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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1904)
0 ' VjV '".i! . V'Nr v w A. l .& iiAslC I v.. rTeajghrrfaawy wHy.;. - ' ;GRANDE EVENING OB SID) .: ere VeeJst Tew Jy, Ir - , I ItoSfaut boud i1m(U'' ." ' No 6 West :U Ua ' - VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 14 1904. w NUMSEX 04S - - LA a: i IGONDITIONS NORMAL IN CRIPPLE CREEK Last Deportation ol Union Miners Will Place TodayTroups Will Be With drawn and Mines Resume. Cripple Creek Colo.. June 14 Tbe ; situ ion in the district tmVmorning : it praotlealiy normal and te aulbor ' tiles both civil and military expect no farther trouble. ,. Another batch of nn- ' lovist will be deported tomorrow and ' this will wind up tbe Military's oam paign of driving men from the district. ':, ' It is expected tbat tbe ban will be placed only on the Western Federation of Miners and any other organisation to whioh the metalifernua miners be- -Jong. ,Tue troops will probably be withdrawn from thedistiiet this week, Nearly Tl the mines wbiob olosedon CHANCE FOR BETTER SERVICE Now is the Tim for Our Gtizens to Secure an Up-to-date Telephone System and Get Much Better ' Service. ' - -' Special Agent J H McQillivray, of the Paolflo States Telephone A Tele graph company, who has been in tbe city for tbe p j st week for tbe pur pose of looking into tbe matter of changing the present telephone B) stem and installing a modern service, la meeting with sac ess and says that .nearly every patron of tbe company . is highly In favor of the new project. "I have seen about one half of the subscribers so far and not less than 98 per cent of them . have signed op the new contract," said he. The citizens of Pendleton realize the lm. ' portanoe and value of the express system and almost all are very anxi ; ous to be using the new servioe as . soon as possible. I shall be able to finish np tbe work by tbe middle of tile week. The oompany will then take immediate steps to install the new system, and it is expected that the work will be completed by the last of July." The essential features of the cbsnge in the. telephone system are briefly these: To discontinue the ten party serviee and install a fpur party serv ioe with two on a side and one and two rings for signals from central; to install an express system the same as used at Portland and Spokane, with the added improvement that all oner sv will come from central instead of beuTsupplied by local batteries. By thia improvement all difficulty with the dry batteries will be eliminated. There will be a nomiual charge in the raies for the new service, tbe four party line to be 25 cents more than the old ten nartv line rate; the main line business will be 60 cents more, while the main line residenoe service will not be changed; the two party line htisloesB Iwhioh 1b now on an ir regular rate will be adjusted to figure 50 less than oharged for the I I I I 1 1 I I I M I I I II I I I I I I I I FOR WARM WEATHER READING. . ; It will be well to keep in mind the3e deya that we have a tery satisfactory line ot books and light summer reading matter. ' Suitable reading is the safest and most proBU able form of hot weather diversion. The late publications are here; you can Bad just what you like The price is light whether tbe literature is heavy or light Never possible.before to get so much reading for so little cojt. . , NEWLIN DRUG CO. u l ' Take Monday last after tba Independence explosion ' resumed operations this morning. The Portland. Pride, Crip ple Greek and numerous leases wbiob are manned by union men will not be allowed to resume as long as tbe sold ierear