irf V; f; P -,. - . WGATKCR tOZXAS! : T Tonight ud Sunday fair V LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. xta . ... . . . . . .wm - -aBa. nr k.ini Tan-Maw. innunt w . t -w w i. !,.; S:- . ?, i THE TRAINS ; , Wo 1 East boood 9:10 on time NoSWsat " 9:10011 time VOLUME 111 LA GRANDE. OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE II 1904. NUMBER 192 THE MORMONS PRESIDENT JOS. SMITH PRESENT AND MAKES ELOQUENT ADDRESS Largest Saints Meeting Ever Held in Oregon Work on the Tabcrnacie Will be Continued And A Speedy Completion Is Assured The qoartorly conforenc "f the Union Stake of the l atter I :.' "n is was held in th L D 8 meet .g Imu.-,. ou Saturday h l Sunday 11 mid aiona beinp hu d at lam ai d 2 uud 7:30 p m of each day. TIiih en f coee was the largest fver held ly the Lat ter Day Satutb in Oregon a d vine vi donce of the giont need for the com pletion of the new Taharnao'e that is now iu cource of erection and from the present indications it will i ot lie too largo but will he well filled as soon as it Is tl iinhed Notwithstand ing the bosy season of the year Sat urday morning saw tht; prom ses nd street adjacent to the church wo' o: I'Upied by teams aiid eeDvcyat ops o' people who had left their work fui a day, in order to take part in aud listen to the teachings of this conference. There were representativoa present from all the wards in the va 'ey, from Jblaker City, Kmmett, Hi an moll and Indian valley In Idaho, the representa tion lieing also the most complete of any conference ever held in Oregon. . President Joseph F Smith and Elder Seymour B Vonng of Salt Lake City were also present and apoke at each of tba sessions. Considerable church business was attended to including the sustaining of the church office is by the vote of the people and the passing of a resolu tion that we continue the work on the Tabernacle anil pudh it to completion as bist a pO("ilble. Reports ot some of the wants and organizations were also submitted slKr-viug the steady growth and improvement of the con ditions in all tbe wardo and organiza tions. Many interesting topics and doctri nes were l ret ltd by speakers and were listened to by appreciative audi ences aud although the day was warm and tbe house orowdeJ to its utmost capacity there wo no uneadinens shown by the audiences when the ses sion passed the lime lim t ot two hours and all eeomeJ anxious to hear tbe discourses to tlte last word. l bs eubj-rt ol someol tbe discours es were "tbe chanty we should exer ciBe for the faults ol others, the bene fice 1 teaching- of raormoniem, the worlds ignorance of mormooUm, niaining and care ol children, duty TELL NEWLIN DRUG CO. and law of procreation, resurrection and marriage.1' The beautiful singing was a notice able and pleasant feature of tne entire conference and shows the result of a groat deal of oarelul training and study o 1 the part olchoir aud its director Mr W K Davie. It is to be regretted that tbe Latter Day Saints have not a larger place in which to meet aa many ponple went away before the time ot commenc ment of botu the Sunday Beet-ions no being able to obtain seats or tvia get. inside. The new tabernacle is cer tainly needet and its completion b anxiously awaited. Was It Murder "Kndil" a cook well known in Wal la Walla and Buker Cfty was fount' in a box oar on freight train Nj 43 at Weather jy , dead, lie was brought or to Baksr City when an iuquest wa'i beld.Tbe verdict stating death wai canned by wound in 'he head by eorne sharp pointed weapon in ibe I'anJs oi some unknown ptirty or parties. Abner McKinley Dead SoniTPet. Pa., June 13 - Abner Ale Kinley, brother of the late Pret-ideii was found deal in his choir, at his his homo this morning. I'e.ilh came withont warniriir In his familv. Him colored servant who slept in hie room win up with him al two o'clock and it Is not kuown what time Mr. MuKiuley got up again as he did not awaken his snrvaut. .Mrs. McKinley went into his room nt eight o'clock and found him sitting in bis chuir dead. A physician was summoned who eald that death probably occured two or three hours before. Organized. Pendleton, Ore. June 13 The Re tail Liquor Dealers association this af ternoon organized for the campaign against prohibition and local option. To beg id witb, all contributions tf churches are to be stopped, tbe Salva' lion Army i tabooed and nine bold TALE TEETH- If you neglect your toctli you know ii; nnd everybody else knows it, beenme the tcelli are so prominently loruso"! Unit any lack of cure is quickly vihible. Good 'ooth brushes cost but little here. Wc have souio Unit we uaritnteo never to sheil a bristle. We also hare I ho latent an 1 best tooth preparations; tbo.