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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1904)
ilf: 1 1. 'a. .' -iff U !Bs ii job are gmag : 1 io toy' rammer " : : uit. yon . mty . :. . wen buy t: vim n ? our atock is1 cow- '''' plete. Uieqi.)M ; ".' r I ft SI 3 of things suitable for June war Specials in Shirt Waist Suits Hot weather peeking around the corner nothing bo cool or stylish a a pretty ehirt waist. Here'8 a chance to buy one at a surprisingly low price. We are showing these in Taffetas, Foulard, Mohair and Crash suitings. PRICES PROM 11.60 to $32.00 ' UP AGAINST the petticoat problem? You'll be sur prised to find the latest shades, ot the prices. Much better than you'd suppose for twice the price 9&o to Men's Fine Shoes We have them in patent calf, pateut kid, black vici kid band welt, all the newest lasts in both button andldce. PriceB (3.50 to $5.00 We are agent for W L Douglass and and Preston B Keith world renowned suoea. ' variety at u.iwal:r- $ .able prims. ( ;Made , 1 right, at right and . prided right, - f ....r SHIRTS,.. The eelltut tine - of - soft iDODier . ahirta that aver crossed the Rookya ' just received, regu lar price. MEN'S HATS All the new shape. JUT in for summer wear." , J V. lT"i Panama $10 to $14 tTS V-V. J v" 1 Shirtwaists We have just received the swollest line o shirt waists ever brought to La Grande. Come in and look them over before the sizes are brokeD. GREAT CORSET VALUES New straight front, dip hip, Patia te oorsots for summer wear. ft and W latest model, color white and drab 18 30, f 1.00 . We are not surgeona bot we can give yon a better form p o vided you bur one of these Co sola, and you won't get Ihe best fit in cor. st unless you onme here. All the new shapes. 91.00 to 13.00 Style 571 Ladies Sum ner Underwear , H'a time to think of (Ight weight undorwoar. You'll find the best styles and bualitlea here if you buy this week. The saving means considerable. Unusual Wash Goods Values New Wash Goods the leading aiyles at remark ably low prices this week hot weather material at a saving every woman appreciate We will place on sale for one week on r entire line of wash goods. , We have 1,000 yards of Basistes and Lawn, in a. variety of colors and paUernf, regular 15c for llo. 25 and 30o Voiles and Etnluiues, J tt is seaenn'H iuol stylish material on Mile this wdk't 2'2io. . AM rur 50c and 05c fancy white waisiingBj ntiractive styles id ; big variety, all thie week at Kv prica of 45a. " Values that Win Men's Hearts and' touch ' their Purse String. HOSIERY BARGAINS. ' Men's fast black and seamless ' half-hoso, the famous "Shaw , knit" make,. 85 to 1.26. UNDER GA1.NEMTS Men's fine combed Egyptian shirt and drawers, beat 760, values in the city. Trunks, tiaveling bags, suit cases and traveling necesai'le f evt-ry description. Trunk of eiery vise and style, dress trunk, akin Hunks, wnrdrobe trunks, steamer truuks, telescopes, etc, lairiim and most complHe line, in. the city,,,:-.-i..,..wwh., SPECIAL ATTENTION .GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS. THE GHIGAQQ IST0RE A Few Choice Bargains in Wal , Iowa County Real Estate (1) 200 arrea of land, 120 acrea capable of cuHivatioii, 113 acres In fall sown wheat. Houae, bam and other buildings. A great 8I(2)P2?0acrostiiall orchard, home, biro and good ouibulldlng, 80 cretin 'Jail own giain; small nlraun o( wali'r llo tlirouKh plOt-A great bargaia at i,6IW 81 2,0 nctes ol land part ol whicfi is th rlne of meadow; good house and omlmildinirs uood ha lit.l. auo tons ol hay can be cut on the placo-will take S.150 in cattle in roile on llils propralf. Price 10 rr acre- . lai. ni, iao of onoicc laud-Prfce W per acre. ThUil . great bargain. ' X 16Uaeit' ot Uke land at per acre-Theae are a lew of the many anaria 0 have to "ncrto th way of rail Slat, bargains. For further particul.ra,SJ M'Danlel &, M'uonaia WALLOWA, - - OREGON ' - Prm'i Bon BonB Rrnoh Nnntract Fresh Carmels Fresh Taffey Freeh Baited Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Fruit PHILIP LOY 200 Discharged Special to the Obajrver ' . Salt Lake, June 14. Two hundred miners employed in mines at Bingham 2o milea fro.n here, were clinch a gad today in Donsiquence of taking a lay off on miners union day, the 18th. The Deaeret Neva states thu mine own era of Bingham, Park City and Tintie camps have reached au understanding by which they propose to lid the camp of undesirable men, and