J ' That PuckHgesj left at Anderson & t Myers or Kirtley's j J
J barber slinks will receive 1 lie, same prompt ' attention ' that I J
they would if left at the luuudry. "' " " J
PHONE D l85i
' E. T. Thome of the La Grande
Calh Store who has had charge
of I. the - s grocery department
expects to return to his former
home in Provo Utah next Mon
day. ; His health compels him
to seek another , climate. Mr,
Thome has made many friends
here who wish him suueess and
health where ever he may go.
: .'Argument on the constitution
ality of the barbei law will begin
in the supreme court next Tues
day.' The question baa come
before, the highest tribunal of
the sttte i on appeal from the
decision of Circuit Judge George,
who held the law to be unconsti
tutional. '
I t uw aMwuieut iruui iuo
Treasury Department, of date
June' 1st, 1004, shows that the
population of the United States
ia estimated at 81,752,000, and
that th,e money circulation per
- t.'ok 8eeB9BB5SEaanSfiSfi
Jjulgratloa companies are
aow l, marking -Ttown passage
tiekeU from $ 10 to $9 68. But
bargain-nonnter immigration is
hot the desired brand . '
Eugagement between the Jtps
and. the Russian are uot of the
leap year orler, though the
Russian generally has to Jump.
Mr. Bryan ia holding recep
tion in St. Louis, though dis
claiming to be in a receptive
moqd ' '
:,The La prande Cash Store
ha v sold their grocery depart
ment to Baker Bros, of rort-
andi' ' !
Classified Ads
For Rent
FOR SALE A two story house in
good condition, 1012 Gst ibqulre at
tills otHce. 0-16-22. '
FOR SALE Complete outlit of bouse
hold furuituru wilt be sold cheap
if sold at once. Inquire at les'donco
on seventh Street between Washing
Ion avenue and P Street E T I honu.
TO TRADE A heavy team, harness
and wagon lor real ertate enquire at
Van burens cigar fctor.
WANTED The tirande Konde Oream-
ery Co withes to contract inr one
hundred pnnln nf vnllnw ninn wnn.1-
Inquira at the creamery. ,
FURNISHED ROOMS Parties desire
tnfc nicely furnished rooms apply to
U l binimoos corner 8 and M Ktreets
FOR RENT 3 rooin bouse lor iioune
keeping apply to Mrs S C Zubei . o lltf
Plenty of good pasture St per bead
per month,' Phone 1276. :'
Piano Tuning
Prof Hendricks the .'-iia. ie Piano
tuner, is fully prepared to care ' for
your Piano, and solicits your patronage
in hie line. Oive him a trial l'uoiie
"Cheap Lumber ,,f
FOR 8ALE-About 150000 feet in our
yard at Imbler suitable (or bouses
barns, fences and ranch purposes
cheap for next SO days. Come and
as us quick.
Bnags JMgr.
Eleven room bouse next door ta the
poet .offioe for rent. . 2J par month
in advance. Apply to rrsa Myers .in
La Grande National Bank. . ' i
Notice To Water Consumers
Ordinance 68No . Drovldea that
the water, rotas shall be due payable
in advance at the officeof City Recorder
oil the first day of each month (except
lor meteis, which are payable on tne
first day of the succeeding month),
and if not paid within- the first ten davs
ihe water wiil bj shut off the premises,
and not turned oa until payment is
made of amount due with one dollar
in addition for the expense ol turning
water off aud on. This rule shall lie
strictly enforced beginning with the
23rd. of May.
a j uuman.
. Water Baut
Mr 'John H Cullom, Editor of the
Uarland, Texas, News, has written a
letter of congratulations to thf manu
facture of Chamberlain's Cough Re
medy, as follows: "Sixteen years ago
when our first child was a baby be was
subject to croupy spells and we would
be very uneasy about him. W began
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
1887, and finding it such a reliable re
medy for oolde.and creup w have never
been without in the honse ainra that
time. We have five children and bave
given it to an of them with 'good re-
rur saie uy ail druggists.
Summer Dresses
Made on short notice, at reasonable
prices '
. Mrs Etta E WiueB
Phone 1717-9th 8t between O & M Sta.
Sweet Cream
Commencing Thursday June lllth the
Grande Ronde Creamery Co will be
prepared to furnish ewwet cream in
qnanity to suit, whole sale and retail
Remember the place Huntington new
building next door to fire building,
Cabbage Plants
E Z Cat bine, of Fruitdale, baa a
large number of cabbage plants for
sale. Phuue 1U37. tf
Beginning with June lrt no one shall
be allowed the use of city water for
irrltratini; purposes except betweuu the
hours ol S.0 and 7.10 P M.
,HC Gilman.
Watsr Supt.
