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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1904)
P.. VfiwQ cdl for itiand bntuiMJi hc:r.a when promised i -a. 'l At . - .... . f . W B 8TULL ELVA. JAMISON' H Li Grade Evening Obtervcr OOBBBf-ttftOft, Editors Prop. 8raa4eQifoo, toons) Claas ;rPutoiaba 'If&ovj'Banday W pwitw satisfaction and only ask for a trial Hr to demonstrate to you that we ow- daratanA tbe laundry busineM. . You can atop was wagon at anj tint or phone the jAondry an4 yoor work will b called for at nc& We Bake a specialty of family waiting, and ean do jwbt washing better and cheaper than yew.' Atrial order ioUoiUd.C! f f.i f one Tear in advance, .v.". .16 50 biz moctbe in advance,... a ou Per month 65c Single copy. , ... ... . . .. .5c ! n : " a Laundry Union Steam PHONE 1981. . . ' 1 742 FIB STREET. TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 14. 1904 COAL and WOOD TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Wood, Clear Creekand; Castle Gate CoaJ ; NbI tAd IvnpMAL M aVv tatmarakf xltow pliM wood Phone No 1611 G. E- FOWLER, ;. SaeeMnr akO, Orost and City Coal Co. !. , A.11 phone orders arivn 3 Our prompt -A4 tention. OfttUt-lMb(r aad ihioilM lor ata S ata!u nortli aw klinpa by F 8 U17 FOB BALE 400 oordo, 16 loch, yellow pine and Br woud at abrlB. For particular aea 8 B Uaworth. 4-27tl Fne La Graoda Btorrge.Co. Try the Observer for Job Work- THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. The war with Spain cast upon the United Statee the Sovereignty over 832,008 square miles of land 'and 'water spread out in tropical oceaa. In area this ' is some larger than tbe whole of the United Statee in 1800, prior to the Louis, n a purcbas. To be exact it is 5,124 square miles larger than the realm Washington presided over, , . .. :y':-h-'i ' From Bulletin No 1, issued by the United States department oi' Commerce and labor giving the population of the Philippines, census takers March 2, 1903, just published and received by tbe Observer this Mouday morning, the following figures are taken. The Philippine archipolago lies entirely within the tropics, and numbers approximately . 8,141 islands and islets, covering Jan area 832,968 square miles of Hand and water. , . rVitbin tins area there are 7,635,426 people. 6,987,686 of whom are civilized, and647,74C are " wild -and uncivilized, i although not,.,. .without some i knowledge of domestic arts. ' j ,. Setting aside the intermediate water space, amounting to 717, 942 square milesand consider ing the laud alone, the area is estimated to be 115,026 square miles or 73,616,640 acres, o( this obout 12,000,000 acres are now owned by private owners and over 61,000,000 is public laid, of tbe publio land 40,000 ,000 are forest and 21,000,000 availnlV for agriculture. Tbe forest I 'li'l is generally fertile and when oleared will produce splendid crops. ' V ; The land . surface of the Philippines exceeds . that if Oregon by 20,466 square milt s and th ; present populalioui would fill 18 stutes the size of Oregon with as deuse a popula tion as Oregon now hap. It is a duty eurh citizen of) Oregon owes to himself and to tbe people in tbe Philippine isle to lenn us ma h ae possible about these people, their liaK'8 and wautf. tor every voit-r m Oregon has a voice in framing tbe laws that these people have to obey. We should not form hasty opinions concerning them, lest we unwillingly do them injustice. They are ' now our wards, ; learning from us the great problem , of self govern ment, and as tbeir teachers we cannot be too circumspect, and as their law matters we should remember that- justioe , is tbe only sure babis ou whioh governmental authority can be exercised. ' J TO THE PERSON iPATING : E BNTll P Sl'- .a-MaVSa. . r -i P.HOH8 1 r 1 Do you always intend to toil for your landlords? If you have ambitions to own your own home, bat we have to' say in this advertisement your attention. v" . " ill command We are planing Home Investment Addition "on . the maiket. - Each lot is about one acre" In siae and each lot has a water right in one of the very best Water Ditches in this valley. , - i The soil is the very best, and every let is level. Home Investment Addition ia only ten miuutes walk from the depot " You can buy these lots on the in. stallment plan, making a'smull payment down and $5 00 a month until paid for. When paid for you get a good warranty deed and an abstract of title.' r . 