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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1904)
it IS'5: a. i ' i V it .If:. 11 If- -iw r4.;l ii Half"a3GarI6a3 of ,'; S i V - XT Iff Ifl 1P " ) iNew .w an raper. 111. L. . t 1 J L.lf A ... I.xl f 4k. u4l.l0 arSi ww nerw M rvww nau vev ium in hi . . Mm WOI Wl yaffil II ! liiwuie wivw , 9 (out. This It mors paper thin my one nrnreyer. ( thou jM of brinjlnj Into thb county in tingle tutoa ( TkU papa is all ftr sale end itHtet V told tbto aeaeon. W , .?..' bMbNtfMtMMltaMwbunidiiKt from Chicago, 5 X WwalUMltaMtkinM( ikllllal workman in Eastern - L wtav wltt Ibt Inl elaa paptr baagara already In oar am. V 3 i V" ,BatWbalUMwantbalnlaijlKmplra. 9) f Stackland&icLachlen- 8 ss paints., ems And 6las 2 ' .cases aicaccaoa9i LOCALtTEMSOF INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. . A. to tbtt iMoa a publlab ibe official .lection ol IbU eoout. Cut Ii out aad ea it jou will want to reler to it belore tua next election . Many ol onr people are be.iulng to realise tbat they oan build ebesper IbU year tbat lor seroiel yeere put owing to tba fact tbat lumber baa da. olined considerably. . Of A rObarltoo now bae a tele- pbooa at bie residence in 701. Do not forget 1 prlaouers ; Prepeiations ere under w r haie looking to the eventual abroyH'.i o t-t martiial lew, which will occui nth n oue week. A U'ge number of deputy will be c'omaaiuel to lake ,1 thn.iidiri"t u:id r Sh-rrilT del a lion Wien inur:Ul U li ral - - . JVeaAAeafteitaiaV4e4)4i' TURKESTAN Mrs Turner Oliver will entertain the Kaffe Match at bar borne Thursday afternoon. The voting oonle t on tbi GoddeBe of Libert; ie waking op - onr people wbo bave favorites in tba list of candidates. Three who could bare fold their po tatrB for II pereaok a few weeks ago and held for hluber sricee made a mis take and art now frfrtunato it they can loreel gathering pine neediea lot wnicn seoureGOoU pereaok. tbey are to rcoe.v f 7 per ton . deliver - President Joa F Smith and apost'e i to the factory. Seymore B YouDg held aervloes yee ' , terday In the new Mormon ohnrob inj PjonCCri TdKC INOllCC Union. : Mekeyonr arVans.rnenU to u.l Pionerr runlon will be the tea to I. given by the ladle, ol the JJ " f on J 28 iMelbodmieburob at tba of 1804- r along your lunch basket I Mrs B W Grundy Thorrf.y afternoon nd, we b,.k f'1; U' from 2 till 6 o'olock. .i .u.,. """"" Oliver P Morton Poet G A R of thla ' - - "" .i. cm.. r th. v togetner, reire.n our oiu lerilf lie ( lir-- : I it . The number Oilier d.itationa wi't he una ut just wi vii the exi train loid nf me'i 0TCollol8uiamervillewaein toe 11.1 he cutout is 101 aUUdut ruiK- city today bringing in bright report. rr heilrfurwrs. . ol tba growing oropa Iruit, grain.) beat, and Day which are raind in cou siderable qtiintitiea to bia teutiuo ale. the eevere'. lui milla are all tuay acd that wjrk hat .tatted on the Filer f.otory wbiob 1. expected to be ready (01 operation by the fir.t of Bpptember Tbi will employ a di sin or more in addition to tuoaa employed iu the .MMtMMMIIMMMM, City Property For Sale : Finely bcatd,-ra Improyed 5-Room House For I Sale;" Also Other City Property, At " v ' t ! CRANT & HERRONS . v i Tb VtiVMihtM grow without ini BROME QRASS x ; -Red Clover, AIfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Bartev. Oats. Etc The 011I7 Seed House inUnion County. A.. Vii JEFFERSON AVE. ' J? Phone 1571 for the pnrpoae of making arrangement j for the district encampment which ineeta in the city Jnly 1, 2 and 3rd. ' Dr Law. of North Powder was In tba city yesterday transacting bu-li ass and visiting bis friend Dr G W Bigger. The doctors are gradnates from the same medical school. TO- TRADE A heavy team, harness and wagon for real estate enquire at Van Borena cigar .tore. . Col and Mr. Geo B Corny leave on tbi. evening, train fcr Hood river to attend the state encampment of the Indian war veterans, of which the Col is commander, also the G. A. B. en campment which convene at tba lame place. J M Church I. in Portland