La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, June 17, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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fine Suits5 J
i . " V , '
It yon are gnimf
to buy summer ; "
uit yon ouy as 1
. well buy, it while
our stock is com-
plete. " Uiieqn. )hd '
variety atuuuialot-
,able priots. Made
right, fit right and -fi
prided right,
Tuesellest Ih.e
of. soft a o aant r -shirts
that aver
crossed the Rockys
just received, regu- :
lar priees. . -
All lb new shape?
for awn ner wear.
Panama 110 to 1 4
of thir gs suitable for June Wf ar
Specials in Shirt Waist Suits
Hot weather peeking around the corner nothing so
cool or stylish as a pretty shirt waist. Here's a chance
to buy one at a surprisingly low price. We are showing
these in Taffetas, Foulard, Mohair and CraBb suitings.
PRICES FROM 11.60 to $32.00.
UP AGAINST the petticoat problem? You'll be sur
prised to find the latest shades, ot the prioes. Much
better than you'd suppose for twice the pnoe 98o to
Men's Fine
We have them in patent calf,
patent kid, bliiuk vici kid
Laud welt, all the newest
lasts in both button uudldce.
Prices 3.50 to 5.00
We are a genu (or W L Donglam ui d .
and Pretton B Keith world
renowned shoes. v
Shirt Waists
We hare just received the swellost
line ot shirt waists ever brought to
La Grande. Come in and look them
over before the sizes are broken,
New straight front, dip hip, Kalis
te oorsets for summer wear. K and W
latest mode', color white. and drab 18
30,11.00 We are not surge ins but
we can give von a better form p o
vlded yuu bur one of these co-sets,
Mid vol) wou't get (be beat St in e r.
a t unless you a we here. All the
new shapes. 81.00 to $5.00
Style 571
Ladies Sum ner Underwear
It'a time to think of light weight underwear. Vou'li And
the best styles and bualitlos here if you buy this week. The
saving means considerable. '
Unusual Wash Goods Values
New Wash Goods the leading siyles at remark,
ably low prices this week hot weather material at a
suviug every woman must appreciate. . We will place
on sale fo.rone week our entire line of wash goods, . ;.
We have 1 ,000 yards of Busistes and Lnwn, in a
-variuty of color- anil palternr,' regular 15o for llo.
. 25 and 80o Voiles' and Elumines, ibis season's idoaV
sty tali maleriula mt sale this went at 22ic A'l aur .
50c and G5c fancy white waia'iuis, attractive s'yles 'ju
bi variety, all this week at low prion of 45;;r 1 .
Values that Win
r J--'l-"i
- -' - - .-vt'
Mtn's Hearts and touch the'r Purse String.
Men's fast black and seamlrsa
half-hoso, the famous "Shaw
knit" make, .25 to 1.25. , ;
Men's fine combed. Egyptian j
shirt and 'drawers, best 75o
values in the city. '
Trunks, traveling bags, suit oases and traveling necespi ies of
every deroriptiuD. Trunk of ezety site and style, dress tiuiik
akirt trunks, wardrobe trnnko, stsatoar trunk-, telescopes, eto.
Ijurgen and most ooruplule linw in the eity."
the mcm(m&m
9 SSE3SPJ9clsi9 ;'ffild!lffia51Ja'"'-
A Few Choice Bargains in Wal-
Iowa County Real Estate
(1) 200 acres of land, 120 aeret capable of cultivation, 113 ao
in fall sown wheat. House, bam and other buildings. A great
2)P0mI. small orchard. honM, lorn and joocl ouibnlldiogs, 80 acres injfall
iim-n giatn; mll trm ot water o tbrourh Pjace-Ajreat bargala as
1 0 aorca of land part ol whlcfi the Bn of meadow; good houst aud a
oiiilluifdiiigB Koodha !JJ0 tona ol hay ran be cut on the plaoc-will take B
80 in patfle In ,rade : on .hi. property. Fflcj IW . . ,
ffs sjSnr-iiStoU Has; sssjs
M'Drrtiel 6c M'Donald
Fresh Chocolates
Fresh Bon Bona
ITroari Hnncrnftt
Fresh Carmels
Fresh Taffey
Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fresh Salted Almonds
Fresh Popcorn
Fresh Fruit
Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock-Hides, pelts and furs. Also chicken. & poultry.
K.8111TH President
J. M. Burt Vice President
J. M.CHUaci! Cashier
F.L.MTKas AssUCMhier
J. If. Berry, J. M. Church
A. B. Cooler, R. Smith I
11, C. tiUnley i
Cannery Busy.
Hood Rivr Or., Juno 16 The
Davidroo i'l uit. Cannery baa 100 wom
en, ehildren and men employed turn
iug out half a carload of canned straw
berries a day. The growers ere paid
from 1 tn Soen'.s a pound for the ber
ries, aco rrfint! to rde. A new sol
dering mnohine has been metalled,
wberebe 10,000 cans can be vealed in
a day.