-e that polish, whiten ami preserve the teelh anil cannot harm. Can supply u tooth-saving outfit for very little money. HOLD CONFERENCE ness bouses whose proprietors ad vocat f d local uptlou were placed ou tbe black list, aa was also tbe Portland Journal Saloon men say during the past year they have contributed more than $1000 dollars to local churohes, betides a great amount to charity. Arre.ted Weston, Up, J""e 13 J Brannau was arrest lit-if i evening in com pany with A him o .hens, the 15 yent old daug Ur of e postmaster at At hena, in d was I " ii' - ver for examina tion at iViiillu.M- lgfi Oithens h inclimd to he wii i. ."he i the girl who wii p'nd wi h ') mr at Adams recently hh e-cjmoV wiich got sever al Atbtm peopl" iiro .rouble. She had been nwy from h-ime four dnyt on this occatd :n. Br inuan is between 25 and 30 venrs old. WE SHALL SEE The election is a thing of the past and Union hes suffered from it. The people of Union county have spoki n in no uncertaiu u nes. La 'trande in (he choice of 1111 people for ci'iitii e;tl and there cum he no di.ut i al'i m it. Jui what the ptople .f L i iou ill do is hard to deterniibe. Mnh lies with La Grande. La Urande has pleged itself to provide suitsbln build mgs for the conury for a iiomtna'. sum. w ill it do ii? That remains to bo seen. Knot, aud the couuty seat goes, il will cost the laxpayers over if 1(10 0(1(1 o loot the bill. We shai: see Union .cout Late Harvest. Dayton Wash. June 13 Harvest in om pans ol 0 liinil.ia county will hp delay-d until nearly October, acco:d- inij lo present indications, but the grain promire if one ol the best in the county's history. Late sown barley in some places is only three or 'our iochm high, and cutting will be oorrei'pond ngly late. This i only in the high er parts of tbe county Another Game. Tbe La Grand") base ball team is still boss of the rosd. They have not been defeated yet this sesson. Their battle yesterday with Union resulted in another vicloiy. Score eleven to eight. The La Urande boys say they were treated fo royally that they were almost ashamed to take the game. Short Crop. Walla Walla June 13 Tbe straw berries have been a poor crop. Cher ries will be under the average, while ail tbe fruits, even the fall and winter apples have been hurt by (toils in some diatriota. FINANCIAL LOST IN COLORADO STRIKE Twenty-three Millions, as Estimated By The Denver Republican During the Last Sixteen Months. Denver June la Tbe Republican estimates the cost of thu strikes in Colorado during; the past sixteen months under the administration of (Jove mnr James H Piahody, to aggre gate $23,030,000. An itemized state ment is giveu as follows; Colorado City Htate expenses $ 20,000 Loss to men in wages 71)0,000 CRIrl'I.K C'WKRK State expense $ 400,000 Loss in wages lo union men 4,001,000 Loss in wages to other la bo re. s 3,000,000 Dknvkr and Pueblo Loss lo sineltermen Bnd COVclTE VISITS BIG ST Sees The WheelS Go Round But Log On the 1 H i ti day uf May 1904, after a eojourn of 32 years in the west, we siaiied on our font trip hack toward the land m our youtn; going by stage from Covj to Union, iu cmipsuy witb Mrs A Ct Co-ikliu ami fmuily taking passage on the O K & N traveling by way of Huntington and Cheyenne at which place wo left out companions much to our regret to take our way among strangers. We g ive our most earnest attentioo to the variable scene along our way, some were good to look upon many were pansahle but others, seemingly 'o ii", were vnid of every feature that makeslifo desirable;)et human nature is suob that wherever it can do the best financially is the place that suits it most. Hence tbe source ol many desert towns. Often while passing along tender memories and pleasant visions uf the beautiful Oracde Hondo were indulg ed in. Being delayed some three hours at Green River our party thought it a good opportunity to got a "square meal" aud boldly marched into the rosturaut