here. When the Portland resumes it wilt 09 found tbat all union miners have been forced to leave camp, thus forcing the eompany to employ non-union men or remain closed indefinitely. General Bell attributes ,tbe . recent trouble to tbe socialists in tbe West ern Federation ho captured the or ganization twi years ago. main line Tribune. business Pendle ton Tea. The Ladies of the Methodist cburoh will give a tea at the home of Mrs II W Orandy on Thursday afternoon from S to 5. Everybody invited. Goddess of Liberty Ballot boxes are aov at all four drug stores in the city and t Loy's Candy factory, for fiveoentJ you may vote for your choice. The followiug are the candidates so far to date: Nel lie Dieqns, Ada West, Kate Nash Lil ian MoCall Cora Harding, Viotoria Duryea, Luuis PK.oock. Dead Bcdy Found Flora Ore., June 14 Tbe body of Fred Able, who was drowned in the Grand Bonde river recently was discov ered and taken from the river Monday by Mr Miller, at tbe mouth of Joseph oreek. , Tbe body bad gone down the river that day. It was seen to go by the Hammock praoe but Mr Hammock having no conveniences but a frny boat, failed to stop it. Bo it floated on nasi Rav's ferry and down . till it waa stopped by Mr Miller : Injured An Eye Engineer John Van Fleet, formerly of the O R A N of this city, who has been working on the Great Northern I I I H I 1 1 MMi-MiMJM4.l.. oat of Spokane, received an Injury to ' ti la eye some time ago, by the b enk I lug of ar bot lubricator glass and sued tbe oompaoy for 115,000 damages. , I The following from tbe Spokane Press gives tbe reBUlt of the trail : i "The case of John Van Fleet ! apalost tbe Uteat Northern railway to recover 115,000 for tbe low of an eye while in tbe employ of tbe com pany as engineer, was takea from tbe jury this morning by Judge Morris and action dismissed 'on the grounds that tbe plaintiff did not have suffl oteit g'liands to constitute an action It was not shown that the railroad company was negligent. GOT OFF EASY (Special to the Observer) . Tacomi, June U Bob Taylor who was oonvioted of niuidar in the seoond degree for killing W W Barnes ner the Taoom i S r lytllup wagon, road, fn April 'a", win ; day eentenoed to the peniten inn lor lite by Judge Bnell, Wi i -iiald t'-'jury would have bteu j i - fi d in rt .nng a verdiot oi nmrd i .u'li-ti 1 jree. Light Imp ovements Tbionson Bro's."' new owners of tbe LaO-rd L'kIii and Power Ou. bavea force of men at work tecon struoting tbe linj throughout thr torn, l'hr entir lin will be restrung and all lippo'eson the main streets will be replace 1 witb new ones. It . is thought by tbe managers tbat ih n the line is rebui't tbe plant at Oro Dell w'll be able to furnish a good quaniiy of light to all parts of the cityend st l timet. The present system is so poor ly constructed that the loss of power is so gieat thut the plant Bimnly can not furnish enough eleotrioity to make the lights burn properly. Is Only rary Low Prices on Stock Are Net Cauted by Overproduction ThiS is the Opinion of Ed Kiddle. Edward Kiddle of La Grande one of tbe best known stock buyers in Eastern Oregon was in the city yestor- dr.y for a short time en route to Port land to attend tbe Maeonio meetng this week. Mr Kiddle is perhaps in closer touoh with tbe business in Eastern Oregon than any other buyer in tbis district, and bis opinion Is worth quoting. . He believes tbat the low prices now prevailing in the cattle market are only temporary aud that alter the rp.nge stock are in condition to turn off prices and markets will he better He thinks there is no cause for alarm among cattle men even though there is no market at this time. . '. It