. .-;-, d '; f- '' :tlh' ' ism iu ui&tpipfj f ;; 8 1 1: IF '-I 1 ('" : Half- a Carload of : ; t v " ! New Wall Piper. c rj ' We hive Just received half a car load of the newest fS and latest wall paper. Half a carload mean 20,000 rolls. This Is more paper than "any one firm ever : thought of bringing into this county In a single season. : ' This paper U all for Ml and mast to sold tola nuob. . W Hi' Imv broobt two Bret claae ppr hanger direct from Chios-a g . who ar wltboot dosbt tb mart klllfDl totkaw la ImImi :. who, with th flat flnt claae ppr bangers tl ready lo oar am. 7 v ploy, gtTtautlM toatworklno ton la tb Inland Bmplr. . S . . Stacklahd McLachlen PAINTS; ' 0IIaS AND GLASS J LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST TURKESTAN ALFALFA- : -! f The DryLand;Alfalfa growa without irri - gatioc. BROME GRASS " Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc The only Seed House inUnion County. : ' ' ' ' " 1 '. ' A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE Phone 1571 SECOND HAND GOODS .j--New camp stoves. .'.'-. Lonnge. -. , Good Boren raoge. , . . Bed quilts.; Bed room suit. ....... Commode. ......... Drop le 1 tables ...... . Remember we carry a full line of bicycle sundries and do repair work on bicycle v 1!. . .2 35 . 1 .25 .60 i.13 .8 ...160 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Remember we til! buy and Mil til kind of Scond Hand Good Ml J Jt 'Phone 1581 10 PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL SPRING SUITS. 25 Suite for $22 60 . $30 suite lor 927 00 32 suite for $?8 80 $36 suits for $31 60 ifi $40 suits for $36 00 This for 20 days EOSS & ANDREWS . TAILORS AND CENTS FURNISHINGS a v eoeeeeaeooaoeaao A Two Light Electrolier Empire style complete with etched glass shadcjand all attachments pot up in . ycarjruideace for loo See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co Mr and Mr J t Gavinr are in I Wallowa ooaoty. Iarg quantities of Walloca eoonty wool i being received daily at tb warehootae at Elgin. . A train load of ihoep wa shipped out over tb Elgin branch yesterday. Baport from Pumpkin ridge are to th effect that th recant froet did 1 1 1 if any damage. Over 1000 mora aoraa of toj arj beeta re growing around Tekoa, Waah. than r planted last year. Tb Ret order (tale a somber of bora hnv been stolen from tbetr rang weet of Elgin. I 8 L Snmangh ot Elgin ha rented jhi farm and xpot to stand th win ter io California. I h6n t all ia very tick with ty phoid fever. Rev J O Walker who ha been absent eev al daya, attending tb diatriot oonventioa of th Epwnrtb League which met at Athena and tha Mlniater ial institute at Milton, hat returned bom. . Mr O B Thornton- who after at tending tha Epwotth League conven tion at Athena want on to Walla Walla and Waited friend, returned home last evnlng, ine worn on in ueinoaen ta-aon- ag la p'Oitreeaing nicety tb tram work of th flrvt atory ia np. The Elgin band in addition lo tb La Grande band baa be-n tecored to provide mnalo on toe Fourth. U W Htoner, who I uperlntend;ng th baild'ng of the big Fourth of July arbor Is pntfali g th work right along. It will be In abape for Ploneera day, tha 28th. William Wlnchet, of Seattle, a grand army man la in town spying out the land. He will remain until after tha GAB encampment and the Fourth seeking old oomredee. Wilmer McCully, aonof F O Mo- Cully of Joaepb. ia at Bot Lake for treatn-ent. Fred Jacob today purchased the residence property on Monro At of A L Hooter, tha consideration by $700. John Couch baa recorered from his recent Injuries. O 1 Huffman returned thia morning from Portland where he want to attend the Maaoolo Orand Lodge. Mr and Mrs H C Rlnebart, ot Sum merfille, returned thia morning from Portland where Mr Binrhart represent ed the Bummervllle lodge at tb Ma sonic grand lodge and Mr Rlnbait represented th order of tb Fastern Star. , ' . Th Eeaemble danoe given "by Prof and Mr Slmpaon in Comuier. Ial Clnb