. 2f '-. if T A. cr f r n " " 1 - it II 4 8 II few pi hi v-.::. n twA 'jt.f, t , t, .. . J ; v ,,.!, fl,... . , ,...'' V, of things suitable for June wear ; w Specials in Shirt Waist Suits ,i ? Hot' weather peekine rouud the corner nothinVso - 'W 0001 r stylish as pretty 'shirt waist, j Here's a chance ,t to buy one at a surprisingly low price, i'r We are showing ' thedc iu-Talletas, Foulard, Mohair end Crash suitings, .-; PRICES. FROM $1.50 to $32.00. 1 ."' -: ', UP AGAINST the petticoat problem? You'll' bo sur- .. . UrifUll to find lha lutuol lU M..l. i c i bolter tliau you'd suppose for twice the price OSc to . Men's Fine . Shoes ; ';f , We have thein in patent calf, .. palont kid, . black i vict kid , haiid well, all the newest ' ' '- lasts in both button andldce. ' Prices $.?.50 to $5.00 '"''-' We nri Hgonta for W L Dnaglani and , t aud Preston B Ki ith world :-' renowned eboee. . j - lien s v ; fine Suits ' If you are going h to buy manner suitt-yoo may " well buy H ; while' , our itock is . com- v. , plete. ' Unequalled s - , - variety at UDnifttob-w , able pricts. J ;Made '' j ; f right, fit right and -HIRf $..."-'' The teUest line U of sofiiumaiert : ihirts that ever .crossed the Rooky ;; j. just received, regu . , lar priee. - , v MEN'S HATS, Alt the new shape . for summer wear.' ' Panamas $10 to $lf Shirt Wm'Rts U . A -We hare just received the swellest ' line of shirt waists ever brongbt to ' La Grande. Come In and look tbem ' oer before tlie sizes are broken. ; i v ' GREAT CORSET VALUES .'New straight front, dip blp, Batii- ; te corsets for summer wear. B and W 1 .latest mpdelj color white and drab 18 . T.3P. $1W. We are not sui'Koong -but : " we can give you a better form p o i Tided. -yoifrbur ne.-of tb'' feorsetBi ind yoa, won't gut the best lit in aor- ' $ tuuloss you come here. ' All tliv nnw Ahui.Ao ftl .m tr On 1 J1'1 ft 5r r?" Mi rWWoRCKTf. Style 571 : Unusual Wash Goods Values V: IS.' - .. New Wash Goods the leading styles at remark- ' " ably low prices this week bot weather material at a f ' saving every woman raust appreciate " We will place ,, , ' on sale for one week our . entire line of wash goods. ..v., . . j - We have 1,000 yards of Basistes and Lawna, in a 1 , variety of colors and ' patterue, regular 15c for. lie' ' 25 njad 30c Voiles and" Etaminea, thifff season's mobt ! ? -j" siyli'bU tiiaterials oi sale this' weetia'tr'22c...,A!l,. our,. '; ., -..50c and (ICc faucy white waiiiuia, attractive styles in - tig Variety! all-this week at low jiriee of 43s. - ' .'' Values that Win Men's , Hearte , and Jouch tht'r Punc String. ' i HOSIERY BARGAINS. tVNDER OARNEMTsV ! Men's fast black and eeamlese Men'i fine combed Egyptian nalflioso, , the lamoue "BbaW shirt and drawen, beat 700 .y ;;.i;,knit"troake,.26 to 1,26. values in the city. " Trunks, traveling bags, suit cases and traveling necessities of '.. every descriplion.Trunk of exery su dress trunks, skirt trunks, wardrobe trunks,, steamer trunks, telescopes,, etc ' l.nrji-i hiiiliiiost rum pine line in the ctiy. SPEGiALvlATTENTION?Gr lABW ' : : : : ' . . ..;::r.l ilVAl LLLi- I il 1 OOOW' : l.