All Kinds of Work -
Wesley Davis does all kinds ol scav
enger work, such as cleaning wpIIs, cess
polls, etc. (live him a call. 4 24 tf
Juvenile Dancing Class
Prof and Mrs Siinio i will open a
olaas for Juveniles in Commercial club
hall on June 2:iidut 3pm The course
will inelude dancing, deportment and
the dtlsarta system ol physical culture
for ratea and particulars inquire, of Mr
aad Mrs Simpson Washington are
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating aa Eaitara trip, or
a visit to tha Loalsiana Purchase expo,
anion at St. . Louis, canuet afford to
overlook the advantages offered by the
Missouai Paoino Bailwit, which, on
accooav oi us various roots and. gated
Th World'. V.S Biti I -fvTT
Passengers from th :Nortbwat take
the Mia9otraiAcine trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice ol either
coins, direct through the luiu rw.
via Wichita, Fort Scott' and PiaaAnt
Two trains daily from Denver aad
. ucuw mi ot. uHiui. witnout oliange.
carrying all classes ol mod era equip-
mAnt. innlnditit alu,t. liLi.j V
"7 ' WM.w iisuaeju ODNI
vfition, parlor cafe dining mn, IWo
", uoiwoea '.n.aaaii uny and
at ina. j
Write, or call oa W. O. McBrlde
for detailed faformation and illastratkd
Lodge Directory-
EAOUS-L. Onnd. Airie . F O B nu
over, PriiUr nigbt in K of P aall at I p
VlilUa(bratliernlnvlud tauad.
i: U Boekwcli. W P. , A M M.rville. W Sen.
M.rion, Mo a mta euh Tueur u bx'i
lull. Bfotkats ars Invited to atlead.
. -.-..,..- At Hslensrchl., Matm"
O J Vaadtrposl, Keo See.
.,0?U0"f n
IheirbaUxvnySaiardaynlsht. VUlUu Bm.
beta cordially invited to attend.
.R8o.c4.S C,V""'.NO.
That the way to reach a
man's lieart is through his
stomach- Try it by using
Geddes Bros canned fruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce; on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything. ,
We always have the fresh-'
est eggs, butter, etc. : '
Special attention given . to
phone orders.
Geddes Bros.
a large piace in the food question. It
is essential therefor that tne meat ba
good. Tongh, gristly etrak, or day,
jnicelees roasts will spoil any meal.
Suppose you consult u on
We know and buv the best kind. You
can rely on our knowledge and our do.
sire to hold your trade to g?t you Ihe
uneai meat you ever closed your teem
on. Aa for prices, well we are not so
foolish as to have them high.
Bock & Thomas
New Lumber Yard
t am now o epared to fill ord rs (i
all kinds of lumber If joa need lum
ber sea n y prices i fore ordering.
E Roeenbaum. v
Propr. Rainbow Store.
Real estate Snap
Two acre Itreot, seven blocks from
center of La Grande, tiord six room
ed inttngd furnished completely and
well, if desired. Two barns, large hen
house aud wire enclosed park over one
hundred chickens, over 100 bearii g
fruit trees Including winter and sum
mer apples, pears, prunes, peaches
and seveml rarities of cherries, one
thousand raxplierriea, uOO strawberries
twenty live shade, ire, lawn, flowers
and large garden ready for uso, three
wells, two punis, ten shares in enod
water ditoh. House insure. I for 47uo
for three year. Part down.
Nl41F,r?elM-!R,..?"nd.'' . Led,,"
day of eich month.' """a " Mt0t
A O Williams 8eo,
O D Huffman W. M
Change of
The undersigned has pnrehaeed
the buiin known as th Harris
Cash Meat Mo.Ul .-.i :n i
after conduct the same. .....
ve wisn to inform the publir
that we are prepared to furnish
all kinds of meats, gameltnd
r ..j . ... very luwiet prine
oonsistaut with first-clas article,
WA a... - , . .
. - ur uwn neuvert
and make two trips dally to th
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cuttle, hoes and
siieen. IVa i;; . i
your patrouage and guarantee
ilia waptt KajiA ..a!-a
Ptione orders nviw kamU
and carefil attention.
Harris meal market across the
track, Phone 1601.
"Spokane Cafe
Under the new management
is rapidly building up a good
trade. Prompt service, cour
teous treatment, everything
olean, and yon will always find
plenty to eat, are the causes of
the increase 1 patronage. Tiy
our regular
25 Cent Meal
, Many say It Is by far the beat
meal in the Inland Empire Try'
one and then you may judge.
Open day and Bight. '
, . , Depot Streat
J. F. Johnson
Depot St LaQrande.Or.
pi.1?'iE?r?xf, 1'T ti, ket Tia the
Choice of routes going ot returning
8PR1NH8, or PUEBLO. "
For rates call on your local Agent.
Dates pi sale: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3
Aug. 8-9-10 Se, t. 6-6-7 Oct. 3-iio
For further Information and slrenine
car reservstlons call upon or address '
AHMc Donald '
HQ Third St., Portland,
I am now prepared to do all
kinds of scavenger work that is
generally done by a scavenger,
and will call at your plaoe at
any time. Call me up on phone
No. 1841 or address box 692.
H N Ma-on
sss M - m WA at' I B
SzTvTir1 Flavor,
vtirttr rjin, fiawbk Prices.
1 .