1 wmiA. wn iu .w j. ... 'a- 11 11 " '''aaaaaawa'''-r'-,-"" , . .... ..' ..." - i- - . ' '- -' ' ' . . : . - - - . , '"'' (' ! y''T?;(jsii Taat,-writ----.;;' i 1 ' " - i.i STALLION NOTICE ' A grsst opportunity for. yon to breed to one of the beat at very tow prioe. I will uiak tbi 3on with my imports. : fmaous tlokney stallion BTUNTNEY T4.SSO , With reluru privilege IS pay able In advance. Mo other terms. Can give good referen ce a to his colts. . vVm.0, Hanwn ; Delightful Route, Delight Hide, Dizzy Crags, Deep Caucus. . A Golden Opportunity J3es neture in all her glorious beauty, aod then the acme ol man' haudiwork. The first it found alone the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and tha latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your in p will be one of pleasure make the most . of it. For iuformation and illna , trated literature write W.C MoBlUDE, Geo. Agt. 4 ' Portland, Oregon Best AND Easiest Way to reach Wallown county is to patronize Hie TENDERFOOT TRAN I OR TATIOX COMPANY. v. Coaches leave Elgin Elgin daily arrive GOOD SEK VICE FAST TIME COURTEOUS TREATMENT Special rates to Parties J Livery Stable AcommoJa ' tions, Proprietors own stables at Joseph and Lostine. Elgin office at City Hotel Notice. and V : :f IVk all mimm who It mat ooncarn ;f;4 that thing ol my sons Walter, Guy and Albert bare leit home, against my 2 rasponslbla for an debts tliey may ? t . a. . 1 a :t 1 - BOOinev. uiwi at ourainerTiiiv ui 7 day of May 1004. J. T. Woodell. Reward eSt reward to any person who iball Vive evidence which shall oonriot any ne of unlawfully driving or taking ttoek from the pasture of the Wllllami latate known aa tha Grand View, range i I Apply to i:01 B 8t Old Tows, Phone May 18U .-, BLOCKL AND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE; and POLANDCHINA SWINE. Young Btook always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for the Farmor, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. We have now two fine young Berkshire boars on band, July pigs ready for use only $20. For short time only. WHITE ROSE FLOUR 'f s Js milled with the idea of pleasingevery dealer's liifth- B D olass trade-customers who appreciate quality. The B B name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees rr- B Z2 liability, and highest grade in every sack of flour B T bearing the White Rose brand. H P;oneer Flouring Mill Co. ib a a do o a oo o nana ana a a in Lodge Directory. KAOLF& i Grand: Airi 959 P O E meets ivory PriiUy Dijt.t Id K of f hall t I p m tiitlng bretbern Invited to Wend, : 0 tUwkwU. We. AN iUyvlile, W fee. COKEMTKRH UK AMKHK'A-Yurt Bald Starkrn, Ho 1 iiimib rMt Tueulav in Kla's lull. Brothm are Invited Ui attend. . .11 llelsaer Cblet fiauger. IO0 r L Grande Lodge, Mo 16 mete In tbatr hall every Baunlay night. Visiting mem ken OMdiaUr mitcd to attead. CJ Vanderpool, NO. I B Snook, Bee. . HARD WALL PLASTER V Only costs about 5o per yard more than common plaster, aod worth many times over. y: ADVANTAGES :'. '- No danger of freezing as it cisn.be used io zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tie as all and mortors '.. are it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe j boles, eto are easily cat through , it It is a non conductor of eleo trioity and thus prevents short circuiting xt adDeres equally well to brick, etone or common lath .; It cnnisins no acids nor chemicals to corrode It will not burn nor disintegrate by lire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates cheerfully given '-. E. REISLAND, Phone 371 Change of ; Management. T!io undersigned has purchased the busin 8e known us the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the sumo. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices onsistaut witu nm-elus articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, bogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt nd careful attention. Harris meat market across the track. Phone 1601. . . TURNER & WALTER. -SCAVENGER- I am now prepared to do all kinds of scavenger work that is generally done by a scavenger, and will call at your place at any time. Call me up on phone No. 1841 or address box 692. H N Mason a a a o a n a B B 'ratulations. Mr Julio II Cullom, Editor of the Garlau I, Texas, News, haa written a letter of cpngratnl itioi.s to the manu facture of Chamberla u'i Cough Re medy, aa follows: "n lateen years ago when oar liri-t child was a ba y tia was sul.je.