-.V- 1 .1 Ladiss Siimnrier Underwear .... it's .Mine to think of light weight underwear: '; you'll "And the beat styles and: bualities here If you buy this week. The saving means considerable. ' A Few Choice ' Bargains in Val7 -,) 20(lar.refl of lant, 12t) acres capable of .cultivation, 113 ao In fall sown wboat. ilouHO, baru aud other ;builiHnK8.-r-A gr BQflpan $2,500 . ' VI) 240 arm, small nrr'inrd, lioile, Iwro anil ood otubnilthnga, 80 acres in fall,, town giain; ma) sjrf mn it water How throiiKtt lce A ((rrat fcarfptlu ati,ulW j MAY SOON ombuilctingrt uuU In r slicU nijousoI hay can be cutuUte l(t0t)-T-Wflll lalt- i $'&0 in cattle in -rft-le on ihls riitfpfrty. Price 510 per nrw- 4 160s rcB. 130 ol c ioicc laud-l'rke10 perncre Tltiv is great barKfti: "' IrMMtfiof flutljiid at rw tT o-r These have to offur in lU WHftot rtLi:staiebaWali 56 m uonaia. of ihu maiiv suani We Kr furUier4rtiuulHra aildraHN.'fl M'Dn iel WALLOWA, OREGON Fresh Chocolates Fresi Bon Bous-- - Fresh Nongact; "T f"1 J w .FreshiQarmele ? Hf . J J' . ' V Fresh 'Taflfey ''" ' -' Fresh Salted Pemitits ""- " I , , Fre8.b Salted Al.mouds - ;,,s " " V ' . Fresh Popcorn,' , . i,' : ' ! j ' Fresh .'Fruit PHILIP LOY FKEE GAP1IVES Washington, June 21 Admiral Chadwick cables Irom 'J'angier tlial the Amerioao Perdmurio, and his son-in-law, Ornniweil Vurlcy, who .Bre now held captive for a large raoBoni hy the brigand, Kaisull, will in all pro bablity be released tomorrow. Admiral Barker's squiidrou arrived at Gibraltar t'odi.y from Lisbon en route to Tangier. i i i ' A Good One A man eame in. the other day with what be thought wis a conundrum ; "Why iB a newspaper like a woman?" The various answers given were: "Because it lias to have Bnnie one ran it " ''Because both bavn to be known to be apprecintnl " "fH-onost both are good aiivHrticing nimliumi" 'Because it changes ils dress." The correct' answer is " Because every man should have one ol his own, and not he running after his neighbors." Ex. . "i WALL PAPER It yju are thinking of papering, .this, season,,, .you.,, , should hot fail to inspect our tock...We..-bttYe., sold, - wallpaper a good many years, put. we can iiouesuy ,. . sat we have never been able to Slitir;auo.h; truly artistic designs at such ai extremelylQW price krww are now.; showing..-- uuiV.&rl ''f'C'lO i -..-i.-a-rJ.-. V We have a force of experienced paper hangers mid decorators uud "guarantee sflUsfactioV. Call and see 1 ' XT ...... .x . naaiiiil'iiT CtlorV UJ tiO If .' onr new i.rnvais. new imi ... ..6 -. Paints, Oils, :Qtij,6sy Lime, Tt Doors and Sash ' -,-v--y -f ' 0. F, C00L1DGE. . Adn: Avin-- -"LA GRANDE, OREGON 1 I' Chain"" Wood by the Cordl r- .. ..tl.a . onrrl. lfijinch drv thaib" wood $3 per cord, f Tl.it is cheaper than y the load. Yon pay'for' nkl V S 8et wf,l,, PRy for' " 'H. W. NIBLEY I Moscow Library. Moscow, I alio, June 21 A Carne gie library hui'.dinic lit Moaanw is now no assured fact. A lottcr rfcpivei1 tn- dy from Andrew Citrnegio nays br bin ft Wen 910,000 to' Motco (or k public library building. lv Westmorolund, Unna. ' May- 5 1902. Bnlluid tnow I.iiiiitiOiit Co. V : ur Bnnw IJniment i-a-ed an o'd wore on t side of my uhin that va uuppnsod to be a tan cor. . '1'bo soFe