La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, June 14, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    JWSMaMa 'ill ilia IMM ' y , r- yYi,.; ,
f I ""V I I . I I buy it wbile - " jcftj-f I'" , -
.. I I " ' '" V "V ' I nr stock is com-' ( V
T( iJ P H of things suitable for Iupear;: :. Sl- A j J' ' '.
I L JXl ir Hr -H ablepriou. Mde I'.'' fe M Zr,
l- 11 1 L 1 : ... . : -right, fit right end. , II ,? a.--".'"
' - ' ' " pridni-wgbl. '--'V I l(C,AM '-t;-.;,. i
........ , .... . . - . ;W"'"L- iy , Wfe
. . flfcg. - . '.. .- SHIRTS. Jsrt ,10 :mUIM-
Specials in Shirt Waist Suits Men's Fine y) o?Z'?Z J
. Hot weather peeking around the oorner nothing bo SllOeS ' fcirti thai van ft, ffli JQT j'i
jJiJv cool or stylish as a pretty ahirt waist. Here's a chance ' jf , . onMd lb Bockyi V Jk , v. .J:
'' llnit ' to btt one wpriBingly low pri. We are showing VVe have them in patent chlf, V jC S v Juat rewived, regu- ST Iw1 S , - I " V:'
:l(W - ;thiTaffeta8,Foulard, Mohair and Crash suitings. Pwtu' aKheneweat tlf ' ''P - -
:' ( PRICES FROM $1.60 to 132.00. Uito in bolh button andldce. - 1 WW t
WTOKfcJ. , Vp AGAINST the petticoat problem? You'll be sur- Prices 3.C0 to $5.00 , A MEN'S HATS. um ? I
H lM&T?' ' ' ' P"edto find the latest shndes, ot the prices. Much We are ngenu for W L Donghm and ' - All lb aW tbavM I ' 'v : I
I IRllV better thau you'd suppose lor twice the pnoe 98o to and Pretton a Kith world JS '' i . "J . -J' I
Mil 22.00. rcnowno.) Am ' for .umoer wf. CliW? ' 'C
ij I fiV Shirt Waists ' Unusual Wash Goods Values II v!u thai.-wn Men's hh and touch' their rPur$e strinis."1 '
dliWm t V. I New Wash Roods-the leading styles t remark-" ' U081ERV BARGAINS. yuDEli GABNENTS )
fSrM: m V32k L u txm 1U .1 ably low prices this wtek hot weather: matenul at ' ... . - ',? t 15 j I
I ' IU Hi mi wrm ' f i I '!. II .
'. HI -S4. f " Mil vr .. H " ow bebra the sizes are broken.' . ' V V." I k
. Now straight front, dip hip, Untie
to oorseU for summer wear. R and W
latest moilel, color white and drab 18
30, H 00 We arc not surgeons hot
we cau give you a better form pro
vided you bur one of these cotsots,
r.ud you won't got t lie boat fit In oor
B t unless you o.inie hern. "All too
new shapes. 81.00 to 15.00 .
Style 571
Ladiss Sum -nar Underwear
it's time to think of ight weight underwear, you'll find
the best styles and bualitlos here if you buy this week. The
saving meaus considerable, v v . . . ' . ..... -:: V
Unusual Wash Goods Values
New Wash Roods the leading styles at remark
ably low prices this week hot weather: material at
suving every woman m:st appreciuU. - Ws will place
on sale for one week our entire line of wash goods.
We have 1,000 yards of Basistes and Lawns, in u
variety of. colors and palternr, regular 15o for lie;
25 and 30c Voiles mi'l Etuuiiiies, this season's uiott
stylish iiiuleriuls on ,-ala this week at 22ic A'l aOr
60c and t!5c fancy while waisiiup, nltractive s'yles iu
hiy Viint'iy, all ihie week at low pncn of 45a.
Men's fast black end seamlrss
half-lioap, the. famous "8haw
knit" n)ke,,25 to 1.25.
Men's fine combed Egyptian
shirt and drawers, best: 75c v'!
values in the city, v,:. ; :
, u, Trunks, tiaveling bags, tuit cases and truveling necesti'ics xf '
every description. Trunks of exery siie and style, dress truuksrh ;
skirt trunks, wardrobe trunks, stsamer trunks, telescopes,- eto t 1
Largest and most complete line in the city. ......... . ,.,,.
: .
r i n..(i- ll ! i
a Jtiit,idi rvtsduiL) i . r ;.;.. . ,"- ..-m a .-I., -a -jr.-..
A Few Choice Bargaina in. Wal-
Iowa County
Real Estate
(l) S0O acres of land, 120 acres oapsble of cultivation, 113 acres
in fall sown wheat. llouse, barn and other buildings. A great
snapan 2,500 ... . ,
(21!)ors,iiniallorctird, hira-e, bam and good outbuildings, 8(1 Mres in
sou Kin: small alrcum of water flow through place A great baign a at fj.WJO
5,0 acres of liml part olwhlofi is the flnct of roiil..w: good house ami
outbuiiiliii(t goodha. .hcJ. 3l tons ol hay ran be fin on tbo placo-will take
SBO in cattle in irade on tills prowrly. IMco 10 r acre.
I60a rea, 120 of choice laud L'rfce HlOpor ncre. I Ills ij a i great bargain.
