La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, June 22, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Total Number Found
in the Slocum Disaster
Numbers 674 Many
Unidentified. : : f:z
New York, June 22 At 8 o'olock
tbii morning 12 more bodies ol thou
killed in tbe burning ol tbe steamship
General Slocum were reoovered, mak
ing total o(716. Sixty-four uoidenti
Sed bodies are at tbe morgue. - : f
A seveie thunder storm early tbia
morning otueed many bodies to come
to the surfaoe. Eight were found
floating near the spot where the
steamer was beached sn north Brother
Island. ' .. ;
. The relief fund now amounts to $53
000. Two 4-inob guns will today be
taken out on floats and fl red along tba
liver where bodies are supposed to be
sunk in the hope of bringing them to
the surfaoe.
The Srst damage suit reBtiU'o from
the disaster has been filed by Urt Ki e
Mettler, woo loi: four ohildron. dhe
aks 50,0O0
Gets Currency
Washington, June 22 Te agree
ment providing currecy fur the n'
Republio of Panama to the rxteut of
$3,000,000 in silver, was signed yester
day. '
........ - .
The Observer taktt pUesurs la . io-
knowladging tht reoaiptei .a- eordial
invitation fioos Bacbarl Stone, ehial
of tbe department of Publicity ol tht
Philippine Government".: Exposition
display at Bt Louis Hex, end the eour
tetiet tendered that rtprsesuUtiv of
the Observer should ha Visit tht exposition.
This Phiil pine Xxblbit it tbt lar-
gsst single sxblMt at the alr, aad U
folly equipped throughout with desks,
telephones, typewriter, and all tht
modern ooovsnlsooerall of. which are
free of assess to visitors. ,
Pendleton, On., Juat S2 Htad
qnartsrs for thaSOth annmal tdnrov
ment of the northwest gportsawn't
association to be held best J not IS, 24
and 26, were opsqsd ia tht Goasmtr-
oial aatooiation parlor) loaigat. Sev
tral out of town sporlaatea art regie-
tered. Grounds and traps art is good
snape, and everything , looks atonia-
ing for tht tournament, -
. New Freight Depot
The O E 4 N Bailway Ox It dolag
some long needed work aad repairing
at their freighi'-ideppt. , Thty art
building an addition (hi the east and
whinh will ha null fni tna inlvht of.
floes exclusively, . Tbe old board wslls
are being remoTfd" and rtflaosd by
nioe weather boarding.. .If tw doord art
being pat io p!aee;i ,: tw; platlor at
will be erected on tbt north ridt, ajatl
the railroad track and tht pUtkrm
on the tooth side Will b renovtd, fir
ing the freighting wagoM opportonity
to load and unload imratdltttly fruai
tbe doors.' Tbt roof .will bt laeoMrad
and the. entire- building painlad when
oompleted. It will theii be a pltasore
to tbt eye and a Credit. td dor city. .
Rockwell Arrested
Cbarltt Rockwell was arrested by
Marshal Rayburn and brought before
Rsoorder Newiin to answer to a cliarge
of allowing women . ot questionable
aharoter to fnqueat bit saloon. He
pleaded not guilty and asked to have
tba trial set for two o 'dock Thursday
which was granted.
About fifty delegatet to tha National
Prohibition Convention at Minneapolis
Minn, pasted Uurongb the city this
forenoon on passenger train No 6. ' All
appeared bright, cheerful, duly sober,
and spoke in glowing terms -of victory
la tbt fall. : "'"-'
May Resign
Ptndlttoa, Ore, June 22. In the hot
It school election for many years held
hart today, E L Smith was elected
director, defeating Leon Cohen, 24(1 to
65. Smith ran on an anti-Cohen, Uoket
and It it nnderatood that Mr Oonklin,
aoparlnttndent of the city schools will
be forced to resign.
Temporary and Perma
nent Chairmen Ad
dress National .Repub
lican Convention. :
of c
Haw York SO William J Bryan ar
rivad here tonight He said be did
not tipect to see Cbas F Murpby or
any leader of the anti-Parker move
ment while in tbe city. He said: Tbe
tan who art opposed to Judge Park-;
ers nomination will be in control at
8t Louis. They will nominate the
oandidatet and prepare tbe platform
and it will not bt tbe New York plat
form Or the New York candidate'). .
G V7 Harris oame down yesterday from
Starkty where he has been mining for
tha past two months. He exhibited
soma very handsome epeciments of the
yellow metal, and taye when the water
oorsta he will have more of It.
Goes morrily ou and you will truly mitt an exoeptional opportaaity for eoonotnioal buying
oi THE MOST SEASONABLE OF SUMMER CMXDS if you fail to attend ' this great Sale.
