$13 if -. - i nan a v-arioao oi -zzzzxir ci-- iNew w au & aver. We have just received half a car load of the newest ) and latest wall paper. Haifa carload means 20.000 rolls. JhU Is more paper than any one firm ' ever thought W bringing into this" county in a single season.,, : , ) , , ! 11 " : ' ( Tate smow la all tor sale and unit be sold tula aeaion. We $)) hare braaJbt two Bnt elesa paper hang-era direct from Chicago, . . i ' who are w&boat doabt tbe moat skllltal workmen In Eastern (L ho, vita ue tr Bnt elaaa paper bangori already In our em-V fBiTeattetba beat vorklnftoreata the iDlaoil Kroplre. ) GIVE UP THE FIGHT Abe Eaton Says theVot? Was . t y Dishonest Methods, It Not to : say Bribery. Notice To Water Consumers ; Ordinance ftNo provide ihat The water rates snail bi due p-yable I in advaiire at ths oillrof Citv i( .-order on tbe first day of ea.-h nv it' h ex- ep: iui mi fc- o, mill at 'v wr ii n. lirst ,ia uf the r-u -cerd i g uuii. ). ai d if not pud aithi.i i he rift -.- da iba at-r ill b snut nir i l r nr and tjr fn ncd o.i aii'l iui .t ,i hiIm ol -.itif dJ mi h o e lofi t in M'l'iir,on fur I n -i-iiiu . iiirni i. w-r (f n d n Tin. r..(. -i.,ill -n . . . i Mrl-tly iif nisd Ih-jji 11 r.K i-.i t Brought About -.,. . n. Wilier -1i' ' ! City Property For Sale -RooaiUHouse For Stickland 87 McLachleii PAlNTS. 8I1is aND GLASjS Th . fo'.lowing Is taken lorn an In- Union m IU .lull s, tervlew of A E Eaoo of Union publllh "No, you m .y ba mi e, U io.i la n t ad In tbe Bilker Citv Deroooiat buu- ' UP ,1m fl-u w lbont day morning 1 taase8sss. ) TURKESTAN k ALFALFAs.- . f r ' The DxyLand"i Alfalfa grows without irri -. .y-'-u:-. . gation. :;.".;..,., BROME GRASS Red Clover; Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk 1 further effort lb- rote u laror of i -La Grande ban not got the county j uranue iav .uouuuy m u nunm seat yet, baa It? ' tor twenty-seven aliont by d shoo at method., if nut to years I have fought agatuat the remov i my bribery, and be oa.. ba ptown al of the county seat from Union to All aorta of misropres ntation wag ' Ij. Ornda. and lam ready to fluht tadulaad in aud tb votera In many still. We have our rights In the oouru loca.Mee weie hoodwinked.- Ua on and we have a aeore of good reason wi" ret8'D the county seat, this you why tbe sup ema court will aoatate W depend !. - f Fineh Located, Well Improved 5 -Sale."- Also Other City Property, At rC? I CRANT & HERRONS r.Aiaaeteaaatl'' LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People Who And go and Other Items of Local Interest. . Seed Wheat, Baled Barley. Oats, Etc' F The only Seed House inUnion County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. ft'. Phone 1571 3 SECONDHAND' s; .-v.- -;.:.-.:): . .-f ' ' j -" . j goods;. ARE WANTKD. sWe pBy cash for anylliiDg of valueJ anything to sell, phone 1581 -If you- have The La Grande Pr. wnbroktrs Corner Fir and Adams .f b.s Mi mi tun. ami anil .11 kinds ' Remcmbef we still buy and sell all kinds oi Second Hand Goodijl . J J 'Phone 1581 Fair spates ThrJ) K 4 N Co willj rell ronud ;trip tickets to St Louis and retnrn from till' city, with stop over-privilege botb ways for SCO Tirketiroidy will be.on salt1 three days of each mnnHi oniy as ol- Come 'ewe, May 11, 12 and 13, June-1C, 17 ana It), -iuiy i, 2 ami a, august n, v anil 10, 8ept 5, u ahil 7, Oct 3, 4 and 5 ' ' : The home i 3 E Allison, of Boise. City Is In the town the guest of bis brother Senator Allison of Iowa. The ladies of the Kaffee Klatch are arrange g for a big ptcinic in the near future. ' Charles Barton, one of the clerks at Henry and Carr,' la confined to bis loom with illness this week. Ed Kiddle, is In Portland tbla week on buainesa connected with the La Oroide and Pioneer Flouring mills. FOB BALE one la ge ice cream freezer, call at 309 U ateret north of oar shops I1 