is now very quiet all over lY.e In- Tempo 'and Empire in tbiottlle businret bot there is no overprodustion of cattle aud the markets are constantly ex panding, AUfka and the Orient 'creat ing a constant and increasing demaod for Amerioa and especially Paoifio oosst products East Oregoniao. . Pendleton Wants New Exp La (irande has an opportunity at tbis tints of securing a ma b needed im provement in ber telephone service. Ever since assuming oharge as man ager of this division Mr Osbnrn baa beentryingto seoure what the publi i gen- rally understood as an expre s system and has received instructions from Maungor Bush, of Spokai e, t; at if 75 per cent . of I he. patrons of this city will sign over their oontracls a greeing to pay tl 25 per m roth for real dent phones and 2 50 per month for business phones tbe entire syBtem will be changed and the ten party lines now so common in the residenoe die triot will be replaced wiih what is term od four, but in reality.. is only two- tarty lines. : Tbe new ersteut does away with batteries in the individual phones wbiob- will be concentrated at the the eeutral ollloe. Delegates . Delegates from Oregon to the Re publican National Convention ' a.-e preparing to start eastward next week Several will leave Portland Wednesday night over the Northern Pacific and Burlington lor Chicago where the con vention will be held June 21. Before returning llioy will visit the Ht Louis Fair and may look in, at tbe Demo cratic National Convention whioh will take place at that city July 6. The Republican i eleaates will- be: II W Hcott, by C W Hodson , proxy; 9 L Kline, of Benton" County, VV B Ayer, Multnomah, Ira 8 Lnmh, ul Malheur County, at large; J U Camp bell, of Cluckamas, and J M Keene ol Jnokson. first Congressional Distriot 0 H Carrey, of Multnomah, and N 0 Richards of B ker City, Second Con- grestional District.. : Messrs Carrey, Kliue, Campbell aud 3u1son will probably leave on Wed -nesday, also E F Riley, who will go to the convention as alternate. W B Ayer is already in the Esst. . The Democratic delegates will leave a week or ten days later. They are; Qdv. Geo. E Chambeilain, at large; W F Butoher of Baker ; C Pdfield of Morrow; F V Holman and James OleaBOo, of Multnomah, J D Matlock of Lane ; T R Sheridan of Douglas and T M Garland ol Linn. Circuit Court - J W Wells wbostule agasoline stove and irons from James Joyce in L Grande was sentenoed for two years in the peniteniary. The "Hobo" Duff nho stole a suit of ololhs from fireman Terry was sen tenced for one year. OF Robiiins who asisulted Mr Al len of Huion, in thir city a few days ago was tiled yesterday on a oharge of aeiiult and robbery, was convioted of assault and will be sentenoed tomor row. The case of H C Cotuer vs L Bay. burn and B F Wade was dismissed or notice of plaintiff. Cheap Lumber FOR 8ALE About li0000 feet In our yard at Imbler suitable for houses barn, fences and ranch purposes cheap for next 30 days. Come and ee us quick. Brurs JMgr. Island City Items Weather is fine. Beet hoeing is in full blast1 All the la ta sre busy. Mav Park Straw berries jnst coming in aie fine. BORN To Mr and Mrs Williams s fine girl. Mr and Mrs Cloa.l GhlHrr ol Alicel spent 8 a ml ay in town;" The M W A will yive a social Dance at the Liudsay II ill on Wednesday evening June 15 alto ice cream strawberries and cream and cake at the M W A Hall. Come every body. Erank Herbert anJ Mr and Mrs Kmory Jones arrived Sunday morning from Tacoma ou a visit to their mother ho is very low. No Music Manhal Raybnrn today served oo- tioa on all saloon anew and proprietors o! nouses Id the red :igbt dislriot that from this data no music