' j 160aH'4of tHe land at $-10 ptr ilem-Thesil arc n . of Ihu many snHlil WO
have Us offer iuli way of rial estate bargains. For further partleulars addr,B
66 M Donald
- . - - OREGON
Fresh Chocolates . ' "'
Frssii Bon Bous
Fresh Nougact
Fresh Carmels
Fresh Taffey
Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fresh Salted Aimouds
Fresh Popcorn
Freah Fruit
Stellwell .& Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
General Results
Toe eleotion returns from the state
at large show that the elate is repub
lican by 20,000 majority the greatest
in the birtoiy of tiie state. The soc
ialist! and probibitionista have in
creased their vote slightly .
The democrats elcoud a great many
county and district ullicial. The leg
islature is republican by Jurge major
ity -in the senate 20 rppublioans and
0 de-mociata, and in the House 60 re
publicans and 10 democrats.
Lutinl Option carried hy a safe r ma
jority aud the Primary Law by a very
large minority.
EbcIi county in the state shows a
majority for the republican Btate tic
ket ranging from 100 in Lino to 10,-
000 in MnltDomab.
Bioger Herman is reelected by ,7-
000 majority Williamson's majority
iaover 13,000.
Pendleton, June 14 Mrs Martin Mu
Laugh liu, of North Fork wan brought
:o the borne of 1 A MoOlout yesterday
veuiug suffering from an attack of
natalysis and is now in a oritical cot-
Mrs McLaughlin is a wii'ow of
Martin McLaughlin who was killed Ly
being run over by a pasnpnger train a
couple of years ago.
. Contract Awarded
At the meeting of tbB city counci
I a ft night Jack CKilrfs whs awarded
i.l.e contract fc linjii g lOM Met ' n
-xoavatiun foi llw now city pipe lim
Auii covering ihe same for 12 J oib. per
lineal foot.
Grand High Priest of tho Crogon
Royal Arch Masons.
Company L.O. N.Q. will conlinne to
give their Social dance, on Tuesday
nights Instead of Monday night as usna
The managemoot will remain the
same and Ihe bestof times assured to
all By order of committee
Piano Tunin
Prof Hendricks the e Pisno
tuner, is fully prepared to care for
your Piano, and solicits your patronage
in his line. rMvo him a trial Phone
B.BMIW.. President
J. M. Bebht Vice President
J. M. Church Cashier
F I.. MBYKS Asst. Caahier
J. M. Berry, J. M. Church
A.B. Conler, R. Smith ;
ajr-L. O. Stanley ' . .
LA Grande National B nk
La Grande. Oregon .
, oerl banking business. Bays and lls exchange on
Trmnaaeu OollscUons a specialty.
au part 01
Saloons Doomed.
. Freewater Ore., June U After be
ing a sslnrn to sen since Its incorpora
tion, Frecwater will now probably b
liquorlesK, since the oarrying of the lo
cal option law in Oregon. The town
is in a jrolilpition precinor, though
in fvor of sab ona itself. The law
provides that regulation of tho liquor
Irnflio shall be by precinct vote, cone
quenily the rutside influence can d e
late in (his mailer to the citizen nl
the incorporation A move lo out
the R.Kirtno and K ntnctry, tho
town's two salt ns, will piobably h
made this summer.
Much of Ihe prohibition vote In
Umatiila ootinty, wh oh 1 m u led in
betwara 200 and SOU, wi drawn Irom
j north and aoulb Miltou pieciucta.
KURXI8HED ROOMS Parties desir
ins. nicely furnished rooms apply to
U l Uitnmons corner 8 and M streets
Are You Goinj to St Loub?
If so call for your ticket rl .the
Rock Island and Frisco System- the
line Terminal at entrance Pair Uroand
Round trip rate $07 60 good for .ninety
days from date of sale. Cbotae routes
going and returning via St Paul, OeB'
ver, Colorado Springs. Pueblo or
El Paso. Stop over permitted in both
Dates of sale, June 18th, . 17th, 18th
July 1st, 2nd, 8rd, Aug 8th, 9th, 10th
Sept. 5th, 6th, 7th, Oct 3rd, 4tb, 6th
On above da'es rate of $72. M will be
made to Chicago and return, Foi far'
er inform ttion and si eeping car re.
servations call upon'f or address. '
' V. , Gen Agent,
140 Third St Portland Ore ,
" in . . s. c i.t.. irp iiMr. i : j .
We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized .
and porcelain enamel lined; will not , break, scratch, j
or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean.
Noted As An Jee Saverv , A
, . , , 9 ....
i Ornamental as well as useful n ::-:-.0
All sizes aud prices
Phone 9-1
Residence Phone 367
Undertakers and Embalmers j
1202 Adams ' Are !
Of All Kinds Done
Phone, Main 1621
NoW is the
f To Fix Up Your Places.'1''1
We can supply you with the stuff for fences and
... ,...r,,i,.....),.li!ltlt.
side walks.
All kinds of lambs r and buildimg uatorialsMAiwaMm--
Chain wood by the Cord
128 oublo feet to the cord. 16-inoh dry chain '
wood $3 psreord. This is cheaper than ly the load.
Yon pay for what you get and gel what you payjor. t
' . . . i
Phone 57 ' H. W. N1BLEY '