attending the Grand Masonic lodge and is not expected home until Monday. Jap Bonuott. the Summervill. blacksmith, war in the city yesterday and while here visited the court house building. . ' . ' . ' Parties g Alfalfa hay oan cure the same from G E Fouler, price ten dollars per ton delivervd Notice bit ad regarding same. 1 If any doubt that the court house building will lie completed tbey should The Home acquaintance and form new ones. Henry Binehart sec. ' Special to the Observer Victor, Cal, June 15th Thirty six men were deported thi. afternoon ly the militia. The men were resident. of different sections ot the district, but mainly lived in Cripple Creek and Victor. There .was a large crowd at Florence and Cripple Crek depot when the men wer loaded on the train, but little excitement or demonstration occured. The destination of the exiles Is given out officially ss New Mexico. Food was taken on the train for the SECOND HAND GOODS ....... ;2 35 Lounge. 1 '.' .j, .-i Qood Bona, range.;?. .'. . . .f. ,25 f '-IJ .-:T ; ,.i . Bed quilt, .'t. f. i.'rri.iy, it. "i. .60 -:: j i Bedroom suit 13 : , Commode, i ... ;.! .;. ii...1 8 . Drop le f tablet ... .... ... 1 50 -v V fc Remember we oarry a full line of bicycle aundrira " and do repair work on bicycle 1 The La Grande Pawnbrokers . Comer Fir and Adams; ; Ky; Remember wa atill b and aeU all klad. phone I58I of Sacond Hand Goadh J ... . . O1' ooi t- .k"iy ia our.. rMt;m rent. . ! lias . been onr aim to pruvl l the puldioi with the l)ut of eviryti'.iug aud' in tbiB way we have been vety mo. e.-uful ' Our 6ill cf Fare Provide, for all the m-als tli-t vr i strengthening and healthful, and bnn eating here romind. one of 'homn! cookerv," winch etwaya etnke. Ih.i ( derapot in the human he it. The fileaaant odor of our manv fiu.j t'im n ti,e eat nz hi e arouses th cri.vinca of the inner iran." When tu n et f goiMl and hea'thfnl eating give ir a ch'I ai d you'll he satiaOed. . Our prices are just right too. . MOI1EI, - RESTAURANT J. A. ARBU0KLE, Prop. OPEN UAY AND NIuHT - ' We rell weekly Meal j Tickets, Cash. '$4.50 ill: Take Care' of Your Trophies ' ......( ' 9 a 0 ' HI 10nPER;.CENprf REDUCTION ON ALL; SPRING,:. STJITSi." '.' ' t, f . IZSSnlta for $22 80':. f ' - f" ISO suit lor 127 00 V V V . 182 tuiU for $28 80 $36 suits for 3tB0 r 140 suit for $36 00 This for 20 days " i I EOSS & .ANDREWS ' TAILOR? AND GENTS FURNISHINGS I will pay from $2 lot 10 for male deer beu hand leu according to directions. The dotted lines " back of neck and head .how where to rip the skin. 'IV, bleed your game cut the jugular as low down as i ajlbl never cut the throat. ' Commence to skin by making a cut from the hose of the horn to back of tin head thence down the back ol the neck to top ol ah u drs theme aronnd the side to point of brisket, work the skin cnroful y away rrom ine uo.e 01 tne norne. wnen ine ear is reacneu cut on rnoHe tu skuii. n.. u..lii m ....... i. afterwardB remove the flesh whenthe eye is rea bed run the Qngur iu 'rorn COM v..huOT ontBde ad ral86 up tne ey0,td , avoi(J outtng t Wner, 1)8 tl!i pit U nuoi.uiimoiioi". nmuuw ,enenert wntrb la near tu come ot tne eye, work the skin out or too o ivrty iramea now receiving the flni.hiog work with the point of the knife When the corner of the mouth is reached o t It would Mem that there la enough thiough and expose the teeth, leave all the black lining on the lip nlsd an the shade Uuless Baited well and d ied in the shade your work Is a lost Use nothing but salt Out as much of the floah off the head as possible eud work the brain out the hole at back of head Suve the under jaw boue- When drying the skin keep it from wrinkling 1 will also mount your trophies at reasonable prices '"''' . i W M MA w ss ALWAYS I ON " VT Inn yiu order g'ocerie in a i ; a 5 are auic to have them delivered on time ANOTHER" THING V , When you order groceries from us you are sure to get the verv;besttobe had. We keep onlyjthe best . ' : v The next time you are at pur store ask to see our special line of . $ BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS C.KIRAL9TON. f I NEBRASKA GROCEHY STORE Y " "" " ' Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sta. y frame, there to build two court booaea. J M 8elder, the county com mlsaioner ele-jt, was in the city ye. terday. .Mr. Bolder etatea' the Cove, bia borne, never . looked better or its future brighter. " . " , Goddess of Liberty - Ballot boxes are now at all four drug .tores in Ibe oity and at Loy's O.ndy faotur. Kor five cents yon may vote lor yonr oboloe. The following are the candidate, so far to date: Nel lie Disqna, Ada West, Kate Hash Li lian MoOall Cora Harding, Victoria Duryea, Louis PLoock. j Cheap Lumber FOR SALE About 150000 feet in our yard at Imbler suitable for bouses barns, fence and ; ranch purposes cheap for next SO days. Come and sse us quick. Brians J Mgr. 'Villi. ' A Two light Electrolier o i r , ; . . .. ' - Bmpire ityle complete with etched jlasa . I " ahadea and all attachmenU pot up la ycur restidence for I 00 " ' ; ' t SeB amples in oar window. , lA Grande Light & Power Co ; Spokane Cafe . This well known Oafe is now under new manage ment and the public is as sured full value for their money. j ; Spocial prices to holders of meal tickets. r In order to give the pub Ho an opportunity to know just what a good place we have, we have reduced the price cf meal tickets from $6 to $4 60. This is a spot cash proposition. ' Try our Sunday Chicken Dinner. SPOKANE CAFE J. P. Johnson Depot St. La Grande.Or If these J. 32. Tilt shoes aren't all right I will make them right or reiund price C W. PRESTON, Shot Specialist. DEPOT STREET Taxidermist' Second Hand Sale Rambler Bicycle, $16 Center table 75o Double Harness, 3 60 Mew Trunk, 2 15 Saddle, 7 60 Dining Table, 2 00 - Winchester 4 00 Oat & brass rack .75 Moquet capet, nearly new. .$14 00 Portiers and cheneile curtains,. . . . ... .1 00 to 3 o Parlor Lamps, ,75c to 1 HO Four styles churns, 60o to 3 0G; Lounges, reoljy good ones, 2 00 to 7 00; baby buggy, 1 00; Keen Kuiier Lawn Mower 4 00; 10 gallon milk can, 1 50: gunrauh oil tewing machine, 6 50; Matin's Greeu bone mill, 4 50. Latest Improved Washing Machine, 6 50 ' Selling out at wholesale cost all my crockery, glass ware, lamps, wash bowlos and pitchers, etc. I will pay highest prices for second bund goods Free delivery. P. D. Haisten, Formerly C & M Noble's Store. How Can I Gure My INDIGESTION? ; ; THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN VASKED TIME AND AGAIN P. Y HUNDREDS . yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people Thre is but one way to do tlm; namely, relieve Z' Ihe Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist tbe Stomach and Diges tive Organs in . Digesting and Assimulutii g Sufficient Food to Rebuild tbe Tissues Support--'' iing' the Organs Involeed1 There in bat one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is " KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu and WE WILL TELL YOU. A. T. : HILL, !. Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore ITTt 4t E. P. Staples , E. E. Romlg 1 1 i a R0M1G & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A full and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy cauned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and woodennnre. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery prodncts always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. 8lip! era f every description Get Ready For The Fourth! Everyhody is going In relebrato this year aod now is the time to prepare for it LET US HELP YOU We have everything V' ti n il' want in wearing apparel and at lowest prices FOR THE LADIES Shirt Waists from 4Uu to $4 00. Wash and Tailored Skirts $1 35 to $6 75. Shoes and Dn tity undermuslins, ''osiery, Gloves, Iubbons, eto , FOR MEN Clo.lhitig, Hals Shoes, Hosiery, Neck wear, etc Get Ready Now THE HOLDEN RULRCn 1308, 1310 and 1312 Adams Avenue, LARGEST STORE SMAL. EST PRICES La Grrancie - r , , Qrep-nn , MIMK'MHWIMIIIIII I Ml I I "HIIIIIIIIHH-lf'Mluj aanrmnw ".i 'fflav ftif" -