S Newsome. AH members of the church are requested to be presont. Tbe general nubile Is also extended an Invitation to attend. i Warren Chandler, ol La Grande, ship pe l a car load of bogr to the Portland m irket from Noith Powder last nlgat North Powder Citizen. - Mr and Mrs Fred WanT.e. returned Saturday nigbt from a tiip to Pendle ton Walla Walla, and other folate aei' where they hid been visiting relatives Mrs DH Clark of Cove wae in the alt) Saturday and Sitndny. She came over to alien I the Lyle Tueaday Musi cale reception. Rev Day who preacheJ at the Bap tist chimih Sunday morning and even ing will preach again, at the church this evening".' '" '1 """": Y" 1 "" - The city council will meet this even. Ing the meeting which was to have been held Saturday evening did not take 1 luce. ; G E Corpe of tbe Cove wan in La Grande yesterday ttaiing their trsw berry crops wbich was a good one, was how ripening and tho many patctiea wore alive with plrkers. ' F B Fisher, who tip to a rei ent date had clmrge of tt.e Hotel Foley for two years left Saturday i.liiht for Weisr Idaho to lake cliiie of the Welaor Hotel about the middle of the week. bitvimt leased this hotel f ir two yeura. Mr Fixher is a gon I hotel man and will don atlas do a Knd hu iueaa In the buay little Uwn ol Welter. . :Dr. I' A CHARLTON VErERINARY SURGEON, Office at AT. Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon : Phone 13(iJ, Spokane .afe .-Tbia well known Cafe is now under new manage-, oient and the public is as sured full value fur .their money. .Special prices to holders of tneul tickets. , . In order to give the pub ' lie an opportunity to kno-y just what a good place we have, we have reduced the price cf meal tickets from . fi to U 60. This is a spot cash proposition. - Try our Sunday Chicken Dinner, SPOKANE CAFE J. F Johnson Depot St. La Qrande.Or 01 goo . : ry if niir m !...n. tinnt. 1- has been our aim to pr -vPn tn '-im- lio Aith (he liest of .everything -m1 in i.U wuy we have been very iniiiemful Our Bill cf Fare Provtles for all tbe meals th t ere atrengthe ing and healtnful, and hcn eaitugliere rcminua nne of 'Miiinii' cooker," wltiifti 1 Iwtiy-i-tnkes a. le'i J de-spot lu the liumuti ho-rt. The ri!eaHir o lor or onr inanv tills fiiu.'S n the eat n i lire arouses the civtotta of the tniir i.ati." When in n d nf . good and hea'thful eating give u cull , and you'll be eatlelied. Our rics are just rigni wo. , MODEL RESTAURANT S. A. AkBUOKLE, Pr.ip. '..'OPEN DAY AND NItiHT -. We fell weekly Meal ' Ticket, Cash $4.50 Ii tiiese J: K. Tilt shoes avi n't ii J.r.i. "r ' -ii malce f Jiem i iihi or relund price f ; r ALWAYS 1 I ON TIME! When you order groceries ' i n ; ' ' i tt are tore to have tbem delivered on time I ANOTHER THING ' When you order groceries from us you are sure to V get tbe vervbestltoibe had. We keep onlyjthe best L ,The next time you are at our store 4 - ' ask to gee our special line of . . . , " ' I BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS 3 I NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE 9 - Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. . , w ' C. W. PRESTON, : Shoe Specialist, DEPOT S REET Second Hand Sale 10 PER CENT I REDUCTION !t j ON ALL SPRING SUITS. : ,.- $25 Suite for 122 60 ' " $30 suite lor $27 00 $32 suite for f.28 80. ? f , 136 suits for $31 60 S 'f , - . K . , - " $40 suite for $36 00 This for 20 days BOSS & ANDREWS .. TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS, i S g,sjae)eeoaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaeaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaa ' A Two Light Electrolier Bflfdre style complete with etdedrfaMJ shades and all attachments pot up iu V . year residence for ty.'