will be allow. d in their respective pUes of bust oess. : '!" ' 1 " ' " ''; ress System. tii, Oboru s'atea tha ohaoga will neocestitate an investment of at toast ttiOOO, and be considers bimarlt for tunate in lieing able to seenre tbie aerv ioe st tbis lime.. ' ;. J ;i - i I end le ton baa been jtrylm to secure thi- servioe for s long time and at tbe present time a representative of the company is now engaged la changing- tbe contracts witb tbe patrons ad if, there Is any manifest dssire for the change In this city aa eoon ae the re presentatlve flnlsbes hi work in Fend leton be will ooino totbia city, ' When lihe pattoos ' understand tba difference to hi derived under the new. system we are. sure bur people will de maud it as soon as it oao be install d. which under the most favorable oir oumstanoes will require month;. ' '' "V: Here is onr opportuaity and should not let it The Mumps are rtlrring again.?. ,. ; -. ;-.: Katia Did HAY IN THE YUKON Farmer in That Far . North Country Receive $140 per Ton For his jCrop, Realizing $84,000.' ' A good hr farm in Yukon valley is a better paying proposition I ban an ordinary g Id mine. Th's tact has been demonstrated by J ' A Bouse, a Dawaoo Ireie liter ; who i faimiag h Urge tract ol native bay at Gravel Lake on tbe trail between Dawson aad the Duooan district r Stewart river. Iist tall Route pot in aa immense quanity of fine bay, enabling him to bale more than 600 tons Ibis winter. Besides wintering bis own large herd ol stock, he haa ooaalderabla lead for sale, receiving 9140 to. At this prioe his crop waa worth 984,00 Rouse clears a profit ol at laast 100 par oent. '..'. ; .: Winter weather has bot prevented continuous work. A Orew ol ten men has been employed and two sii-mnU teams to oolleot the bah-a aad aarry ttaein to market. Bit entire crop was eot with eoythts and handled in a primitive manner. Next season he will replace theee as' thods with modern farmlkg impV ments SOMMER HOME W Kano ft wife :T Qeo Wats n Pendleton : Spokatu AtbatoO Seattle Lake Minn Baker City do Wallow H Benedick ' Qrant Winnoe . A Page LoLg t A Lawson , D 8 Colleud A Fay Lottie webster ft Iuly . D Sommer Mrs Tbomaso k Lady . ' w Bleakley : .. . ,". . do j , BlKln Joseph Pendleton Elgin Portland ' do do ' a PUodeok ' F Roth L Block E Hesa - CO McCray San Sam ilaxter wjefferisa J R Fiellender N Y SampUr Bpoksac Mlkefellson R Jones ; : P Day Mrs MiJUr A McFarlans A Conrov 8 8 wrighl . . ,' ARwrlghtJr Elgfo do HiUsboro Spoken lRl bo Chicago do I F Brings has about 160000 feet of It bus. In aaaiawl all f mktaa wb'eh be ' will atnll nhflHD for ftb next 30 days Register E W Davis is In Port land attending th MasaoBic, grand lodge J W Scriber Is in Wesfoa 'attaodUg a meeting of tb board of legeats ol tb Weston Normal School L F Dnnn has purchased a lot la Romlgs aduitloa of Fred Jacobe and expects to. build neat oottag this season. .. . WILL CELEBRATE j IN GRAND STYLE Strong Fuiiins of thie Fourth f of July? Cell bration Will be . the Congress t of NaV tions and Night 1 ,-' :...Bfc.tjJv.v-'T.f.".-.n-i--';-'' Tb various Fourth of July mit'eae met but evening and dej their Moot to Ibe esmiiv omsait- tea ' Arrapgesasate ware made 'o care htr tUUrtattarowd evwraeea In U Qrasd. Tbe arbor oomaaiu w.a iattroatwd tvasakw Ik' laraest Mbor-' ever before coawtiaotad ben, and this ease eosamitl mat instructed to ar range for seats and drinking wter to m phased la every plaoe where anyone would ka at all likely to wither want to reetof drink, (a fact the committee la ohsrge ol tbe fourth will make a apsoialeffjrt tomtvke the crowd as ooaaf rtabla as possible. Tlx oamroii tae os spjrts has a'ranfed