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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1904)
tv' J - :1 'K " i aoaaa no pob H - M. 'ill . - z innv iiuiHnit l u. u'btiii.i. TAWTsnw .. W w -f.m--, " " . ! -V ? - T - 1 ' T I .I , t I , " We Will call for when i-Va S3W giuirantee satisfaction and only ask for a e ,i-tliall order to demonstrate to yoa that We nn-T"' "' " 5 .."'. derstand the laundry busiuess. You can stop , .... ;. ".''' our wagon at any time or phone the Lauudry , . : ' -.-J .. . 1. i. ,.i,.i f. -t W . -. - " mate a specialty oi lamiiy wasmng, ana can a - . a ' : do your washing better and .cheaper .than -V' .: 2. v jmv :A k'ial order solicited. ,. - a.W ;'. 5 '.' '. '' 1 11 1 '. 11 '-. ' " SJ S ..S-iW. .Mw 'cyv v (frtt's B TT !! - i.t. . PHONE 1981.; I I ' -i;.t,v;Vv'--. TRANSFER -AND. DELIVERY . v Caslle Gale Coal ; ' . Not and lomp coel. . Red Pr, tamaraotfand yellow pine wood . . Plipiie Ko lOll , V.:' BaoeeMor to L. 0. Groat and Cltj Cool Co. lA.ll phoiie orators oaii u .' Our prompt A:i tention. JfOB SAtE I.nmbeV "anrtT'ehlnijlea for ' " t f block1 norih cui' fc'ip by F 8 "Keonie. '',''" 18 Zl'1'' ' Kewwnie, . Trv t' c 0bscfver fPA rnn I? W : -- 'A Is ?'.-. La d ra n (I e ... . i . ' 4JM fc V ..,.(-..- H and bring irS promised m a '! Vii' .. 'A'- o 742 FIR STREET.2Sfc3 ' . .! V j -j.-.-i FOR 8AI.K KXloordo, 10 inch, yellow pine siiil llr wood at a bHrunln. For particulars see SB Haworth, 4-27tf , Pres La Grande BiorrRe Co. for Job Work- PQA XT P A V l Tniiiriflrv iVOOD Do you always intend to toil for your lendloidsT s II yqii have ambitions (o own your own borne, vhat we have to say in this advertisement will command your atlentiou. ' : i ''-v'-t We are planing Home Investment Addition on , the maiket. Each lot is about one aore in site and eaoh lot has a water right iu one of the very best .AVater Ditches iu this valley. f ) Tbe soil is the very best, and every lrt is level. Home Investment Addition is only ten minutes wrlk fiom the depot. You can buy these lots on the in etallment plan, making a small payment down and v ' $5 00 u month until paid for. When paid for you get a good warranty deed and an abstract of title. ,r.You will want to see this property and we want . to show it to you. , We ran build you a house and let f' you pay ;for the properly just like you were paying reut.' J ii vestment rrt-rr;..1..LM. Li Grande Erenii- Observer OaaREf UBO& , Editors APws. Entered at the Poet OSes at La Unnda, Oregon, M Beeond Clue MaU Matter. : Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. ..... I860 Six month in advance. . . .8 60 Per month.. ...65o Single copy........... 5c THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 16. 1904 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. j The Ohaerver received Wed- I nesday morning by mail the I annual oniuiogue ui u Agri cultural College of the state of ! Oregon for 1903-04. I This institution is located at Corvallie, Benton County, and baa been in operation sixteen years; commencing with 97 students in 1888, and eloiing the last term in 1904 with 630 students. .... . , -. : This college gives to the vouth of Oregon - an opportunity to receive a good education, largely at the expense of the state, and in addition to opening the way for the young men and women to receive an education, it keeps a number of learned men and women and special experts constantly working on the experimental farm near Corvallis on which about 100 acres are devoted to scientific and experi mental farming fur the benefit of tbe older p rtion of 'he people. On this farm improved breeds of all kinds of domestic an raals are tested, and grains, grasees uud vegetables of all kinds ere grown, results noted, published and sent out to all who requeut. ' The history of this state school begins. "By an ait of congress, approved by president Lincoln, July 2, 1862 a grant of land was made to each state iu the union in the amonutof 30,000 acres, or its equivolnnt, for each U. S N a V FAIT Company. Banator and Reperseiitativi- t which the state was entitl- d bv tbe census of 1860. This gve Oregon 