. See samples in our : window. ' v 1 ' La Grande Light & Power Co ; Candidates Who will be Ooddfs oi Liberty is the questtdn for our etna on to solve be tween row and the ivgnt ol June 6 Ballot btixes wl I be supplied at iliff jr eut plaees In tbe O'ty nd (or fiveoente you may vote lor cttr ohoioe. The candidate, oo Ur are, Net io ' Dinqu , Ada W8t, Kate Nash, Lillian MoOall Cora Hardiog, Viotnria Duryes. I Cabbage Plants E Z Oaeblne, of Fruitdale, has a large number oi cabbage plants for sale. Phoie 1S37. tf Sweet Cream Commeni'lng Tbnrsday June Kith the Urande Kon lo Creamery Co will bi preua ed .ti furnish awwet cream in quanlty to kiift. whole sale and retail Kemember the place Hunting ons new building next door to fire building. tf. Ka in blur Biucle, $16 Center talile 75c ' - Double Harness, 3 50 " '" . New Trunk, 2 15 . Saddle, 7 50 Dining Tnble, 2 00 Winchealer '4 00 , Oal- & brass rnck75 Moquet ca;pet, noarly bew.. .". .'. . , . .$14 Otl Portiors and cheneile curtain's,. '.V. i,'. j'.l 00 to 3 0 Parlor Lamps,.. . . .'..i,. ; ,75c to 1 !'0 i ii! Four styles churns, 60o to '3 00; Lounges, . real y good ones, 2 00 to 7 00; baby buggv, 1 00; Keeu Kutier : Lawn Mower 4 00; 10 gallon milk can, 1 50: guarnuti i-.l tewing machine, G 50; Mil tin's Green bone mill, 4 50 Latest Improved Washing Machine, 6 50 ' Selling out st wholesale cost all my orockery, glat-s ware, lamps, wnsb bowlos and pitchers, etu. I will pay highest prices (or second hand goods Free delivery -, . " F. I). Haisten, Formeily CAM Noble's Store. How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? : THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN liY HUNDREDS yes, tlloue&nds and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve .. the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and ; ' at the same time Astist tbe Stomach and Dtges- -live Orgaus in Digesting and Aosimulitling . Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support- -ing the Organs Invoiced. There it but one -remedy that will do this, and that remedy is ' KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to ' know more about Kodol, come in and . WE WILL TELL, YOU A. T. HILL, . 1.. " Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore - ; - E. P. Stapled E. E. Romlg ' ROMI0 & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A full and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; TiDware, graniteware and wooden w are. - Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service aud quick delivery. Phone 431 Congratulations. Mr John II Cullom, Editor of tbe Garland, Texas, News, has written a letter of connratul itioi s to the manu factur ol Chamberlain's Cough Re medy, B follows: "sixteen years agual when our 11 rat child was a ha y he was subje t to croiipy spells and e would be very uneasy about liltu. We began' using Ohamharlsln'a Conah Remedy in 1H87, and finding it such a reliable rx medy tor raids and croup we have never been without In the honse slnro- that time. We have flv) chtl iren and have Klven It to all of them with good re sult " Kor sale by all druggists. Mr and Mr" A A Rolierts, ol La Grande, are In 'I'endletori for a short visit wi ll relative and friends. Mrs Roberts I on her way boute alter a short stay with ralatlvel In lleppner. East (ftegoniaa. 'SSW.V. mmffd. I ! f ... IT . SI iff;-era if ivi ry descriplii-n Get Ready For The Fourth! Everyb .d is going to ceieb.ato this year and now is the time to prepare for it '' LET US HELP YOU We have everything v"t will w.mt in wearitig apparel and at lowest prices . FOR THE LADIES Sl.irtWaisIs from 40c m4O0. Wail, aud Tailored Skirts $1 35 to $6 75. Shoes and Da'nt-y un.lerinusiiiia, "o;.-ry, Olove, Eibbous, eto . ' . FOR .MEN Hosiery, N. ck- Cloibiftg, Ha's l?hoes, wear, elc Get Ready Now : r- Ljci Grande T HJG OLDEN RULFLCQ 1308, 1310 and 1312 Adams Avenue, LARGE T STORE SMALLEST PRICES f Or a--- -a- a- . WWI i i 'ah. "'-.Bfia'a.-