m rt a '.'"it ;: il ' I IV I M II I II you .r.g.Bg ...V , JmMx "V- . to buy a summer . lmmffi.fr. . yo ; ;.; MfM'fy - W .t.-Ta H " f I I I wall buy it while lflWMm 41 ;& ; ' V TN A- )( ) Ji-3 of things suitable for June wtar VSSSSSt Mf ifMBI J?1 fc 1- II l IL I right, fit right and MifcKl ' : ' . ; ; .jli ; I to i . , . , V The sliest line ' : llilll ""WJS ! Specials m Shirt Waist Suits Men's Fine r7 of '.. wJlMv Hot weather peeking around the corner nothing so Sh06S f9 W A nirts that ever' Pn1!1! cool or styliah as a pretty shirt waist. Here's a chance 4 t crossed the Rookys rJ $T" . to buy one at a surprisingly low price. We are showing Wo have them iu patent calf, fif rfC Ju received, regu- if, ft I IM ' these in Taffetas, Foulard, Mohair and Crash suitiags. P,'0!'t k'd' b,,.aCVVI" t t lar prices. Ut . j '. i t PRICES FROM $1.50 to $32.00. ftfl.'bS. bultoXdUcV! H fl ll S UP AGAINST the pettiooat problem? You'll be sur- Prices $8.60 to $6.00 S A MEN'S HATS. tfWSo.Wl pll ' ? prised to find the latest shades, ot the prices. Much We an agenta (or W L Douglass and All the new shapes " tPl Wm better than you'd suppose for twice the pnoe-98o to and Preston B Keith world . for summer wear. I 441 fei - ' " t- U : ; $22m reined aba,., fc Panamas $10 to $14 -Wf- " !J,;: Shirtwaists I Unusual Wash Goods Values I vto ml win Men's Huh d' touch their ftirse,sirin. - ;? ; .":'"-r. nZrtZZVtoZX NowWa.hGooda-th. le.ding..yle. at remarkM HOSIERY BARGAINS. '"" UNDER GARNEMTS - - " La Grando. Come in and look them lV 1 ably low prices this week hot weather niatenul at a" ,B . .. .. . . . .. ....... . y: . I . ............ ..; ' J A II : .;t. nr. .ill nl.n. H Man's fast blnnk and Benmlpsa Men's fine combed KeTDtian ; I rjK3"SE3fC 'B ! on sale for one week our entire line of wash goods. ft B P (1RFAT r.ORFT VAI IIF SfSSiS i iu. k... 1 nnn ...J. r K.iliiui anil Lnvna in A' ?4 I RmiWoRttSTtk GREAT CORSET VALUES Now straight trout, dtp hip, Batis corgotH fur siimraor wear. R nnd W iUiat u)0(llt color wliito and drab 18 :J0, .fl fx) We tiro not surpenua but wo mn give you a hotter form pro vilfil you huy oue of these corsets, - ml you won't gut the best fit iu eor s t milt-as you come here. All tue now shapes. $1.U0 to $5.00 Style 571 Ladies Sumner Underwear It's time to think of light weight underwear. You'll find the best styles and Dualities here if you buy this week. The saving menus considerable. New Wash Goods the leading styles at remark ably low prices this week hot weather material at a saving every woman must appreciate. We will place on sale for one week our entire line of wash goods. We have 1,000 yards of Basistes and Lawns, in a variety of colors and pattern?, regular 15c for lie 25 nnd 30o Voiles anil Etamiues, this season's wobt sty ish materials on Kale this week at 22jc. A!l ur.. 50c and 65c faucy white waiatinga, attractive styles in big variety, all this week at low price of 45c. Men's fast blank and seamless balf-hoso, the famous "Shaw knit" make, .25 to 1.25. Men's fine combed Egyptian shirt and drawers, Vbest 750 values in the city. . ir -; . j Trunks, traveling bags, suit cases and traveling necessities of very description. Trunk of exery size and style, dress trunks, skirt trunks, wardrobe trunks, stsamer trunkBV, telescopes, eto. Largest and most complete line in the city. ' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAILORDERS. THE CHICAGO ST QRBH DO YOU WANT A CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so e can locate you on some fine claims in Wallowa County M'Daniel &c M'Donald WALLOWA. - - OREGON n mini nan crn in rO 1 1 Fresh Checolatej Frsah Bon Bons Fresh Nougact Fresh.Carmels Fresh Taney Fresh Salted Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh! Fruit PHILIP LOY I SES BOSS I CIRCUIT COURT Report of the Buisness Transacted at the Present Term of Judge takin. MEAT MARKET Stellwell A Vauderinuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price pnid for all kinds of butchers' stock II iocs, pelts and furs. Also chicked'" & poultry. OFFICERS: R. Smith T'rei.l-nt J. M. Bu:y Vic Prei'tH!it J. M. Cm-urn Casliier F.L.MKVKBS -"t. Cashipr 3655 DIRF.CTOR8: . M. Berry, J. M. Church It. B. Conler, K. 8rnlth 1.. C Kunley La Grande National B nk L Grande, Oickod CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 . orl hTiklne bniloMw. P.ni od elli eichsnge on !""