-t to croupr apell bd 1 we would be very nn.-sy about him We began uBitigChamlierlalu's Cough Remedy In 1817, and Ratlin; it inch a reliable re. inedy for coldsaudcr up wo have never eea without in the house Blu e tint time. We have flvj cbil.iren and have given it to all of them with good re eulu," For aale by all druggists. NOTICE Ot? I'KOl'OBEU . '. STREET IMPROVEMENT. To Whom it May Concern :--Ni,tiie whir. by uivon ol the proposal im provement of Dili Street in the Citv of La liriindo, Oieon by lb? comtru?tlon of a aeven fo t side walk along ibe wo'terly aide of OUi ttteet from the l!ey-wy in block 00 of Chaplin' Addition to La Grande," Oregon, to N Street. Said elde walk to be coo structed at the ex pence of tha abutting property ownera. Notice is hereby further, given tint unless said proposed improvement of said (1th street is defeated by remons trunce signed by the abuUiiij; property owners and filed with the undersigned, on or before the 21st day of June A I), 1904, said side-walk will be oidered constructed by the o'ounuil of the City of La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Dated at La Grande. Oregon thli 7th day of June A O 1804. CHESTEHP. NEWLIN' Re corder of the City of La Grande, Union county, Uregon. . 0-7-17 NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. - '"I would rnujrti i.i nrly all night long," writes Mrr Chen Arvlegate, of Alex andria, Intl.. "iii.i.I . -uld hardly get any sleep. I I ml is imptiou so bad th t if 1 a ! !c -rl a b i,. 1 would cough frightful I v-tind -p i ' 'ood, but whon all other nielli, in. l..,..d, three l 00 bottlet of I'r King h Now Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds" It's uhaoh 1. 1 y guaranteed to cure coiiiib', Co:ds, La Grippe, Bronchitis nn I all Ti roat and Lnng troubles I'riie CO.' mnl $1.00. Trial bottler free ut Newlin Drug Co. Cabbage Plants E 'It Cacbli.o, of Frnitdale, has a large number of cabbaxo plunts for sale. Phone lt7. , tf POH1TION WANTED-Exieiien:ed cook ; alio has had experience In camps and on ranches and hntelr wants position. The beat of rofeienro furnished Inquire at this otihio. 6.2.12 . OREGOJV Union Pacjfjt i DKi'AET Tlm. BohmU, raou I LA OUAM DC NO. 9 8:50 .m. Bali L.ku, DoiiTor Kl. ."' ' Nll u Worth, Omahs, Kaiirat " m- fil.'m lltr, Ht. Uula, Cliloaao NOi ' " and kail. . 10:: p.m 1 , . Furtland, Oalles, Hen- Hn i dleUin, Walla Walla, w . " ' Uaylou, Po nioro , NO 4 cu .lb via Hpo- kana. Portland, Dalles, Pen. NO 6 dlolou (Tinatlllu Wa. nn tM lula,Lewlstun,Collax "u Miaicow, Wallace War m Ollfi p m oner, Miwkaua and " oilier iMilnla east and north via 8pokuue N!OTilly .land cily, Allcol, olXIT-' Iniuicr, anil Klaln t Hunuiiy oonneetlon. at Klaln ft:30 p m 9:15 a m with hihko lor points In Wallowa ctnimy Oocan Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every live daya . E. C. MOORE, Agent Early Risers ' TU UM0U3 LITTLE FILLS. Per Sjwlok relief from Blllouanaaa, Sick Haadache, Torpid Uvar, Jaun- dloa, Duutnass, aud all troubles aris ing from an I nactlve or aiuggtsh Uvar. DaWIH's Villi Early Rlsara ar n aqualtod. They aot promptly and never grip. They arasodalmy that Ills a pleasure te tak U.m. Ons to two aot as a mlU kuaUve ; two or four aot as a pleasant ana etfecllve cathartlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely karaalasa. They tonto Ih Uvar. NtaFABID OHLV BT B. C. OwWitt 4c Co., Ctxloaaln S-M By All PniKgists Will Exchange Singer sewing mucliiufe fur good driving horses. Machines sold upon ensy terms. Repairs for all kinne of machines. A.H.STONE. Ollico iii .In?. R, Smith' Jewelry Store. CURES OLD eORKS Westmoreland, Kan. May S 1902. Ballaid Snow Liniment Co. Vour Snow Liniment med an o'd tore on the aide of my ohin that waa Buppotied