Nashville Tenn., June 15 Tbe Uni
ted Confederate Veterans today elect
ed Lieut. General Stephen D Lee, ol
Columbus Mars., o.mmander-in cbief
and (Inner. I W L Cabell of Dallas,
rexas, commander of the trans-Missis-Hippi
Chicago June IB Todav marked
the beginning of the republican nat
ional work. The 6rst nutting was
solely for lb pupoee of oiganizat'on
and tbe passage of leanlutions on tte
dettb ol Senators Hrinna and Quay
Tomorrow the claims of the warring
delegates will be taken up from eigh
ortensia'ep. Membersol the com
mittee have about concluded tbe bost
way to deal w:ib tbe Wieconsin con
test is to let 'he cruris di-tertdine the
rights of the w.iHo'ions
Martial Law
Is DeclarEd
Denver, June 10-Governor Peabody
today issued an order declaring martial
law In San Martial county at an end,
and instructing Captain Wells to turn
Charles H Moyer over to the civil au
Peabody says tills order was issued
before he bad any knowledge of the
action today of Judge Thayer at St
Louis. It is undei stood, however, tbe
order did not no into effect In San
Miguel county until 9 o'clock tonight
hen publicly read by Wells. ,
About noon the newspaper men who
had heard of the 1 1 Louis proceeding
apprised the attorney general of thr
matter, the latt. r hastened lo (be Gov
ernor's office and upon returning to
liis own quarters In the sta'e house tbe
attorney general said be was anxious to
And out whether or not (ho orlers con
oeruing the Telluride situation had
gone forth. The point Is rai-ed as b
whether the action of the governor
in the Moyer matter plaes him In
contompt of the orur of Judge Thayei
St Louis, June 111 United Stato
Circuit Judge Tuaer hae granted a
wilt of habeas corpus to CbarlesjMoye
president of the Western federation if
Miners It rites Governor Peabody,
Gene al Bell, and Captain Buckley
U'ells to appear July 5th and show
wiiy Moyer la restrained ot bis liberty
FOHND-on Held day May 28th, purtt
containing money, owner can bavi
same by proving property and pay
i g tor ibis notice, tit N K West.
La Grande National B nk
La Grande, Oregon
Tran-et. a general banking bn.lneM. Bay. sad asll. exchange .a
1 ransack a n rv,lwtini a SMcialtv.
ail part ui viiw -
Albert Toeier, sccretaiy of the Ore
gon Press Aaaociation, returned yee
terdav from St. Lome where hr at
tended the meeting of the Kttiont 1
Press Association, says the Oregon
Daily Journal. He stiles that tbe
Oregon timber 1 z libit had not yet
been completely arranei aud a par
of it will be sot up outside of the
bnilding inclniling a standing fir tree
The timber exhibits of Was ington
and Oretton sr a creditable display ol
tbe timber re.rnireea of the North
west and tiie O'tlsr snd yell .w fl
I Tiber pr'ducts of Oregon ettrso'
uomnisniliible attention, T R em
front large trees show up tho immen
sity of growth of Oregon forest io a
creditable way.
WAN I'KD The (iraode R.n.le Cream
ery Co wishes to contract tor one
hundred cords of follow pine wood
Inquire at the creamery.
14 tf
Summer Dresses
M ade on Bhort notice, at reasonab'e
Mrs Etta R Wluet
Phone 1717-Uth St between O A M Sis.
0 31
Ink ni'-ely furnished rooms apply to
O D Simmons corner 8 and M street
Company L.O. N.O.'wll! continue to
give thvir Social dances on Tuesday
olglits instead of Monday i.ight ssusna
Tho manaiiement will remain tbe
same and the beat of times assured to
all. By order of committee.
T The World's fair. Home ;
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition st St. Louis, cannot atlorcl to
overlook tbe advantages ottered by the
Missoru Paoirto RaiLwav, which, on
account of its variona routes and gated
ways, baa been appropriately names
The World'a Fair Route."
Pasoengers from the Northwest take
the MiBSoDEiVaoino trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of eitbsr
going direct lb rough the Kansas City,
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Hi". ' .
Two trains dally from , Denver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without, change,
carrying all classes of modem equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cart. Ten
dally trains between Kacsas City and
St Louis, . ;. ' '''- 1
Write, or call on W. O. McBrlde.
General Agent; 124 Third st, Portland
for detailed Information and Illustrated
literatnre. tl.
Piano Junto
Prof Hendricks the ' a Piano
tuner, is fully prepared to care (or
your Piano, and soliciia your patronage
In his' line. Oive him a trial Phone
470 . .
Are You Goin$ to St Louis?
II so call for your tickets via - the
Rock Island and Frisco System the
line Terminal at entrance Fair Ground
Round trip rate (1)7 SO good (or ninety
days from ilute of sale. Cholse routes
oing and returning via St Paul, Oen
ar, Colorado Springs. Pueblo or
31 Paso. Stop over permitted in both
Urectlnnt. ' . . of .ale, June 10th, 17th, 18th
luly 1st, 2nd, Hrd, Aug 8th, 9th, 10th
fept. 5th, 6th, 7th, Oct Srd, 4th, 6th.
On above dales rate of (72.60 will be
made to Chicago and return, For fur
r inform ition aud aleeping car re
lervations call npon or address.
A 11 McDonald,
Gen' Agent,
140 Third St Portland Ore
NoW is the
TbFix Upour PIat
n can suppiT jou wiw ae Sinn tor : fences ana : :v
All kinds of lumber aiid buildiwg material.
j , Of AU Kinds Dobs
. Fbous, Main i621 . ;
k I Tan 1 a naT
1 WiTg
O r SPICEf e O
AbMluttPuriry. Firwsrflavw.
Cmltsl Strtnjth, fcuonsikfTkctJ
La Grande s
New Shoe store
1 now open and reaty ior
bu&inifswlth a oomptete line
Ladies', Gentlemen's and chil
dren's Shoes. Yon are invited to
call and examine my stock whether
yon bay or not.
Next door to J M Bertjs.
.; '
- ,.-i.. V.':
' "i