We must move this surplus stook and-the extraordinary prica reductions in every ' depart
ment are forceful arguments why you shtuld make your necessary purohases here . We do
not say everything reduced because you are not interested in fall and winter goods now
but yon cu.n make a snug little sum by buuing your SUMMER goods during this Sale. .
" .... ' N ' Thi department affords some unparal-
Lawns, Dimtties, Batiste and in fact aU .d wltass in-choice ready to wear head
the popular summer fabrics suitable for r , dress ;
hot weather dresses at following prices:1 ' ' ' ' 7. 0 hat : for $4 95 .,
8 l-3o wash goods, the yard...''. .So "j 60 . " ' : 9
10c ...,7 - ...325
12 " " " " .....10 . 0- inK
25 " " " ....10 ;SS0 .....198
25 to 35c STRAW HATS 18c . 50cto 75c STRAW HATS 45c
Mens Pants at Overall Prices I I , V 85 Um Hose -25
About 50 per cent off . . . , Black Lisle thread hose,
Wool and heavy QOf , ' ' " absolutoly fast color, 25o :
cotton work pants yOV i ' ' ': " .
t 50 - 1 75 pants I 29
2 25-2 50 pants 1 95
$1 75
Mens Work Shoei
$1 18
50c SHIRTS 29 -The
2 in one work, shirt is
one of tbe best on the market
Black Bhirting witb whit
stripe. 29c during this sale
t . 75o 86c 11.00
' Dress shirts 69c
Lot Ladiei Belts 35c to $1 CO
in ueat serviceable belts
For your choice
Ladiei Wrappers
Sim Jtgirj
The Republican national oonvsn-
tion was organised Yesterday witb
Ellhu Boot as temporary chairman
who upon calling tne oonvantlcn to
order delivered an eloqnenl address
wbioh was tbe lecture of tbt days pro;
ceedincs. Tbe usual eommlttatt wart
apitoioted and tbe convention djora
ed until this morning when Joseph
Cannon, present speaker ol rtprtstn
tatives was made permansnt ebair
man ol the convention, who addraatfd
tbe convention at length . along tbt
line of safe oonservaitism which baa
always been characteristic of the re
publican party. i ; 1
The convention today it toUowing
the evn tenor of itt way adopting tht
reports of oommittees on platform and
etc. , '),',':i...i--:-r .' 5 :.,- :
The only feature is the . abtolalt
withdrawal ol congressman Bits of
Illinois for the second plaot on the
ticket and there it no qntatioa bat
what president Roosevelt will be : re
nominated tomorrow by aoclimatloa
also senator Fairbanks of Indiana for
vice-president also by acclimation. .
Tomorrow will be the principal day
of the session but as there is now no
apeoulation as to what tha straits will
be, this national, convention will go
down in history as the most anaal-
mous one ever held by any great na
tional party.
The convention is loyal to Rootevtlt
every state delegation is '' unanlaoos
for him and notwithstanding: tht
tage tbe Spanish American car gave
the lamented McKinley many ol the
leaders of the party firmly believe that
the November eleotion will result in a
larger majority tor the "Rough Bidtr"
that it did in 1900.
Root's Addbbss.".
On taking tbt chair at temporary
presiding offioet of tbe national rtpbnb
lioan committee, Hon Eliho Boot
spoke asfollows: - '; ." '
f'The responsibility of the govern
ment rests upon tbt republican parly.
Tbe complicated machinery through
wbioh tht 80.00C.000 peoplt ol the
United States govern themselves ans
wers to no single will, Tbeoompotitt
government devised by tbt Iranian of
tba constitution to meet tbt condition
of national life more than a centdry
ago, requires tbe willing eo-operatioo
of many minds, the combination ol
many independent laotora, in every
forward step tor the general welfare,
"Tbe president at Washington with
hit cabinet, tbe 90 senators represent
ing 45 sovereign states, the SM rep
resentatives in congress, are required
to reach concurrent action npoa a
multitude of questions involving vara
ied and conflicting interests and re
quiring investigation, information,
disouasion and reconciliation ol vitwt.
From all our vast territciy with lit
varieties of climate and industry, froaa
all our great population active in pro
duction and commerce and social pro
gress and intellectual and moral lilt
to a degree never betort attained by
any people, difficult problems
upon the national government.
. "Wilhlo the last five years
than 66,000 bills have been introdoatd
In congress.' Some method of ttlto
tion must be followed. There mart be
preliminary process to ascertain tat
general tenor of public opinion npoa '
tbe principles to be applied in govern
ment, and some organisation aad re
cognition of leaderabip which shall
bring a legislative majority aad tba
ezoutive into accord in the practical
application of tboe principles; or ef
fective government betomtt impos
sible. . ...