to be a equcer. The mo-ft waa stubborn and would not y eld to tieatmeot, ai.til I Mod Snow Liniment, which did the work in short Older. My sister, Mr Sophia J ( ason, Allenavllle, Mlffln Co, Fa, has a sore and mistrusts that it Is a earner. Please send her a 00c bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. ACUTE RHEUMATISM Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or ou flrnt moving the liml and in cold or dump weath er, la cured quickly by Itallard'a Snow l.inlnient. Uscar O'eaoii, Gibeon City Illino a writes, Feb 10 11102: "A year ago I waa troubled with a pain Id my back. It soon got ae bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 26c, OOo, 1 00. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. Sweet Cream Commencing Thursday June 10th the Grande Konde Creamery Co will be pre pa ed to furnish swwet cream In quunity to suit, whole sale and retail Remember the piece Uuntlng'on new building next door to. fire building, tf. Candidates Who will be Godde s of Liberty It I he question for our citisns to solve be tween now and the night of June 26 Ballot boxes will be supplied at differ ent pluses in the city and for five cents you may vote for ycur oboice. The candidate, oo far are, Nellie Dirqui, Ada West, Kale Nash, Lillian MoCall Oora Harding, Victoria Duryea. Notice To Water Consumers Ordinance 58No provide that The water rates shall be due payable in advance at the olliceof City Recorder on the tlret day of each month 'except for meters, which are payable on ihe Drat day of the succeeding month), and it not paid within the first ten dava Ihe witter will bi shut olf the premises, aud uot tuned o.i until payment is made of amount due with oue dollar in addition for the expense of turning water off ai d on. Tbia rule shall be strictly enforced, beginning with the 23rd. of May. II 0 Oilman. Water Sapt. Dr. I' A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store Lu Grande. Oregon Phone 1361 Classified Ads KOR RENT i oiifcleeping rooms at Mrs Sheerer. . FOR RENT 3 man house for bouse keeping apply to Mrs S O Zuber 6 lltf Fllii SALE ono laige ice cream freezer, call at 309 U ateret north of Roar shops P S Newsome. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis does" all kind of ecav euger work, such as cleaning wells, cess pollB, etc. Give him a call, 4 24 tf FOR SALE The Photograph gallery on sixth St. Is for sale. The reason for selling is that the owner baa ill health and must hunt another climate will sell cheap if (old at once Inquire at the olllce of Gallery 8 14 FOR SALE Two acre block with new o room house, burn, nut houses, well unproved ?1SOO, time given on pari. This will bear investigation situated on N Cherry aud N street. 4-2 tf Fred waring. FOR SALE Two room houseand 7 lots for three hundred dollars. Lots 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 Block 3 Sunnv side addi tion to La Grande. Address Grande Rondo Lumber Company. Perry, Ongon. June 4-12 FLAST8 FOR SALE-Parties wishing vegetable plants or pansy plant wil do well to call upon Mrs o M Taal She has all kinds of plants for sale at model ate prices Parties desiring to plant flower upon the grave ol their fricuds snd relatives will And exactly what thev want at her home, Mrs iJ M Taal, La Graudo Oregon. A registeied black lercheion Stallion fur Sale. A good and Siiura foal getter, can show 7r percent of colta last year. Is 174 hands high. Weigh about 21KK) Ilia, is a lirst class bur- e every way lie II years old. I havo sold my niares and now oflor tlio liosse for "J for particulars wiite to T It Sams. Cambridge Idaho. Agents Wanted I'd and up per month to eueigetic representatives in every city and town in Oregon, tVa-ninitliiii and Idaho, Dittniiied. hniioraHe, ierma ent and Immensely prolitalile emylnvment at home or on the road; something new, send stamp or en! I au otlice fnr details. St'AUB .DUAL ItliOKCRAGE t.'OMl'ANY, 1211,7th St Torllaud, Or. Bids for Digging. Olds will be received by the city o La Grande up to and encluding the 10th of June lor digging 10,000 feet (more or less i of ditch for