1 : ni ; Yoa will want to see this property and we want to show it to you. We can build you a house and let you pay (or the property just like you were paying lent , . .': , , l.c !.-..' i; -V i C-1-J ' ' i : La (irande Investin'eiit Company. "-fc .. y . . ,.mMm ' in mini in iniiiraMiw """' i Do not forget tbe annual school meeting which will be held next Monlay. These meetings are of importance to the citizens of this city and should be attended far better than they have been in the past. As a usual thing a bandfu,l of tax payers happen around and hold au election and vote a tax to mantain the school for the next year and that i about all there is ever known about the meeting. This is not as it should be. These meetings should be attended by all the tax p lyers and they should hear the various reports read and know something iiboui what liai beeu doue the past var. The school is a good one, but few of the patrons of the school ever take the trouble lo know what is being done or why the school is a good one. Union county need more people. This is made plainly evident at this time by the fact the parties were in tbe city yes terday from Cove seeking berry pickers. There is an ecorinous orop there this season and it is feared that apart of the orop will go un harvested for the lack of help. Families are wanted who will enter the patches and work the season through. As soon as the berry crop is har vested the cherry crop will come un, and the prune picking will begin. The same condition of affairs not only obtains at Cove but all over the county. La Grande should have a belter telephone system aud Manager Osburn is doing all in his power to give us one. It is coming and before a very distant date the present system will be ouly a matter of history. Keep your eye on the gun and notice the change. It is coming sure. Broom corn can be grown here. Why not start a broom factory and thereby furnish a market for another product and more lubor. La Grande needs more wage earners, and more industries which will give wage earneis something to do. Of course La Qrande is going to make every promise good regarding the county seat. We will build a building, andju9t as we said we would. Work is being pushed just as fast as possible. Do not fi rgi't to explain to your friends that l.a Grande is going lo have a Fourth of July celebration this year which will surpass all other efforts. Tbe Republican uiajoii'.y in our next Ifgisla'ure will be the largest in the hhtory of the state. The Republican plurality it the state has exceeded the 23000 WJE AiRW F1K ADQUARTUtp Jr Kodak and Kodak SuppHp L' A complete Ft.v k' .r'1.r,.feisionl paper. ' Plates at w""'6 Pj M-i,,?V mif fit-d proii '!y. I a r.ramlr uy. Co. and Red Cro$ Drug Co fcw a) We H Not Claim T'la1 !! v LI pi ' it;.; peopl. all of ihe time, but WE 1,0 CLAIM That our p'ait Ins t wo underlie same management for nearly TEN VEAUS ; Tl.ut djrisj this tim- our aim has been to please as near.y all, at all time, a' goud work and courteous treat- That we will do oux 'i-st to please 'you if you will favor us with your putrouB I That Packages left a- Anderson & Myers or Kirtley's ! barber shops will receive I lie same prompt attention that I they would if leftat; In laundry. ! ABC LAUNDRY PHONE l85i WALL PAPER ; If yju are think i ol iperiu::. this season, you should not fail to ii ,iec' jur stock. We have sold wad paper a goiul i i i-ars, bus we can h"ii"Sl y (ay we have uever t -.en ..oib to oll'.ir such truly artistic designs at timh un ruin-m ly low price as we are now allowing. We have a force - rimiec ! piper hangers aud decorators and gu i- irn , s. tisfac:.oii. C.ill aud st-e our new arrivals. .Sw paper arriving tverj week. Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Doo s aud Sash 0. I. oOOLiDGE Adams Avenue. LA GRANDE, OREGON inaBRBBadaaifliiiiniDg 9 m m a 9 Farmers' and Traders' National Bank. LAGRANDE, - OREGON Capital Stock fully paid . $ 60,000 Surplus fund - 13.000 I Liability of Shareholders - 60,000 Responsibility 133,000 ' We do a general hanking and exchange business. ! Drafts bought aud a !! on partem aad foreign banks. 1 JOSEPH PALMER, President J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier BBJBJBJBJBjQBjBJflBJBJBJBJBJBJ The World's Fair Rou!e Those anticlpsting1an1Hatern t-ip.'or avialt to'the Lonl8ianaL'" cpii sition at St. Louis, cannot a rl to overlook the advantages ofl'ereri Ii? the Mimoi'si Pacific Kaii.wav, wh.'Ii, on account of its various rotitos a'l aled wavs, has be?n appropriately tiaras Tlie World's Fair Route." Pas.enKers from the Nortbw' tkn the Mlssonni'PACiPio trains from Dep ver or Puublo w ith the choice ol -itii-i going direct through the Kunsdfi Uitv, via Wichita, Fort Scott and lVmsant Hill. Two trains dally from Denv-r and Pueblo to St. Louis without fhariKi earrying all classes of modern eiiili ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between (Kansas I'tty aud St Louis. Write, or rail on W. C. MrDrlda, (ieneral Agent, 124 Third st, Pnrtlan i for iletailed informatio- and l)lu-trait-l literature. If. O SPICES, q lurrtt, i t.A. BAKING POWDER. FLAV0R!NG EXTRACTS AbMluhfurily, finesr Flavor, 0rwMlSlrnilh,CjQ50wbkfVki CL0SSET&DEYERS PORTLAND. OREGON. My Lady's Jewels Certainly add to her attractiveness The no. i who wrote that "H.,mv . ilomed I. adorned the most" probably ad no rinhars. He certainly ehoweil "un ii nis laoy love hai: een my display 01 Dainty Broaches RI.M w-.inl.l nnt t..... I 1: A . . l-nra mnu naturally loves to adorn ii-,,,. in. uito chn oiame ner alter "ev vi.i' my store. Such beautiful una si so moderate a cost were never n le i re. '1 here are things for men .. un, w hiiu see now mnch re i 'ma nave mm about tbem. J. H. Pi;jc, the Jeweler a. That the wav to reach a i man's heart is through his stomach. ; Try it bv - using Geddes Bros' canned Iruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. ' We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, ec. ' . Siiecial attention given to phone orders. - f Geddes Bros. . i oi ii in I'i nmtii"'" j i ','1 CLAIM HI IL4 i mmmmm cla m urn l;trce plae iu (ho fo'd qn-ftion It iscFg util th hiv for th t 'be meat b ijnod. Toukfli, gristly ct-ak, nr tfay. inicelpfs toa-tfi will spdl any tntal. Suppose yoti cona-ijt on . TUE MEAT QUESTION , A'e know aud buy tnt bdst kind. Voa -an rely on our ku iwlrte ttnd our dn re 1 1 h ild your trade Ij g"t you the flneft ment you nhaod your teetb on. Aa for pneep, well we are not so foolUb b to have them high. Bock & Thomas De r r0, s win. him! aiT b.WTtt'. Wlli Hiul St K tk. fflttiul ... oBlr nmln. hi Mt Mntrsistk. onl tw HiMiaa. U wit tnm Mm .ilirtii Wilch-Hazel AS lm m nataifrittu. Int. MImis. ck. u. vorthtou m. tmnmt. 0Wltl'iWltcb Haul Stir W f tunc let Pllai; Bund. BlMdln., IWllndPTOtntln.rili. AlnCoo, Calurions, Bolls. Cvtuielei. EeunZ Tallw.Ut RkauavudslloUwr SUa DlMUM. SALVE E.C.DeWitlCo.,CUcaa Par Snle by all D.ungisls o a.. 1j - Th is' Like k a Comet j In the sky come i ma mw oi iioaun io mo weak and weary despon- oeniayspepuOf wu i in w mi itomioh fllTlA ill Mtnf1tf fih lkt uklk is llsall ..... It slightly disordered or varburdentd. Kodol UftRltaaB k . ... i 1 Julc. of dlgiation and IMS tomach, relaxing tha .... .minion, wnuo the biflamad musclm and mambrane. of that "fan v. .1 owed reat and h..i i. IndllMtton, fl.iulsnc.. rr'.iuii oi mo neart. naiwu. dyspep,i, ,n(1 all stomach Iroublw by ...... puit.jmR ai o l'tthenlnglh.Kianda TTIAniKr. .... .1 ,l ..i. j j 1 ln" aionv MDjspqwiadirB mm mi Me,l.a "Z, ' mark. TU Dis ;