90,000 acres. It will be recalled that President Lincoln, on Hay 26, 1862, 42 days before, bad offered hi signature to the Homestead law, a lav that creat ed the opportunity for million? of homeless people to securf homes. Following the gift of a homestead came an eodowmeu i for a school for the homesteaders children. Every county in the state wt ; represented this tchool year of the total a tendance of 53 i students, 483 were from Oregon', the residue were 3 from England 4 from Calif, 1 from Colorado, 5 from Illinois, 6 f otn Iowa. 2 from Mo , 7 from Nebraska, 2 from Utah and 18 from Wash ington. : At the recent graduation exeicises at the Weston State Normal the graduating class consisted of ten girls and not a single boy. This would go to show that tbe boys in this normal district are not thinking , very strongly of . becoming teachers. There must be a reason for this. It would seem that the profes sion of teaching is to be turnr d over to the woman of the lend and that the men are looking to other things for au ocoupatior. The reason is plain. The wag s paid to teachers iu this state is not sufficient to tempt the men. They figure that they cannot ffprd to in nke a life work of teaching when tb're is co pro. spect of receiving a rewurd sufficient to justify tlio effort. If Oregon wants men teachers she must pay better wages. Tbe pavement recieotly placed in. front of Hills drug store is certainly a good example of this kind of side walk, and Mr, Gardners example should be followed by others. In fact the city should pass an ordiance prohibiting the building of any more plank walks in the busi ness district. The cement pave meut is a litt'e more expensive at the start but not so in the long run, La Grande has out grown the age of paths and plank walks and it is time to call a halt to construction of any more such relics of "ye olden times." -fhe county seat will help some but we have many opportunities undeveloped that if we would spend one half the energy and one fraction of the money spent on the county seat, would build our city much faster. One thing at a time is a good idea We have now secured the county seat. INow let us bend our energies towards enterprises that will furnish a market for our resources and cieate a demand for labor in their manufacture, Summcrville Sittings The weather l dry and hot. Miaa Vern Allred of La Grande wan viailing ber parents Mr and Mrs Cha. Allred Mm J W Ohildera and daughter Mrs Jack Bhodei and Mn Wm Ikl( were tbe gueats ol Ur F Tioe Sat niday. Mr Arllegb Larmore haa returned home trom Corvallia where he hai been attending uohool. Mrs Gualo Col'ina erd children were visiting friendt in tbla city Sat urday. Mr Duke, Mr Olson and Mi James Wadskow start4-d yesterday for Idabo where they expiol to lootle. Mr Tb irotin and fatnity have mov ed to Ibis oily. Mr Plait and family moved to (he Cove last week. Tbe oiany friend ol Mr Wm Hamil ton are ll glad te hnt lie is recover ing from an attack ol illness The Children, Diy rxercises gifm in the methodist ohiitoh was .tj well attended KOIIND-on Arid day May 28th, parte containing money, owner can have same by proving property and pay lug for this notice, at N K West. I WAN fED The (irsrnle Rnmle Cream ery Co wishes to contract for one I hundred cords ol yellow plus wood Inaoira at the crenmarv. WE a i i k 1 1 EA.DQU ART li: R B : ' rot-Kodak and Kodak Suppliers ' A complete iWt ; , r 1 .a Grande i)uu Co. - ami Red ! We lo Not Claim rr ! ! Tint fMii ;ii nt ,i ; liHjpeej ieall of the time, but S ;.WE;DOGLAIMS That our p'ant bus i-.-i-n deifthe same uiauagemeut for ; nearly TEN YEARS' . ?' ' - : J : I I - - ' . J p That d.iri thii t-'-i- ur aim has), been to , please', as ! near.y all, at all lime is .id work and courteous treat ! . ' it;?'; :;;.; i ' That we will do oui ies; to please you if you will favor. ; us with your patronage '; , That Packages left ut Aiuierson & Myers or Kirtley's . barber shops will re. irive ii. same prompt attention ' that they would if leftatH1. laundry. . ABC LAUNDRY PHONE Si85x '. WALL PAPER If you are think!' ; of imperiug, this SHrtson, 'you should not fail to : i' uct nir stoc c. We have sold wall paper a goo ) ... ars, but we can h 'ii st'y say we have uev : ile to ofl'jr uch truly artistic designs at sutth ii. trnu.cly low price as we are now showing. We have a form- i experienced paper hangers and decorators and guar tute? sutttifaciiou. Call au I tf e our new arrivals. New paper arriving every week. Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Doors and Sash 0. i . C00LIDGE Adams Avenue. LA GRANDE, OREGON IDBBBIIISKOayiBllim a c a a a a a a a a a a n Farmers' find Traders' National Bank. LAGRANDE, OREGON Capital Stock fu ly paid - $ 60,000 Surplus fund - - - 13.000 Liability of Shareholders - 60,000 Responsibility . . 133,000 We do a general banking and exchange business'. Drafts bought and sold mi eartern and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, President J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier a The World's Fair Route Th'iee anticIpatinglaniEaeter.1 trip, or BpViax to;the l.oui8ianaPuruhn- txn h sitio i at St. Louis, cannot tt't'tnl tn overlook the advantnKes oilert-.l lit t .e Mia. csi Paoivio Railway, wm.' i, on accounv ot its various routes h .1 wkiwI ways, has iwn approprint.-ly ua ui Tha Wnrlil'a Fair Hnnto " Pa4i.enifers from the NortlnvM4t tiikf the MiasottRiPACiric trains from l-n- veror Pueblo with the choice ui iitiir going direct through the Kansas Cttv. via Wichita, Fort Scott and Hill. Two trains dallv from Oenv r an.l Puehlo to St. Louis without rhnnirt carrying all cIusscb ol nio.lern t. ilji ment, including electric lightel ! i vntion parlor cafe dining cri. Tn Uaily trains between Kansa l ity anil St Louis. Write, or call on W. O. M.-Brlile. General Ayent, 124 Third st, Port In ml (or detailed Information and illus' rated literature. tf. J. If. 1 3rc, -feion,.! paper: -Plates atholesale prices : Mail orders jt O' SPICES, 0 COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER. FLAVORING EXTRACTS AbiolureOurily, firtesfflwor, Orealesl Sfrenjlh. feasorxible Wcei CLOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND, OREOON. My Lady's Jewels add to her attractiveness nun nrn'e mat -Beamy un- n.ii .iieu m auoineit me moiit" pmbablv no He certainly showed And if his lady love had Dainty Broaches I She would ,,ot l.ave believed him. l'"r it w, man nnttirallw int.. . .j 1 -- w.Buia i.r nireri i.i v vin. niy store. gueh beantifui' .n r - o indernte a cost were never i l l re. 'I hi re are things for men' "V J'l t t (in 11 111 diirl orvn 1 - mu ..U1(. nve 8Hut ntiout them. Ihc Jeweler Cross .Drug Co BaaaasBaaBBBsaBBBaaaaBBaBaBfJBBa t ' That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it bv using Geddes Bros' canned iruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the frf sh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. s ' ...i-..T t-l.ll .. a l.rge pla e in the fo..d qti tinn It is CPs utial therefor th t tbi meat be good., gristly at, ale, or day, inicel s roa.ts will spll any meat. Suppose you cinjnlt u on THE MEAT QUESTION We know and bay the best kind. Von can rely on onr knowledge nod oar do s re t) hold your trade to g't yon ibe duett meat you ever closed your teeth on, As tor price., well we are not so foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas DeV, DsWW is e mp to kr wtm RwR.raErta M to mtit tmm Ike ihiimiij Witch-Hazel UataHMMliMlt-tyiW. tl vortkUu-rraa "I'im. DaWla'iWack Hils)ra to s wane tor pi.ii bibs. BtwUnt, MclMfdiairiM, AI-oCum, DlHMM SALVE LC.DeWlCe.,Ckicas For Sale by all Di uggists o o u o o Like Comet TKij In the sky comes we star ol health f.mH. J to the weak and ...rwua (Ollioaj weary despot. on mat which It tm imshla a. t.. dontdyspeptlo. :s"." ourlnf all i o m ao n troubles and sUfttlly disordered orevsrburdenad, dlf estiva disorders. Kodol utmIUb a L. . . 1 JulCwiofdlgMtlonand QOa lh.1 llnrl. l .L- 1 twl . T? lcn31". while tiwmambraneaof that orga art alloweit i I Mat itnl k..i i. : it cures Indliejtlon, flaiulence, i r iuii oi In heart, nenwus dypi, and all stomach troubles bv I tririhnin.k. .,. , I . ui(mhto orana. MDj5pepsiaCun I 14-U . I i V. . . rm'' Thiirla -4