hall on Thursday evening was a own- lete aacoeaa. aiity couplea being in attendanc. Theaa danoee will be eon tlnued on aaoi Thuraday evening, and all thoae wbo reoelved Invitationa to the first one may oonalder themielves Invited to th remainder of tb series. Ban Strik. baa pMnduwl Q l EUlott'a raldeno popr iuKi Owing to th serious I'lne-s of Mrs Ball thbll i 1 b Kept 1st cburrh will not ring tomoTow bot servient wUI b bald thai a annoaarcdjylavwlMav Pasture Plenty of good. .pasture 11 pr head per month, Phono 1276. A ditfxrtpb frosB St tVoals pi th tftfc gUlaf tb nasse of Sorefoulaa rie itiag th St Loo is Fair, aaeat'o-i Mr J M Barry and MlaaPai.nl M Kenaoa of L Orand and Mr E A B Ism cf Wall iwa county as bmg among them, Eem-mber the aohool eleetl m Mon day, fi the election of a dir Hor to aeivef or year. I'oila open from 1 to 6 oVIo k. J. arent II these Tilt shoes all riorht I will make them Ti?ht or reiund price :. ' ' ' ' i c w. Shoe Speda PRESTON, DEPOT STREE V THAT TIRED FEKL1N' I It you are lanquid, depressed and iueapalile for work, at indicates that your lUer la out of order. eibloe will assist nutu e to throw off bead aches, i heumatlsm aud aliment a in to-tervnusBess and restore the energie and vitality of sound and perfect ben'th J J Hubbard, Temple, Texaa, write, March 21 1902: "1 have used Harbin for the past two years. It baa dona me moie good than all the doctor. When I feel bad and have that tiled feeling I tali a dose of Heibine. It Is the beat medicine ever mad for chills and' fever." 60cts a bottle. Sold by Newl u Drag Cj. useissiaiiiM' City Property For $ Find) Located. WeS taproved s-Roo$i Houso Sale. . Also Otaer uryropeny, ai . v; ;f GRANT & HERR0NS ; " t NOTICK TO BUILDERS AND CONl'KA TORS Tb (ton cutters of La Grand notify all contrai tors that 8 hours shall conatit ite a daya work on ill con tracts after this day in La Grind ai d vicinity. Py order of G V Washing ton. . ALWAYS y ' ON TIM . Wbaa yof etest greesriM Imsi t ) r saw if bav abas dUvral m tlsM ANOTHER THING a you ordw Rooariea from ua you ariaariU rtatltolbV bad. We keep onlth beti tt- Real estate Snap Two acre tract, seven blocks from center ot La Grande. Go d six room ed cottagi lurolehed completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large hen house and a ir end std park over one no ad red omokeni, over IUU besri g fruit trees inrlU'ling winter and sum-' mer apples, peaia, prunes, peaches and several verities of cherries, one ' thouaaud raspberries, GOO strawberries twenty five shade trees, lawn, floneis and large gsrden ready for use, three walla, two pomps, ten shares in good water ditoh. Bouse insured for $700 for three years. Part down. Juvenile Dancing Class Prof and Mrs Simpson will open olass tor Juveniles in Commercial dub hall on June 23rd at 3 pm. Th eoura will includ .dancing, deportment and the dtlaari ayatem of physical cultur tor rate and partlcnlara Inquire of Mr end Mrs Simpson Washington av La Grande vs. Pendleton The home team will oroea bats with tb Pendleton AtMatlo Club team In this oity tomorrow. Tb Pendleton team ia said to be a strong aggregation but they will have to go aome it they win tomorrows gams. Following is tb lineup ol th borne team : Fairobild o I, Brooklw Sb, Van Bnren r I, Williams 1st, Olivsr s s, Uhlldere Srd or pitcher, Trtppler Boriber o , Coiner pitcher or Srd. Goddess of Liberty The ballot boxes wer Opened this alteinoon and th vote for Goddess of Liberty were counted and they were follow. Th vote will be counted each day and published in the Kvening Observer. Nellie Disqua 161, Lillian MrCall 18. Kate Nash 28, LotaPidcook 29, VUtorla Duryea 76, Cora Harding 36, Blanche Coffmau 182. 