lor a ' pro graov whioh will be a woader foi oom M'JBeas usd diversity oi writing Good tafiisa will be warded I. the wln- aenTAd everything done to mako the day st pleasorabie oaa long to be re- Maikind by all attaading. . Th pr - graaa it aot yei aootpleta. ' but at tbe out BMetiag al tba details will bv. been airaog d and tba aomplata pro i gram will be poUfcbed. Priia will ha awarded too for the beet lMt,botb iadostiial aad eiio. Tbat will be a graad parade both asoiaiog and even tag aad taa city will be ooeapleiely it luaalnetad tor tbe evening On lea-, iqr of th parade will be t e congress ol aatioas, In this part if tbe parade will o represented all the nations ol theeartb aoeompanied by t&cit oan national masl a tarnished , by (! musioiane. . J few days we will b be to faraiah additional Informatio nft the program 'tola mesa iota tba public may rest aasurod that lb nlebratlon will eolipi anything ever attempted in Union oortaty. Races For July 3rd. Al th FaiiOrounds, Bundav July t Bua to slait promptly 1 p m. . . PBOOBAM Free lor all trutor pvo i in S alt -A'4wi';- ; I carry i he eeltbrated WEBER BROS' (3.50 SHOE for men'. ' None better mad. ' " ! y VMt I BOYS SHOES . ! . that ace made to wear. I also run a first class repair shop in connection with my store. Give me a call. I take pleasure in showing my goods whether you buy or not.- . .' T. M. STUBBLEFIELD. Wm. Miller & Bro Are preparing to more their office to No. 1107 Adams f Avenue Foley-Roesch Building, ground floorwhere they will hare the finest and floes in tb city. They will be better prepared than ever to Uke of everything ia the line of Real' Estate ;4 .gjjis Mortgage Lxans A'..,,. ffm,"w- vvn,r?!r jo-rM Illumination b. . v. - v, Parso to-'gW . I yaar old Union Jounty horve ; ,- orpaea i , i f Puse$60 w9 S:0 trot mile bia'aj ib S. Pare -' WOO ;iy ,,:; . ; : 3 wloute trot tile brats t in S " Pure -fiOlft: i' V : i :;J-if lU-v ? ; RllNaTlsn Rara4 5- v ' i mils dash. r All igas. " Pu- $60 . ) mile dash owuera baadecap Pure ! y FOURTH JULY DERBY !; imtla : ) ' : . , Purs . . ; . .CONDITIONiJ ; . m Five to rater and f5 ' from money winner, Ave homps 'oeni-r and ii to atari moneydividol7J-tti IV per cent of purse. Right leservad to Vealar two star tart w ilk ov r. Wueuoniy " two atari tkey may ' oii'nleat fur vr tranoe money paid In to bd divided W peroent to first 80 per .cent .to soe niL. ' Obas O.emaots, BtofV It woul I be t inHiven ,uoa tbat tj po tua would gr.Mtlv uni r , kla it th ex- l vm Pr. w.l joo-Urnl ita- ,7". I ' p. na in its oJb. Mrs f O Forbn has heea l it'iv. in in the ally for vfril waeka r? ; tamed to ber hon iu ronlrn last : . vcntng ,f . Xf.' SS '" ee?wi; '-' .There will be acalliwl ma--tin of tb tiai Aid (society of th .PMhytOri uiS ' cttoruh in tbe Manse tim rro at er- R W Liuhlin & Co have Inauger-- atoil a spaedv sale f r tbe ' ext SO days. Thars ! will, appatr iaawj.jg(jSSil ' Mr nt" Mr J W Ojwn lesv to nisbt to attuud tbe at it fqcampment, r i.a i' :k : u ' -u. .i .h " n..n' ft : "' :T.i iborrow. :'-'X;; WAK fED-The rtr .ile R .pie Cnam : ery Co wlsln-s1 to contract lor: ou ' kv .- hoadrrd torls ol yellow pine nood. '-rS Inquirs at th creamery -treiij3friiWs 1 UAt ;;: -o ;. ':: ',V..' ' - - .a " SHOES mak iboef a specialty. 1. have bad year of experieiic. V Ha it complete ,for ' mu, women, apd rbildren. I try to pleat my euttomere, i take peini in.fiUinK t children. My Ladies' 3 and 13 60 shoes have no superior and few equals most modern suite of ol-, care : .'tii "'';v .'''...'; II.'. V.'' ; r-.-."v:. :',:. .HI- riis'' ,:.-'i-'".-, m H - fc;' Mm t-: vs- v; ' yi V'-',' - 1:-:,,.S'i,-'-Jv'i';'t..:'-;, ...... iifeg