Tbe practioal governing Instinct of
our people has adapted tbt machinery
deviiod In the eighteenth ;to tbt con
ditions of the twentieth ctntnry by tht
organization of national political par
ties, la them men join for tht pro
motion of a few cardinal principles
upon whlcn tbey agrte. For tbe taka
of those principles tbey lay aside tbtir
differences of opinion opon lets ii
portent questions. To represent
those principles and to carry on tbe
government in accordance witb them,
tbey present to tbe peoplt caadidataa
whose eonpttency and loyalty tbey
Tht peoplt by tbtir ehoioa
caadldatea iodiea.t tht rxinoiplee
and methods wbioh they with followed
In tba conduct of their govrnment.
Tbey do not merely choose between
man; they choost between parties br
twesn tbe principles tby profess, tht
methods they follow, the trustworthi
ness ot theii professions, tbt inferenc
es tone drawn from tbtir past records
the gtntral weight of eharaolar ot tha
body of men who will bt brought into
participation in government by tbtir
"When tbt ooorse of tha - next ad
ministration it bnt half done tbt re
publican party wilt have completed
the first half century - of its national
life. Of tba 11 administrations tine
tht first eleotion of Lincoln, nine
covering a period of 36 years have
besm under republican presidents For
I mo greater part of tbat time tbe ma-
1 1 I . 1 V. I I
republican. History affords no
parallel for tbt growth In national
greatness and power, tbe wide diflusiou
ol tbe comforts of life, tht uplifting of
tbt great mass of people above tbe
bard conditions ot poverty, tha - com-
opportunity lor eduoation. tbt
universal possession of civil and re
ligious liberty, tbt protection of prop
erty and security, lot the rewards of
industry and enterprise, tbt cultiva
tion o! national morality, sympathy
witb humanity and love of liberty and
jottlot, which have , marked tbe life
ol tht American people duriog thit
long period of republican control- ,
With, the platform and the oandi
datet of this convention, we are about
to ask a renewed expression of popu
lar oonfidenoe in tbe republican party.
Graver Cleveland Said
To Ik The Only Man
For Democratic Presi
dential Candidate.
New fork, Junt 18. Former Mayor
Robert A. Van Wyek tailed on the
Campania today to visit Richard Crok
trut Wantage and spend four months
or to in Europe.
"Tht situation in National Demo
cratic politics is ptoalar," said tut for
mer Hayor. "There It only one man In
the country for tbe Democrats nomi
nation, and he la Grovel Ultvel md.
1 will not say anything about Judge
Parker, for be it a good man I bat if he
is not nominated by tha ateond ballot,
he will not get it, for Mr Cleveland,
in my opinion, will sweep tht conven
tion There it a strong demand for
him in the bustntss centers and la tht
business sections - -
" "The opposition to Orovtr Cleveland
In tht Democratic party it like tba op
position to Mr. Roosevelt In the Be
publtoao party, They are agalntt the
individual and not agalntt tbt party,"
Mr. Van Wyck will return in Sep
tember. . . . . .-.,.. ..
Well Know Qith.T.21.
Shoots Three Men on
The- St Louis Fair
Grounds. .
Bt Louis, June 22 Zaob Mulhall, a
cattleman known all ovtr tbe country, :
tonight tbot three men,. -ai-
Earnest Morgan is believed to bt ft- : .
tally wonnded. He was shot in tho
abdomtn, " -.."'. -.
Tbe other en are Frank Bead , -
botUtrol a Wild West show, aad John
Murray a cowboy. . . i v.- v i s,
Tbe shooting oeenrredoa the pike ;
in tbe World't Fair ground, i
Mulhall and Bead quarreled over V
which bad tha more authority ovtr ::
a nonets ion. I
llnlball was arrttted. A large
crowd oa tht pike taw the shooting ..;
Mr A Ohriatoffsrsoa a notnt arrival
from Baa Pete county Idaho was a La
Grande visitor today. ... ., ;
June 23, 24 and 25 7 " i
Special Shoe Sale
. Wo will place on salo for three days our entire
line of shoes excepting W L. Douglass. This
sals consists or a nil lino or mtas, women's
children's Shoes.
Oue Fourth off
Three Days
All wash goods at a reduction of 25 per cent for THREE DYS ONLY
All Men's and Boys Clothes at a Great Reduotion . daring this
The Chicago Store
-aV-aVJ. a i i m -Sl aSL
- It will be well to keep in mind these days that
we have a very satisfactory line of books and light
summer reading matter.
Suituble reading is the safest and most profit
able form of hot weather diversion. .Tho late
publications are here; yon can find just what yon
like The peico is light whether tho literature is
heavy or light Never possible before to get go
muoh reading for so little cost.
Jc- "WW'' ' :
- hi T HI in.