8T PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Third Buudajr alter Trinity Sunday School 10 a m Morning prayer and sermon 11 a in A lay aervlc. All Invleed to attend. CENTRAL CHURCH Of CHRIST Comer' Depot Stand Washington Ave Service Sunday June 9. Bible school 10 an Morning worship 11 a m Preaching at Hilgard 3pm Evening service 8pm Sermon, morning The Power of Ex ample. Evening sermon by S B Taylor Weirom to all. M E OHUBCH 1 O Walker pastor Sunday School . Preaching by pastor Class meeting Epwortb L4gn Children's day aervios 10 am Ham 12:16 7pm 8pm M E CHURCH SOUTH J W Comptom, pastor Preaching at U a a by Rev Daniel L Knowle No preaching In th Ton ing. All are invited to hear Rev Knowle who ha long labored loth vengalle. tlowork. w I wNT V 1 n m ; '.'-Si Wheai sjetihej The next time yea are at onr atore ask to see oar apeoial line of 0REAKFA8T OAOOrj i & POTTED MEATO J OJ1RAL3TON: ' NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sta, .t; .TCHOOL'nUflC A Quick Lunch Can be had here which will not do barm to anyone. If you want a uod autlafactory meal and bave plenty of time to eat it, you can secure i hut her too. We make it a point to satisfy everyone and with this in viw we bave everything cooked just as well poealoie. we serve tne looa as INDIGESTION;? Opposite the Somtner House. One of the beat musical Institutions in the state, Four rooms used for ) quickly as it can be served and onr musical Instruction, 15 grades of music charges are very reasonable. W be taught. Dtparmentl, 2 rooms used . lieve in treating you so well that yon for the 3 first grades. Children at the will come again at the first opportunity' age of 6 and older oome on hour every and we hop you will soon give this day. Department 2, 2 rooms for grades Place a trial, 4 to 16 for pnpils of sll agea The lat est oouree best practioal musical In struction. Mislcal contests for med als every few weeks. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , Tickets, Cash. '$450 HOT TIME SALE Gasolene stove, a good one $2 60 Best Oil Range on Earth 15 00 For summer cooking and quiok meals these are juet right safe, satisfactory and economical. Good Bicycle, $5 75 Settee. ; S 75 Bug 75 I 18X30 Mirror. 1 60 .i Several good sofas, $2 to 6 60; Wash Stands aud Avjdresaers, 1 60 to 10 00; Roll ol New, Home Blade Car net, 85c per yard; Clothes Dry Rack, 60c worth 1 26; v 5 gallon oil can 75o. MONEY SAVERS Our entire line of orookery and glassware, hardware, tinware, and graniteware. Get our priees before vou "'buy. I pay highest prices for second hand goods. Free Delivery. D P. D. Haisten, Formerly CAM Noble'a Store. - ( .'' now Lam i Lure ny THIS 18 A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDRED yes, thousands and (tone of thousands of people There ia bat one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the tame time Aatist the Stomach and Diges tive Organa in ' Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoiced. There is but one remedy that will do his, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA; CURE. If yon want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL f TELL YOU A. t it HILL Prescription Prufgist U Grande, Ore E. P. 8taple j E. E. Rorhlg R0MI0 & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A full and complete lire of staple and faney gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and woodenware. Fruite and vegetables in season. Bakery prodnots alwayefreeh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 Get Ready For The Fourth! Everyhody is going to celebrate this year and no ia the time to prepare for it LET US HELP YOU We have everything you will want in wearing app.r.1 and at lowest prices. tOR THE LADIES Slippers it every description Shirt Waists from 40c to 14 00. Wash and Tailored 8kirts Dainty uudermuslins, '(ot ery, Gloves, Ribbons, eto 186 to 16 75. 8boetand FOR MEN Hosiery Clothing, Hals Shoes, wear, etc Neck ed Ready Now La Grande TJiE.GQLDRyLEeo 1808, 14J0 eadJSl? Adwfu Ave ""' - " LARGEST STORE , SMALl EST PRICES Oregon. V !;; "; - .! :' m Sa.'v -, m i: I r. " "if--.li SI u II I aBaaajaaagi WHIIHIMIl yes T,-'..' -' I" iuaSaa -V HIIMMIIMM X ' ' - III I '