wim stubborn and would not yiold to treutmont, until I tried Stimv Llnimctit, wlilfii did tbe work in sbort oidor My sinter, Mia Wopbia J (;maon, AiKtDbville, Mitliit o, Pa, ban a sore and niihtruritB that it n a cancer. Pu'nse send her a r0c bottle, Sold by Newlin Drug Oo. THE MARKETS ; -v.: I t, , (June 21 J ' ' Mverpool July wheat 6 s 2 1-t d, New Vurk Silver 501-2; Union I'a- ciflo 87 1-2; Pfd 'Jl 1-2. Obicuxo July wheat opened 81 3-8 to -4; closed 81 18; barley i:t ai; flax 101; Northern 107' 1 2. a i S.in Fr.inclsoi l.'ash wheat 120 11 Portland Wheat, .' Walla Walla; 09; I!lu6tein 77; jVelley'78; cattle best steers A 50; medium 3 25; cow 8 00.' - Tacorau Wheat Bluesto.ii 80; Club Not In Oregon Portland June 21 By quirk aotion on the part ol CbieU of Police Hunt and the olBcers of the . Humane So ciety a bullfight scheduled to take place Sunday afternoon was stopped and the offenders were threatened with rresl. .' ' V ' ' " 5 e ; ' ; Notice -i. ... HAVK i V A DoUUHf f A- dose of Bnlfard's Mnrehourul Svrni, Will relieve it. lliiM' ynu a (:oidv Adose.if lle.hine at ld time and ftequent small drisee of liorehoiuid Syiup durii g tho day will remove it. Try.lt lor wliuopiuR couuh, for aht hmn. for consumptiin, fur bmn li tis. Mrs Joe Mctirateh, 327 K ist strwt, Huli-h-j tnson, !Knns writes: - "I linvo used Ha I lard's Ilorehound Kyiun in my family for 6 yearn, and find It the lut and most palatal) e medicine I everi ruieaV' 25c, Sue;. II 00. Sold by Beginning with June lnt no one shall boallowedthe use of city water fur IrrluHting pnrposea except between the hours ulSJW aud. 7.:t0 P M. U (J Oilman. ' ... Water Su pi. All Kinds of Work , v u.-l.y llavisdoes all hinds of scav enger work, such as cleauinf; wells, rees polls, etu. Give him a call. 4 24 tf Lodc;e Directory. DVvma fix W: . . . i a a! A rfcal ss sa t sa i i t frfr ltfrK"'',P' ' Another Band The young mon of the Mornisn ehnrch of th's city have orgsnized a ln(l oonslFting of sixteen pei, as and have ordered Hid instruments. Every pieue will be C, J. Conn. The band for the first few months will be under the leadership of F S Kramwell who baa had years of. practical eip rlenr-e and is In every way ratable of dir acting the boys. This wilt gve U Grande t o' arst class brass bands.' , KAOI.KH La Ormidc Airio PO K lllteti every Kmlay nll,t In K ol I' hall at I p in Vi.itlDK bretheni lnltd Urvi;i)tl, C U ltotkeli, W P. A' N II.) vllle, W Mec .... . jux; f.r . rORKSTKllH OP AUtfUICA-Uourt M.ld Uariuu, So tt liiMt. rti Tuekfl.jr In Elk's nail, llniiatfn an Invllttd li tittvud. ' .VI UulBni.r Chief Uaiuer. 0 J Vaaderpool, Kec See. ' Stone Masons bejian work ynstorday on the footidntion lor at Sorrnsons new resilience on Adams avenue. I O 0 r-l.a Orands Lodae, No lr, mcU hi their hall rv.ry Saturday nlKht. Vlalllug mam. ben cordtatly Invited tuatlendi" CJ Vandorpoul, NO. IRSDOok.HM.' 1 f; -., A, F. A A. M.Ln Grande fxxlge no, ii. tneeie every istaua 3rd Satur day of each uionth. .'. -AO Willi tinS Scor i' i . V D llufrman W.M. ' ..l -rye fr:,"."tr. 