water main, said dilch to lie 2 lect wide and 3 V feet deep and to be completed bv July 1st Chester I Nealln City Recur lor s,mc9tat)aaaagiaaaaaa aba aflciBiB3B.ssa'f eo c i In sBisBflaess" Notice From Jane 1st 1904 Water rent must be paid in advance between 1st and 10th of each month at the office of the City Recorder between the boar of 9 and 11.30 A M and land 3 PH Chester P Newlin City Recorder, NO PITY SHOWN. "For years fata waa after me eontlnu i ously" writes V A Oulledge, Verbena, ! Ala. "I bad a terrible case of Pile causing 24 tumors, When ail failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured n. Equally good for burn and all he and pain. Only 26c at Nawlin Drug Company. Call for bids for Construction of City Hall. To whom It may concern. Notice ia hereby given, that the undersigned, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, will receive sealed bid a hi offiice in the Citv of La Giande, Oregon, up to live o'clock P M on the 22nd day of Jane A D 1W4, for the construction of Ihi City Hall of La orande, Oregon, (not including founiiniion, tne contract lor wnion una already been let :) said City Hall to be constructed In accordant e with plans and specifications, nov on file with J L Slatei , architect. That each bid aball In an ompained by a certified check for the ai m of tloO.OO di liars That the City ol Laurande, liereli, reserve ibe the right to reject any and all hir'a, Dated at La orande, Oregon, the 3-i day of Jane A D 1004, Chester I' Newlin. Recorder of t ie City ol La Grande, Oregon. Notice Beginning with June 1st no one shall be allowed the as of city water for Irrigating purposes except between the hours of iM and 7.30 P M. H C Gilmin. Water Snpt. Special Excursion to the World's Fair. The Denver and Rio Grande, in eon. neetion with the Misaoorl I'aciBo, will run a aeries of per onally con ducted exoarainna to the World' fair during June. These excarsloua will run through to St. Louis without ehaugo of cars, making abort atop at principal points enroute. The first of these excursions will leave Portland June 7, and the second Jnne 17. The rale from La Grande will be tut) to 8t. Louie and return. Excursionist go iug Ala the Denver A Rio Grande have the privilege of returning by a differ ent route. This is the must pleasant way, aa well aa the moat delightful route to cross the ooutinent. 1 be stopa arranged give aa opportunity of visiting In and about Kansaa Citv. If you wiab to accompany one of these excursions write at once to W C Mo Kride, 124 Third street, Portland, for Sleeping oar rater vU ooa. It awtkaaaf eWii iiia Some Residences La Grande "aoaaaaooaaaaasarBooaBi LA GRANDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Periormances at 3 and 8pm THE PRIDE OF THE WEST MillS & HOWE'S The Orsat Teated Amusat Eatetprias that Fulfill Every ProaaUa CIRCUS MENIflERIE MUSEUM HIPPODROME O-RINGS EL8etvaagtId RINGS-O A NEW CIRCUS THROUGHOUT 4Bm A MaHltM4a l N.a. P . u - . o aianiLLuua DLLrOnDS 5 Th. Wkm'i Oraatoat Acrobats MELNOTTE, LA N0LE ssd MELN0TTE Banss's Ptiwl.r CmiMily Hlfb Wire Apl.t. 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS - 6 mm waaaarwam Menaraealsu Ejtaat 8 ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE 8 JTHAINEP ANIMAL EXHIBITION 20JOLLY JESTINO CLOVVNSOO HERBERT RUMLEV'S SCHOOL OP EDUCATED rpai HBRR GBISLER SCHOOL OP COMEOY ELPMANt QUARTETTE OP CAKI WALKtNQ liOUSES BNCHANTINO PONY ALLET nUKSES ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS Rey.l Hippodrome Million Dollar New Meoar.ru iudiSm - ass-si J..Z OR"i3 ShS F4ILE5'NO STREET PARADE ssssesBs i i ii s,'.j;i--'5 .. n a n B la ti - a ' a a u a a a . - a u . o u - ; " . a a a u . a a a a a a n i a ; u La Crande I as Many mere just as nice ' ' T Dii maeotea n Aamlca -FLYING LA VANS 4. Th. Miit Scaaauanal Atrial Oynnasrs o-UARDNER FAMILY -8 Heras ol th. tilth Hri,r..ji.rl 3 -MCDONALD BROS. -3 . . runan I rKX Cvcl fta kmmmm l.lTl1iS--.Vl.- ' ' ' 'M 1:1 w ii5 . w vi,. ' a r. h fi n h V: v r "Iff -if. ' .'N -v 'i V .v .' l ' ' .-..iiire,;.'.-' .V-.nw.rfsJB.'.' Wj.W V"iJ ttMlrtMf W''?:-'i'.v"V r- 4--