only to retreat later with s decided opiuiou that the corners had tieen knocked otT and the meal wa anything but ' cipiare." We were "switched otf" and allowed to sleep a lew hours at Chevcnne ere we stsrtdd on the U ( train. Another delay was encountetod at Denver but we im Droved the opportuny to ate the ci.y hy ai-ceudin the elevated street oar road w-iich gave us a good and favor able imyoiKion ot th city ol 100,000 inhabitant Our m xt change was al Kaunas City and as tho rin poured, tliH hour ol delay wn spent inai le the depot build ing viewing the immensity ol its six and ol toe ovulation gathered tn-re. We think It mile to say thai taken altogether the po' pie in thai liuildin tieit dy would eijiitl in mini Ii 'i i a well att'onli-d Union cuuniy Konrih of July celi-hrution. The gr-a'cr pirt of the journey throngu Kan-ins nsi made hy n'ght hut inoriiieg d iarued lull ire T'lpuka KanBa- wai r-a'-lied and i he rtm-iiuder of our trip to Hi Louis was uiat'e in the light ol day. The country from Topekt Kaunas to Ht Louis is much improved hy railways, cities and towa, yet the absence of neatness and thrift in the latniing dinfricts is very uoticeahe. le oe corm r. an old rtuuip or a l:wp'H of land seems to j The light) red icting upon tbe soft be an exo.iae for t ie larnn-r to leave an y ripplio waters of the beautiful la unsightly patuh ul brush, coarse grass goon bearing upon its boeoii numei- Good Sermons. Rev J F Day of Newberg preached two most feiooelleot sermons In tbe Baptist oburob yesterday morning ant' evening. He will preach again Ibis evening, and those who enjoj a teal godd sermon will not be disappointed if they attend. Win Kcclei passed through tbe eity Hub morning enroute to Odgen from Hood River where he ia interested in the lumber business. miners f 3fiO,O0C Loss to dependent labor. . . . 200,000 Telluhidr State expense , ... f 176,000 Loss to union miners 1 ,750,000 Loss to dependent labor. . . . 860,000 Coax Miners State expense.,..,,,.....! 85,000 Loss in wages to minrs. . . . 4,000,000 ' Loss to steel woi ks em- P'oyes.. 1,000,000 Loss to men in allied trades 1,600,000 Loss to employes through ldleoapital, interest, v profit, eto 6,000,000 Total 23,036,000 LOUIS FAIR Fails Cabin to Mention the Oregon or rank weeds Nearly every faruiei is minus a barn and many of the buildings especially the out buildings are of the tumble down sort. The average farmer of to day of Union couuty would not rest until euoli buildings were more "turn hie down" and new ones placed in their stead. The orchards consist, generally, of a few trees set closely together growing rampant, without pruoeing or cultiva tion uf any kind. Olten they eaamed to be mo.e tor shade than anything elBO. Large streaohes of land oovered witb a scrubby growth ol woods are lying idle lands that we bad expeoted to Bee oooveited into beautiful farms worked by tb latest improved method Tbe farming olaas along that line seems to be conservative and like to cling to tbe " good old ways 'of tbeir fathers. The Missouri river strttobes itself out broad and long and oreatea a de sire in the heart of its admirer for a sail upon its muddy waters. Thsre are many beautiful towns along the rouie through Mo. and wheo nearing the city we passed trhroug' two prett; t win St Pe e s and 81 Uharlea loth m da to seem prettier by their nam is; hut our visions of endiog our journey along a row of saints weie anil lenly put to llilil by the conduc tor on tbeapproaob of the next station calling out the oommou name of For gesnn. We are now in St Louis and like it. Miles and miles have we tra veled already on tbe street cars. Tbe street oar system is very - ex'ensivc heie its cars numbering up Into the thousands. Broadway is one oontinu ous straight line for sixteen miles, said to be the longest straight line of tbe kind in the world. A trip any way icross the city or from any point made by transfer no tne lines, In the city to the Worlds Fair, or from the 'sir lo any point in the oily costs 6ots 60 cents admission to the grounds and 10 cents car fare are tbe necessary ei ;enses for nne day to tbe Worlds Fair One may feast the eyes for days on the beautiful productions of the world without paying extra for the eight though there are many ways to gel rid of money. B lard aud lodgiog is high. Tbe