- . . . . all part o( the inrni. Union Jone9 1904. O W Hill and Buah Livermore Plff re Wallace W Travelllon and Samuel White Delt, dismissed on motion o! platnteff'a Attorney. J W Boriber Plff v John Predmore Delt, demurrer to complaint over ruled. Orande Kunde Eleotrio Power Co Pin v A H Drake and H D Drake Delta, demurrer to plaintiff's com plaint auslained. H C Cotnnr Plfl va L Rayburn and B F Wade Delta, demurrer to anewe overruled. C J Duffcy Pll ve Richmond and Wright Dells, dipmieaed on motion o( plaintill'a attorney. Ogden Street Ky Cu Plff va Rich mond and Wright Delta, diamiaaed on motion ol plaintiff's atrorney. Knapp, Biifrrl it Co Pill' fa Lom bard Investment (Jo and Edw Oarpen ter ft al Delta, settled and dismissed. Charles N Rogers vs W J tinod grass et al , decree for plaintiff with out coats. Henry J Reher Pll vs Mabel B Re- ber Delt, decree ol divorce granted plaintiff. D Sommer Pll is L Grow Road Sup ervisor et al Delta, demurrer to com plaint overru led, C E Frye Pll vs Anna Frye Delt, decree ol divorce granted plaintiff. 8. ate ol Ortgun Delt va O W Wella Delt, pleade not guilty, trial set lor to morrow. State ol Oregon Pll va Fred Smith Delt, pleads not guilty, trial set lor tomorrow alternoon. Attorney-General Knox Gets Quay's Place (Special to the Observer) Philadelphia, June 10 Philander O Knox attorney general of the Unit ed States was selected today to fill the seat in the United States senate made vacant by the death ol M H Quay He will accapt to serve by appointment ol Governor Pennypacker until Maron Fourth the date ol the expiration ol the late senator's commission. Unless political complications should arise as the result of today's action he will be elected lor the lull term by the legislature which meets in January Are You Coins to Loub? If eo rail (or your UakatSTta tbe Rock Island and Frits tysUta the line Terminal at entrant sTajlf Oreood Round trip rate (117.60 food far ninety days from date of sale -Cfcsjtee roots going and returning via M fl, Den ver, Colorado Hprlngi. Ftwblo or El Paso. Stop over petaslaM la both directions. " Dates of sale, June ltta, Ittk, 1Mb July 1st, 2nd, 8rd, Aag aaV, Mb, 10th Sept. 6th, 6th, 7th, Oct M, 4th, 6th On above dstes rate of t7f.lt will be made to Chicago and retara. Wot fnr er information and ilMaiaa car re servations call npon or edaWjs. A H aUOeaald, dan' Agent, 140 Third St Portland Or R EFRIGERATORS a We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized J and porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scfttcSa" or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean Noted As An lee Saver i a s a l . Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and price :1 i i: E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Cmbaltners a Phone 9-1 , . - 2 Residence Phone 367 a - HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Are-Tj , m CollecUona a specialty. FURNISHED ROOMS-Partles deair inn nicely furnished rooma apply lo O D Slmoions corner 8 and M streets STONE AND BRICK WORK Or Alt Kinds Done -it wm WM C HANSEN Phone, Main 1621 NoW is the TIME To Fix Up Your Places j We can supply you with the stuff for fences and aide walk. . ,' rr- All kinds of lumber and buildiing material. STODDARD LUMBER CO MM.T, t FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY. ttrMMtltIMsatitg5