'i I ''-'' v' Congratulations. ''fedil .r iii'ihe II., I T,i : a ... ll I H 'wrlttHU letter of enitKraliilatioi.s to the mana Iscture of Cliamberia'U's Couuh Re inedy, as follows: ".Sixteen years (!" when our- llrrt child ws a ba'iy lie was tubjet.i to cimnpv spells and we would be very nueaav about lilni. We began ii6iii(i ClianiiiBrlaln's Cousii Remedy in 1X87, and finding it such a reliable re medy for Isolds aud croup we tiayc never been without in the bouse aim e thai time. We have livl chil.iren and have given It to all of I hem with good re. suits.". Kor utile by, all drnggtita. ' NOTICE OF ANNUAL '- '' ' ' - v.ut .-? SCHdOIi MEETING - Notice la hereby given to the legal vol ere of Scbol district No one' ol Union county, Slate of Oregon, tba tho Annual Kchool Meetiig for said district will be held at High fchonl Uuildlug In sii id district to begin at the hour of two. o'clock p ni on tbf thi ii Monday, heiii); the 20ih Jay of June A Ii 1!H t. This mieting la call ed to elect Jonc director to' serve fur live years and the t rauno' Ion of 'iiisineas' UHtial at such meeting,. . iJated this Hth ilny June UKM. . David May, chairman board of dire 'tore. ... . Attest;; A C . Willlnmi, district elerk. . . . . . j, . The World's Fair Route Those ahticlpating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the adviintnn.es ottered by the Missorai PacIpic Kailwav, which, on aceouni of its various routes and gated ways, bin. uii appropriaiely names The World's Fiilr Koute." Pa8eninrs from the Northwest take tbe MissuuKi'rAcipic trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant1 tlill. .i . Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to Ht, Louis without chauge, .'arrying all elassea of modern etiurp ment, includiiiK rliTtric lighted obser vation' parlor eafe dining cars. '.Ten .hilly train' iH-lwi'en Kansas City and SI Louis. ' Write, or vail on W. C. Mcllll.lf. General Agent, 124 Third et, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated literature. tf. , "T 1 " i i . I. ... ' ' !Ntjma the f -i-: 4, a uo To Fix Up Your Piaccs. a . We cat supply you with the staff for . fences . and V4. side walks. I f I M f " ' I ' . (.': : l - ; All kinds of lumber and buildimg material. . STODDARD LUMBER COl , ST3NE AND BRICK WORK Of All Kinds Done If f .: ? i i i : .if'' . i . AT REASONABLE PRICES WM C HANSEN Opposite the Hum nier Honae. . -One of the best musical Institutions in the state, Four rooms need for musical instruction, 15 grades of music taught, Depaiment 1, 2 rooms used for the 3 first grades. Children at the age of 6 and older come one bour every day. Department 2, t rooms for grades 4 to 15 for pnplla of all ages Tlx lat est course bolt practical musical In struction. M laical oouiastt for med als every few aeeks. ' E PORTER DAY Principal . .RS DAY,' .Assistant ' a. I ! T t : -U r I- o r.n La Grande ;! v .... ,. ' " , ' Will celebrate ' the Glorious Fourth, and I have 5 f SHOES Suitable for; tbe occasion. ' Uj stock is bear and up-to-date I am equipped to fit anj feet and hare many styles for If eat women and children. . .-r; . ' Come in and see me. I am agent for Weber Bros' Celebr ted 8hce for Men. This shoe baa few equals aud no superior. itft ' ' " " " T M STUBBLEFIELD. i door to J it Berrys. r.' i.. - l! 7. I naiaie