the Bingham incident is tha iuitinl step. Heavy Fines (8peclat to theOrserver Portland, June 15. T A Wood, con. licted of conspiracy to defraud the government on pension cldima today yvas fined one thousand dollars by Judge Bellinger. Hit son, Hosea Wood also convicted of conspiracy and was fined two hundred and H.ty dollars BOSS MEAT MARKET Stellwell A Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4 BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' tock-Hidos, pelts and lurs. Also chickens & poultry. CS)S)OC OFFICERS: R. Smith President ). M. Bibbt Vice President 3. M. Citcacn Caahler ' F. L. Hkteis Asst. (.asnier DIRECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Chuiuh A. B.Conley, R. Smith ULl. C. bunley a 3655 La Grande National B nk La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Trans!USneraI banking bu.lnea, Br,,! sod Mils nchang. on 1 " W VxllfUnai SinakWslt. 0 a!) part ol me woim. - Wee The Circus. Though Norris and Rowe have en larged their new big ehowa until tbey bave grown to Hie proportions of a huge ciroud, with two rings and an el evated stag", tbey have not neglected the trained animal ao'.s whiob for so many seasons made the organization so full of picturwq if inotdent and in terest. Among the multitude of aut rnal aots tbere are stiver! whiob stand out witn startling prominentia. Her bert Ruml"ya school ol educated seals; Herr Oelsler's hrd ol comedy alc phanta; a quartfrt'e of oake walking horses, the enchanting pony ballet; the highly trained monkeys, who per form dozens ol amusing antics for the edification ol the pulilin, a May pole dance by boys and girls on ponies, tbe march, drill, and evolutions of tbe Shetland ponies, who obey every order of their martinet of a leader, with a promptness and decieiun that is admir 1 able. Tnen comes the Royal Roman bippodrimo; the ancient Olympian games revived ; tbe mam noth aerial "nclave, the immense new menagerie snd museum ; Ihe a ttics ol the twenty jolty jesting elowni, together with the acrobats, gymnasts, equilibrists, tum blers. Ieaper, vaultera ard athletes, all goes to make up an intensely interest ing di'plav. Thpps n' w big thowa will give tw grand performances at I.a (i.-amlH Friday June 17tii. GOVERNOR PARDEE R EFRIGERATORS j .... - ..i-'i;;!::;;,,:' S s ' We are sole agents for . .the . ICE KINO, r galvanized And porcelain enamel. lined; will not break, -scratch, " or corrode. Last a life time,' always sweet and clean. -v Noted As An lee Saver Notice Company L.O. N.Q. will continue to give their Social tlancei on Tuesday nights instead of Monday night as una The management will remain the same snd tbe beatof times Manured to all By order of committee Piano Tunin Prof Hendricks the e Piano tuner, is fully prepared to care for your Piano, and solh lts your patronage in hia line, five bitn a trial Phone 1711 FCRNISHKD ROOMS Parties deeir ln nicely furnished rooms apply to U u Bimmons corner o and M streets Are You Going to St Louis? II eo call for. your tickets vie tbe Rock island and Frisco System tha line Terminal at entrance Fair Ground Round trip rate tH7 50 good for ninety days (rum Ante of sale. Cboiae rontes going and returning via 8t Paul, Den ver, Colorado Springs. Pueblo ' or 131 Paso. Stop over permitted in both directions. ; Dat-S of sale, June 10th, 17th, ISth July 1st, 2nd, 8rd, Aug 8th, Uth, 10th Sept. 6th, 6th, 7th; Oct 3rd, 4th, 6th, On above dates rate of 72.60 will be made to Chicago and return, Fof fur er Inform itton and. sleeping oar re servations call upon or address. AH McDonald, Gen' Agent, 140 Third St Portland Ore Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and price 'V " v , E. ANDROSS PlwneO. : " Residence Phone 367 ' I 1ajSla4aaWla'aSa Oarafl . Prl" 4 IrMl mm - ' ;,1202 Adaa Ave HOUSE FUENISHIIfQI 1 NoW is the a v " S - TIME Summer Dresses M ada on short ngtlce at reasonable prices Mrs Etia E Wlnet Phone 1717-Uth St between O M Bta. &-31 yiWisBaBanBTasTrl STONE AND BRICK WORK Or All Kinds Done - AT REASONABLE WM C HANSEN riinnr., Main 1021 If l; ,' i; To Fix Up Your Places; We can supply 70a with the staff for fences and . AU kinds of lumber and buildiing material. ,-,, t: '. - STODDARD LUMBER CO full measured yj Chain wood by the Cord' ' - 128 cubio feet to tbe cord. 19-iuoh dry chain wood 13 per cord. This is cheaper than t y the load. You pay for what yon get txd get what you pay fur. ', Phone 571 H. W. NIBlEY