illumioatlon at tbe Fair ia doubly grsnd. It seeses thai wbeie- ever an electric light oould show to advantage one baa been placed. be forgotten alter once eaen One exhibition we nolieed on cur Ant trip to tbe fair i thai of lb St Louis Coffin Co the largest mlg. enm panyofitsklndin the world. Their oofflns on ihibition at Ibe fair range in prices from I1J00 to 12600. F 1 Qardoer owner. ; Another it by 8immons H- l Wire Oo of St Louis tbe largest m ibe world. In Ibia display largs pyra mid faoed witb axes supports a con stantly revolving dutch windmill also faoed with axes, 600 azea are used In this decoration. A Urge arob ia form ed and in tbeoeuter back ground - .a revolving ri-log sun ia made ol 40 ooaopaeend eaw blades, auger bila fall jo obain river oomes down in front ol sun and is a work of merrit, 600 itt.) knives, zioirolee of spoons with eleo trio light oentera, 300 trowels, 48 saws. 300 pocket knives, induding one t feet long, 10 inohss wide, 4 blades opened tnd shot by eleotrioitr, 600 aoiasore od abeara with one pair 10 leet long opens and abate, one large wheel ol ilolee and sylbes, one of oompasem and Hammers, the ord "Keen Cutters" formed ol scissors and the same of pocket koivaa all combine to decorate tbe arob. All wheels and oirolee con stantly revolve. More Anon ' Juliet F Dougherty To The Public Tbe4tbol July commit e baa de sided not to accept married ladies aa oandldale for Qoddes of Liberty. Votte for them wilt not be ooaoted. ' J M Marpby, chairman Wm Miller, Secretary 8 times of Ex Com. Forresters Attention All Forresters are requested to be present at the meeting tomorrow even ing Eleetion of offioers and other important business. I times By Order of 0 ft Hilgard Notes The election pawed off quietly, and every one waa pleased with the results Mrs E E waitels convalescent. Mr Irwinc walte and family of wel- ser Idaho, and Mr Barry waits of weston, are visiting tbelr parents. School closes this weak, with an enterealnment, ai.d a basket plonio. A party of O. K. &U. surveyors were here on business W ednesday, Very Truly yours. MrsJ O Hart. oni foodc ias is a thing nsver to as "a'eyavsxexexanB.xejnejBMBsiexexejs I carry the celebrated WEBER BROS! 3 50 SHOE for men . None better made. BOYS SHOES that are made to wear. I also run a first clai-s repair shop in oonnection with my store. Give me a call, I take plnasure in Buowing my goods whether you buy or not. T. M. STUBBLEFIELD, Wm. Miller & Bro Are preparing to move their office to ho. 1107 Adams Avenue Foley-Roesoh Building, ground floor where they will have the finest and most modern suite of of fices in the city. They will be better prepared than ever to take of everything in the line ol Real H-state INSURANCE Mortgage Loans HE RIMERS DEAD Memorial Services to bei- Held: Tuesday and Regularly on June 14. Hereafter. Heppner, June 13 Ala meeting ot theeiilssns ol ThiiMday olght It w decided to ho'd memorial services on Tuesday June 14, for those who I oat their lives in the terrible cloudburst at this place last jear, tbe day to be ob served regularly thereafter, oo June 14 of each year as long at Heppner shall remain in existenoe. 1 Well Known Here Mite Oraoe Wright of Hedloal Springe leavei tonight for Minneapo lis where the will marry a prominent business man of that oily. Miet Wright ia one of Eastern Oreg n't prettiest girls and . would graoe tb -borne of tbe best man on eartb. We oan only wish that hor wedded life will prove one continu ius honeymoon. Baker Oitv Herald " ' s SOMMER HOUSE R T Hart ,.-.vW,Bole 0 K Deon do 0 M Hollingsunter Portland. R H Bandidlnt , do Milt Lydlok . ' ' do SStenberg do w Hondricts do F E Ramsay ""-""' ";"" Harry weer ; . . , . Jo JMSpennep ; ! i Pocatello A H ArariagtunS s F H Savage - ' lienver r 8oHin '. Rounester 1 Lacbman Silt Lake wOoyls Wl,ila walU M'as E Ooyle do PHahn t. . ' do Geo Da La Verra - B'lBTali A Hard . f ' .' Spokane Dan Luge d0 C E niackman Pendleton Jnluli fiommer it wife Elgin L Blaok y f Mies Maynie farr, of Boise Uity In In town visiting her brother J 1 Carr. SHOES I make shoe a specialty. 1 have had yeare of experience. My line it complete for men, women, and rhildren..' I try to please my customers, I take paint in fitting children.. My Ladies' $3 aud 13 50 shoes have no superior and few equals. care IS f.'rtVV-'. ' it